i was watching this video in the video thread and had this reaction (the story in the video im talking about starts at 1:23)
woah woah wHAT? im sorry but im a couple minutes into this video and the narrator just casually mentions in a disturbingly nonchalant voice that a guy in a story had to "suffer the agonies of hell" to work out the karma related to calming a storm and then a ship with people on board sunk because of the loss of wind. i really dont like this perspective of karma being a punishment-type system, i think it's very toxic, fear-based, and not how it works (unless you believe that's how it works in which you may create that experience for yourself, and of course to each their own).
the narrator even calls it a sin, saying he "had to bear the sin of killing so many innocent people" and calls it a "terrible sin." it's literally an honest mistake. that doesnt mean the person in the story didnt play a role in the ship sinking and it doesnt mean he can't take a level of responsibility and doing things to make up for it (especially learning the lesson and doing his best not to do something like that in the future), but if you want to "suffer the agonies of hell" for anything, that's you punishing yourself out of your own shame and guilt.
ive heard a couple people's takes on karma that come to mind. these most resonated with my intuition. this is just my remembrance and paraphrasing of what they said so take it with a grain of salt and look into them yourself if you would like. bashar said that karma is us balancing things out in the way that we prefer. dolores cannon said that karma is something we do to ourselves, there's no higher power that punishes us. i love this quote from michael leblanc: "You are The Divine Mind...God Consciousness...Intelligence, Source ...the very thing itself. Because that is who and what we are then what we believe and know to be true about ourself is what manifest in our world." full quote here instagram.com/p/CBddrX2BB2V/ "In forgiveness lies the stoppage of the wheel of action, or what you call karma." Ra from session 17.20.
what are your thoughts on this and karma in general?
woah woah wHAT? im sorry but im a couple minutes into this video and the narrator just casually mentions in a disturbingly nonchalant voice that a guy in a story had to "suffer the agonies of hell" to work out the karma related to calming a storm and then a ship with people on board sunk because of the loss of wind. i really dont like this perspective of karma being a punishment-type system, i think it's very toxic, fear-based, and not how it works (unless you believe that's how it works in which you may create that experience for yourself, and of course to each their own).
the narrator even calls it a sin, saying he "had to bear the sin of killing so many innocent people" and calls it a "terrible sin." it's literally an honest mistake. that doesnt mean the person in the story didnt play a role in the ship sinking and it doesnt mean he can't take a level of responsibility and doing things to make up for it (especially learning the lesson and doing his best not to do something like that in the future), but if you want to "suffer the agonies of hell" for anything, that's you punishing yourself out of your own shame and guilt.
ive heard a couple people's takes on karma that come to mind. these most resonated with my intuition. this is just my remembrance and paraphrasing of what they said so take it with a grain of salt and look into them yourself if you would like. bashar said that karma is us balancing things out in the way that we prefer. dolores cannon said that karma is something we do to ourselves, there's no higher power that punishes us. i love this quote from michael leblanc: "You are The Divine Mind...God Consciousness...Intelligence, Source ...the very thing itself. Because that is who and what we are then what we believe and know to be true about ourself is what manifest in our world." full quote here instagram.com/p/CBddrX2BB2V/ "In forgiveness lies the stoppage of the wheel of action, or what you call karma." Ra from session 17.20.
what are your thoughts on this and karma in general?