06-16-2012, 09:46 PM
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06-17-2012, 10:29 PM
I wasn't aware of the flares this weekend so tried to remember what my emotions were like - they're roller-coastery at the best of times. The previous week I felt very depressed after my initial elation during the Venus Transit.
So it was nice to find that Saturday and Sunday I was full of love. I kept looking at my son and the intense emotion of love was overwhelming at times. We watched Jim Carrey's Liar Liar and laughed endlessly, I was relaxed and calm....mostly. I'm finding these cosmic events produce positive feelings within me which last quite a few days, then an inevitable downward spiral emotionally for about a week. But the down times are not as bad as they were months ago, and don't last as long. And the highs last for days rather than a random hour here or there. It's constant balancing in an upward direction. Also as per the Venus Transit the office has a pall of gloom over it. I'm finding my emotions nearly the complete opposite to that of my co-workers. It's interesting....haven't quite figured out why yet.
07-06-2012, 11:48 AM
Bunch of solar activity going on right now and also coming up soon:
http://spaceweather.com/archive.php?view...&year=2012' Wrote:WAVES OF IONIZATION: Sunspot AR1515 is strobing Earth with C- and M-class solar flares. Each pulse of x-rays and extreme UV radiation creates a wave of ionization in our planet's upper atmosphere. These sudden ionospheric disturbances, also known as "SIDs," alter the propagation of radio signals around Earth. Yesterday, amateur scientist Roberto Battaiola detected a series of SIDs over Pantigliate, Italy:
07-15-2012, 02:31 AM
more interesting info by the watchers... seems like the CMEs are contributing to our collective awakening, via their effects on the pineal gland ![]()
07-15-2012, 08:31 AM
was there a solar flare yesterday?
did anyone feel anything?
07-15-2012, 08:44 AM
it would be more accurate to ask "was there no solar flare?"
![]() since there are so many these days, the sun keeps on erupting. Yes a big one occurred thursday, and hit earth saturday evening. Did you notice anything? I didn't really, to be honest. Maybe I am getting immune to them ![]() maybe your new liking spree is a consequence of the incoming 4D love vibes? ![]()
07-15-2012, 08:55 AM
(07-15-2012, 08:44 AM)Meerie Wrote: it would be more accurate to ask "was there no solar flare?" there's that big one for 2012 right, the one that blows up the sun? (in a good way). I don't follow astrology much; only what my astrologer friend tells me. He reminds me of the full moon because I forget to look at the skies (earth bound capricorn, always staring at his heels ![]() yeah, the solar flare made me give away likes. I LIKE!
07-15-2012, 10:55 AM
(07-15-2012, 10:55 AM)zenmaster Wrote:(07-15-2012, 08:55 AM)plenum Wrote: there's that big one for 2012 right, the one that blows up the sun? (in a good way).Where did you get that info, from DW? I think he mentioned it, but I don't read anything he says anymore (for about 2-3 years). no, I was remembering that crop circle that showed the sun's field extending up to earth's and beyond. that said, I'm not maxxing out my credit cards right now lol. - - ever wondered if the crop circles themselves could be a psy-op? Quote:Two, the arrangement of certain stones in order to suggest strong influences of power, this being those of statues and of rock formations in your Pacific areas, as you now call them, and to an extent in your Central American regions, as you now understand them.
07-15-2012, 12:31 PM
(07-15-2012, 11:11 AM)plenum Wrote:Crop circles never appealed to me as being authoritative info sources or even insightful. In many cases the intricate designs are rather nice, but as symbols they tend to be pop-culturally insipid and uninspiring. People like puzzles to solve.(07-15-2012, 10:55 AM)zenmaster Wrote:(07-15-2012, 08:55 AM)plenum Wrote: there's that big one for 2012 right, the one that blows up the sun? (in a good way).Where did you get that info, from DW? (07-15-2012, 11:11 AM)plenum Wrote: ever wondered if the crop circles themselves could be a psy-op?No, but anything is possible. It doesn't seem likely due to there being more effective options for influence and the small fringe being interested enough in the first place.
07-16-2012, 09:49 AM
(07-15-2012, 08:31 AM)plenum Wrote: was there a solar flare yesterday? I've come to believe that I am feeling effects of solar flares lately. This time it started (for me) early Friday morning (USA Central Time) and continued until sometime yesterday afternoon. I feel completely buzzed! Physically tingly and energized. But I slept really well last night, finally. And increased incidence of solar flares is the only thing that seems to track with these feelings.
07-16-2012, 11:39 AM
It feels to me like solar flares increase the power of catalyst. Maybe this is to aid us in attaining the harvest soon? For those not aware of the workings of catalyst the flares seem to make everything frantic and stressful (a lot of my friends complained about having terrible days on friday and saturday) but those aware of the process can make good use of this increase in energy.
(07-16-2012, 09:49 AM)Ruth Wrote:(07-15-2012, 08:31 AM)plenum Wrote: was there a solar flare yesterday? This coincides with the G2 geomagnetic storm that was going in that time period. That certainly lends itself to the idea that solar activity effects mood. I have been on edge/uneasy since the solar radiation storm hit us right after the CME was launched on up until yesterday when the storms were subsiding. I finally feel *normal* today. Spaced Wrote:It feels to me like solar flares increase the power of catalyst. Maybe this is to aid us in attaining the harvest soon? For those not aware of the workings of catalyst the flares seem to make everything frantic and stressful (a lot of my friends complained about having terrible days on friday and saturday) but those aware of the process can make good use of this increase in energy. That is an interesting concept, but since I am aware of the nature of catalyst, I wonder if CME's simply effect people in different ways. * Parsons shrugs * Parsons adds this concept to the list of questions for GW_V he is going to ask ![]() I did notice, however, that on this indicator in the magnetic field component, it was mostly well within the negative range every time I checked it since the CME was launched. I wonder if negative particles = negative emotions (for some)? ![]()
07-17-2012, 01:47 AM
(07-16-2012, 02:38 PM)Parsons Wrote:(07-16-2012, 09:49 AM)Ruth Wrote: [quote='plenum' pid='91721' dateline='1342355506']I did notice, however, that on this indicator in the magnetic field component, it was mostly well within the negative range every time I checked it since the CME was launched. I wonder if negative particles = negative emotions (for some)? Does this relate to negative ions? That's meant to make you feel good.
07-17-2012, 02:43 AM
Parsons, I think it effects people in different ways. It might simply work that way, that the CMEs accentuate whatever predisposition you have... if that day you are angry, depressed etc. it might worsen it. If you are relaxed and in a good mood, likewise, buzzing and tingling, as Ruth described it.
Here are some pics from the effects of thursdays CME, aurora borealis in Minnesota. Was anyone able to witness it? Aaron? ![]() http://www.telegraph.co.uk/earth/earthvi...skies.html#
07-17-2012, 09:44 AM
I'm kind of bummed that I live in the city and was unable to view the northern lights as that's something I'd love to see.
07-17-2012, 10:07 AM
That being said, do you think that our emotional gravity will continue to increase? Magnified, I mean. It seems to me that over the past few months I've seen this effect in myself, to an extreme.
I'm able to see clearly the joy around me, but negative emotions also roll downhill quickly. It's as if the old fog is gone, and I can spiritually move about a little too quickly. (07-17-2012, 02:43 AM)Meerie Wrote: Parsons, I think it effects people in different ways. It might simply work that way, that the CMEs accentuate whatever predisposition you have... if that day you are angry, depressed etc. it might worsen it. If you are relaxed and in a good mood, likewise, buzzing and tingling, as Ruth described it.
09-03-2012, 07:22 PM
Have you guys seen the video of the beautiful CME that erupted last Friday?
it's on www.spaceweather.com, I can't get a direct link but it's really beautiful. Apparently the CME hit today but it was a glancing blow. It's caused a moderate magnetic storm.
09-03-2012, 07:29 PM
(07-17-2012, 10:07 AM)kdsii Wrote: That being said, do you think that our emotional gravity will continue to increase? Magnified, I mean. It seems to me that over the past few months I've seen this effect in myself, to an extreme. I agree with Meerie. I've been pretty calm lately. Haven't felt any stronger emotional gravity. Work has kept me busy, and though I've got a pressing deadline, it's not been more than I can handle. So I just feel fortunate to have a job. (09-03-2012, 07:22 PM)Spaced Wrote: Have you guys seen the video of the beautiful CME that erupted last Friday? Ah this explains everything, including why I am feeling energy on my yellow ray chakra. There was/is a noticeable realignment of energies going on.
09-03-2012, 09:00 PM
Yellow ray chakra. I've felt it there too. These last few months I've been feeling it strongly. My green ray though has been what I've focused on.
09-03-2012, 09:08 PM
(09-03-2012, 09:00 PM)Gemini Wolf Wrote: Yellow ray chakra. I've felt it there too. These last few months I've been feeling it strongly. My green ray though has been what I've focused on. I normally only feel my indigo ray chakra, but yesterday and today I have been feeling the yellow ray quite well. And two nights ago I was being worked on energetically by some entities. Last time I went through something similar was on the 11.11.11 gateway last year. There really is something going on.
09-03-2012, 09:15 PM
The last time I really felt my solar plexus chakra strongly, I thought it was being blocked, which was separating me from everyone else. This frightened me because I thought it was STS to have a blocked solar plexus. I think though the STS have a very potent solar plexus because they use it to open indigo if I recall correctly.
I don't recall experiencing anything on 11/11/11. But on October 28, 2011 I think it was (when that other person predicted the end of the Mayan calendar that was different than 2012), I had a major experience that I had to go seek help. It makes me wonder about 2012 how I will react to the energies.
09-04-2012, 08:03 PM
check out some of the auroras that have been photographed during this recent magnetic storm
![]() Here's some that I like ![]() ![]() ![]()
09-04-2012, 08:07 PM
Wow, beautiful Spaced. They really light up the ground.
09-04-2012, 08:14 PM
Keep in mind that in the northern latitudes the days are still very long so the nights don't get too dark, with the sun sort of hovering around the horizon all night. In the winter those auroras would likely be brighter.
09-29-2012, 03:46 PM
There's been another CME yesterday, here's a picture of the cloud heading to Earth:
![]() should get here some time tomorrow.
09-29-2012, 04:19 PM
(09-29-2012, 03:46 PM)Spaced Wrote: There's been another CME yesterdayMore info here: http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/sunear...2-cme.html
09-29-2012, 05:18 PM
I wonder what Sol and Terra are talking about? (in reference to the CME)
And I wonder if this is part of the conversation? If so, it sounds like they are singing to each other like cetaceans. http://spaceweather.com/archive.php?view...&year=2012' Wrote:EERIE EARTHSONG: A NASA spacecraft has recorded eerie-sounding radio emissions coming from our own planet. These beautiful "songs of Earth" could, ironically, be responsible for the proliferation of deadly electrons in the Van Allen Belts. |