06-02-2011, 03:44 PM
I have really wanted an outlet to tell this story for some time now!! A brief overview: I was introtuced to the concept of Density and general prinicpals of the Law of One when I found a book (which still to this day, the people who were with me when I found it and I can't figure out who's book it was or how it got in my friiends apartment.) Named The Gaia Project 2012, a book channeled by a Dr. Jung from korea. How it ended up in an apartment in Nashville with 6 teenagers who had never even considered Metaphysical anything is beyond me.
Backtrack: I have always been a very deep thinker. At an early age I wanted to quit going to our southern bapbtist church, not because I didn't believe in the morales of the bible. But I had internal conflict with the idea of religon itself. I developed a deep love for Music and have been blessed with very talented musical roots. My family is such a bright beacon in my life. My first cousin was a definite indigo child, burdened with severe bipolar disorder, he became a reikie master and studied metaphysics. He opened my mind to new ideas. The big thing you should know is That I was DEEPLY in love with a girl.
I met Her at a show I was playing for a friends party, when I saw her I knew I was. In love. We dated for two years and it was trial by fire, I struggle with drugs and she smoked a pack of cigs a day. But none the same I would have and still would give my life for hers in a heartbeat. But the Night I was Awakened, I lost her forever. Everything happens for a Reason. She had been staying at our friends apartment for weeks. I was seeing her less and less. I kept stealing and taking drugs and I just couldn't stop myself. At points it felt like there was something or someone controlling me. I didn't wanna live this way anymore. And that's when I met Ra...
Going back to the book,(the gaia project 2012) I walked into my friends apartment and all of the people I could call friends were there, inc Her. Things had been rocky. I walked in and they were watching a bootleg dvd of the movie 2012. That's why I found it odd that the book was laying on the Table. As I flipped it open near the middle of the book I read only three or four paragraphs,talking about 7th density beings. As soon as I read that phrase it was like I unlocked the hoover damn of information in my mind. Thoughts of exsistance and infinity and a mission to earth tto help souls not as far on their path to the source made absolute sense. It was the most amazing feeling!! My life all of the sudden had meaning again. But this was only the begining!!! The next evening I was Contacted by Ra...
The nxt time I return tho the apartment, I asked for the book but noone even rememberes what I was talking about nor did they no where the book was. My mind had been in a constant state of download all day and my head was spinning with expansion. Now this is where things get interesting, My friend who's apartment it was had Shrooms. And I was already opend up from this revelation. My girlfriend/Fiancee asked me to take only a small amount. But for some reason I really wanted more and snuck about three times more than she asked into my system. The rest of the night was a prolificblur.
as I peaked in my trip I could peer deep into each of my friends, I saw past lives, a could understand the Density of each of my friends and understood at the sametime we were all united. And as I kept raising my vibrations higher and higher, the contact happend. It started with me going into what I can only describe as non time, or zero space. I was sitiing in a chair with a room full of people, but I was somewhere else for zero aount of time in the phisical, but for what I would equate to ten mins in my mind. Ra explained that I am a wanderer of a certain density and that the girl I Loved was not Nearly ready to leave third density, and that It was ultimatly her choice. And that I had to do the right thing. And that was to be honest. So I told her EVERYTHING I had done behind her back. Inc cheating. Right before I came to I had a vision og a galaxy of brilliant musicians that creat with sound. Then I awoke. I had confessed everything and remembered nothing of telling her. The next day I walked home 8 miles, when I got to the driveway my mom was in a panic. My grandfatehr had just had a stroke...
I spent the next few weeks in and out of the hospital, sychronicities filled my life and tho I was hurt and stressed and broken inside. I knew my life had beautiful and amazing meaning and that I needed to be the brightest light I can possibly be from here on out!! Over the last year I have overcome countless demons in my life and I'm working everyday to brighten the vibrations of this planet!!! Later that year I came across the Hidden Hand material and it really opened my eyes... I didn't know who the entity was who visited me until theHidden Hand mentioned Ra and the Law of One. The first sentence I ever read of the way Ra spoke I knew, it was the same being!! Since then I have learned how to see and Diligently seek the signs in life that arre my spiritual guide. A gift from my higher self. I see repeating numbers everywhere and discerne deep meaning from them. Grouding myself in the physical, with spiritual conotations
anyway if youu have read this far thanks for letting me share. In the love and light of our one infinite Creator, Namaste!!!!!
Backtrack: I have always been a very deep thinker. At an early age I wanted to quit going to our southern bapbtist church, not because I didn't believe in the morales of the bible. But I had internal conflict with the idea of religon itself. I developed a deep love for Music and have been blessed with very talented musical roots. My family is such a bright beacon in my life. My first cousin was a definite indigo child, burdened with severe bipolar disorder, he became a reikie master and studied metaphysics. He opened my mind to new ideas. The big thing you should know is That I was DEEPLY in love with a girl.
I met Her at a show I was playing for a friends party, when I saw her I knew I was. In love. We dated for two years and it was trial by fire, I struggle with drugs and she smoked a pack of cigs a day. But none the same I would have and still would give my life for hers in a heartbeat. But the Night I was Awakened, I lost her forever. Everything happens for a Reason. She had been staying at our friends apartment for weeks. I was seeing her less and less. I kept stealing and taking drugs and I just couldn't stop myself. At points it felt like there was something or someone controlling me. I didn't wanna live this way anymore. And that's when I met Ra...
Going back to the book,(the gaia project 2012) I walked into my friends apartment and all of the people I could call friends were there, inc Her. Things had been rocky. I walked in and they were watching a bootleg dvd of the movie 2012. That's why I found it odd that the book was laying on the Table. As I flipped it open near the middle of the book I read only three or four paragraphs,talking about 7th density beings. As soon as I read that phrase it was like I unlocked the hoover damn of information in my mind. Thoughts of exsistance and infinity and a mission to earth tto help souls not as far on their path to the source made absolute sense. It was the most amazing feeling!! My life all of the sudden had meaning again. But this was only the begining!!! The next evening I was Contacted by Ra...
The nxt time I return tho the apartment, I asked for the book but noone even rememberes what I was talking about nor did they no where the book was. My mind had been in a constant state of download all day and my head was spinning with expansion. Now this is where things get interesting, My friend who's apartment it was had Shrooms. And I was already opend up from this revelation. My girlfriend/Fiancee asked me to take only a small amount. But for some reason I really wanted more and snuck about three times more than she asked into my system. The rest of the night was a prolificblur.
as I peaked in my trip I could peer deep into each of my friends, I saw past lives, a could understand the Density of each of my friends and understood at the sametime we were all united. And as I kept raising my vibrations higher and higher, the contact happend. It started with me going into what I can only describe as non time, or zero space. I was sitiing in a chair with a room full of people, but I was somewhere else for zero aount of time in the phisical, but for what I would equate to ten mins in my mind. Ra explained that I am a wanderer of a certain density and that the girl I Loved was not Nearly ready to leave third density, and that It was ultimatly her choice. And that I had to do the right thing. And that was to be honest. So I told her EVERYTHING I had done behind her back. Inc cheating. Right before I came to I had a vision og a galaxy of brilliant musicians that creat with sound. Then I awoke. I had confessed everything and remembered nothing of telling her. The next day I walked home 8 miles, when I got to the driveway my mom was in a panic. My grandfatehr had just had a stroke...
I spent the next few weeks in and out of the hospital, sychronicities filled my life and tho I was hurt and stressed and broken inside. I knew my life had beautiful and amazing meaning and that I needed to be the brightest light I can possibly be from here on out!! Over the last year I have overcome countless demons in my life and I'm working everyday to brighten the vibrations of this planet!!! Later that year I came across the Hidden Hand material and it really opened my eyes... I didn't know who the entity was who visited me until theHidden Hand mentioned Ra and the Law of One. The first sentence I ever read of the way Ra spoke I knew, it was the same being!! Since then I have learned how to see and Diligently seek the signs in life that arre my spiritual guide. A gift from my higher self. I see repeating numbers everywhere and discerne deep meaning from them. Grouding myself in the physical, with spiritual conotations