04-09-2018, 08:09 AM
My investigations into BDSM have been moving apace. All from afar (un?)fortunately....
It is totally negative sex. And by totally negative, I mean completely attachment and control based. This is of course, because as the divine masculine and feminine are taboo (and have been in western culture for a very long time) causing repression of the actually divine aspects of love and sex. And totally negative is of course reality as robot. Beep boop. Press button: Ejaculate. Yay. Happy chemicals.
The thing that solidified this for me was that I was hanging out with some new college students at a DnD session. One of the guys there had a girl sitting on his lap. She was attractive enough to be distracting. Anyway, as the night went on, I found she had desire for me. This felt like being lashed with love backed by hate.
So the spectrum from love to want to desire to need to hate. (I was assisted by some guides in the moment to be able to perceive this, as I am usually unable to perceive the finer energies of a simple look)
As attachment grows, the potential for the negative grows as well. However, if you push away attachment so as not to be afflicted by the 'dark side', then nihilism grows as the soul does not get the strength of lesson that it 'ordered'. It causes disconnection from the lessons intended.
It is totally negative sex. And by totally negative, I mean completely attachment and control based. This is of course, because as the divine masculine and feminine are taboo (and have been in western culture for a very long time) causing repression of the actually divine aspects of love and sex. And totally negative is of course reality as robot. Beep boop. Press button: Ejaculate. Yay. Happy chemicals.
The thing that solidified this for me was that I was hanging out with some new college students at a DnD session. One of the guys there had a girl sitting on his lap. She was attractive enough to be distracting. Anyway, as the night went on, I found she had desire for me. This felt like being lashed with love backed by hate.
So the spectrum from love to want to desire to need to hate. (I was assisted by some guides in the moment to be able to perceive this, as I am usually unable to perceive the finer energies of a simple look)
As attachment grows, the potential for the negative grows as well. However, if you push away attachment so as not to be afflicted by the 'dark side', then nihilism grows as the soul does not get the strength of lesson that it 'ordered'. It causes disconnection from the lessons intended.