05-17-2011, 10:01 AM
(05-17-2011, 06:24 AM)spero Wrote: If your wondering how the planet becomes depopulated without a catastrophic disaster scenerio then the below should offer some insight, particularly highlighting the role of dual-activated entities in making this happen.
Quote:It would be very dislocating, my brother, for entities of third density to see the full panoply of fourth density as it intersperses with your own. Therefore, there shall not be the manifestation of fourth density until the third-density population of your planet has finished its work here.
It is very difficult for entities to imagine how such a large population, all across your globe, could just shrink and disappear. And yet we say to you that entities moving into incarnation here will more and more be those which are dual-activated until finally, within say one of your centuries by most probability/possibility vortices, you will have no pure third-density entities living upon your planet.
Those with dual-activated bodies are far more able to see whether or not there is the necessity for further incarnations upon this planet. They will begin naturally to refrain from producing children. And so, by a fairly rapid progression after that point, the third-density population of the planet will indeed shrink in a natural and organic way, because there is the awareness that the dusk has come, the evening is at hand, and the work is done.
I am repelled by a catastrophic scenario mainly for one thing: nuclear weapons/centrals.
It seems this pole shift was averted by the wanderers wave...so far wonderful.
However, have you noticed that in spite of earth being mainly + (that is why it will be 4d +) there are innumerable conflicts including wars, injustices, and weapons in the hands of a so called "elite" including Tesla's?
I am trying to discern the 4d paradigm. I am all for 3d continuance as long as the power structure vanishes quickly. Meaning either by discrepancies with interactions with 4d "wave" and the effect of 3d and dual ones etc... reacting with the current economic system then allowing true justice, fairness, etc..to begin..otherwise, continuance does not make much sense considering what all this entails.
That is without counting "all are harvested regardless of progress..." that Ra mentions. We seem to forget about this because of Quo channelings but honestly, how can those be as accurate as Ra's? Still I am trying to keep an open mind.
Also we should consider "we are not alone" scenario, in which danger of nuclear devices, etc could be averted by the so called confederation, etc.
How can you revert a power structure if everything continues the same?
So that Q'uos quote does not mention harvest which is another thing.
But I guess is good we are having this discussion.