06-15-2020, 05:00 AM
I've mentioned this before, but I keep on going back to this. Now this article was published in January on CNN but the discovery was made about a month or two earlier, right around the time COVID emerged in Wuhan.
Some people think "what the hell does that have anything to do with the other?"
Well how about the fact it nearly made humans go extinct when it landed hundreds of thousands of years ago? And ever since it was rediscovered, ever since covid started spreading it seems like we're been plunged deeper and deeper in to calamity.
I just read the global economic recession has not been this bad since World War II and there is no sign of us making a swift economic recovery. I think of how bad things can really get and if they get too out of hand..which they may, considering whole nations are at the brink of economic collapse and gun stores across the nation are suddenly flooded with people lined up around the block to protect themselves. Well if they do get bad what if warfare intensifies. Reading about places like Syria right now just makes me wonder when the next war will erupt. I don't think it's some apocalyptic s*** but doesn't this sound so similar to some crazy huge event in Asia impacting humans and driving us to the brink? In a way similar to a big explosion of a meteor killing countless Homo Erectus ancestors of ours, and the atmospheric debris storm creating a huge problem for countless years.
There was already widespread protest in Latin America months before the media outlets became distracted with blackout reporting on domestic problems centered around the virus and now those issues are making many millions of people develop food insecurity.
So many countries depend on oil or tourism yet oil crashed which is the money that keeps places like Saudi Arabia afloat. Dubai is on the verge of economic collapse.
The Arab Spring began as a result of widespread unemployment among youth and with all the rioting right now in even first world nations..I bet it has a lot more to do with unemployment and poverty than anyone on the idiot box is ever going to suggest. People would be at work busy making money if it wasn't for this odd parallel reality we seem to be entering. What the Hell is it with the day lockdowns were going to be lifted that all this rioting started? Too coincidental in my opinion.
I think everything is interconnected.
There's some evidence that the Pantasma crater in Nicaragua hit Earth at the same time at the directly antipodal point as the Asian crater. Almost like it was sent here.
I remember years ago seeing the Asian tektites from this crater which have been held as talismans by people since prehistoric times judging by archaeological discoveries throughout Asia such as Filipino, Thai, and Chinese graveyards loaded with them.
I have some, they are not expensive because this impact was enormous...it covered 10% of the planet with meteoric glass. It's a truly strange piece of geology they really have this energy like they are alien. The first time I saw one in a store I was so fascinated. I could sense this foreign energy in the faceted stone set in this silver bracelet. I thought maybe it was obsidian. I asked the staff and they said it was a Filipino tektite [phillipinite]. Very weird. I wonder sometimes if they're something bad to have because the impact killed so many homo erectus, yet at the same time the Chinese name for it is Inkstone of the thunder god implying that maybe rain men used them in ritual.
Who knows...but this crater which was formed by an impact that nearly made us go extinct being discovered alongside a virus that might toss us in to global warfare and already has caused tremendous social upheaval is an eerie parallel I can't just brush off.
I've mentioned this before, but I keep on going back to this. Now this article was published in January on CNN but the discovery was made about a month or two earlier, right around the time COVID emerged in Wuhan.
Some people think "what the hell does that have anything to do with the other?"
Well how about the fact it nearly made humans go extinct when it landed hundreds of thousands of years ago? And ever since it was rediscovered, ever since covid started spreading it seems like we're been plunged deeper and deeper in to calamity.
I just read the global economic recession has not been this bad since World War II and there is no sign of us making a swift economic recovery. I think of how bad things can really get and if they get too out of hand..which they may, considering whole nations are at the brink of economic collapse and gun stores across the nation are suddenly flooded with people lined up around the block to protect themselves. Well if they do get bad what if warfare intensifies. Reading about places like Syria right now just makes me wonder when the next war will erupt. I don't think it's some apocalyptic s*** but doesn't this sound so similar to some crazy huge event in Asia impacting humans and driving us to the brink? In a way similar to a big explosion of a meteor killing countless Homo Erectus ancestors of ours, and the atmospheric debris storm creating a huge problem for countless years.
There was already widespread protest in Latin America months before the media outlets became distracted with blackout reporting on domestic problems centered around the virus and now those issues are making many millions of people develop food insecurity.
So many countries depend on oil or tourism yet oil crashed which is the money that keeps places like Saudi Arabia afloat. Dubai is on the verge of economic collapse.
The Arab Spring began as a result of widespread unemployment among youth and with all the rioting right now in even first world nations..I bet it has a lot more to do with unemployment and poverty than anyone on the idiot box is ever going to suggest. People would be at work busy making money if it wasn't for this odd parallel reality we seem to be entering. What the Hell is it with the day lockdowns were going to be lifted that all this rioting started? Too coincidental in my opinion.
I think everything is interconnected.
There's some evidence that the Pantasma crater in Nicaragua hit Earth at the same time at the directly antipodal point as the Asian crater. Almost like it was sent here.
I remember years ago seeing the Asian tektites from this crater which have been held as talismans by people since prehistoric times judging by archaeological discoveries throughout Asia such as Filipino, Thai, and Chinese graveyards loaded with them.
I have some, they are not expensive because this impact was enormous...it covered 10% of the planet with meteoric glass. It's a truly strange piece of geology they really have this energy like they are alien. The first time I saw one in a store I was so fascinated. I could sense this foreign energy in the faceted stone set in this silver bracelet. I thought maybe it was obsidian. I asked the staff and they said it was a Filipino tektite [phillipinite]. Very weird. I wonder sometimes if they're something bad to have because the impact killed so many homo erectus, yet at the same time the Chinese name for it is Inkstone of the thunder god implying that maybe rain men used them in ritual.
Who knows...but this crater which was formed by an impact that nearly made us go extinct being discovered alongside a virus that might toss us in to global warfare and already has caused tremendous social upheaval is an eerie parallel I can't just brush off.