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09-22-2012, 10:03 PM
(09-22-2012, 06:42 PM)Gemini Wolf Wrote: I just hope when Earth becomes 4D in space/time that I'm not left behind. Gemini Wolf, I say this to you as I might say this to anyone else: There is no need for anxiety, distress, fear, doubt, fixation, neurosis, worriment or expectation regarding this harvest. You are/will be exactly where/when you have to be, as are/will we all. LIVE IN THE PRESENT AND LOVE EVERY MOMENT OF INFINITUDE HEREIN. This is all you need.
09-22-2012, 10:10 PM
I like that word infinitude. Thanks Siren.
I didn't want to sound selfish in making harvest or not. I thank you for reminding me that I'm right where I need to be, when I need to be there.
09-23-2012, 12:53 AM
@zen - why are they mutually exclusive? Why can't the 'clock striking on the hour' be contained in 2012 and lead to the transition period to 4D?
09-23-2012, 01:20 AM
09-23-2012, 01:40 AM
because I don't get it; why can't 2012 be the 'striking of the hour'?
09-23-2012, 01:41 AM
09-23-2012, 12:05 PM
you were the one that challenged him with it, i figured you'd be able to stand behind the challenge rather than go rhetorical with it...
In this case, I don't understand your challenge to the original post, as the language from Q'uo was not as clear to mean what you assumed as you made it out to be (in my opinion). It's all good tho... I liked TheInfinite1's breakdown so I felt the need to defend it. As far as your rhetoric, I would prefer to say 'It might and it might' (rather than 'can' and 'will') because we are behind a veil and I think the mechanics of the higher densities are probably beyond our full comprehension. I feel it is more important that we get to hear all possibilities instead of only the ones that fit within our personal frame of reference. Personaly, I respect intuition as much as science. Some would argue that intuition is not secure enough in its results (as somebody could make things up or imagine things) but I would challenge you not to say the same about academic science. There is more typically more focus on proving certain ideas to help profits rather than finding ones that help people in much of academic research. Both dichotomies exist; not all scientists are 100% truthful in their work just as people are gullible and naive. So who are we to say what is or what will be? I feel when we close ourselves off to the possibility of anything, we are worse off. I am prepared for Dec. 21, 2012 to be a special day. I am prepared for tomorrow to be a special day. I am prepared for a day 10 years ago to be a special day. I don't understand how looking for significance on a day which has great significance on a scientific cosmological level is foolish or confirming any biases. The fact that people's intuitions are also going off the hook with 'something is coming...' only cements it on top of the cosmological/astrological significance for me. Add in the interest shown by ancient cultures too (not just the Mayans either). The idea at the heart of The Infinite1's post was that this year will end up signifying the year we turned the corner and started to sprint towards 4th Density. I'd liken it to finally pulling out of the driveway for a road trip; you're not there yet, but you're on your way. Why can't December 21, 2012 be a day where that is considered true a long time from now?
09-23-2012, 01:55 PM
09-24-2012, 03:33 PM
(09-21-2012, 04:01 PM)Parsons Wrote: as I was hovering between 70-95% certainty of abruptness, which is not sufficient to my largely scientifically/intellectually oriented mind which demands 99% certainty in order to form a clear opinion of anything. I wonder how abrupt is abrupt. A few days maybe? I've heard of 3 days of darkness during the transition. I've definitely been feeling increasing energies, and am working to surrender to them.
09-24-2012, 05:05 PM
I think the 'abruptness' will depend on how sensitive you are to the energies. For someone really plugged in, they will probably feel an abrupt change whenever the 3D energies 'turn off' and start to subside. For those who are plugged out, they probably won't notice the change until it has manifested or is starting to.
I'm personally unsure on the 'dramatic earth event' aspect of this all. I try to just stay open to all options, so if 3 days of darkness come, so be it. Personally, I can think of a few events that would alter everything every quickly tho. Positive disclosure, free energy, time travel - any breakthrough on any of these fronts would end a chapter in history and start a new one (imo)... I feel energetically all mixed up as of late. Too much to do to really pay a lot of attention, but luckily much of that is due to watching my daughter, who teaches me so much each day. I'm just assuming that is my work right now.
09-24-2012, 05:21 PM
Quote: The fact that people's intuitions are also going off the hook with 'something is coming...My guides give a convergence of many personal issues at the end of this year. And something about big happenings. Myself, i feel nothing. I expect nothing will happen, but feel i should prepare for surprises anyways. Plus, this morning they still stick to the story of obama continuing presidency.
haha well Mitt's completely crapping the bed. Proved that again yesterday by saying that airplanes should be able to open their windows in case of emergency...
and this man wants to be president? I'm not surprised if Obama wins hand over fist. The only reason he was been so slow to warm up is because the Republicans aren't making him even have to defend himself. He's winning right now by staying silent and letting the opposition fall over themselves. As it is, I don't see how he can lose. I still think there's an extremely small chance Gary Johnson might blow up if he can get on the debate, but probably not ![]()
09-25-2012, 10:56 PM
(09-24-2012, 05:53 PM)hogey11 Wrote: haha well Mitt's completely crapping the bed. Proved that again yesterday by saying that airplanes should be able to open their windows in case of emergency...
09-28-2012, 02:28 AM
(This post was last modified: 09-28-2012, 02:29 AM by Bring4th_Austin.)
The discussion about prejudice and science and....whatever, has been moved here.
Also, please continue the political talk in the appropriate sub-forum.
The only frontier that has ever existed is the self.
09-28-2012, 08:19 PM
(08-27-2012, 03:23 AM)Gemini Wolf Wrote: I wonder about this stability, spiritual maturity they are talking about. I had a mental break before because of too much psychic overload, and had to check into a mental facility, and now am on meds to help control it. Is this taking the easy road because now I don't experience them? I am able to focus on life now, while I still do occasionally have an experience. Gemini. you're a good person. taking your meds shouldn't change that, i don't think it will prevent you from graduating. i hope not anyway. i would take meds too if i wasn't afraid of them so much. it's really hard to make that choice to take meds. but if they work for you and prevent you from getting overloaded then i think that's good. maybe we should start a thread about that.
09-28-2012, 11:22 PM
Between my initial exposure to the LOO and now my mind recoiled and didn't accept it. A protective mechanism that, in the end, turned out in my favor because life experiences is now what confirms what I have read in the LOO. I accept the densities map and the concept of graduation now.
Deciding whether the harvest was gradual or sudden didn't seem of urgency because the statement: "the harvest is now" instilled a state of being in me that is compatible with either and any version of harvest. I think (my?/your?/some people's?) harvest is in three months. Nothing has convinced me greater than watching catalyst pile up like a train wreck on people around me. My dad was so sad, It totally allowed me to get into my heart and just be his friend and totally forgive him. Even though I'm depressed a few days a month or feeling down, harvest has motivated me to just be kind and gentle BECAUSE not everyone knows what we know(generalizing). No matter what happens somewhere inside me lies the knowledge that this is a game and when not restricted by this 3D body we are suddenly free and in love with one love. This gives me the strength to emotionally support my father as the catalytic rain torments him. He has hurt me but now I know I am here to love him. We are each others support systems. We are the immune system of the creator. He will repeat 3D but I can ease some of the unnecessary pain. That's what we're here to do it's been said, ease the fields. One thing is certain, we are here for our own graduation no one elses, we may not have even increased the general harvest of 3Ders by much by being here all these years but we make the life of native 3Ders who still have a ways to go more loving and with less unnecessary suffering. The creator loves its entire being. We are an expression of that love towards those silly 3Ders. We are like those 4D beings watching over us. You are like that when you smile at that stranger, or love them on your own unique way. I know this isn't the most organized post but I have been gifted with dyslexia and a messy colorful stew of right brain thought. The message will be received despite the packaging. If a single being gains a single quanta of gain from this the creator will smile, in them, myself and holy. If anything in here is a stumbling block, you know what to do C: I just wanted to get some thoughts out and into the ether and the on our cyber community. I have been taking the time to make my posts organized but my heart tells me to be mysloppyself and experiment. It actually seems I am more loving when I am more true to my gooey self. neat. thanks for being here, love you all. In summary: I've been very anxious/hurt this past year but can handle it so all the more reason to love those anxious/hurt people have greater difficulty. and think about the gift you have of being spiritually awake despite the painful catalyst that inherently goes with it. the creator inside that yearns to speak has spoken. /end art
09-30-2012, 03:28 AM
Ok who is against the universe in providing an appropriate mechanism for harvest?
09-30-2012, 08:39 PM
Gotta love Avocado's posts!
At the end of the day it reminds me that "All is well". ![]()
09-30-2012, 10:47 PM
i am totally for sudden harvest
pleeeeeeaassee lol i really miss home
10-01-2012, 04:57 AM
My own thoughts is that people will experience the harvest in the exact way that is most beneficial to them. For some that may be quick, for others it may be gradual.
For myself, I want a quick harvest because I have this intense longing to go home. However, I am preparing myself for a long harvest because my want for a quick harvest could mean it's best for a gradual harvest to occur for me personally. I'll learn patience yet ![]() My question is, after 2012, will Earth begin to have a "Golden Age" that signifies the beginning of harvest?
10-01-2012, 08:49 AM
(10-01-2012, 04:57 AM)SometimesThere Wrote: ... Our new government here in Québec is certainly (and surprisingly) making big and quick changes toward this direction. It really feels like money is not the driving factor in these decisions. Maybe that is why there was an assassination attempt on our new prime minister on election day. Is it possible that our new PM is not part of the controlling Elites? Anyway, there are signs of change for sure. ![]()
10-01-2012, 09:13 AM
10-01-2012, 09:58 AM
(10-01-2012, 08:49 AM)Patrick Wrote:(10-01-2012, 04:57 AM)SometimesThere Wrote: ... This certainly makes me more hopeful! ![]()
10-01-2012, 10:37 AM
(10-01-2012, 09:58 AM)SometimesThere Wrote:(10-01-2012, 08:49 AM)Patrick Wrote:(10-01-2012, 04:57 AM)SometimesThere Wrote: ... We are seriously getting rid of some corruption right now. I do not understand why the Elites are allowing these witnesses to live and testify. The whole ugly truth is coming out in public and no one seems to be stopping it. There really is something going on.
10-01-2012, 05:28 PM
(10-01-2012, 10:37 AM)Patrick Wrote: There really is something going on. Harvest is going on. Both for positive-oriented entities and negative. As everyone here may sufficiently be aware by now, this planet's collective evolutionary pull leans more heavily towards a positive polarization rather than a negative one. Thus, the planet becomes a positive 4th density planet. Naturally, as this sphere continues to transition and align/calibrate to the green-ray vibratory spectrum, negative graduates are naturally being relocated to more appropriate 4D environments where they may continue to seek the Creator in their own way. Thus, due to this increasing vibratory "mismatch," shall we say, the negative influence (as well as the "lukewarms") is quickly leaving this planetary environment, whilst the positive influence remains and begins to manifest more clearly and strongly. [*] In short: negatively potentials will/are diminish/ing due to their own harvest (which is partially why the negative power/sway is decreasing). Though the harvest may be quite different on an individual basis, as a planetary whole this transitory process shall continue to extend roughly over the next 50-100☥ years—or to put it in a different perspective: the planet shall properly become a fully-activated 4th density planet within the next generation (i.e. the current/old generation of 3D incarnated entities will, out of necessity, gradually yet rapidly diminish over the next years through the death process, and those entities who match this planet's new 4D positive vibrations will join in as a new generation of 4D bodies via a natural re-birth, or re-cycling, process). EDIT: ☥This is not a prophetic prediction engraved in stone, just a vague intuitive approximation supported by meditative intra-personal channeling. Although individual harvesting times and conditions may vary, collectively-speaking, a 50 year (give or take) transitory period is an extremely short time-span for complete graduation into 4th density full-on. [*] This doesn't negate the possibility/probability of a intensified increase in civil/social unrest, police/military armed enforcement, as well as bellicose activities over the course of the next few years. Both the remaining negatively-oriented entities attempting to graduate as well as the positive ones will see this as a great and valuable opportunity/challenge to work on their polarization—a "test of polarity," if you will.
10-01-2012, 05:32 PM
When someone dies, does their influence on the planetary vibrations stop?