03-19-2017, 08:37 PM
I'm going to zoom out here finally now that I am able to, and express some sincere empathy for the other side of the equation, which is definitely needed. It's in here, I promise, I just haven't expressed it yet.
Men in our society are victims, too. Very much so. Within hours of birth, most men have experienced and many men still do experience genital mutilation. This is not something that we talk about ever, at all, and a huge problem. Why do we do this? It is so obviously beyond traumatic to a newborn child that I can't even fathom. I have definitely seen much more public outcry about this act being performed in indigenous cultures and towards women than I have about addressing it happening all day every day still in modern societies. It's barbaric, period, and I'm so sorry that so often one of your very first experiences upon entering this planetary sphere was extreme physical trauma to your red ray.
The second instance where men are brutally traumatized by society is when they are around the age where the earliest memories start to form, soon after you began to develop the ability to rationalize. Some other self, who doesn't want to deal with whatever trauma or pain you are experiencing, tells you, upon your experiencing trauma, that "boys don't cry". I can't imagine the shock that this causes you as a small, little, exposed darling angel baby. So full of life and desire to experience things, and you are forced to shut down the connection to the way your body reacts to events to the way your mind reacts towards events. This is dissociative trauma. I am so sorry.
From then on, you are given other subtle and not so subtle cues from media, your elders, and your peers, that showing feminine traits in yourself was subjecting yourself to ridicule. Getting called "pussy" as a taunt, reminding you that having a vagina is a weakness, or "fag", reminding you that it's not just good enough to be a man, but you have to be a specific kind of man.
What kind of man? Well, advertising will tell you over and over in all sorts of confusing ways. Certainly, you must be the kind of man who can afford to buy frivolous things to impress flighty females. She will only talk to you if you use this hygiene product. She will only want to date you if you have a fancy enough car. She will only want to have sex with you if you look like (insert hot a-list celebrity from your peer group). What products does HE buy??
We have to go to our b-s public education system which is just a machine to feed the extremely profitable higher education machine, the prison-industrial complex, and to make drones willing to work 40+ hours a week of their whole lives as a corporate wage slave, to bosses who make salaries who multiply their own. Two days a week to call your own out of seven. And heaven forbid if you want to pursue some type of career that is artistic - you must always have a back up plan, a real job, just in case you fail!
I am heavily biased towards viewing this in an archetypical manner. I see all of these things, from the first removal of the hood of the genitals, as ways that men are forced by society to place their subconscious, their maiden, their feminine side, in a state of subjugation. First goes the "hood", the High Priestess' only protection. Next, the emotions - the way she communicates to you through the body. Next, any identity with feminine traits is discouraged, and then artistic expression is shunned for more "productive" means of contributing to society.
I believe it's possible that a lot of us here were more or less immune to a lot of these things in a lot of ways, or at least today can look back and see how ridiculous all of this was. I know I must have had some kind of immunity to the abuse I experienced in my childhood because I know it's not normal to come out of a situation like that the way I did. But we can't deny the way this affects the whole social memory complex of Earth, and therefore how it affects us as citizens of Earth. And when the seeming way of dealing with it is to say, "Go away! I don't want to look at it!" we revert all the way back to the act of telling you not to cry when you're hurt. We revert all the way back to when we mutilate you at birth to conform you to an acceptable standard.
But the reason I keep pushing the Q'uo channeling is because one thing Q'uo said is that as physically incarnated beings in polarized genders, we are meant to embody and reflect the ideas of gender polarity in the group consciousness. This is why when I see the repression of the feminine by the will of the masculine, it is triggering. It triggers a recognition of something that still needs to be healed, a barb that needs removed from a limb, so that the festering infection from lack of attention can finally heal and go away. This is why I felt the call more to empathize with the pain of the High Priestess, told to go away because no one wants to look at her or hear what she has to say, that none of it has value. This is a deeply rooted pain, it redounds beyond the personal egos of confused feminists. It redounds to all of us.
I feel I have watched this experience through the eyes of my husband, watching him reclaim his relationship with his High Priestess. When I met him, he was full of machismo and had committed many pretty heinous acts over the course of his teens and early twenties. He quit drinking right when we meant and had a major shift but it there was a more profound shift that occurred. He got injured. He had chronic pain for over 3 years that prevented him from riding in a car, sitting in a chair, basically anything. It was awful. He was also subjected to horrible abuse and torment from my father because he was forced into a position where his wife had to take care of him. It wasn't fair. He started pursuing his true talent (writing) and has been somewhat successful, and through all of this, he has had to learn how to accept parts of himself, weaknesses and judgements that he had against himself. He's also always been much more emotional than me, and accepting and understanding his emotions (and mine) has been a big part of this journey, too. Before, he would just drink until he blacked out so he wouldn't have to deal with his emotional outbursts (though everyone else would).
I know, as part of conditioning, it's hard for men to look at themselves as victims. That's partly why the voice of earth_spirit is valuable - it does bring attention to the trauma that has occurred to subjugate men. It's occurred to subjugate all of us. If we can look honestly at these things, see them, feel them without judging ourselves, and then, through that process, are able to transmute it into acceptance, that is when we are able to truly work in consciousness with this catalyst.
One thing I think is also important for women to recognize is that, while we have also been forced to repress our masculine side (as well as our feminine sides, but more so the masculine side) for millennia, in recent times, we have been able to gain a voice - to recover a piece of our masculine identity and will. I mean, it wasn't but 70 years ago that it was still almost unheard of for a woman to have a job of her own. It's still very fresh, but now that the momentum has started, there isn't any going back to where we were.
Men, though, haven't had the same kind of "revolution" of "reclaiming their feminine". I think this is the genesis of a lot of the pain in males in our society, and why women are viewed as no longer being repressed. What does that even look like, though? For women, reclaiming the masculine is obvious - marches, protests, speeches, gaining new/equal rights - these are tangible things that manifest, the masculine. Reclaiming the feminine, the hidden, is a much more subtle prospect.
I think one of the first steps of reclaiming the feminine might look like acknowledging that the oppression exists and has existed for a long time and is bigger than all of us.
I think then enacting a strict regiment of love, compassion, acceptance, and forgiveness for the self, in all the ways you have been personally victimized by our society, or as a repercussion of the effects of our society.
I think another step might be trying to understand/feel the emotions that women feel about this situation, even if you have no proof of any of their claims.
I guess that's how I feel and why I have been reacting the way I do. What I feel perpetuates the problem (repression of the feminine) is active repression of the feminine - even seemingly innocuous posts like Nick's original OP still feed into the narrative of repressing the feminine. Why can't we let the feminine speak up for once? I know it may seem like she's been yelling at you for a long time, but maybe that's because she has yet to feel truly heard and understood. Maybe the catalyst is symbolic, I guess, is what I'm trying to boil it down to, so maybe let's try to look at it from that angle.
I love you all, thank you all for working on this with me. I'm sorry for the awful things we all have experienced, incarnated on this planet. Let's talk about them. It's not weak. It's awareness.
Men in our society are victims, too. Very much so. Within hours of birth, most men have experienced and many men still do experience genital mutilation. This is not something that we talk about ever, at all, and a huge problem. Why do we do this? It is so obviously beyond traumatic to a newborn child that I can't even fathom. I have definitely seen much more public outcry about this act being performed in indigenous cultures and towards women than I have about addressing it happening all day every day still in modern societies. It's barbaric, period, and I'm so sorry that so often one of your very first experiences upon entering this planetary sphere was extreme physical trauma to your red ray.
The second instance where men are brutally traumatized by society is when they are around the age where the earliest memories start to form, soon after you began to develop the ability to rationalize. Some other self, who doesn't want to deal with whatever trauma or pain you are experiencing, tells you, upon your experiencing trauma, that "boys don't cry". I can't imagine the shock that this causes you as a small, little, exposed darling angel baby. So full of life and desire to experience things, and you are forced to shut down the connection to the way your body reacts to events to the way your mind reacts towards events. This is dissociative trauma. I am so sorry.
From then on, you are given other subtle and not so subtle cues from media, your elders, and your peers, that showing feminine traits in yourself was subjecting yourself to ridicule. Getting called "pussy" as a taunt, reminding you that having a vagina is a weakness, or "fag", reminding you that it's not just good enough to be a man, but you have to be a specific kind of man.
What kind of man? Well, advertising will tell you over and over in all sorts of confusing ways. Certainly, you must be the kind of man who can afford to buy frivolous things to impress flighty females. She will only talk to you if you use this hygiene product. She will only want to date you if you have a fancy enough car. She will only want to have sex with you if you look like (insert hot a-list celebrity from your peer group). What products does HE buy??
We have to go to our b-s public education system which is just a machine to feed the extremely profitable higher education machine, the prison-industrial complex, and to make drones willing to work 40+ hours a week of their whole lives as a corporate wage slave, to bosses who make salaries who multiply their own. Two days a week to call your own out of seven. And heaven forbid if you want to pursue some type of career that is artistic - you must always have a back up plan, a real job, just in case you fail!
I am heavily biased towards viewing this in an archetypical manner. I see all of these things, from the first removal of the hood of the genitals, as ways that men are forced by society to place their subconscious, their maiden, their feminine side, in a state of subjugation. First goes the "hood", the High Priestess' only protection. Next, the emotions - the way she communicates to you through the body. Next, any identity with feminine traits is discouraged, and then artistic expression is shunned for more "productive" means of contributing to society.
I believe it's possible that a lot of us here were more or less immune to a lot of these things in a lot of ways, or at least today can look back and see how ridiculous all of this was. I know I must have had some kind of immunity to the abuse I experienced in my childhood because I know it's not normal to come out of a situation like that the way I did. But we can't deny the way this affects the whole social memory complex of Earth, and therefore how it affects us as citizens of Earth. And when the seeming way of dealing with it is to say, "Go away! I don't want to look at it!" we revert all the way back to the act of telling you not to cry when you're hurt. We revert all the way back to when we mutilate you at birth to conform you to an acceptable standard.
But the reason I keep pushing the Q'uo channeling is because one thing Q'uo said is that as physically incarnated beings in polarized genders, we are meant to embody and reflect the ideas of gender polarity in the group consciousness. This is why when I see the repression of the feminine by the will of the masculine, it is triggering. It triggers a recognition of something that still needs to be healed, a barb that needs removed from a limb, so that the festering infection from lack of attention can finally heal and go away. This is why I felt the call more to empathize with the pain of the High Priestess, told to go away because no one wants to look at her or hear what she has to say, that none of it has value. This is a deeply rooted pain, it redounds beyond the personal egos of confused feminists. It redounds to all of us.
I feel I have watched this experience through the eyes of my husband, watching him reclaim his relationship with his High Priestess. When I met him, he was full of machismo and had committed many pretty heinous acts over the course of his teens and early twenties. He quit drinking right when we meant and had a major shift but it there was a more profound shift that occurred. He got injured. He had chronic pain for over 3 years that prevented him from riding in a car, sitting in a chair, basically anything. It was awful. He was also subjected to horrible abuse and torment from my father because he was forced into a position where his wife had to take care of him. It wasn't fair. He started pursuing his true talent (writing) and has been somewhat successful, and through all of this, he has had to learn how to accept parts of himself, weaknesses and judgements that he had against himself. He's also always been much more emotional than me, and accepting and understanding his emotions (and mine) has been a big part of this journey, too. Before, he would just drink until he blacked out so he wouldn't have to deal with his emotional outbursts (though everyone else would).
I know, as part of conditioning, it's hard for men to look at themselves as victims. That's partly why the voice of earth_spirit is valuable - it does bring attention to the trauma that has occurred to subjugate men. It's occurred to subjugate all of us. If we can look honestly at these things, see them, feel them without judging ourselves, and then, through that process, are able to transmute it into acceptance, that is when we are able to truly work in consciousness with this catalyst.
One thing I think is also important for women to recognize is that, while we have also been forced to repress our masculine side (as well as our feminine sides, but more so the masculine side) for millennia, in recent times, we have been able to gain a voice - to recover a piece of our masculine identity and will. I mean, it wasn't but 70 years ago that it was still almost unheard of for a woman to have a job of her own. It's still very fresh, but now that the momentum has started, there isn't any going back to where we were.
Men, though, haven't had the same kind of "revolution" of "reclaiming their feminine". I think this is the genesis of a lot of the pain in males in our society, and why women are viewed as no longer being repressed. What does that even look like, though? For women, reclaiming the masculine is obvious - marches, protests, speeches, gaining new/equal rights - these are tangible things that manifest, the masculine. Reclaiming the feminine, the hidden, is a much more subtle prospect.
I think one of the first steps of reclaiming the feminine might look like acknowledging that the oppression exists and has existed for a long time and is bigger than all of us.
I think then enacting a strict regiment of love, compassion, acceptance, and forgiveness for the self, in all the ways you have been personally victimized by our society, or as a repercussion of the effects of our society.
I think another step might be trying to understand/feel the emotions that women feel about this situation, even if you have no proof of any of their claims.
I guess that's how I feel and why I have been reacting the way I do. What I feel perpetuates the problem (repression of the feminine) is active repression of the feminine - even seemingly innocuous posts like Nick's original OP still feed into the narrative of repressing the feminine. Why can't we let the feminine speak up for once? I know it may seem like she's been yelling at you for a long time, but maybe that's because she has yet to feel truly heard and understood. Maybe the catalyst is symbolic, I guess, is what I'm trying to boil it down to, so maybe let's try to look at it from that angle.
I love you all, thank you all for working on this with me. I'm sorry for the awful things we all have experienced, incarnated on this planet. Let's talk about them. It's not weak. It's awareness.