"For me that is not a question of asking for proof. It is so that I can have a chance of following the same thought process my interlocutor did to arrive at their conclusions. Without this I only have the much shorter statements we exchange here to go on with."
There are many empaths like you who have done what you have done here. You find some information that does not resonate with you, but you don't really dig at it to figure out why that is so or even why the resonance is very negative but it is not positive so you categorize it as "not good". This is a very common phenomenon in empaths that are less skilled and experienced. Why do they always think the emotions they feel are coming from their own internal guidance and themselves? Most of the emotions you feel as an empath comes from outside of you, is that not the case? Or is your life so imbalanced at the sacral, root, and solar plexus that you would be endangered by being confronted with information that challenges your preconceptions and pre chosen beliefs and faith? Is it not faith strengthened by undergoing challenges? Why would thus "negative sources of information" be something you need to avoid as not good for you?
This is a type of separation or rejection of catalyst. You asked for something, it was given to you, but you didn't make very well use of it. I am not referring to any video or links you provided, as I don't remember. I am referring to the links others have provided, such as https://www.bring4th.org/forums/showthre...#pid290716 DAVID.
This catalyst I refer to, is a type of initiation test described by q'uo and others. To level up in the chakra system, you need to constantly rebalance things. Even if you are in a state of peaceful manifestation, where your root chakra is taken care of by your abundance or prosperity, you ahve good interpsonal relationships of peace and calm via the sacral chakra, and you have a specific useful role in society solar plexus style, that does not mean you can so easily surpass the heart and the voice blue chakra.
It just means you are now qualified to take the test for the next step. Many humans are "taking tests" right now, but they don't realize it. They think it is something external to themselves. This is all part of the Plan. If humanity, whether individually or collectively, realized that they were taking a test and that the proctors were watching them, this would imbalance the test results, as some people will seek to share the results or get it from a previous class. Others will not act naturally and do things they otherwise would not do, because they know the yare being tested. They act differently because the yrealize the proctors are watching them. The cheaters stop cheating. We want to see cheaters try to cheat.
Part of the inability to integrate and unify consciousness, that Aion referred to once above, is to prevent humans from different grades from exchanging answers. So Patrick cannot give his balanced root chakra of abundance state, to other people, irregardless of who exercises their "free will right to know". Zed and others here like Agua, cannot telepathically transmit their theories and ideas and evidence to others here, instantly convincing them of the Unified Theory. Words are distorted, meanings are mistranslated, passages are missed. This is not the fault of any single individual. On the contrary, it is part of the Divine Plan. It is going as planned. Tower of Babel/Confusion/Law of Confusion. The words express themselves literally do they not?
The right to know is balanced and contested by the right to NOT know.
P.S. FYI I am speaking only to those actively engaged in writing here. So unlike others here, I am not attempting to direct my comments to lurkers or passing readers. There is no need for me to do that at this time and place.
There are many empaths like you who have done what you have done here. You find some information that does not resonate with you, but you don't really dig at it to figure out why that is so or even why the resonance is very negative but it is not positive so you categorize it as "not good". This is a very common phenomenon in empaths that are less skilled and experienced. Why do they always think the emotions they feel are coming from their own internal guidance and themselves? Most of the emotions you feel as an empath comes from outside of you, is that not the case? Or is your life so imbalanced at the sacral, root, and solar plexus that you would be endangered by being confronted with information that challenges your preconceptions and pre chosen beliefs and faith? Is it not faith strengthened by undergoing challenges? Why would thus "negative sources of information" be something you need to avoid as not good for you?
This is a type of separation or rejection of catalyst. You asked for something, it was given to you, but you didn't make very well use of it. I am not referring to any video or links you provided, as I don't remember. I am referring to the links others have provided, such as https://www.bring4th.org/forums/showthre...#pid290716 DAVID.
This catalyst I refer to, is a type of initiation test described by q'uo and others. To level up in the chakra system, you need to constantly rebalance things. Even if you are in a state of peaceful manifestation, where your root chakra is taken care of by your abundance or prosperity, you ahve good interpsonal relationships of peace and calm via the sacral chakra, and you have a specific useful role in society solar plexus style, that does not mean you can so easily surpass the heart and the voice blue chakra.
It just means you are now qualified to take the test for the next step. Many humans are "taking tests" right now, but they don't realize it. They think it is something external to themselves. This is all part of the Plan. If humanity, whether individually or collectively, realized that they were taking a test and that the proctors were watching them, this would imbalance the test results, as some people will seek to share the results or get it from a previous class. Others will not act naturally and do things they otherwise would not do, because they know the yare being tested. They act differently because the yrealize the proctors are watching them. The cheaters stop cheating. We want to see cheaters try to cheat.
Part of the inability to integrate and unify consciousness, that Aion referred to once above, is to prevent humans from different grades from exchanging answers. So Patrick cannot give his balanced root chakra of abundance state, to other people, irregardless of who exercises their "free will right to know". Zed and others here like Agua, cannot telepathically transmit their theories and ideas and evidence to others here, instantly convincing them of the Unified Theory. Words are distorted, meanings are mistranslated, passages are missed. This is not the fault of any single individual. On the contrary, it is part of the Divine Plan. It is going as planned. Tower of Babel/Confusion/Law of Confusion. The words express themselves literally do they not?
The right to know is balanced and contested by the right to NOT know.
P.S. FYI I am speaking only to those actively engaged in writing here. So unlike others here, I am not attempting to direct my comments to lurkers or passing readers. There is no need for me to do that at this time and place.