03-03-2017, 12:16 PM
Dear Brothers & Sisters
I was introduced to the Law of One a few years back and like many here found this material to be of excellent quality definitely from what I would consider a higher being. So last month I came across some material that was of a similar nature, it was a channelled Q&A published into 5 books. What caught my eye was that one of our favourite teachers is mentioned several times in the second book… Ra. It also mentions "the cosmic confederation"
The series is call El Ser Uno (The One Being) which has been translated from Spanish and channelled by Franca Rosa Canonico de Schramm. I've only managed to find the first two books so if anyone can get hold of the rest please let me know. (Just one of those synchronicity things: I found the 2nd book first in which I found references to Ra, I'm not sure I would have read the material had I not seen that name)
Now these books make some predictions, they also give a universal history lesson. It talks about the coming harvest, the nature of mind/thought energy. It also offers an "interesting" view on why our world is in so much strife, they call it "Sick Cinnabar Energy" and this was embedded in our world from the destruction of a negative 5th Dimension planet. This substance causes ambition and greed and its material form is… petroleum.
Fragments from the 5d world were embedded in 7 planets. Four have managed to heal themselves, that leaves us and two others. Part of our mission is to eventually make it to the last two planets and help heal them as well as. The higher realms are helping us so we must in turn help the remainder, its explained that the higher worlds cant reach the last planets due to the density/gravity of those worlds, they are described as petrified/solidified, higher dimension bodies cant survive those conditions. It falls to us to reach to those "depths" and bring the light
I'm not sure about the whole "Planet Satien / Sick Energy" narrative in book 2 but parts of it do resonate with me.
NOTE: These books are about 250 - 350 pages
Book 1 - The Arcana of Thoth (knowledge, understanding, love)
Book 2 - Planet 3.3.3 The guardians of Tera
I hope you find this material as interesting as I did. I'll paste a few questions below so you can get an idea of its contents.
I was introduced to the Law of One a few years back and like many here found this material to be of excellent quality definitely from what I would consider a higher being. So last month I came across some material that was of a similar nature, it was a channelled Q&A published into 5 books. What caught my eye was that one of our favourite teachers is mentioned several times in the second book… Ra. It also mentions "the cosmic confederation"
The series is call El Ser Uno (The One Being) which has been translated from Spanish and channelled by Franca Rosa Canonico de Schramm. I've only managed to find the first two books so if anyone can get hold of the rest please let me know. (Just one of those synchronicity things: I found the 2nd book first in which I found references to Ra, I'm not sure I would have read the material had I not seen that name)
Now these books make some predictions, they also give a universal history lesson. It talks about the coming harvest, the nature of mind/thought energy. It also offers an "interesting" view on why our world is in so much strife, they call it "Sick Cinnabar Energy" and this was embedded in our world from the destruction of a negative 5th Dimension planet. This substance causes ambition and greed and its material form is… petroleum.
Fragments from the 5d world were embedded in 7 planets. Four have managed to heal themselves, that leaves us and two others. Part of our mission is to eventually make it to the last two planets and help heal them as well as. The higher realms are helping us so we must in turn help the remainder, its explained that the higher worlds cant reach the last planets due to the density/gravity of those worlds, they are described as petrified/solidified, higher dimension bodies cant survive those conditions. It falls to us to reach to those "depths" and bring the light

I'm not sure about the whole "Planet Satien / Sick Energy" narrative in book 2 but parts of it do resonate with me.
NOTE: These books are about 250 - 350 pages
Book 1 - The Arcana of Thoth (knowledge, understanding, love)
Book 2 - Planet 3.3.3 The guardians of Tera
I hope you find this material as interesting as I did. I'll paste a few questions below so you can get an idea of its contents.
Quote:45. Can we know the names of the 4 volunteers?
The 4 volunteers who went out to procreate with the human woman knew that they would be
trapped in deformed minds and bodies. Nevertheless, they sacrificed themselves in order to
bequeath the amendment of their species to their offspring. Nowadays their energies are
disseminated in millions of beings who carry in themselves the legacy handed down by these
Every so often an avatar emerges among you. It is the seed that sprouts and gives its fruits. It is
the legacy of all of us who are in the spacecraft. Our energies live within you and issue forth as
evolution and elevation progress.
The four species chosen by Morlem came from 4 planets. The 660 volunteers were divided in
165 from each species, and each one of them came from a lineage that presumably had already
been formed in his or her own planet. They were:
Planet Lineage
Ambiares Ra
Retryon Vis
Ebiar Tarik
Tenezia Hak
Quote:67. Why did Ra’s decadence begin when his descendants intermixed with Adam’s
Ra’s descendants were no longer the same. The universal knowledge was barely understood
and they ended up adoring the sun. Their priests transmitted such distorted, erroneous and
confusing knowledge that the history of Lemuria remained buried in their minds. The
intermixture and unification with other races had transformed them into the core of greed and
ambition. Ra, the great initiator and volunteer, was mistaken for a God and adored as such.
Universal knowledge coming from Thoth had been suppressed in their thought-energies and in
the ignorance of their brains….
Quote:69. What happened to Ra’s descendants when they intermixed with Adam’s
… One of their greatest sons, who was also the reincarnation of Ra, is Joshua Emmanuel (Jesus)
who was the son of Myriam, a priestess of Greece and direct descendant of the lineage of Ra.
Myriam was the reincarnation of Miriak and an elevated daughter of intra-terrestrial ancestry.
She was chosen and inseminated to receive in her womb Ra and bring him into the world for a
great entrusted mission: to bring new hope to humanity and leave eternal salvation recorded in
the energy of his descendants...
Quote:81. Will Abigahel be the reincarnation of Ra-Vis-Mor?
We have to realize that in the universe everything functions in perfect order. When a
reincarnation occurs in the Elementary Dimension, we know that this dimension works with the
triad matter, astral body, and energetic body. Reincarnations function as a triad. Let us see the
example of Joshua Emmanuel.
Material Body………………………………………….Joshua Emmanuel (Jesus)
Astral Body……………………………………………...Ra
Energetic Body………………………………………..Christ
Universal Body…………………………………..…...Thoth
When Ra arrived as a volunteer on Planet Tera, he brought with him the lineage and legacy not
only from his planet but also from the universe, because the lineage is inherited from the higher
dimensions and is formed when one leaves the regular reality.
Thoth is the sign of the universal lineage. Christ is the sign of the mental lineage. Ra is the sign
of his planetary inheritance and Joshua Emmanuel is the sign of his work as a volunteer.
That is, the material body of the volunteer Joshua Emmanuel, worked with his soul, Ra, whose
messenger (energetic being, spirit) was Christ, guided by the universal mind named Thoth.
Abigahel will be the next avatar who will appear in the year 2,800. He will represent Ra-Vis-Mor
because the West and East will unite. After this avatar, Zetihel will arrive. He will be the
unification of Ra Vis Tarik Mor. Hak will not enter this alignment. He will join those who belong
to the element earth and did not become elevated, and will wait until the next alignment, which
will occur 21 thousand years later.
Quote:164. Since every 2,800 Tera-years, a descendant of Ra Miriak is born who has
accumulated much thought-energy throughout his incarnations, what are the names of
those who preceded Joshua Emmanuel and where did they develop?
….. We will mention a few names that formed Joshua Emmanuel’s energy: Ra, Zoroaster, Rama,
Thothis, Akhenaton, Hermes, Moses, Orpheus, Pythagoras, and others. All of them composed
the preparation to sculpt and chisel the avatar Joshua Emmanuel (Jesus).
After his death, he incarnated again as Saint Francis of Assisi, Saint Germain, and many others.
We recognize that among these known lives, there are many others that did not become noticed
in the history of the planet but that they are indispensable and vital for the formation and
recording of the avatar’s thought-energy…..