OK, now that I got everyone's attention...let's discuss! 
In speaking of sexual energy exchange we need first to move back and prepare the ground, as it were, by offering some thoughts concerning the nature of the energy body and the nature of energy exchanges.
Your energy body is far more full of your essence in the metaphysical sense than is your physical body. It is the body from which your physical body takes its form, but it is non-physical, being electrical in nature. You can think of the universe as a whole as a field of energy, infinite and mysterious. Contained within that vast and unimaginable Creator-field lie the fields of the galaxies, the suns, the planets, and the entities upon those planets, such as yourself.
As you step down orders of magnitude to go from Creator to sub-Logos, to sub-sub-Logos, to sub-sub-sub-Logos, yet still the one infinite Creator is replete in every portion, every energy field, and every iota of the creation. Since all is one, each portion of the One is a hologram of the One. The very cells of your body are full of the information of the Creator and the created.
Your energy body is the governing field of your mind, body and spirit. It joins the physical body at some time around physical birth willingly and consciously interpenetrating the physical body that is the opportunity for a lifetime of experience within the illusion of planet Earth. Throughout your life, then, your energy body and your physical body are indistinguishable in terms of any worldly observation or scientific ability to measure the potential difference betwixt the physical and the metaphysical.
It is the energy body that feeds the perceptions of the physical body. As the physical body, mind and emotions gather catalyst and experience, the harvest of those thoughts and emotions moves into the energy body in an endless loop.
Your energy body is fed by the Logos. In local terms it is fed by the energy of your sun which pours its light, its energy, and power into the Earth. Planet Earth, your mother, receives this energy in infinite amounts and sends it from the very heart and womb of the Earth in a radiating pattern from the very core of the planet, outward in every direction, coming up through the ground so that you may absorb it with your feet as you walk upon the earth. It enters the energy body at the joining of the legs, which is the seat of the red-ray chakra, the first of the seven chakras that together comprise your energy body.
This infinite love/light of the Creator that streams into the red ray will, if not baffled, blocked or narrowed, move freely and powerfully into the heart, letting the heart open and bloom like a flower, thereby setting the stage for the potential for work in consciousness.
Work in consciousness can only take place when the red ray, orange ray, and yellow ray are open and the energy of the Creator is running freely through them, for this is the energy that feeds the heart. When it is limited or constricted, the magical personality shall find itself on very short rations. Once the seeker has set his intention to do work in consciousness, then the higher rays become involved: the blue ray of communication, the indigo ray of faith and being, and of course, the green ray of healing and unconditional love.
It is to be noted that it is not necessary, in order to be of service to others and to graduate from third density, for the higher rays to be used in order to access the gateway to intelligent infinity. Simple, straightforward, unconditional love and the energies of forgiveness and compassion shall carry any seeker through graduation with flying colors. That is far more than enough to use in order to penetrate those energies that move one into higher light.
However, you, as a metaphysical being within incarnation, were indeed given the ability to use the higher chakras and to do work in consciousness. The infinite love/light of the one Creator moves upward, whereas it is the intention set by the magical personality that calls the energy from above down to meet the infinite love/light of the one Creator moving upward. Where those two energies meet is the location where the seeker is able to accomplish work in consciousness whether it be healing, channeling or the radiancy of being.
So, whether we are speaking of healing, the green ray energy, or communication, the blue ray energy, or radiancy of being, the indigo ray, we speak of one process whereby a seeker decides to set his intention to become a priest, a minister of light, and to take upon himself the responsibility of using his power rightly.
Sacred sexuality...

In speaking of sexual energy exchange we need first to move back and prepare the ground, as it were, by offering some thoughts concerning the nature of the energy body and the nature of energy exchanges.
Your energy body is far more full of your essence in the metaphysical sense than is your physical body. It is the body from which your physical body takes its form, but it is non-physical, being electrical in nature. You can think of the universe as a whole as a field of energy, infinite and mysterious. Contained within that vast and unimaginable Creator-field lie the fields of the galaxies, the suns, the planets, and the entities upon those planets, such as yourself.
As you step down orders of magnitude to go from Creator to sub-Logos, to sub-sub-Logos, to sub-sub-sub-Logos, yet still the one infinite Creator is replete in every portion, every energy field, and every iota of the creation. Since all is one, each portion of the One is a hologram of the One. The very cells of your body are full of the information of the Creator and the created.
Your energy body is the governing field of your mind, body and spirit. It joins the physical body at some time around physical birth willingly and consciously interpenetrating the physical body that is the opportunity for a lifetime of experience within the illusion of planet Earth. Throughout your life, then, your energy body and your physical body are indistinguishable in terms of any worldly observation or scientific ability to measure the potential difference betwixt the physical and the metaphysical.
It is the energy body that feeds the perceptions of the physical body. As the physical body, mind and emotions gather catalyst and experience, the harvest of those thoughts and emotions moves into the energy body in an endless loop.
Your energy body is fed by the Logos. In local terms it is fed by the energy of your sun which pours its light, its energy, and power into the Earth. Planet Earth, your mother, receives this energy in infinite amounts and sends it from the very heart and womb of the Earth in a radiating pattern from the very core of the planet, outward in every direction, coming up through the ground so that you may absorb it with your feet as you walk upon the earth. It enters the energy body at the joining of the legs, which is the seat of the red-ray chakra, the first of the seven chakras that together comprise your energy body.
This infinite love/light of the Creator that streams into the red ray will, if not baffled, blocked or narrowed, move freely and powerfully into the heart, letting the heart open and bloom like a flower, thereby setting the stage for the potential for work in consciousness.
Work in consciousness can only take place when the red ray, orange ray, and yellow ray are open and the energy of the Creator is running freely through them, for this is the energy that feeds the heart. When it is limited or constricted, the magical personality shall find itself on very short rations. Once the seeker has set his intention to do work in consciousness, then the higher rays become involved: the blue ray of communication, the indigo ray of faith and being, and of course, the green ray of healing and unconditional love.
It is to be noted that it is not necessary, in order to be of service to others and to graduate from third density, for the higher rays to be used in order to access the gateway to intelligent infinity. Simple, straightforward, unconditional love and the energies of forgiveness and compassion shall carry any seeker through graduation with flying colors. That is far more than enough to use in order to penetrate those energies that move one into higher light.
However, you, as a metaphysical being within incarnation, were indeed given the ability to use the higher chakras and to do work in consciousness. The infinite love/light of the one Creator moves upward, whereas it is the intention set by the magical personality that calls the energy from above down to meet the infinite love/light of the one Creator moving upward. Where those two energies meet is the location where the seeker is able to accomplish work in consciousness whether it be healing, channeling or the radiancy of being.
So, whether we are speaking of healing, the green ray energy, or communication, the blue ray energy, or radiancy of being, the indigo ray, we speak of one process whereby a seeker decides to set his intention to become a priest, a minister of light, and to take upon himself the responsibility of using his power rightly.
Sacred sexuality...