06-27-2012, 08:55 AM
Moved from this thread http://www.bring4th.org/forums/showthread.php?tid=5099
Is Carla the greatest channeler of all time? Michael Topper argued so in his review of A Channeling Handbook
Some quotes from that review:
Is Carla the greatest channeler of all time? Michael Topper argued so in his review of A Channeling Handbook
Some quotes from that review:
Quote:Without hesitation, then, we present to our readership a brief review of A Channeling Handbook written by the greatest channeler of all time, Carla L. Rueckert.
How can old Monty make such a claim? How dare he state something so baldly?
It's not that difficult to pare the field, even where there seems to be an overwhelming profusion of channeled material not only from the "fad" of recent history but from records ancient and all-but-sacrosanci from such long-term wear. The Old Testament prophets, for example, virtually channelers-all, while certainly qualifying for consideration by the sheer power of their characteristically fiery communications nonetheless lack—let's face it—the virtue of profuse, insightful information rationally stated and metaphysically plausible which many of the better channeled communications of modern origin clearly exhibit (making these latter-day missives stand, by any reasonable evaluation, head-andshoulders—so to speak—above any of the extradimensional invectives delivered to the specialized contexts of some "Sodom and Gomorrah"). We can, therefore, with nary a remorse, strike off a whole region of metaphysical signal-transference as belonging to a past tense of relatively immature development, critically limited in depth and quality of the intercepted "content" (Jehovah generated or not); by comparison especially, we may consider the general "present tense" of modern-day channeling to be an era of "maturity" and "ripeness" (fortunately you can't see Monty blanch in penning these words). Out of the available pool of modern "channeled" materials then, perhaps beginning arbitrarily with the disputed "Mahatma" letters of Blavatsky that kicked off the "modern era" back in the 1800's, we may quickly winnow the weedy field since virtually all such communications clearly parcel out into identifiable expression of a given "density" in the hierarchy of dimensional integrities.
Quote:Since the rarest and correspondingly most valuable communication from a discarnate source is going to proceed from 6th density, we may assume that once we've located such a source we have, ipso facto, located the most likely candidate for "greatest all-time channeling". There is in fact only one major 6th density source-communication in all the available channeled literature, ancient or modern. Suddenly the most-likely candidacy becomes eminently easy to discern. For the Ra material is indeed the single such available source. Inspection and critical comparison of that source with all the others, singly or collectively, demonstrates beyond doubt that the Ra material exhibits the most thorough-going, consistent, wide-embracing and deeply accomplished metaphysic available from any channeled origin (which places it "up there", automatically, with the greatest philosophical expression of any kind). From internal evidence and direct deposition of the parties involved in channeling such a narrowband communication, there was a factor of difficulty correspondingly great and proportionally calibrated to the Magnitude of the Source. Carla L. Rueckert was herself the actual channel, and it is her book on channeling which we have before us in review.
It is exactly the degree of difficulty experienced by the participants of the Ra channeling, which sets that work apart and demonstrates that the art of channeling in its highest form is inseparable from true spiritual practice. It is precisely that degree of difficulty requiring a redoubled dedication and continually renewed service-orientation that obliged the participants to pass constantly beyond themselves. It is for this reason that we may confidently turn to the voice of Carla Rueckert in her Channeling Handbook as the practiced expression of one who became, through such initiatic ordeal, not only a "seasoned professional" but the exemplification of that higher development potentially available through one of the "spiritual" or "metaphysical" means that currently presents itself on the Human Potentials front. In confrontation with the challenge of giving "birth" to an Expression of such (normally) unmanageable dimension, the participants were faced with the implicit choice of dropping it altogether or developing into a higher order of their own Possibility. For it became quickly apparent that a new and uncustomary mode of intensity, an uncommon degree of personal integration, vigilance, group unity and individual initiative was required even to contemplate dealing with so delicate a brand of communication rife with hazard and opportunity for consequential error.