06-15-2011, 04:36 PM

This is Our Homeland! Not any of the patches of ground under colorful rags!
My friends,
Just after reading a message from the so-called "Allies of Humanity":
"The visitation in your world now is very extensive, so much so that people in all parts of the world are witnessing it and are experiencing its effects directly. What has brought these “visitors” from the Greater Community, these different organizations of beings, is not to promote the advancement of humanity or the spiritual education of humanity. What has brought these forces to your shores in such numbers with such intention are the resources of your world.
This we understand may be difficult to accept at first because you cannot yet appreciate how beautiful your world is, how much it possesses and what a rare jewel it is in a Greater Community of barren worlds and empty space. Worlds such as yours are rare indeed. Most places in the Greater Community that are inhabited now have been colonized, and technology has made this possible. But worlds such as yours where life has evolved naturally, without the aid of technology, are far more rare than you might realize. Others take great notice of this, of course, for the biological resources of your world have been used by several races for millennia. It is considered a storehouse for some. And yet the development of human culture and dangerous weapons and the deterioration of these resources have caused the alien Intervention."
I found myself inspired in posting the picture from above with the planet Earth which is our Homeland and not any "patch of ground under colorful rags" as it writes on the picture. It resonate so true to me. We are One! We are spiritual entities and share at least one very important thing, that of being a part of our Creator! all this boundaries and different flags are yet another artificial means to separate us and keep in constant conflict in order to impede our spiritual evolution.
Source of the excerpt from above: http://www.alliesofhumanity.org/chapter1...manity.php