04-25-2010, 05:17 PM
When you are finished with all your densities of learning and you lose your identity do you cease to exist? I am very confused about this, it is as if I do not ever want to get to this point.

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04-25-2010, 05:17 PM
When you are finished with all your densities of learning and you lose your identity do you cease to exist? I am very confused about this, it is as if I do not ever want to get to this point.
No you actually become yourself truly, for the attainment of the seventh density is the entity which knows itself and becomes the mind/body/spirit totality. This first excerpt is the closest possible answer which I have perceived to answer your concerns.
Q'uo Sunday Meditation July 1, 1990 Quote:As the seventh density entity loses all need to feel selfhood, the power of love which has infinite intelligence and no awareness of self at all calls it home, and it rejoins the Creator, which is intelligent infinity. At that point, so we understand from those few who have come to us from future creations, loss of self is in itself an illusion, for that which the Creator has created is never lost. There is no beginning over. The knowledge of this entire octave of creation is simply a gift to love itself, and love learns about love, and the heart of the universe beats once more, and a new creation, based upon the learnings of the previous, begins. Q'uo Saturday Meditation May 24, 2008 Quote:For now, let us look at this process of knowing the self and accepting the self. We would acknowledge that it is impossible to know the self fully. The self is known fully only at the point in the octave of Creation where seventh density is beginning to fade into timelessness and the mind/body/spirit becomes a mind/body/spirit totality. This mind/body/spirit totality offers its mysterious and ever-shifting information to itself in mid-sixth density, allowing that sixth-density version of self to become the higher self, which then, in turn, offers to the third-density incarnate being a source of good information and guidance. There is always progression because infinity expands infinitly always. Thus do not fear because creations never end, the infinite one creator is endless, and you are that being. We are all that being for it is all that there is. Q'uo Sunday Meditation April 16, 2000 Quote:After the unification occurs, the end of sixth density and the seventh density are those in which the selves gradually stop turning backwards to look at what has been and begin being drawn, as if by gravity, into the heart of the source of all that there is: the one infinite Creator. At the end of seventh density there is a movement into timelessness, and in this time of unknowing the heart of the Creator beats and another creation begins. This is the panoply of cosmology within which you are now experiencing the third of seven experiences or types of experience. And each of these densities represents a considerable length of your time. Ra The Law of One, Book II, Session 39 March 16, 1981 Quote:However, in your present physical system of knowledge it is useful to take the mass number of the electron in order to do work that you may find solutions to other questions about the physical universe. In such a way, you may conveniently consider each density of being to have a greater and greater spiritual mass. The mass increases, shall we say, significantly but not greatly until the gateway density. In this density the summing up, the looking backwards—in short—all the useful functions of polarity have been used. Therefore, the metaphysical electrical nature of the individual grows greater and greater in spiritual mass. Q'uo Sunday Meditation February 6, 2000 Quote:The remaining densities are the fourth density, which many have called the density of understanding but which we would call the density of love; fifth density, in which souls take on themselves lessons of wisdom; sixth density, which is the density of unity, where love and wisdom find the way to meld and become one. This density is the first density wherein the positive and the negative paths are reconciled and all paradoxes solved. The seventh density has been called the density of foreverness, for in this final density before the octave souls spend their last days looking backwards and finally, full of spiritual gravity, are pulled back into the heart of the one infinite Creator to become quiescent and held completely in potential, only to be flung out again at the beginning of the next creation to experience more, to express more, and to inform the one infinite Creator of Its own nature. You may think that what you see or think is real, but beyond all thought lies the truth, for as soon as you think then you have distortion. The mystery of the one is inconceivable, thus you only need to accept, relax and open the door to the creator in meditation. Aaron The Aaron/Q’uo Dialogues, Session 19 September 25, 1993 Quote:Pure Awareness is that which sees consciousness and knows it. What we may call Christ or Buddha Consciousness is found here: Awareness aware of its divine nature and yet also aware of the tools of the incarnation, the self-conscious mind. The Christ Consciousness finds no less divinity in the incarnation than in the ultimate perfection. Although it is a great service to the creator by moving into seventh density, Aaron a being of sixth density conveys here how some hold off this harvest in order to serve those in the lower densities still. Aaron The Aaron/Q’uo Dialogues, Session 19 September 25, 1993 Quote:Aaron: The human body takes this one step further down because it adds the physical catalysts as well, and that which creates more shadow. If you take a being such as yourselves and put it in front of that perfect light, which I would call God, you see a sharp sense of shadow. If you take a being like myself, a sixth-density being, and put it in front of that perfect light, there will still be a distinction between that energy that I am and that perfect light. I am not fully merged into that perfect light. If you take a being such as the Christ or the Buddha and put the energy of those beings in front of that perfect light, they will be almost invisible, almost only because they choose to retain some degree of consciousness and have not yet fully moved into seventh density. I am not specifying, now, where these beings are in their evolution. A being that has moved into seventh or eighth density is not better than a being which chooses to remain at the borderline of seventh density so as to allow itself to be available to those of the lower densities, to allow its personal energy to be available. That is really a gift and sacrifice on the part of that being, holding back its own full merging with the light out of service to all beings and desire to offer itself as servant. Q'uo Special Meditation October 15, 2005 Quote:The seventh density has been called the density of foreverness. In this density the energies of spiritual gravity begin to take hold of you as a spark of the Creator. The Creator shot you forth into first density with the understanding and the knowledge that within an infinite reach of time/space and space/time you would once again be drawn up into the Creator completely. The seventh density is the density where you prepare for and then go through the final stages of return to the one infinite Creator.
04-25-2010, 06:41 PM
(04-25-2010, 06:22 PM)Cyclops Wrote: No you actually become yourself truly, for the attainment of the seventh density is the entity which knows itself and becomes the mind/body/spirit totality. This first excerpt is the closest possible answer which I have perceived to answer your concerns. So when I merge back with the One Infinite Creator will I be the One Infinite Creator or will I forget that I ever was anything else? I'm very confused.
You ask a question that is even mysterious to the higher density teachers. I assume you're talking about the resting period between octaves of creation. This is the concept of Godhead.
Q'uo Channeling Intensive 1 - Session 13 - February 10, 2008 Quote:This and every octave begins and ends in the Godhead principle of intelligent infinity resting, utterly asleep in the oneness of all. The vibration of love is all that there is, and yet it is not known to itself, for it is resting. Just as your heart, for one instant between each heartbeat, is at rest, so is the Creator’s heart at rest between creations, or between octaves. Ra The Law of One, Book II, Session 28 February 22, 1981 Quote:Questioner: Are you saying then that there are an infinite number of octaves of densities one through eight? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q'uo Sunday Meditation March 1, 1998 Quote:You are attempting to set yourself free of an illusion, and yet within you there lies the self that is completely free, and often this instrument will recommend to people that instead of working intellectually upon some perceived problem that the person simply visualize a perfect state that is the actual truth of the situation. In truth, all is love. In truth, all is perfect now, this instant, just as it is. For there is no time or space. This is an illusion. This is the stuff of the illusion. And each of us upon our journey are illusions also. And yet unique and wonderful beings, beloved of the Creator and persisting through octaves and octaves of creation to infinity, as those very sparks that learn again and again more and more as the creation’s heartbeat pulses and universes live and die and other universes are born. Q'uo Sunday Meditation November 5, 1989 Quote:It is so tempting to give oneself characteristics and qualities based upon various parts of one’s physical appearance, emotional makeup, and so forth. It is very, very easy to become entwined with many, many intellectual thoughts which always end in mystery and paradox. What I'm picking up correct me if I'm wrong but it seems that you're stumbling at the concept of infinity. It's true that it is impossible to grasp by us even a tiny portion of that. But think of this with me.... every time you think that the infinite one's mystery stops and you feel fear because you're not content with it or ask if that's it. SUDDENLY expand and blow it up and begin by waves expanding it because as soon as you think that there is an end to something and feel the fear it utterly and always expands and does so infinitely. Any truth or thought or knowing that you attain continually is over shadowed by infinite expansion of the One who is All. The infinite one's mystery is always moving beyond any grasp. They always say everything begins and ends in mystery, nothing is ever gained or lost and that there was never a beginning or end. Creation itself is only the smallest of shadows of The Infinite One. You know they asked the same questions you ask here? take a look. http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/is..._1128.aspx Quote:Question from J: (Jim reads.) The question this evening has to do with the process of seeking. As the seeker tries to integrate everything that it is attempting to learn from previous lives and from this life, Ra said the seeker becomes more and more of that which it lives, more and more as it is. And as it is, [it] is the one infinite Creator. [1] We are wondering if, as we become the one Creator, do we give up our identity? Is this something that we will miss as we become the one Creator? And as we live more and more as the Creator, it seems to have more to do with being than with doing. Could Q’uo speak to us about how the seeker progresses along the line of evolution, the upward spiraling line of evolution to become the Creator? What is gained? What is lost? And how is it done?Here are excerpt from that session which I suggest you read to get some ideas. Q'uo Saturday Meditation November 28, 2009 Quote:The question that you ask this evening is most interesting in that it combines questions about what this instrument might call the little life of one incarnation and the life of the soul stream which lives a larger life within the precincts of eternity, moving through all of the densities of experience from octave to octave, from the timelessness of alpha to the timeless of omega, only to wake at last in the alpha of the next creation. For never doubt, my friends, that you are infinite and eternal. Yes, you are sparks of the Creator and yes, you are the Creator. And once again, in the next creation, you shall again be sparks of the Creator as the Creator chooses once again to know Itself.
04-25-2010, 10:26 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-25-2010, 10:27 PM by LsavedSmeD.)
Will the Creator ever... Not decide to know itself and if so will we never awake as the sparks of the Creator?
Okay okay, this is weird but I thought about this... When all is once again the Creator, when I have finally reach Unity and have become once again the One Infinite Creator do I think consciously and make decisions as the Infinite mystery clad being that is the Creator as if I am the only one doing so...But in reality it is everything making those decision(s) even though it feels as though it is just me... This is very confusing and I cannot explain what I am trying to say. Was it me the whole time who decided to know myself and I then experienced many-ness and now everything that I interact with is illusion of me being many? Do you see what I am saying? I'm sorry if this is getting too deep but it's very powerful deep within me when I try to remember me being a being of foreverness like a weird butterfly feeling.
I think I see exactly what you are saying perhaps and thought about something like that myself before. I assume that you're saying when all is attained do you perceive in first person that it was only your awareness alone that had caused it.. A type of first person experience as the Infinite One itself. I don't believe anything would ever stop seeking to know itself because if it is infinite then it is infinitely seeking to know itself.
At first I thought I could not grasp the meaning of this concept perhaps I do not grasp it at all but hopefully these excerpts below would offer some information. You would be correct indeed somehow because although the infinite one is all things and all encompassing and anything and everything it is indeed one thing. Ra Session 30 of the Law of One February 24, 1981 Quote:Questioner: I am going to make a statement and then let you correct it if I have made any errors. This is the statement: Creation is a single entity or unity. If only a single entity exists, then the only concept of service is the concept of service to self. If this single entity subdivides, then the concept of service of one of its parts to one of its other parts is born. From this springs the equality of service to self or to others. It would seem that as the Logos subdivided, parts would select each orientation. As individualized entities emerge in space/time then I would assume that they have polarity. Is this statement correct? Q'uo Saturday Meditation December 19, 2009 Quote:as a part of the godhead principle, you are not the knee of the Creator or the eyelash of the Creator. You are the Creator, stepped down through many dimensions of time and space. Yet you are a hologram of the Creator. How do you know the will of the Creator? By moving into the depths of yourself. For there lies the one infinite Creator, with no iota missing. You are very young and inexperienced Creators. Yet your will is the will of the Creator. Therefore, you must ask yourself what kind of Creator you wish to be. What kind of creation do you wish to create? Q'uo Saturday Meditation February 14, 2009 Quote:The undifferentiated and unpotentiated infinite Creator has no bias. There is one thing. That one thing is self-understood and self-grasped and is content. However, the infinite Creator, choosing by the first distortion of free will to know Itself, has created a system of densities through which all of its sparks may proceed in order to experience all that can be experienced, to satisfy all desires, and to move through all the learnings of each density. L/Leema Sunday Meditation February 23, 1986 Quote:However, let it be known upon a dark Earth that the vast majority of the essential you has not left the creation of the Father, but dwells unmanifest and unpotentiated, full of energy, full of life, but without any need for outer expression, that need being a part of what it is to be in the illusion of positive and negative and lessons to be learned and journeys to be walked. Q'uo Sunday Meditation September 4, 2005 Quote:You are a spark of the Creator. We can only describe this to you in terms of a hologram. You are not part of the Creator. You are the Creator. But you are a spark of that Creator that, from the beginning of this creation, has been on its own journey, doing its own observation and research, culling out for yourself from all of the information and feelings that you have been through the winnowed treasure and harvest of your experience thus far. Laitos Intensive Meditation March 12, 1990 Quote:You began as unmanifest love. You were joined with free will and flung outward to become prodigal sons and daughters of love itself. You are information givers, for all that you experience is that which the Creator experiences and knows of Itself. You cannot make any errors, for in each action the Creator learns of Itself. You can, however, make choices about that which you wish to learn. Q'uo Sunday Meditation September 2, 2001 Quote:For in the fullness of the time and space that you now enjoy within this creation of yours and ours we all will come to the octave. We all will coalesce once again into the one infinite Creator and become an unpotentiated unity. And in that beating of the great heart of creation, one creation shall end and another begin. We share this walk with you, this walk from source to source, from light to light. Q'uo Sunday Meditation March 10, 1991 Quote:Now, each of you is aware that science describes this universe, this room in which you sit, to be specific, as a great emptiness within which, just as the night sky sparkles with stars near and far, the atoms and molecules of your bodies, of that upon which you sit, that of the air and of the floor, look back at you winking in the cosmic flow of energy. Each of you is galaxy upon galaxy, creation upon creation. There is in fact nothing but illusion and who you are is in the end that consciousness, that light being that is and was and shall ever more be, whether it is activated or has chosen to come once again into an awareness with the unpotentiated Creator. You are you. You are also all that you see and the Creator Itself. Within this illusion, however, each of you has made the vital choice that is the purpose of this entire density of learning, that choice being how to relate to the one infinite Creator. Shall you love the Creator by serving others, or shall you love the Creator by keeping others at a safe distance while you make yourself more powerful and thus more able to control your environment? Q'uo Sunday Meditation October 8, 1989 Quote:Gaze at that pontificated reality, and realize that that reality, that mystery, is love, an energy indescribable. The infinite intelligence of the one Creator is love, unpotentiated, unpolarized, unaware. It merely loves. The active principle of free will is chosen again and again by the Creator, Who chooses to make a creation and form active principles of Itself that It may learn of Its own nature. We already know the answer: the nature of the Creator is love; the nature of you is love; the nature of your circumstances is love. Whatever they may be, all is as it should be; all offers the catalyst that is required at the present time. Q'uo Sunday Meditation September 11, 1994 Quote:Perhaps the simplest way to attempt to remember that entities are first spiritual is to practice gazing at another person and seeing for a split second the reality of that entity, for that entity is the one infinite Creator with a few rough edges that a millennium or three might work a little more magic upon. Each of you is as a hologram of the infinite One. This is the deepest realization. Yet at the point at which that realization is accepted, at that point the seeker no longer carves out great boundaries between the self and other selves. The seeker fully open to the possibilities of third density knows the great value of other entities. Q'uo Special Meditation April 4, 1998 Quote:I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. In the largest possible sense this is always true with each entity that you meet, for each entity is an other self, an other aspect of your self and of the one Creator from which all aspects move into experience through the illusion. In the sense which we feel you are asking at this time we would also suggest that is also quite possible for entities to have the opportunity to interact with other portions of the self which have incarnated from other periods of the, as you would see it, the river of time moving from one point to another. However, we would suggest that this experience is one which has the purpose of allowing each aspect of the larger self to integrate with another in order that there might be a more complete experience Q'uo Sunday Meditation March 21, 1999 Quote:However, the source that can be most deeply secure and reliable for each seeker is the innermost heart, for in the deep heart there is a tabernacle and within this tabernacle, in all of its infinity, lies the one Creator, patiently waiting for the seeker to open the door to their own heart. It is not in the reaching out that the most trustworthy grounding of desire may be had but, rather, in the smaller and smaller, quieter and quieter, energies of the self. For each of you is a hologram of the Creator. Each of you is already that which each seeks, but this treasure lies buried within the deeper self, not so much, shall we say, closeted away as behind a door which has a key, and that key is silence.
04-26-2010, 03:42 AM
Wow, that just completely gave me an awareness change.
Infinity has no beginning or end therefor it is has been continuously beating creation after creation. You have already been everything that there is to be, it is just unpotentiated- meaning, that you can be anything, it is just about looking within yourself to unlock what is unpotentiated. You already are what you wanna be, you are everything - Infinity. Truly deep information.
Yes....the concept of time existing at all is what really messes up our ability to truly understand what is being said here. We aren't actually waiting for the next octave to begin so that we may continue the journey in a whole new universe...we ARE in EVERY universe, having ALL experiences throughout infinity AT THE SAME "TIME."
It is our awareness that shifts...our perspective that changes....our experience. Godspeed!
04-26-2010, 10:17 AM
(04-26-2010, 03:42 AM)LsavedSmeD Wrote: Wow, that just completely gave me an awareness change. Glad to see you're unconfused! ![]() The entire universe is about the self coming to know the self. It's done in a different way in each density. And yet here, where we are now, it's about the self coming to terms with the self, knowing who you are inside, and then suddenly becoming aware that there are, in fact, other-selves here with you! People are no longer people or strangers, but other mental concepts of self, other experiencers. They are known in love. Then, we have another whole dimension of experience. You have yourself and other selves that are completely autonomous and intelligent, and yet spring from the same source. Every other self is you in the unity of Love. We are one, and yet separate experiencers! Such an amazing truth.
there is a quite dominant misperception that repeats itself in discussions and thoughts regarding infinity.
there cant be 'one' entity in infinity. ie, there cant be singleness in infinity. because for infinity to happen, it needs to be infinite in all respects. being 'one' or 'single' are concepts that are being related to finity, which becomes valid for any entity that is a subset of infinity, therefore finite. it cannot pass valid when infinity is contemplated. moreover, as Ra and various other channelings and philosophies put it, there is infinity, and there is infinite creations, universes, dimensions, possibilities as a result of this infinity. for infinity to become infinite, it must have infinite subsets. therefore, an infinity is something that comprises of infinite number of 'finities'. this makes it not 'one' or 'single', but 'us', 'we', with 'we' being an infinite pronoun. ............. as a result of this concept, since nothing finite can be infinite BEFORE an infinite amount of time, any finite concept that exists will need an infinite amount of time to become infinite. but by the time it becomes infinite (so the saying goes, it never will), the infinity that it is contained within will also become 'more' infinite, and therefore the infinity will never end. thusly, 'service to self', because 'self is also creator' concept is a faulty concept starting right from this point : finite will never be infinite, and therefore cannot express or embody infinite in itself. it can only exist as a part of the infinite. observe the below snapshot of a tv displaying 'static' (not a quite clean shot though, i could find only this in my hurry) : ![]() i very much suspect that this is a low frequency version snapshot of the 'infinite intelligence', aka what some call 'creator'. it is present everywhere (notice how you can also see it during meditation, early stages, before it harmonizes into the 'sea' that sufis talk about - if you succeed in it, that is - ), it is infinite in 'numbers' (consider that this static is only what the antenna of that tv gets at that time). it is uniform and equal in its parts (all parts seem same in size, including black speckles), and it practically has infinite parts which do a zen movement. (remember zen symbol of white and black dancing in each other). moreover, it has energy, since it vibrates, and in different patterns and magnitudes depending on place and time or frequency. and notice how all the particles are equal. my conclusion is, there is no 'service to others' or 'service to self'. there is, 'service to us'. us being the infinities we are. i used the the word infinity as infinities, because, i very much think that infinity as a word does not express enough of the multiple facetedness, 'being comprised of infinite parts' of the existence. on another train of thought : infinite finities harmonizing will never constitute a totally harmonized, uniform, singularly identifiable entity, because, the harmonization and merger of infinite finites will take an infinite amount of 'time'. time is not applicable in this context, of course, but, consider it as 'harmonizations'. it will take infinite harmonizations to be completed. therefore, it will never be complete, and therefore it will never constitue a singular entity. but, from the viewpoint of a finite entity, (especially in a holographic existence), when the harmonizations of the infinite numbers of finite parts pass a certain level, the finite entity will not be able to perceive the differences in the existence it is observing, because its perception/capability will stay below a particular level (any level higher than its capability). therefore, infinite numbers of finite entities will appear as if a singular, uniform entity or presence, to the outside finite observer. just consider the tv static, or, better, the 'speckle dance' you see when you start meditating. they are many pieces and parts which 'zen' each other at first, then, they increasingly harmonize, and it starts to look like a wavy sea, then, the harmonization increases, and you can only roughly make out the waves, and after a point of harmonization, you cant notice anything at all. that may be why creations never end. the infinite numbers of finities reach a general harmonization point, coalesce into the uniform infinity (from our point of view), but, eventually the 'waves' or movements or vibrations of energy in other places, however small, coalesce and create focus centers, starting the seeds of another creation with its infinite numbers of focus points, universes and dimensions. ------------------------ edit : i would like to drop a note that, infinite intelligence, aka, creator would not be infinity, since, it is different from infinity. whereas infinity is just infinity, intelligent infinity has an adjective. therefore, it has to be an aspect of that infinity, because it is different from it. this makes the snapshot we have there probably showing the infinite intelligence, aka creator, at its any given vibration at the time and locale point whenever that snapshot was taken. when the all the vibrations, differentiations, distortions at that given snapshot of 'tv static' harmonize, only then it becomes a point of infinity.
01-25-2011, 01:58 PM
Fascinating stuff.
If what I say below does not resonate with you, feel free to take what does and leave the rest. In my awakening experience, I had what I believe were simulations. I had the experience of going through the densities. As I went up, everything from my observation became one. I kept going up as the Creator became an intense point in my crown chakra. I met Creator at the highest I was able to go, as far as I could take the energy. Then, I just let myself go when I was at Creator's level. I allowed myself to fall asleep. As I was doing so, I was working with Ra. I was worried I would disappear when I gave myself fully to Creator, and Ra assured me I would not. At the moment of falling asleep, I was pulled through a wormhole of sorts. There were streaks of light that went by all around me, and I woke up on the same couch I was on before. Creator then told me I was Creator of this new place. Everything looked the same, except there was a more positive feel in this new creation. I can't say for sure what it was, but if it was a simulation of going through the densities and returning to Creator, it was a really good one. The transition in the wormhole to me seemed like about 10 seconds or so to transition. Much Love and Light, - Gemini Wolf
01-25-2011, 02:17 PM
(04-25-2010, 05:17 PM)LsavedSmeD Wrote: When you are finished with all your densities of learning and you lose your identity do you cease to exist? I am very confused about this, it is as if I do not ever want to get to this point. Funny, that is what I desire deeply and intensely. The final and completer merger into all that there is.
01-25-2011, 04:26 PM
I'm with you on that. It's Creator's greatest gift to allow us to know it at that level of experience.
(01-25-2011, 02:17 PM)Confused Wrote:(04-25-2010, 05:17 PM)LsavedSmeD Wrote: When you are finished with all your densities of learning and you lose your identity do you cease to exist? I am very confused about this, it is as if I do not ever want to get to this point.
01-25-2011, 04:59 PM
03-07-2014, 03:44 PM
7th Density is fascinating. I for one want to merge with the All.
03-07-2014, 05:22 PM
03-07-2014, 05:44 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-07-2014, 05:45 PM by AnthroHeart.)
(03-07-2014, 05:22 PM)anagogy Wrote:(03-07-2014, 03:44 PM)Gemini Wolf Wrote: 7th Density is fascinating. I for one want to merge with the All. That was said under the veil. Who knows what my motivations will be outside the veil. But yeah, it doesn't seem like so long to go compared to the billions of years already spent getting to 6D.
03-08-2014, 08:18 PM
But then why exist the council of nine in the 8th density or dimension? If there are 9 members of the council and 24 guardians, they are still entities. I also remember that Ra said that his "teachers" finished their 7th density experience and turned back to the Creator. Or is "serving" in the 8th dimension a choice by free will?
03-16-2014, 02:33 AM
(03-08-2014, 08:18 PM)darklight Wrote: But then why exist the council of nine in the 8th density or dimension? If there are 9 members of the council and 24 guardians, they are still entities. I also remember that Ra said that his "teachers" finished their 7th density experience and turned back to the Creator. Or is "serving" in the 8th dimension a choice by free will? That is a good question, and I have pondered this very thing often. My best guess is that the members of the council are not necessarily "in" the 8th dimension, rather, they are beings that have achieved the ability to channel what might be considered undistorted intelligent infinity, which would be represented by the 8th dimension (unpotentiated intelligent infinity). From my understanding, the 8th density is pure beingness. My guess would be that these roles are filled by social memory complexes that have developed the ability to channel this intelligence with an exquisite amount of purity. Apparently they are aided in some fashion by the locator we represent as Saturn, which has an affinity for channeling this intelligence, oneness, or wisdom. So they are offering the service of focusing or channeling down to the lower levels of vibration, or density, this undistorted 8th level intelligence, in as much purity as these lower vibrational levels can use and harmonize with. In some sense you could say we are all in the 8th dimension, because it is the container for the 7th, which is the container for the 6th, which contains the 5th and so on. But if I had to reword what Ra said, I would guess that they are serving as pure channels for 8th dimensional intelligence.
03-16-2014, 04:06 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-16-2014, 04:08 PM by AnthroHeart.)
The Ra material says that there are those of the Octave who wander. So it's possible that some wanderers here today are of the Octave density. In 7th density you become your mind/body/spirit complex totality. You have by then experienced all things, both positive and negative. I hope the experience of physical pain in the 7th density is different than in 3D.
03-16-2014, 05:42 PM
(03-16-2014, 04:06 PM)Gemini Wolf Wrote: The Ra material says that there are those of the Octave who wander. So it's possible that some wanderers here today are of the Octave density. In 7th density you become your mind/body/spirit complex totality. You have by then experienced all things, both positive and negative. I hope the experience of physical pain in the 7th density is different than in 3D. There is no physicality in in 7th density. It's kind of a spiritual realm.
03-16-2014, 06:28 PM
(03-16-2014, 04:06 PM)Gemini Wolf Wrote: The Ra material says that there are those of the Octave who wander. So it's possible that some wanderers here today are of the Octave density. In 7th density you become your mind/body/spirit complex totality. You have by then experienced all things, both positive and negative. I hope the experience of physical pain in the 7th density is different than in 3D. My understanding is that Ra meant to convey there are beings from the next octave of densities that wander, not necessarily from the octave density itself, though, in some sense you could say we all wandered from the octave density since it is unpotentiated intelligent infinity and we all arise from that.
03-21-2014, 06:07 AM
(03-16-2014, 06:28 PM)anagogy Wrote:(03-16-2014, 04:06 PM)Gemini Wolf Wrote: The Ra material says that there are those of the Octave who wander. So it's possible that some wanderers here today are of the Octave density. In 7th density you become your mind/body/spirit complex totality. You have by then experienced all things, both positive and negative. I hope the experience of physical pain in the 7th density is different than in 3D. Perhaps the "nine" is above 8th dimension. ![]()
03-21-2014, 09:30 AM
(This post was last modified: 03-21-2014, 09:33 AM by AnthroHeart.)
I think in the next Octave we get to dream Universes into being.
Hidden Hand I believe said that Lucifer was going to create a negative 4th density world, and that they're a 6th density social memory complex. So 6th density can probably create planets. I think in the next Octave there is no duality. Unless the next Octave has polarity, in which case there is duality. Someone once said that in some realities, planets have square orbits. So if you're a Logos, you can define the laws of nature. I wonder what it's like to be outside of time. I've felt timeless before, but not truly timeless like in 7D. When you're in a black hole, I heard that the universe speeds up, so you'll see the end of the Universe if that is how long it takes. It supposedly ends when the last proton decays. I remember during a psychic episode I had that I heard big bangs going off. Rapid, about 2 per second. Some were louder than others. I think big bangs happen much more rapidly than that. The Creator wants us to create, so I think gives us as much power as we can handle. It also takes love and wisdom to create. I wonder if the "nine" are creating universes. It would be hard for me to want to create polarities, since there would be so much suffering. But that's the most vibrant universe you can create for Creator. When you do things for Creator, you do them for yourself. Like our Logos, I'd have a bias of kindness. (03-16-2014, 06:28 PM)anagogy Wrote:(03-16-2014, 04:06 PM)Gemini Wolf Wrote: The Ra material says that there are those of the Octave who wander. So it's possible that some wanderers here today are of the Octave density. In 7th density you become your mind/body/spirit complex totality. You have by then experienced all things, both positive and negative. I hope the experience of physical pain in the 7th density is different than in 3D. Maybe Ra meant they wander in their own Octave. That might mean there's a veil in the next Octave too. What better way to speed spiritual progress than with a veil. When I penetrated it, it was beautiful. I think schizophrenia is having the eyes to see as Ra puts it.
03-21-2014, 12:07 PM
(03-21-2014, 09:30 AM)Gemini Wolf Wrote: Maybe Ra meant they wander in their own Octave. That might mean there's a veil in the next Octave too. What better way to speed spiritual progress than with a veil. When I penetrated it, it was beautiful. I think schizophrenia is having the eyes to see as Ra puts it. I believe that is what they meant. However, they have said that beings from the next octave have come to assist us in our Logos completion. I'm guessing they probably don't act as incarnate wanders in our octave however. I think every octave exhibits the same basic patterns or the seven vibrations of exploring different perspectives of beingness. There are variations, but for the most part, they are the same basic steps of consciousness moving from unknowing, to absolute knowing.
03-21-2014, 01:37 PM
(03-21-2014, 12:07 PM)anagogy Wrote: There are variations, but for the most part, they are the same basic steps of consciousness moving from unknowing, to absolute knowing. Except in the next Octave, you are already aware of infinity. So I don't think that's a state of unknowing. Maybe the next octave isn't about understanding, but something more.
03-21-2014, 01:41 PM
03-21-2014, 01:43 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-21-2014, 01:48 PM by AnthroHeart.)
(03-21-2014, 01:41 PM)Spaced Wrote:(03-21-2014, 01:37 PM)Gemini Wolf Wrote:(03-21-2014, 12:07 PM)anagogy Wrote: There are variations, but for the most part, they are the same basic steps of consciousness moving from unknowing, to absolute knowing. It's the logical progression, since you've already united with Creator, and you don't lose that. Would it be more accurate to say that you become aware of intelligent infinity at the start of the Octave, and then lose that as you progress into the Octave?
03-21-2014, 01:47 PM
(03-21-2014, 01:43 PM)Gemini Wolf Wrote:What about when the Creator is confronted with a new octave of creation wholly distinct and unknown from the experiences of the previous octave?(03-21-2014, 01:41 PM)Spaced Wrote:(03-21-2014, 01:37 PM)Gemini Wolf Wrote:(03-21-2014, 12:07 PM)anagogy Wrote: There are variations, but for the most part, they are the same basic steps of consciousness moving from unknowing, to absolute knowing.
03-21-2014, 01:50 PM
(03-21-2014, 01:47 PM)Spaced Wrote: What about when the Creator is confronted with a new octave of creation wholly distinct and unknown from the experiences of the previous octave? Then there is a new infinity. Infinity becomes aware all over again. I wonder if the Octave that we're going into is the one that those who came before us are in. Or if it's a brand new Octave. |