The people of earth are awakening faster and faster thanks to the 4th density vibrations and the Bilderberg are finally being exposed for who they are. For the first time ever mainstream media has began reporting of them after it has become impossible to say they dont exist, protests have began at this years Bilderberg meeting which is happening in Switzerland right now, they have had to put up a wall/viel to hide those entering the bilderberg group. Many many reporters are over there reporting about it and many are admiting that they could not have our best interntions at hand.
But probably the most exciting and amazing thing that could expose them once and for all is that the Swiss MP Dominique Baettig and members of Swiss National Council are calling for the arrest and going to storm the Bilderberg later today and demand the arrest of Henry Kissinger, whobis responsible for international war crimes. Whats more is the president of of swizerland has said that he doesnt want such a group meeting in his country and even called for them to leave, but of course they didnt listen. Even more exciting the head of the Swiss police who is running the police who are guarding the Bilderberg group has told them not to resist the protesters and the media because they are protecting a bunch of criminals!! This is utterly amazing and I really hope they can stop this group.. The light is coming back to this world the people of earth are awakening and the Bilderberg are running scared, I really do believe this could be the turning point and beginning of the end for the highly negative STS elite of the world. If you dont know who the Bilderberg group are they are a group of about 120 of the worlds top elite who meet annualy behind closed doors in total secret from the outside world and dsicuss ways to run the world, they are the ones who control the scenes from behind. They were responsible for the EU, the financial colapse, they are the real ones who send countries to war for profit. The main attendee and founder is Henry Kissinger who is responsible for many war crimes and believes commeners are useless eaters and should be killed off. If you want further infomation on them I made a video of them:
The video I made has had over 2000 views in just 24 hours just shows how many people are waking up and becoming interested in the Bilderberg group
The Bilderberg group Explained (For Sheeple)
And here is a video explaining what is happening to the bilderberg group enjoy:
AFP Editor Mark Anderson: Dominique Baettig Marches on Bilderberg Meeting
Love and Light
The postive entities of this world are begining to take back control
But probably the most exciting and amazing thing that could expose them once and for all is that the Swiss MP Dominique Baettig and members of Swiss National Council are calling for the arrest and going to storm the Bilderberg later today and demand the arrest of Henry Kissinger, whobis responsible for international war crimes. Whats more is the president of of swizerland has said that he doesnt want such a group meeting in his country and even called for them to leave, but of course they didnt listen. Even more exciting the head of the Swiss police who is running the police who are guarding the Bilderberg group has told them not to resist the protesters and the media because they are protecting a bunch of criminals!! This is utterly amazing and I really hope they can stop this group.. The light is coming back to this world the people of earth are awakening and the Bilderberg are running scared, I really do believe this could be the turning point and beginning of the end for the highly negative STS elite of the world. If you dont know who the Bilderberg group are they are a group of about 120 of the worlds top elite who meet annualy behind closed doors in total secret from the outside world and dsicuss ways to run the world, they are the ones who control the scenes from behind. They were responsible for the EU, the financial colapse, they are the real ones who send countries to war for profit. The main attendee and founder is Henry Kissinger who is responsible for many war crimes and believes commeners are useless eaters and should be killed off. If you want further infomation on them I made a video of them:
The video I made has had over 2000 views in just 24 hours just shows how many people are waking up and becoming interested in the Bilderberg group
The Bilderberg group Explained (For Sheeple)
And here is a video explaining what is happening to the bilderberg group enjoy:
AFP Editor Mark Anderson: Dominique Baettig Marches on Bilderberg Meeting
Love and Light
The postive entities of this world are begining to take back control