(02-14-2021, 04:57 PM)Diana Wrote: I don't take either side. I can see the points made on either view. It's all hearsay to me, and my view has more to do with the way I live my life. But I respect the time people have put into the research—whether that research derives from alternative sources or official ones, because no matter what anyone says, official sources aren't all honest and alternative sources aren't all looney-bin.
That is pretty much how I feel about it. Actually one's way of life I think is a great factor in the equation. I don't really understand why there has been no effort to provide people with information on how they can improve their immune system. I guess it is a bit contrary to wanting to establish a climate of fear, but just telling people who are more vulnerable that there are things that they can do to help themselves in the case of maybe contracting the virus if they do, especially before a vaccine is out. Because there are many things that one can do. Do more exercise, have a healthier diet, stop smoking, take cold showers, etc. I think one of the most important factor in being healthy is whether or not one has a positive outlook on things, so this could really be a catalyst for change in people bettering their lives and having more faith in themselves, rather than solely rely on an external solution that necessitates no personal work.
Another thing I seem to have observed is that a lot of people approach this purely from an intellectual point of view, which is what creates absolutes in how things should be dealt with. In every moment people should actually consult their heart in what they should or should not do, because it is the heart that can efficiently dance with the complexity and relativity of the present moment. The intellectual mind on the other hand is restrained by non-flexible beliefs.
I think there is also a lot of anger because people make choices they aren't necessarily happy with on a deeper level and which is reflected back to them by the hall of mirrors that are their other-selves. I have observed this with two people I know of, a coworker and his long time friend both with whom I was often gaming. Both their mothers had an operation for cancer and my coworker decided to see his mother during the holidays, while the other one refused to do so despite that his mother wanted to see him. The one who did not was extremely angry at the other for not having respected the rules. What I was telling my coworker friend, was that the other was only angry with him in the end because he was not happy with his own choice, so on some level he felt his heart call him to see his mother but from an intellectual point of view he thought that he should not. This story took a really sad turn of event and the point is not to focus on the worst possible outcome possible. His mother was often telling him that she was in a lot of pain and wanted to see him, but he saw that as guilt manipulation and believed she was not really in pain and refused to see her because of it to respect the rules. Last news I got this week, his mother is now at the hospital and her cancer operation has failed, the cancer now having spread to her entire lungs. She is facing imminent death and is given morphine every three hours because of the extent she is in pain. So while I do understand the desire to have been cautious, respecting the rules and so on, I believe he did not follow his heart in this matter and will probably now live with regrets his entire life. While the opposite can also be true, that he could have given the virus to his mother inadvertently and killed her, that is thinking based on what-ifs while the situation he refused to face was the reality of the present moment. To his knowledge, neither of them had the virus and his mother was saying she needed him to be there with her.
I also saw my family a few times during the lockdown. I try to be somewhat transparent in these things, so when they felt like we should not I respected that and the times when they felt it was right I also respected that. I try to not influence their view and simply went along when everyone felt it right, riding the energy of the moment of some sort. This to me is also following my heart, because the reality of this year family-wise is that my father's cognitive and memory impairment is worsening and this takes a toll on my mother for whom the time spent together was important. My sister also for the last two years experienced positive transformation to an extent it has completely blown my mind and I think when she felt a need that we all see one another it was also important. In the end, no one caught the virus nor transmitted the virus, so while many do believe we should have prevented ourselves from meeting one another because of focusing on what-ifs and the worst possible outcome, we would have literally just prevented the positive potential of the moment for in the end no purpose whatsoever.
Other than that, I also saw a friend a few times mostly for nightly psychedelic adventures at our local mountain. Kind of hard to feel we are doing wrong when feeling so strongly in alignment with the cosmos. I was really hyping him for the winter solstice/grand conjunction night beforehand as that it would be a great event and we had a really cool phenomenon right off the bat. For those who live more in the north, you know that with the right conditions there is a rare phenomenon where the road can become all sparkling. I've observed this a single time this year and it was on that night and solely on the straight line road that leads to the entrance of the trail. So it was like our adventure began with a carpet of stars, what a night strong with unity.
Anyhow, throughout it all I guess what I was trying to get at is that while we definitely live in a material realm, we also live in a reality of manifestation. The future holds multiple potentials and not just a single one. Being controlled by fear means to base your actions and decisions on the future that you fear the most and it is what leads one to attempt to control things. Following your heart on the other hand is to respond to things as they arise in the present moment. Bad luck can occur, sometimes what you fear most can happen and you can't stop it, that is the way things function. The point is that if you are being controlled by the thought of the worse, then you can also prevent the best. Every time you take you car you could die in an accident or kill someone, life is never without any danger but that does not mean either to prevent yourself from living it. I'm not saying to be completely irresponsible either, just to be flexible with the complexity of the present moment.
While I said I would not take the vaccine, that is how I felt about it for now. It might change in the future and I really tend to try to approach this from an empty state of mind, not thinking that I know what is best but instead allowing myself to feel what is best. I think, like I said before, that the reasons I do not want to take the vaccine is tied to personal growth and what I want to inspire to those around me, just as what energies I want to entertain in my reality. Life is magical and full of hidden meaning and purpose. Tread with a light heart my other-selves.