05-23-2012, 11:40 PM
I'm not sure how many of you are familiar with Tantra as practiced in Buddhism. Lots of people have heard of the sexual aspects of Tantra, and obviously we know about the energy centers and kundalini, which are a big part of it, if we've read a lot of this channeled material. But one of the main practical points of Buddhist Tantra is finding ways to take tough emotions like envy, pride, anger, and lust and bring them onto the path of love/wisdom by transforming them into something useful. I'm not "officially" a tantric practitioner but I do know the gist of it so I want to share some approaches to self-transformation I don't usually hear much about outside Buddhist circles. Hopefully this helps someone.
Tantric Buddhists have lovingly crafted untold numbers of paintings of buddha-figures which are often depicted as peaceful and loving-looking (see the links below):
Chenrezig with four arms
Manjushri with the sword of wisdom
Green Tara, embodiment of active compassion
It's a common Buddhist practice to envision yourself as one of these peaceful deities, and it's found in other religions and spiritual systems too. You know the drill: Imagine yourself meditating in a Merkaba, radiating divine light; imagine yourself as an angel of some sort; imagine yourself in a light body, et cetera. These meditations are all positive and helpful in my experience - but I can't always do them, which I will talk about in a bit.
Now there are also images of "wrathful" deities in Buddhism, which are like hideous multi-headed monsters drinking blood out of human skulls, wearing garlands of severed heads, and wreathed in destructive flame. They appear in the manner of demons (see the following):
Rahula, one ugly motherf***er who devours defiled mind-states
Maha Shri Heruka, the Mother/Father deity in wrathful form
Vajrabhairava, "The Indestructible Terrifier" (NSFW maybe, he's exposing himself.)
Why would enlightened beings be depicted in this way? One of the reasons is to remind people that the One Mind is still the One Mind, whether it's angry and consumed by negative emotion or calm and placid. It's all divine - but if you work within the Law of One philosophy, you already know that. But these beings aren't just showing us the fundamental nonduality of clean and unclean mental states, they are giving us a clue as to how we can work with painful mind states directly as they arise to actually use those negative energies themselves for practicing the spiritual path.
You're probably familiar with the situation of being really angry and feeling like it's impossible to "be spiritual" in that state. I definitely am. When I'm in that state, I have the option of trying to get myself out of it, waiting until I'm more peaceful, and then doing a spiritual practice from the basis of that peaceful state, fueling it with positive emotions which are missing while I'm angry. But this requires a delay, and in my experience, instead of just waiting to calm down naturally I am tempted to actually repress my emotions so they can come back with friends another day. But in the moment I'm angry, I can use that anger directly, in a constructive way, by visualizing myself as a wrathful deity.
So, an example: I am angry, too angry to do a peaceful visualization. So I use that anger to fuel a wrathful visualization, which I am more capable of in that situation. Suddenly I feel myself to be in a hideous, twisted body with wicked claws and horribly angry, grimacing heads sprouting off everywhere. Their mouths are filled with fangs, they're breathing fire - and this is all very crisply and purely generated because I'm not fighting my angry state. I feel like a demon, so it's very easy to visualize myself as one.
So why is this positive? Because I'm about to transform that rage. All it takes is one momentary thought of compassion to activate the hidden power in this anger. I take the single moment of compassionate intent I can find in this maelstrom and suddenly, the heads emit a piercing shriek which blasts everyone in the world to shreds! Left behind are dark, shadowy forms representing their suffering and defiled emotions. All my heads begin inhaling those forms with a massive wind and greedily devouring them in their fanged jaws, my anger now being directed positively toward the causes of others' misery, and not to them. Then when all is clear, I make a gesture or some such demonstration that I wish for their bodies to be reassembled into a new, pure state, my anger having been worked off. They are re-made without any pain or suffering whatsoever.
So if I can just find one shred of love in my angry state, that combination of pure anger energy plus that little bit of love can fuel an amazing visualization that transforms the whole situation into a source for wisdom. These visualizations, as I have experienced them, just need that one little piece of love to turn a whole terrible mind-state into something great.
I often find myself doing this in other ways. I'm a very angry person! You've probably heard of the practice of inhaling other people's sufferings as a smoky mist and then breathing light out onto them. I have so much anger to deal with that it's sometimes easier for me to imagine myself in the form of a hideous demon, chopping off their head, and violently, hungrily sucking toxic black goop out of them. The violence of the act burns off the anger, which has been subverted to a spiritual purpose. Then it's easy to imagine putting their head back on them and letting them walk away as if it didn't happen. And if I have more anger to burn off, I just think of other wrathful visualizations to use.
The general idea is to treat negative emotions as friends and not be afraid of them by tapping into their raw and powerful energy in a skillful way. This can generate very crisp visualizations, as I said, because it doesn't resist what's there or seek to change it. It just redirects it. It's also hard not to feel like a bad*ss when you're in a wrathful form. The worst energies to deal with are like nothing to a demon straight out of hell. So this can lead to some powerful changes in the energy centers because of just how much symbolic thought-matter you can chew through in a single session. And it may not be something you could have done with peaceful visualizations alone. If your anger is strong, it might be your best spiritual base to work from when visualizing.
Now I really haven't worked too much with other energies like attachment, envy, pride, et cetera using this method. But the general gist of it is, when your mind is dominated by one of those states, to somehow mix that with just a drop of compassionate intent from the part of you that's still wise and loving to channel it positively. This avoids the error of repression that is all too easy to make, which leads to problems later. So I'm sure if you have a lot of these other emotions, you can find a visualization that works to transform them, too. I'd be very happy to hear you share it.
Wrathful visualizations have helped me to become less afraid of turbulent emotion because now I'm used to the fact that it's not actually inherently destructive. It can be spontaneously transformed. Keeping in mind the fact that all mind states are part of a single One, and are therefore equal, gives us what we need to approach this confidently. It's all divine radiance, so nothing is too unholy to be turned into a spiritual tool. That, as I understand it, is the real essence of Tantra. Nothing is rejected and everything is used.
Hopefully you got something useful out of this post.
I'm not sure how many of you are familiar with Tantra as practiced in Buddhism. Lots of people have heard of the sexual aspects of Tantra, and obviously we know about the energy centers and kundalini, which are a big part of it, if we've read a lot of this channeled material. But one of the main practical points of Buddhist Tantra is finding ways to take tough emotions like envy, pride, anger, and lust and bring them onto the path of love/wisdom by transforming them into something useful. I'm not "officially" a tantric practitioner but I do know the gist of it so I want to share some approaches to self-transformation I don't usually hear much about outside Buddhist circles. Hopefully this helps someone.
Tantric Buddhists have lovingly crafted untold numbers of paintings of buddha-figures which are often depicted as peaceful and loving-looking (see the links below):
Chenrezig with four arms
Manjushri with the sword of wisdom
Green Tara, embodiment of active compassion
It's a common Buddhist practice to envision yourself as one of these peaceful deities, and it's found in other religions and spiritual systems too. You know the drill: Imagine yourself meditating in a Merkaba, radiating divine light; imagine yourself as an angel of some sort; imagine yourself in a light body, et cetera. These meditations are all positive and helpful in my experience - but I can't always do them, which I will talk about in a bit.
Now there are also images of "wrathful" deities in Buddhism, which are like hideous multi-headed monsters drinking blood out of human skulls, wearing garlands of severed heads, and wreathed in destructive flame. They appear in the manner of demons (see the following):
Rahula, one ugly motherf***er who devours defiled mind-states
Maha Shri Heruka, the Mother/Father deity in wrathful form
Vajrabhairava, "The Indestructible Terrifier" (NSFW maybe, he's exposing himself.)
Why would enlightened beings be depicted in this way? One of the reasons is to remind people that the One Mind is still the One Mind, whether it's angry and consumed by negative emotion or calm and placid. It's all divine - but if you work within the Law of One philosophy, you already know that. But these beings aren't just showing us the fundamental nonduality of clean and unclean mental states, they are giving us a clue as to how we can work with painful mind states directly as they arise to actually use those negative energies themselves for practicing the spiritual path.
You're probably familiar with the situation of being really angry and feeling like it's impossible to "be spiritual" in that state. I definitely am. When I'm in that state, I have the option of trying to get myself out of it, waiting until I'm more peaceful, and then doing a spiritual practice from the basis of that peaceful state, fueling it with positive emotions which are missing while I'm angry. But this requires a delay, and in my experience, instead of just waiting to calm down naturally I am tempted to actually repress my emotions so they can come back with friends another day. But in the moment I'm angry, I can use that anger directly, in a constructive way, by visualizing myself as a wrathful deity.
So, an example: I am angry, too angry to do a peaceful visualization. So I use that anger to fuel a wrathful visualization, which I am more capable of in that situation. Suddenly I feel myself to be in a hideous, twisted body with wicked claws and horribly angry, grimacing heads sprouting off everywhere. Their mouths are filled with fangs, they're breathing fire - and this is all very crisply and purely generated because I'm not fighting my angry state. I feel like a demon, so it's very easy to visualize myself as one.
So why is this positive? Because I'm about to transform that rage. All it takes is one momentary thought of compassion to activate the hidden power in this anger. I take the single moment of compassionate intent I can find in this maelstrom and suddenly, the heads emit a piercing shriek which blasts everyone in the world to shreds! Left behind are dark, shadowy forms representing their suffering and defiled emotions. All my heads begin inhaling those forms with a massive wind and greedily devouring them in their fanged jaws, my anger now being directed positively toward the causes of others' misery, and not to them. Then when all is clear, I make a gesture or some such demonstration that I wish for their bodies to be reassembled into a new, pure state, my anger having been worked off. They are re-made without any pain or suffering whatsoever.
So if I can just find one shred of love in my angry state, that combination of pure anger energy plus that little bit of love can fuel an amazing visualization that transforms the whole situation into a source for wisdom. These visualizations, as I have experienced them, just need that one little piece of love to turn a whole terrible mind-state into something great.
I often find myself doing this in other ways. I'm a very angry person! You've probably heard of the practice of inhaling other people's sufferings as a smoky mist and then breathing light out onto them. I have so much anger to deal with that it's sometimes easier for me to imagine myself in the form of a hideous demon, chopping off their head, and violently, hungrily sucking toxic black goop out of them. The violence of the act burns off the anger, which has been subverted to a spiritual purpose. Then it's easy to imagine putting their head back on them and letting them walk away as if it didn't happen. And if I have more anger to burn off, I just think of other wrathful visualizations to use.
The general idea is to treat negative emotions as friends and not be afraid of them by tapping into their raw and powerful energy in a skillful way. This can generate very crisp visualizations, as I said, because it doesn't resist what's there or seek to change it. It just redirects it. It's also hard not to feel like a bad*ss when you're in a wrathful form. The worst energies to deal with are like nothing to a demon straight out of hell. So this can lead to some powerful changes in the energy centers because of just how much symbolic thought-matter you can chew through in a single session. And it may not be something you could have done with peaceful visualizations alone. If your anger is strong, it might be your best spiritual base to work from when visualizing.
Now I really haven't worked too much with other energies like attachment, envy, pride, et cetera using this method. But the general gist of it is, when your mind is dominated by one of those states, to somehow mix that with just a drop of compassionate intent from the part of you that's still wise and loving to channel it positively. This avoids the error of repression that is all too easy to make, which leads to problems later. So I'm sure if you have a lot of these other emotions, you can find a visualization that works to transform them, too. I'd be very happy to hear you share it.
Wrathful visualizations have helped me to become less afraid of turbulent emotion because now I'm used to the fact that it's not actually inherently destructive. It can be spontaneously transformed. Keeping in mind the fact that all mind states are part of a single One, and are therefore equal, gives us what we need to approach this confidently. It's all divine radiance, so nothing is too unholy to be turned into a spiritual tool. That, as I understand it, is the real essence of Tantra. Nothing is rejected and everything is used.
Hopefully you got something useful out of this post.