12-16-2009, 05:36 PM
Peregrinus: Your soul is very beautiful in all it's perceived faults and flaws. They are part of you and you are a splendid one to behold.

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12-16-2009, 05:36 PM
Peregrinus: Your soul is very beautiful in all it's perceived faults and flaws. They are part of you and you are a splendid one to behold.
12-16-2009, 05:48 PM
(12-16-2009, 05:33 PM)Ali Quadir Wrote: Just because it's a rocket doesn't make the whole thing any less miraculous. I am absolutely certain from the experiences of my life that I receive higher density guidance. I experience events in the world as guided. If this consciousness speaks out to me, it unvaryingly does so through natural events that are possible but just extremely unlikely. The unlikely is often how they draw our attention. Witnessing the unlikely opens us up even if ever so slightly. If I say I believe, it's not because I saw the impossible happen. It's because I learned that the "improbable" is sometimes a likely explanation taking all things into consideration. Beautifully said! This entire post rocks!!
12-16-2009, 06:27 PM
Have any of you had a chance to look at this? What do you think? Could this be it?
12-20-2009, 02:43 AM
(This post was last modified: 12-20-2009, 04:52 AM by Peregrinus.)
First off, as many videos of the event are quickly having sound (speech) removed, as well as videos themselves disapearing, many new ones are coming to light.
This is one of several crop circles which have this type of shape ![]() Then check this out, a birds eye view of the phenomena, taken from a satellite? (No reference for responsibility) It doesn't look like it was moving very fast if it was a (cough)rocket(cough) ... actually, not at all. Birds Eye View Then check this out, go to clip 4, and watch (if you don't want to watch all of the clips) from about 35 seconds onward. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sm7YRCXFHVE and then, an exclusive interview with Bjørn Andreassen, Director of Stockholm University’s Space Research Centre: Quote:From Corot 7B? http://www.getxnews.com/tag/hole-in-the-sky/
12-20-2009, 04:18 AM
Hello peregrinus
Seems like we're watching the same vids on the same website. At the same time i'm pondering my recent problems with an infection from a removed tooth and a dentist not taking responsiblity for not having listened to me both of the times i revisited him, saying all was OK...this should of course be posted in the vaccination thread where i would meditate upon the fact that this should be my own responability having drawn this upon myself according to the view from 3Dsunset.. Also mars is going retrograde and mercury very soon now being slow, reflecting misunderstandings, bad judgment, communicationproblems, missing information...but also old friends popping up, finding lost items etc. A time to reconsider, reshedule etc. This ties in perfectly with the cover up of this Norwegian mystery Light Show. By 2010 in late january perhaps the truth will be revieled as mercury goes direct, mars will continue for half a year. My trip to see my family cancelled both because of my own healthissues and my dogs arthritis. But i have discovered the love and the blessing in this situation too. Pple are helpful and compassionate and i am forced to break my isolationistic tendencies and to ask for help before it's too late. Mars retrograde can also symbolise "expressing one's needs"... What are our collective needs and how are they reflected in this martian Light Phenomenon? transiten
12-20-2009, 08:08 AM
(12-20-2009, 04:18 AM)transiten Wrote: i would meditate upon the fact that this should be my own responability having drawn this upon myself according to the view from 3Dsunset.. Dearest transiten, Please find attached to this note a bundle of Love and Light for you and your dear canine companion. I hope it arrives soon and can act, in some small way as a tonic to help relieve your aching tooth and your dog's arthritis. Open it immediately upon arrival, no need to wait until Christmas. I don't so much feel that you brought it on yourself (a statement sounding rather like karmic payback - an interesting but different topic), but rather that this experience is something that you need at this time for some reason. I hope you revel in the discovery of it. ![]() ![]() ![]() 3D Sunset
12-20-2009, 02:42 PM
Hi transiten,
I agree with 3D sunset. You are troubled because you have made it so. This is not some random thing that is happening to you. It is your choice, and in this choosing you will learn something. From learning something, you will see this illusion in a new light, and from that perception, you will move forward. One of my favourite sayings is "Without the rain, one could never appreciate the sunshine". Know that you are loved and cherished, and though it may seem difficult now, things will get better. Like 3D, I have sent you my love, and the universe confirmed it has gone to you. I find what you have said interesting. I have indeed seen the result of misunderstandings, bad judgment, communication problems, missing information. I would say that generally, people seem to be aware, more than ever, that something is happening, and are restless and disturbed because of it. As much as they try to remove these feeling with occupying themselves in activities and material possessions, they just aren't satiated. Of course, some of us know why, but it is for them to understand in their own time. I have also had old friends popping up. Two weeks ago I ran into a girlfriend I had and haven't seen since 19 years ago. Many other old friends have been popping into my life too.
12-20-2009, 03:28 PM
transiten: Whatever you decide to be or do you have my support.
12-20-2009, 04:41 PM
Thankyou guys for you support
![]() Moon is now trining my radix Moon reflecting an emotional state of equilibrum and calm which i feel in spite of the hardships i'm going through at the moment, even the classical music on the radio is harmonious and soothing. I cannot find a way to connect my reply to this thread...hmmmm...let's see.....Heureca! Norway is scorpio like me obsessed with mysteries ![]() Bonne nuit from transiten
12-20-2009, 05:28 PM
This report has a great video of a bulava misslie spiralling, and ending up doing as missiles that spiral do... blowing up!
12-20-2009, 06:22 PM
Peregrinus, didn't you know! When missiles explode they create a black hole!
12-20-2009, 07:38 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-20-2009, 07:39 PM by Peregrinus.)
I have many times in my life had people tell me I was very intelligent for figuring things out that others always failed to figure out, sometimes what groups had failed to figure out over long periods of time. I am an inherent problem solver, always seeking the answers in my own way. As my Meyers-Briggs assessment says, when others look at something and say "Why?", I look at the same thing and say "Why not?". I am adamant, though, that I am no more intelligent than anyone else. I am, however, doggedly persistent. I have many time stayed up for two or three days if there is a problem I need to solve. The funny thing is that the solution usually comes to me after I wake up from dreaming of the answer! One has to love the higher self!
I might still be looking for logical proof of this stargate on Dec 20th 2012... I just don't give up, hehe.
12-21-2009, 05:24 AM
(12-20-2009, 06:22 PM)ayadew Wrote: Peregrinus, didn't you know! When missiles explode they create a black hole! In this case of course it's more like: "When a missile cuts it's engine it's exhaust trail will stop being produced and from a distance seem like it's moving away from the engine at the speed of the rocket exhaust velocity."
12-21-2009, 06:18 AM
Sorry, I'm just making fun of this game we're playing
12-21-2009, 07:14 AM
Making is practice our non detachment to opinion... That's what you're doing.
Grumble, grumble....
12-25-2009, 04:12 AM
(This post was last modified: 12-25-2009, 04:23 AM by Questioner.)
(12-15-2009, 08:09 PM)Peregrinus Wrote: I wish I had great animation skills so I could make a pretty animation of "how the rocket spewed fuel" with realism. What was portrayed in the video did not follow physics of a rocket which had a release of energy with multiple inertia directional influences. This animation showed the continued inertial direction of flight without consideration to the force exerted to the side. I could go on for hours into nitpicking so many things wrong with this. For those of us who are not rocket scientists or chemical engineers, a few more nitpicks would be helpful for understanding. Could you do some kind of simple sketch with arrows showing the relevant vectors, which would be informative even if it's less than a 3D sequel to Avatar? ![]() (12-16-2009, 08:36 AM)Ali Quadir Wrote: You're clear about your final conclusion. Unless you want to compare notes on various aspects of the phenomenon, I'm going to practice my new found hobby of just letting things be. Maybe I should try out that hobby as well in the new year. ![]() I want to thank and admire the back-and-forth analysts in this thread for demonstrating such loving graciousness while expressing contrasting opinions. This example might be, for me, a more profound lesson than any facts that could be confirmed about the astronomical event. (12-16-2009, 01:00 PM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: The bottom line is that, even if it does meet all the criteria for possibly being a rocket, still does not tell us conclusively what it actually was...since we don't have any way of disproving other phenomena that it possibly could have been. Monica, I think that it would take more than one punched card to fully express that if-then-else chain in COBOL. ![]() (12-15-2009, 07:20 AM)transiten Wrote: Hello Ali Would you be willing to post a brief summary of their conclusions here, with a link back to their site for the full article? (12-15-2009, 05:34 PM)Ali Quadir Wrote: It was in my opinion a rocket. Do you find the rocket animation video compelling?
Goodmorning to you newbron christconsciousnesspple!
Go to www.divinecosmos.com and read Davids christmaspresent: His view on the Norway Light Phenomenon. Consider it a present from me also. I got STROOOOOOONG penicillin to cure my infectionprobelm and i'm SOOOOOOOO greatfu to BIG PHARMA this time...but i'm not getting the NHN1flu shot ![]() transiten (12-25-2009, 06:49 AM)transiten Wrote: Goodmorning to you newbron christconsciousnesspple! Two mercuryretrogradespellingerrors ![]() (12-25-2009, 06:49 AM)transiten Wrote: Goodmorning to you newbron christconsciousnesspple! Unintentionally making one more; mercury retrograde: doing things over and over again...
12-25-2009, 08:50 AM
I bet our friends in space finds our various interpretations quite humorous but loving.. to think that a simple light in the sky can spark so much imagination!
Our dear David sure has thought a lot about this to write a whole book.. But I will quote Terence McKenna "The mushrooms once told me that: If something isn't simple, you havn't thought about it long enough." I do recommend to read the whole thing still, it's very interesting.
12-25-2009, 01:01 PM
Transisten, merry Christmas and I hope your tooth feels better soon.
12-25-2009, 01:47 PM
Thankyou Aaron
...and there is no tooth anymore, i had the infection where it once was..hope it's a sign that i will finally grow up... ....feels great to know that monica will not remove my post for not sticking to the theme of the thread... transiten (12-25-2009, 04:12 AM)Questioner Wrote: I want to thank and admire the back-and-forth analysts in this thread for demonstrating such loving graciousness while expressing contrasting opinions. This example might be, for me, a more profound lesson than any facts that could be confirmed about the astronomical event. Ain't it cool! ![]() (12-25-2009, 04:12 AM)Questioner Wrote:(12-16-2009, 01:00 PM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: The bottom line is that, even if it does meet all the criteria for possibly being a rocket, still does not tell us conclusively what it actually was...since we don't have any way of disproving other phenomena that it possibly could have been. Indeed it would. Actually, it would end in an Otherwise condition, since there is no way we could eliminate all possibilities, since there might be unknown unknowns! (By the way, did you know I was a COBOL programmer for many years, when you made that comment? And another btw, I sent you a pm awhile back... ![]() (12-25-2009, 04:12 AM)Questioner Wrote: Would you be willing to post a brief summary of their conclusions here, with a link back to their site for the full article? I'd like to see that too! (12-25-2009, 01:47 PM)transiten Wrote: ....feels great to know that monica will not remove my post for not sticking to the theme of the thread... Gosh, we're not that fussy here! (Just don't do it again! HA JUST KIDDING!) I'm glad your ex-tooth is feeling better! (like the ex-parrot!) And thanks for the link - I will check it out! Oh and Merry Christmas (or Happy Yule, or whatever you might celebrate, if at all) to everyone!
12-25-2009, 10:44 PM
(12-25-2009, 10:12 PM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: (By the way, did you know I was a COBOL programmer for many years, when you made that comment? You'd mentioned that you've been involved with computers for many years. I'm not sure if you mentioned COBOL, that was just a guess on my part. I didn't deliberately ignore any private messages, so please resend it if you can.
12-26-2009, 12:04 AM
(12-25-2009, 01:47 PM)transiten Wrote: ...and there is no tooth anymore, i had the infection where it once was..hope it's a sign that i will finally grow up... I heard somewhere that we get a third set of teeth when we get past 120, but with the harvest in less than three years, I don't think we have anything to worry about... unless light can be "overdone" like a steak... No need to grow up. Children are beautiful ![]()
12-26-2009, 02:47 PM
Like I've been saying for over a week now. It was IESCAT! Now Wilcock thinks the same thing and makes a very good presentation of the facts.
Thanks Transiten for bringing the Wilcock thing to my attention!!! I'm not a big wilcock fan myself, but am gratefull to him for introducing me to TLOO And he comes up with some pretty good research stuff at times. After seeing even more evidence now, I'm pretty damn sure it was EISCAT. They even had an experiment called "Tequila Sunrise" scheduled to happen at that time. That is only one piece of evidence, their is much more, as Wilcock has pointed out.
From http://divinecosmos.com/index.php/start-...me?start=1
I especially liked this part: Quote:If it were indeed a missile, how was it simultaneously creating a perfectly circular spiral that was white -- while also maintaining the blue corkscrew formation at the same time?
12-27-2009, 03:47 AM
I second that
![]() ...and please tell me how to pick out a quotation, i have not even mastered this technique yet and all the same i from the very beginning as i heard David on radio short after the event i just knew HARRP and EISCAT was the right explanation transiten
12-27-2009, 11:12 AM
(12-26-2009, 08:53 PM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: From http://divinecosmos.com/index.php/start-...me?start=1 Quote:If it were indeed a missile, how was it simultaneously creating a perfectly circular spiral that was white -- while also maintaining the blue corkscrew formation at the same time?I have explained this. ![]() Quote:Bottom line: the corkscrew never changes color. It remains blue. It does not dissipate, but stays completely visible, as a spiral, without the particles ever spreading out, for 10-15 minutes -- while the concentric white circles stay completely white!I've explained this. ![]() Quote:The 'missile' doesn't release any other gases, of any color, in any other direction. Just white, in a perfectly concentric series of spirals, and blue in a bizarre corkscrew spiral that never went away until the whole thing spread apart and disappeared.I've explained this. ![]() Quote:We're supposed to believe the same missile created two different colors simultaneously -- but then they never blended in with each other.I've explained this. ![]() Needless to say I'm a little disappointed with David's production. I could not bring myself to read it in depth yet. But I've scanned through it. He's considering all the things I have asked myself and consequently explained as proof beyond doubt that it cannot be a missile. His research was mediocre at best. Fortunately he did drop the "Infra Red" evidence. I'm wondering if I should answer David's post point by point explaining how everything he considers so impossible could actually happen within the laws of physics and within comfortable margins of probability. But I'm half cynically expecting that I won't be allowed to post this on the DC forum anyway. I had not seen him make these types of blatant errors before. And the feeling of disappointment is quite profound. @Questioner, you've asked me if I found the rocket explanation video compelling.. I did not, it wasn't correct, and it caused more problems than it solved. The premise it worked from was that it was leaking fuel.. This simply cannot have been the case. The difference in the two spirals arises from different exhaust velocities. The slower one forms the smaller spiral. The reason one is slower than the other is that the exhaust of the missile is damaged, part of the exhaust slams into the exhaust pipe, incidentally also turning the slower exhaust blue similar to how copper in a gas flame turns the flame green.
12-27-2009, 11:12 AM
(12-27-2009, 03:47 AM)transiten Wrote: please tell me how to pick out a quotation When you click the "reply" button on a particular post (NOT the reply button below all the posts), then the post is quoted. At the start is a square bracket section with the original poster's name and a link to the post. Then all their text is included down to a closing quote tag in square brackets. You can then delete a portion of the post, or add in your own closing quote and reopen quote tags if you want to quote one section at a time. The editor has an icon of a word balloon bubble which will add quote tags if you highlight text first then click on it. In my case I did a cut & paste to move your line below, then used that button. One of my favorite features of this forum is that if you then quote another post, the software automatically combines your replies into a single post. Quote: i have not even mastered this technique yet This would be easier to show with a video! And to get back on topic... that video would be more conclusive than the Norway show. Hmm, how did that text get quoted so smoothly? Must've been... aliens! ![]()
12-27-2009, 12:05 PM
Gosh Ali Quadir
You are so persistent and i don't have any knowledge in this rocketmissile field that i almost begin to think you might be right.... ....but I also know that you put no value in astrology which i have studied and practiced for 20 years and this makes me reluctant to trust in your statements...since i suspect you have not studied astrology in any depth you cannot just dismiss it just like that, you have to study it at least for one year and then come back to discuss the validity of this anscient art with me... ...but as i'm typing i notice my logical error in thinking here... ..if it actually is a mssile since you've got the scientific knowledge and proof it is, YOU MUST BE RIGHT..and since i have studied and practiced astrology for 20 years I ALSO MUST BE RIGHT....right ![]() During mercury retrograde, i'm willing to change my views, information is missing, desinformation is rampant, delays, computors crashing, difficulties in reaching conclusions... transiten
12-27-2009, 12:17 PM
Look at us... so silly. A spiral light pops up one night in the northern sky and we bicker and debate about what it could possibly be...
What it actually was isn't as important as what it is in your head! It obviously has had a profound effect on all of us. We're gonna get nowhere arguing over what it physically was... We're like cavemen arguing over what causes lightning. lol Maybe it was just intended as a potentiator for those on the path or beginning to realize the path. Maybe it wasn't intended for anything at all and it truly was an accident. Maybe it's some natural celestial occurrence like the aurora borealis that will occur more often as funky stuff happens in space closer to 2012... At any rate, what does it mean to you? ![]() |