01-06-2012, 11:19 AM
I've been searching for ten years now with questions regarding the Abrahamic Religions. In order to make this question understandable within the Law of One, I need to give a short history about where my perspective came from.
As a Baha'i (follower of Baha'u'llah) i was taught that all of the Abrahamic religions came from the same divine source, that the spirit of all of the Manifestations (Adam (represented as the "unknown" founder of a religion in prior histories), Abraham, Krishna, Moses, Buddha, Christ, Mohammed, the Ba'b, and Baha'u'llah) were the same Holy Spirit coming at different times to fulfill the same purpose, and were all descendants of Abraham. Abraham was promised that "his seed would inherit the earth" and I was taught that the fulfillment of this prophecy would happen because Baha'u'llah would be the founder of the religion that would finally unite all of mankind.
One of the reasons I withdrew from the Baha'i community and began searching is because of the teaching "by their fruits ye shall know them." It occurred to me that the "fruits" of the Christian Faith were the death of more people than any other cause via persecution, wars, and general meanness. The "fruits" of the Islam faith were persecution, destruction, and holy war, and (what I was taught as a Baha'i) was the most spiritually decadent nation (Persia) on the planet. The same appeared to be happening in the Baha'i Faith. People spoke pious words and did impious deeds (to use the old fashioned terms). In other words, although the buzzword in the Baha'i community is supposed to be loving all and being one in unity, the truth is backstabbing, nastiness, and the usual horrid behavior from one person to another.
Another problem I had was the sole reference to the manifestations in the Abrahamic religions and ignoring of all others: Quetzalcoatl, Sweet Medicine (Cheyenne), Deganeweda, (Iroquois Confederacy) as examples.
Then I learned about the Annunaki, and the genetic manipulation between Homo Erectus and Annunaki. I also learned about the hierarchical structure of the Annunaki ruling class, which included the fact that if a man were to marry a woman of lower caste, and in addition were to have a child with his own half-sister, that son of the half sister would have a higher caste than the son of his wife because the bloodline would be higher.
I learned that Sarah was Abraham's half sister. Ishmael, the first born, was the son of his wife, Hagar, but Isaac, who was Sarah's son, had the right of primogeniture even though he was younger than Ishmael. It isn't really explained in the Bible why. When I was a child (definitely did NOT learn that Sarah was Abraham's sister) I was told it was because Sarah was his wife and the other two wives were really concubines. That simply wasn't true. They were all wives.
So, I put all this together in my head. The Annunaki were not a positive influence on humans. They used us as slaves. In fact, the history goes that they created us to be slaves in the first place. It appears to me that Abraham was either heavily influenced by Annunaki or was Annunaki himself. He was told his "seed" would inherit the earth, we're told that all of them that I listed above were descended from him, and that eventually the world will be united as one, in that line.
Ok, so in Book One of The Ra Material, I found on page 151-152:
"QUESTIONER: Can you tell me the origin of the Ten Commandments?
RA: I am Ra. The origin of these commandments follows the law of negative entities impressing the information upon positively oriented mind/body/spirit complexes. The information attempted to ape positivity while retaining negative characteristics."
The question I'm having is whether or not ALL of the Abrahamic religions were channeled information from negative entities impressing the information upon positively oriented mind/body/spirit complexes, and that the actual purpose of the major world religions is to guide humans toward negative density. This would explain why, no matter how wonderful the teachings are, the people never seem to live up to them and actually do good things as a whole body-complex. Meaning, that individuals might be good people, but the general fruits of the religious community is abusive and persecuting behavior.
If this question has been addressed before, I would appreciate being referred to that thread.
As a Baha'i (follower of Baha'u'llah) i was taught that all of the Abrahamic religions came from the same divine source, that the spirit of all of the Manifestations (Adam (represented as the "unknown" founder of a religion in prior histories), Abraham, Krishna, Moses, Buddha, Christ, Mohammed, the Ba'b, and Baha'u'llah) were the same Holy Spirit coming at different times to fulfill the same purpose, and were all descendants of Abraham. Abraham was promised that "his seed would inherit the earth" and I was taught that the fulfillment of this prophecy would happen because Baha'u'llah would be the founder of the religion that would finally unite all of mankind.
One of the reasons I withdrew from the Baha'i community and began searching is because of the teaching "by their fruits ye shall know them." It occurred to me that the "fruits" of the Christian Faith were the death of more people than any other cause via persecution, wars, and general meanness. The "fruits" of the Islam faith were persecution, destruction, and holy war, and (what I was taught as a Baha'i) was the most spiritually decadent nation (Persia) on the planet. The same appeared to be happening in the Baha'i Faith. People spoke pious words and did impious deeds (to use the old fashioned terms). In other words, although the buzzword in the Baha'i community is supposed to be loving all and being one in unity, the truth is backstabbing, nastiness, and the usual horrid behavior from one person to another.
Another problem I had was the sole reference to the manifestations in the Abrahamic religions and ignoring of all others: Quetzalcoatl, Sweet Medicine (Cheyenne), Deganeweda, (Iroquois Confederacy) as examples.
Then I learned about the Annunaki, and the genetic manipulation between Homo Erectus and Annunaki. I also learned about the hierarchical structure of the Annunaki ruling class, which included the fact that if a man were to marry a woman of lower caste, and in addition were to have a child with his own half-sister, that son of the half sister would have a higher caste than the son of his wife because the bloodline would be higher.
I learned that Sarah was Abraham's half sister. Ishmael, the first born, was the son of his wife, Hagar, but Isaac, who was Sarah's son, had the right of primogeniture even though he was younger than Ishmael. It isn't really explained in the Bible why. When I was a child (definitely did NOT learn that Sarah was Abraham's sister) I was told it was because Sarah was his wife and the other two wives were really concubines. That simply wasn't true. They were all wives.
So, I put all this together in my head. The Annunaki were not a positive influence on humans. They used us as slaves. In fact, the history goes that they created us to be slaves in the first place. It appears to me that Abraham was either heavily influenced by Annunaki or was Annunaki himself. He was told his "seed" would inherit the earth, we're told that all of them that I listed above were descended from him, and that eventually the world will be united as one, in that line.
Ok, so in Book One of The Ra Material, I found on page 151-152:
"QUESTIONER: Can you tell me the origin of the Ten Commandments?
RA: I am Ra. The origin of these commandments follows the law of negative entities impressing the information upon positively oriented mind/body/spirit complexes. The information attempted to ape positivity while retaining negative characteristics."
The question I'm having is whether or not ALL of the Abrahamic religions were channeled information from negative entities impressing the information upon positively oriented mind/body/spirit complexes, and that the actual purpose of the major world religions is to guide humans toward negative density. This would explain why, no matter how wonderful the teachings are, the people never seem to live up to them and actually do good things as a whole body-complex. Meaning, that individuals might be good people, but the general fruits of the religious community is abusive and persecuting behavior.
If this question has been addressed before, I would appreciate being referred to that thread.