03-17-2012, 10:09 PM
Quote:30.2 Questioner: Thank you. Would you define mind, body, and spirit separately?
Ra: I am Ra. These terms are all simplistic descriptive terms which equal a complex of energy focuses; the body, as you call it, being the material of the density which you experience at a given space/time or time/space; this complex of materials being available for distortions of what you would call physical manifestation.
The mind is a complex which reflects the in-pourings of the spirit and the up-pourings of the body complex. It contains what you know as feelings, emotions, and intellectual thoughts in its more conscious complexities. Moving further down the tree of mind we see the intuition which is of the nature of the mind more in contact or in tune with the total being-ness complex. Moving down to the roots of mind we find the progression of consciousness which gradually turns from the personal to the racial memory, to the cosmic influxes, and thus becomes a direct contactor of that shuttle which we call the spirit complex.
This spirit complex is the channel whereby the in-pourings from all of the various universal, planetary, and personal inpourings may be funneled into the roots of consciousness and whereby consciousness may be funneled to the gateway of intelligent infinity through the balanced intelligent energy of body and mind.
You will see by this series of definitive statements that mind, body, and spirit are inextricably intertwined and cannot continue, one without the other. Thus we refer to the mind/body/spirit complex rather than attempting to deal with them separately, for the work, shall we say, that you do during your experiences is done through the interaction of these three components, not through any one.
Quote:Each archetype presents an aspect of the One Infinite Creation to teach the individual mind/body/spirit complex according to the calling or the electromagnetic configuration of mind of the entity. Teaching is done via the intuition. With the proper seeking or mind configuration, the power of will uses the spirit as a shuttle to contact the appropriate archetypical aspect necessary for the teach/learning. In the same way each of the other informers of intuition are contacted. They are hierarchical and proceed from the entity’s own subconscious mind to group or planetary mind, to guides, to Higher Self, to archetypical mind, to cosmic mind or intelligent infinity. Each is contacted by the spirit serving as shuttle according to the harmonized electromagnetic configuration of the seeker’s mind and the information sought.
Would you please comment on the accuracy of these observations and correct any errors and fill in any omissions?
This makes me think of the silver cord, which then makes me "see" this............
![[Image: 592px-Plasma-lamp_2.jpg]](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/26/Plasma-lamp_2.jpg/592px-Plasma-lamp_2.jpg)
Considering that angels or (arc)hangels, maybe even (arc)hons, can be viewed as the same form of energy, until they create a "thought form" to interact with us.
![[Image: enerybolt.jpg]](http://i130.photobucket.com/albums/p242/carlapryor/Blog%20Material/enerybolt.jpg)
Quote:The shadows are an essential part of the universe and they must be taken
as what they really are awesome, monstrous.
They are the means by which the universe tests us.
Quote:All we can do is discipline ourselves to the point where they will not touch us,
he advises. Significantly, he says will not, not can not.
He also says that the alien predators are the way the universe tests us, as just
noted. It follows that the intent to arrange our minds and lives so that the
Shadows/Archons are not willing to intrude on us is the capital exercise,
the primary test in progress for humanity. http://www.thunderbolts.info/forum/phpBB...4c90ffc461
Quote:Gnostic writings contain descriptions of alien predators called Archons, Arkontai in Greek. The texts from Nag Hammadi describe them as heavy, elusive, shadowy creatures. The most common name for them is “beings of the likeness, shadow-creatures.” http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/cienci...juan13.htm
Quote: In another, less technological sense, it suggests an ideological energy blockage virus implanted in our minds by non-human entities. According to the Gnostic critique of Christianity, salvationist ideology in its Judeo-Christian form (i.e., belief in a divine redeemer and a final apocalypse) is just such a virus. It is something implanted in the human mind by alien forces. http://www.energyenhancement.org/CARLOS-...PLANTS.htm
![[Image: lrg-1018-squatterman-squattingman-petrog...charge.jpg]](http://www.electricyouniverse.com/eye/thumbs/lrg-1018-squatterman-squattingman-petroglyphs-sleepinggoddess-plasmadischarge.jpg)
Quote:Positive particles float near the top of the clouds and negative particles sink to the bottom. When the particles get too numerous, electricity jumps between them to balance things out and a lightning bolt is born.http://www.ehow.com/how_6226445_science-project_-make-own-lightning.html#ixzz1pQNTGVng
Quote:Luke 10:18
And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.
Quote:He also presented the idea that electricity had positive and negative elements and that the flow was from positive to negative. Approximately 30 years later, a French scientist by the name of Charles Augustin de Coulomb conducted several experiments to determine the variables affecting an electrical force. His work resulted in Coulomb's law, which states that like charges repel and opposite charges attract, with a force proportional to the product of the charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. http://science.howstuffworks.com/electricity1.htm
Matter, as you probably know, is composed of atoms. Break something down to small enough pieces and you wind up with a nucleus orbited by one or more electrons, each with a negative charge. In many materials, the electrons are tightly bound to the atoms. Wood, glass, plastic, ceramic, air, cotton -- these are all examples of materials in which electrons stick with their atoms. Because these atoms are so reluctant to share electrons, these materials can't conduct electricity very well, if at all. These materials are electrical insulators.
Most metals, however, have electrons that can detach from their atoms and zip around. These are called free electrons. The loose electrons make it easy for electricity to flow through these materials, so they're known as electrical conductors. They conduct electricity. The moving electrons transmit electrical energy from one point to another.
Quote:17.1 Questioner: Thank you very much. I would like to say again that we consider it a great honor, privilege, and duty to be able to do this particular work. I would like to reiterate that some of my questions may seem irrelevant at times, but I am trying to ask them in a manner so as to gain a foothold into the application of the Law of One.
We are now in the fourth density. Will the effects of the fourth density increase in the next thirty years? Will we see more changes in our environment and our effect upon our environment?
Ra: I am Ra. The fourth density is a vibrational spectrum. Your time/space continuum has spiraled your planetary sphere and your, what we would call galaxy, what you call star, into this vibration. This will cause the planetary sphere itself to electromagnetically realign its vortices of reception of the in-streaming of cosmic forces expressing themselves as vibrational webs so that the Earth thus be fourth-density magnetized, as you may call it.
This is going to occur with some inconvenience, as we have said before, due to the energies of the thought-forms of your peoples which disturb the orderly constructs of energy patterns within your Earth spirals of energy which increases entropy and unusable heat. This will cause your planetary sphere to have some ruptures in its outer garment while making itself appropriately magnetized for fourth density. This is the planetary adjustment.
This is both related and unrelated.........
Quote:12.31 Questioner: Is there a way for these Wanderers to heal themselves of their physical ailments?
Ra: I am Ra. This will be the last complete question of this time/space.
The self-healing distortion is effected through realization of the intelligent infinity resting within. This is blocked in some way in these who are not perfectly balanced in bodily complexes. The blockage varies from entity to entity. It requires the conscious awareness of the spiritual nature of reality, if you will, and the corresponding pourings of this reality into the individual mind/body/spirit complex for healing to take place.
We will use this instrument as example. The portions of its ailment, as you call this distortion complex, that can be perfected in balance are due primarily to a blockage of the indigo ray or pineal energy center. This center receives the intelligent energy from all sources lawful within the one Creation; that is, lawful in this third-density distortion or illusion. If there is no blockage, these energies pour or stream down into the mind/body/spirit complex perfecting moment by moment the individual’s body complex.
This instrument also experiences some distortion of the green-ray energy center which you may call the heart center. It is overly open due to an intensive desire distortion on the part of this mind/body/spirit complex towards service to others, or as you may call it, universal love. This entity, therefore, spends itself without regard to its reserves of mind/body/spirit complex distortion in regard to what you call strength or energy. This distortion is primarily due to the blockage of the indigo ray. As we have said before, the misapprehension distortion of the instrument responsible for this blockage is the basic orientation towards a belief in unworthiness. The unworthiness distortion blocks the free flow of intelligent energy.
The seventh or violet ray is unimpaired, this being not only an energy receptor but a sum total of the vibratory level of the individual. The other energy centers are also quite clear. The solution to healing in this case is action that puts into practice the peaceful understanding in humility distortion that the entity is one with the Creator, therefore perfected and not separate. In each case of what you would call ill health one or more of these energy centers is blocked. The intelligence of the mind/body/spirit complex needs then to be alerted either by the self as healer or by the catalyst of another healer, as we have said before.
This is depicted as the energy arcing to the top of the head..............
![[Image: Meditation-7.jpg]](http://i437.photobucket.com/albums/qq98/mfondin/Meditation-7.jpg)
And when I think of a pyramid it appears to be built like a laser........and that makes me think someone is supposed to be in there doing the "up pouring" as if "getting the message up there"
![[Image: kingchamber-559f4.gif]](http://autospeed.celeonet.fr/khufu/local/cache-vignettes/L279xH397/kingchamber-559f4.gif)
The "pillar" that Moses followed could have been an "arc"?
Elijah being carried to heaven in a "chariot of fire/whirl wind?
Quote:To help make the point, here is an animated comparison of an ancient Egyptian iconic ark light god at the Temple at Denderah and a possible depiction of the same type of god in the Hebrew Ark of the Covenant. The searchlight on the bow represents the radiance of the horned (powerful) light god in the center.
![[Image: ARK%20FLASH%20SMALLEST.gif]](http://einhornpress.com/images/ARK%20FLASH%20SMALLEST.gif)
Quote:This animation of the ancient Egyptian ark (arc) below removes all the molten images and likely depicts a more complete Hebrew (Jewish) arc light. The serpent springing over the arc-light god's pedestal (the so-called "mercy seat") represents an undulating electric arc winging its way through the air between two carbons or cherubim, The first electric light that the world ever saw was produced by lightning, snaking its way across the heavens; and the ancients naturally compared the undulating light of the celestial serpent to the slithering asp that can also strike mankind. The ancient Greek biographer Plutarch tells us in Moralia that the Egyptians honored the serpent, and, "They compare the asp to lightning." So a manmade arc light and heavenly lighting are quite synonymous, both are electrical and often look and act like a serpent.
Furthermore, the yellow color of a cobra and its hissing are quite comparable to some of the features of an electric arc light, not to mention the hissing sound in the name Isis, the ancient Egyptian goddess of light. Slingo and Brooker's Electrical Engineering for Electric Light points out that "The light emitted by an arc lamp actually approaches in quality more nearly to the solar luminous rays than does that of any other artificial illuminant, although the light of the arc itself contains in reality a larger proportion of orange or yellow rays than does the light of the sun." In his 1905 edition of Electricity in Every-Day Life, Dr. Edwin J. Houston, a renowned authority and author of numerous books describing electric arc lights, tells us that "As long as the carbons [cherubim] are maintained at the proper distance apart, and are supplied with a current of constant strength, the arc will burn quietly. If, however, these conditions are not maintained, various noises will be heard. Where the distance between the carbons is too small, or where the carbons are so soft that comparatively large quantities of vapor are liberated, hissing sounds will be heard."
![[Image: AR%20FL%20450%20MULTI.gif]](http://einhornpress.com/images/AR%20FL%20450%20MULTI.gif)
Ark (arc) of the covenant?
Quote:Mobile vanguardhttp://www.martinfrost.ws/htmlfiles/may2...enant.html
In the march from Sinai, and at the crossing of the Jordan, the Ark preceded the people, and was the signal for their advance (Num. 10:33; Josh. 3:3, 6). The Ark of the Covenant burned the thorns and other obstructions in the wilderness roads. According to tradition, sparks from between the two cherubim killed serpents and scorpions. (I and II Chronicles) During the crossing of the Jordan, the river grew dry as soon as the feet of the priests carrying the Ark touched its waters; and remained so until the priests -- with the Ark -- left the river, after the people had passed over (Josh. 3:15-17; 4:10, 11, 18). As memorials, twelve stones were taken from the Jordan at the place where the priests had stood (Josh. 4:1-9).
Don't know if anyone can make the connection here.............
Also, if we have new "arcs" avaliable because we are in new territory, those bodies not "grown" for use with the new arcs will not easily receive those arcs, or those rates of vibration. The "wiring" would be closer to burning out.
Besides, without both positive and negative there can be no flow, no movement..............