03-08-2017, 08:56 AM
Validate everything.
All options are perfect.
When all options are valid you can Freely choose.
Until then, there will be should's and shouldn't and none of that s*** is any fun.
Validate the most loving and the most hateful, then choose what you sincerely desire.
Know that there is no right or wrong way.
You can't f*** it up.
I will say it again:
But mommy said- NO! She was brainwashed, and always limited her highest potential.
and Daddy said-NO! he was confused too.
Maybe we should make T shirts:
"Fucking up is impossible."
Even when everything goes to s***, it is perfect.
There is always more to express, more to create, more to try out. Another day to play with something new. A new version of you.
Keep forgiving all of your perceived trespasses and everyone else's. Do it for yourself. Do it because it feels good.
"Oh but i am not worthy of feeling good."
Really? Where the f*** did you learn that s***?
"Well mommy and-" yeah we know about mommy and daddy and the cultures they came from. You don't have to hold on to that anymore. It isn't yours and it wasn't even theirs.
You want others to feel good right?
Hmm what makes you so unique?
So special that you get to suffer.
Why do you get all the suffering to yourself?
Love and forgive yourself and others.
Do it because it feels good. Yes, feeling good is allowed ;)
Don't worry you won't be punished for enjoying creation.
That doesn't even make any sense anyways.
Loving accepting forgiving allowing will always mend the wound.
It feels good for you, and it feels good for them.
It is the unity of love and light that your cellular structure lights up to.
It is love and radiance bound from emptiness that trans-Forms everything.
As you love others unconditionally you will naturally become a beacon. A selfless beacon that gives eternally.
You also become the parent most humans are looking for.
The one that validates other's existence.
Well who am i to play that role?
Just someone who is willing.
Not many others are doing it.
They are all looking for that validation.
Seeking seeking seeking.
You become the beacon of home, the familiar love, the oneness the radiance, that singularity that sparks the singularity within all others.
It is easy. Too easy for what we are used to. Not enough struggle for most trained in the ways of struggle.
You just love people unconditionally. All the reasons not to won't make sense anymore. They are like ripples in the pond. Slight disturbances.
Most of us think when we give, we loose because we have been trained into the physical video game.
Giving pure loving energy, feeds all beings including yourself. Holding it back will just become more and more painful. Holding judgement, holding yourself apart from the unity of being.
So love and embrace, and watch the world transform :)
It's your world anyways, you infinite being of worth!
Get over yourself and love yourself. Allllll yourselves.
Your cells. Your infinite Self expressions.
- Mac Dryden