03-27-2011, 12:32 PM
thanks for that info transiten. much appreciated
As of Friday, August 5th, 2022, the Bring4th forums on this page have been converted to a permanent read-only archive. If you would like to continue your journey with Bring4th, the new forums are now at https://discourse.bring4th.org.
You are invited to enjoy many years worth of forum messages brought forth by our community of seekers. The site search feature remains available to discover topics of interest. (July 22, 2022)
03-27-2011, 12:32 PM
thanks for that info transiten. much appreciated
03-27-2011, 02:39 PM
(03-27-2011, 09:41 AM)zenmaster Wrote:(03-27-2011, 04:10 AM)norral Wrote: oh man get off of it . your arrogant . your insulting to people and u try to come across like some pseudo intellectual. but the one thing i dont see in u is love . get real man get off of this superiority thing. tell us something about yourself personally . we know nothing about it but u set yourself up as some kind of judge. ive never heard u say anything nice to anybodyGreat, an arrogant coward is it? You do realize that is complete projection? At the point we set ourselves up as beyond reproach for any of our opinions, there really is no hope. To me, that's 'arrogance' and being a 'coward'. You do understand that? I have no problem at all answering for any of mine in these forums. That type of responsibility, continually clarifying, backing up (if required) and standing behind my comments, is hardly cowardice, after all. Further, I would not result to name calling, which obviously leads to no where, in rebuke - we have so many other more effective options with which to express ourselves. At the point I see that type of separating language (no being of light, arrogant, coward, pseudo intellectual), I know there is no progress possible, because one must have personal issues to first digest if that's what's sincerely offered. I partially agree with both of you but I'd like to say that it's easy to accuse someone of projection but hard to prove it based solely on their posts on a forum. Lets assume your accusation of projection was false, then what's happening here? You're saying "the problem isn't with me, it's with you" yet I don't see any empathy behind that statement, it would be different if you said something like "we all make mistakes, I notice X in you, I would like to help you with that". And if your accusation is true then lets deal with one issue at a time. Norral accused you of never saying anything nice to anybody, and I agree. Why is that? You have alot of knowledge but what is it worth if your heart is closed off? I have the same problem as you and unity but I'm willing to admit to my problem and I'm working on it. Norral: zen is probably accusing you of projection because you didn't make it clear why you believe zen is cowardly and arrogant. And using statements like "were all beings of light" to try to resolve a conflict probably doesn't fly well with unity and zen because they want to see logic and evidence in the topic at hand rather than catch-all statements, even if they're true. Q'uo once said something along the lines of: there's a reason love is learned before wisdom, without love wisdom is empty. I have been learning this lesson the hard way and I understand zen and unity's points of view in these disagreements, but I also understand the other sides view as well so I hope I can help mediate these conflicts, which most likely will keep occurring until both sides try to see the disagreement from the other sides point of view.
03-27-2011, 03:12 PM
(03-26-2011, 01:07 PM)zenmaster Wrote:(03-26-2011, 09:45 AM)norral Wrote: ive been watching the situation in japan and i feel there is a good chance that all of japan may have to be evacuated maybe all of northeastern asiaSorry, that's a completely ridiculous assessment. Worst case is they'd seal the reactor off. But even that contingency has not been deemed necessary at this point. MBPS? That's an exaggeration in and of itself. Ridiculous? You are saying Norral's feelings deserve ridicule. I find the feelings of what a severe occurence could possibly generate to be very intriguing. It is a practice in preparation. It is coming to terms with the reality of the world we have created. How ridiculous do you think it is to simply say "They'd seal it off?" How ridiculous is it to conclude that the worst case scenario is just a sealed off reactor? There is nothing despicable or twisted about Norral's premise any more than the premise of imagining what a fire in one's home would do and creating a plan for escape and regroup and considering how to financially recover and where to find shelter. Imagining "what if" is a great exercise in thought and also a great conversation starter. ---- as for all the other stuff in this thread- Its all good. We are human. The entire conversation is a terrific example of humanity. Nothing wrong. We express. We vibrate. We attune. We gotta lay it all out on the table in the Light. Please, lay it all out, don't hold back. Through this process we either look to result in control or we look to result in acceptance. The choice is ours. The process to acceptance doesn't need to be peachy on the way.
I find it liberating to sometimes clear the air. Something has being going on for a while and now it's here. With that said I don't know if it's right or wrong to point at one/two members. It is a good thing that norral spoke up as this was maybe expected. But I am not sure if it is a good thing to name others self. Reason to this is because I find other members to be a bigger providers of catalysts. And someone else maybe finds me as a huge walking, talking catalyst. So what shall we do? I honestly don't know... I don't know... But I have a confession to make - I am not Jesus. Sometimes I just get cozy home vibrations and relax too much, let down the guard, and since I am not healed in orange nexi I don't even notice when it hits me in my most vulnerable spot. This forum is not more special than every other forum, because we are all humans here. And this perticular event maybe is our lesson, trying to teach us something about that. With that said, I confess that I don't like some people. I can't love you all. And I don't love to talk to everyone in this forum. When this happens I am trying to see those who provided me with catalysts as my loving teachers, and I am trying to remember it, but sometimes I can't remember – when my whole spine shivers in aversion to the thought of someone being my loving teacher, then it's really hard. Yet, they are. Yet, they are my loving Oneness. I just really forgot. That's the power of this illusion.
03-27-2011, 04:30 PM
Ankh not Jesus. Check.
Ankh may not like me. Check. ![]() i've been thinking alot about the reality of this forum vs the perception of it. For instance, the reality of the result of norral's posting of open thoughts vs the perception norral had intended to convey and discuss. Was any of this intended? No. Was any of it helpful to progressing our individual paths? Every bit of it. I have to thank my participation in these forums. I recieved a text from a past friend two nights ago. She was having trouble with divorce crap. Anyway, my point is I was able to articulate and convey meanings and messages in a much better way than ever before. What are we REALLY doing here in this forum. I say, in part, we are learning the new aquarian way to communicate. (i'm totally not talking about simple cybertalk either)
03-27-2011, 04:55 PM
03-27-2011, 05:26 PM
(03-27-2011, 04:30 PM)3DMonkey Wrote: Ankh not Jesus. Check. lol!!!! ![]() Quote:What are we REALLY doing here in this forum. I say, in part, we are learning the new aquarian way to communicate. (i'm totally not talking about simple cybertalk either) I think these lessons are personal though. I say it's about learning how we think and function - what moves us, and what not. I mean we can never be sure what other self is thinking and maybe it's about you and not other self. Because when we graduate and start to read each others minds your best friend might find out that you have a crash on his girlfriend. So, being in 4D+, he will have to accept it and learn to love you, not kill you. ![]()
03-27-2011, 05:57 PM
Exactly. And your best friend would see any thought you had sexually about him. So it all becomes easier because everyones insecurities lay on the table.
How would my son feel if he knew the thoughts behind my discipline were stemmed from a desire for him to avoid trouble, or avoid the pains that I experienced at least. In turn, I would know what thoughts were behind his actions. The idea of openness becomes very attractive doesn't it?
03-27-2011, 07:46 PM
03-27-2011, 09:21 PM
(03-27-2011, 11:08 AM)transiten Wrote: Hello! The majority of people on Earth draw the same conclusion. ..... if I only had a book that I could pre-order to explain it all to me. Am I right Unity100?.... I tease because I love
03-28-2011, 02:59 AM
(03-27-2011, 09:21 PM)3DMonkey Wrote:(03-27-2011, 11:08 AM)transiten Wrote: Hello! Well i didn't get the joke english not being my 1 ![]() By the way you actually can order Davids new book "The hidden Science and Lost Civilazations behind the 2012 prophecies" coming out on the 18:th of august... transiten
03-28-2011, 03:03 AM
turtledude you said " i have the same problem as u and unity but im willing to admit to it and im working on it. " that is an amazing statement brother
that really shows me something including a lot of humility but even more an intense self honesty and a desire to change for the better. there are not too many people on the planet who could make a statement like that. also i think u would make an excellent mediator . ill be honest i want to find out why zen never shows any heart energy or caring for others. i thrive on heart energy sometimes to my own hurt and its funny but ive been thinking lately how i have to demonstrate less heart energy in certain areas of my life just from a practical point of view. but to me if u dont care for the people here and are always looking to tear everyone down why are u here. i mean lets really clear the air here and get this done right. so i will participate in a discussion along with zen and whoever else wants to participate . this has been stinking up the vibe on the board for a while and were either going to resolve it to some degree and at least better understand each other whether we agree or not. and i want u turtle to mediate.
03-28-2011, 04:34 AM
I haven't been on the forum for a good 3~4 months...
First thread i read and i am noticing that the tones of peoples replies have changed... never seen disagreements happen. Something makes me sad and worry...Where has true love and acceptance gone? We are all one, no matter what. There's no point in picking out the misfits in the puzzle. Without every single individual piece, we will never be a perfect picture.
03-28-2011, 05:19 AM
(03-28-2011, 04:34 AM)Xenos Wrote: I haven't been on the forum for a good 3~4 months... Same here! Been away for 4 months and don't feel comfortable reading this. Strange thing is as I first came here it started out with a conflict for me ![]() Listened to James Gilliand interviewing Carla; so wonderful and loving. Also watched the video with Don Elkins and Carla, that was amazing to see the person i've heared so much about and it still puzzles me what happened to Don. I wonder if a medium could establish contact with him just the same way i had contact with most of my deceased relatives in a very positive and credible way? transiten
03-28-2011, 05:27 AM
Now, THAT, would bring home some exciting answers, transiten.
03-28-2011, 05:31 AM
I love this place! I really do! I am really trying to see good-ness in this situation. That we have to clear the air, that we are after all humans, and this things happen. It's no biggy, it will past. But we need to pay attention to this and not ignore this. We need to handle this. I really hold this place dear to my heart and hope for the best!
![]() (03-28-2011, 03:03 AM)norral Wrote: ill be honest i want to find out why zen never shows any heart energy or caring for others. This question has been asked before, about another member. And I will respond now the same way I responded before: How do we judge the 'heart energy' of another, when all we have is text? We can't see their facial expressions, we can't feel their vibes, we can't hear their tone of voice...all we have is text. I contend that, much of the time, we misinterpret the intentions of another, simply because of the limitations of communicating with only text. And, even IF the other person lacks heart energy, is telling them that going to fix it? What is the best way to respond to someone who lacks heart energy? Isn't it showing love ourselves? I encourage everyone to clear the air and express your feelings. Open communication is good! But please, and I am saying to everyone, not to anyone in particular - please keep it positive and constructive. Remember that the other person is other-SELF. Quote:Exercise Two. The universe is one being. When a mind/body/spirit complex views another mind/body/spirit complex, see the Creator. This is an helpful exercise.
03-28-2011, 08:09 AM
(03-28-2011, 06:13 AM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: I encourage everyone to clear the air and express your feelings. Open communication is good! But please, and I am saying to everyone, not to anyone in particular - please keep it positive and constructive. Remember that the other person is other-SELF.I agree with you, Monica. Quote:How do we judge the 'heart energy' of another, when all we have is text? We can't see their facial expressions, we can't feel their vibes, we can't hear their tone of voice...all we have is text.I agree with you, but wonder if there are any limits to what can be writen with words and still be unchecked because we "might misinterpret the intentions of another"? Can anyone write whatever hurtful answers to other selves in this forum and get away with it when others self do get hurt because we might have misinterpreted something? I am refering you to this thread in this case and is genuinely curious about your opinion as I think it was one of the posts that was reason to this situation: http://www.bring4th.org/forums/showthread.php?tid=2444
03-28-2011, 08:36 AM
I agree with both points. I'd like to rephrase it a positive way.
We misinterpret the intentions of others in all walks of life. In person, through the grape vine, through actions, and through written text. What this forum provides in addition to any of those is an agreed standard of openness. This is THE place where we openly get to say all the stuff the world generally deems "weird" or "too deep". THIS IS THE PLACE. That's the way I see it anyway. It has it's limitations to overcome. But like I said, the path leading to the destination of acceptance isn't necessarily paved with floating love bubbles. ![]() We all know Norral sleeps on a bed o love bubbles every night ![]() (03-28-2011, 06:13 AM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: [quote='norral' pid='32995' dateline='1301295826'] I never saw Ra either but felt their vibrations and their "heart energy" and that moved me to believe in their intentions. Norral has asked zen to simply answer to his question or meet in chat if he prefers and I believe this is constructive. To be able to listen when we have been hurt its a loving act. It will be nice if zen can open too
03-28-2011, 09:40 AM
monica and turtle
i would think u would judge it by the kindness and consideration of their words. and i dont see that in zens posts. there is a way to talk to others where if u disagree u can express it in a thoughtful way. what i would like to do is compose a post directly to zen. and then i would like turtle to moderate it and jump in with his comments. others could hit like if they like my post . and then i want zen to respond to my questions and dont avoid it. then let him compose a post to me and let turtle moderate it and ill respond. right now people are not posting on this board because they feel they are going to be ridiculed that i know for a fact. that is not what the board was when i first came here. so if this is ok with u turtle and u monica and u zen we will proceed. but before we start we have to have an agreement of all parties.
Norral, dear brother, you wear your heart on your sleeve. It's a wonderful way to be, and shows much progression into the opening of the green ray.
With that however, vulnerability can be heightened. I know this from personal experience. Why do I not feel the love in return? When the heart is open, one can expect another's heart to be open in the same manner as your own. This is often not the case, and one can feel offended by the alternative thoughts/words/deeds of another. This is where the real test lies, to keep that heart open. To keep hold of your own power, rather than giving it away. Regarding this particular discussion, Zen is seeking in his own way, as are you. As we all are. Acceptance of each other's way of seeking is the path to higher levels of consciousness. Zen is but a mask, presented to you in which to face aspects of yourself that need balancing. A means to unify yourself with the Self. That mask will change, and pop-up in different areas of your life, until dealt with with acceptance and peace. Keep your heart open brother, and keep it within your own power; remain in your center.
03-28-2011, 05:33 PM
Well I just have to point out that mercury is retrograding so the tendency for misunderstandings, missing information, doing things over and over again, communicationdelays will be intensified for c:a 1 month ahead.
But also old friends, items and issues may pop up. A time to reconsider and go through old stuff, papers and cleaning up, inside and outside. transiten (03-28-2011, 09:40 AM)norral Wrote: monica and turtle Respectfully, dear brother, I would never judge another person by their words alone. The reason is that words are inefficient and often inaccurate. Communication is of blue ray. A person might be very loving, ie. fully open in green ray, but blocked in blue ray, and thus unable to communicate clearly. We've all met people who had sweet, gentle spirits, but weren't very articulate. Or, they may have lacked the wisdom to know how to express themselves honestly without offending others. I've also known people who were sharp of word because they were in in need of healing. Or sometimes they were just in a hurry...or having a bad day. Then there are those who intentionally deceive with their words. And, we've all been guilty of having good intentions, and speaking syrupy sweet words of love, but falling short in our actions. There are myriad reasons why a person's words might not reflect their true intentions. In everyday life, I consider actions more important than words. In an internet forum, we have only words. We can't even see their facial expressions or hear their tone of voice! So words are even more limited than in real life. This topic is explored in more depth in Life on Planet Earth > Cognitive Distortions and Forum Relationships I suggest that reading that thread in its entirety be done before continuing this dialog, so we can avoid going over the same ground that has already been covered there. (03-28-2011, 09:40 AM)norral Wrote: and then i want zen to respond to my questions and dont avoid it. Zenmaster isn't on trial here. He is free to respond to your invitation if he wishes. But, if I may make a suggestion, such terminology as "then i want zen to respond to my questions and dont avoid it" doesn't sound very inviting...in the same way that zenmaster's use of the word whiny didn't sound very inviting. I encourage everyone to use care in their choice of words. (03-28-2011, 09:40 AM)norral Wrote: right now people are not posting on this board because they feel they are going to be ridiculed that i know for a fact. That is sad indeed! I agree that the climate can be improved. Can we ALL do our part to resolve this? (03-28-2011, 09:40 AM)norral Wrote: that is not what the board was when i first came here. so if this is ok with u turtle and u monica and u zen we will proceed. but before we start we have to have an agreement of all parties. Well, again respectfully, norral, we don't 'have' to have anything. I don't think it's necessary to make stipulations. We all have free will here and it isn't necessary to 'enforce' any rules on our conversation, other than the normal forum guidelines. Hopefully, everyone is interested enough in restoring harmony, that they will participate voluntarily. Again, to reiterate: I encourage everyone to please read the Cognitive Distortions thread, before proceeding in this discussion. It will provide some excellent background as well as reveal the progress this community has already made. Let's not reinvent the wheel! I will be merging these posts with that thread, once I get time to do it, so that this thread can be restored to its original topic.
03-28-2011, 07:38 PM
To be honest, I like most of Zen's posts. I am a scientist by training and zen's thinking is logical. So naturally I am drawn to the more logical and scientific posts. I don't see them as negative since I am used to this way of thinking. On the other hand, a lot of the posts made on "new age" sites (not just this one) are rather illogical and strike me as wishful thinking. But I wouldn't read these sites if I wasn't open to the thoughts presented, no matter how out there. I think there are grains of truth to be had in all views, and I integrate them according to my biases.
In some sense, most of Zen's posts are of little use to me, since I already understand the points he is making. It is the other "illogical" posts that I find more interesting (and more difficult to integrate) because they raise perspectives that I am unfamiliar with. The way I treat this site is to accept ALL that is presented and integrate it using an interpretation that best resonates with me. Nobody would be reading and posting on this site if they did not have some connection to the material, be it positive or negative. We are free to accept or reject what is offered, and we should not infringe on that free will by requiring people to be one way or the other. For example, I have a great aversion to drugs and so I didn't even read the threads on drug use or entheogens. But I am happy that others find the time to read and post on these threads. I focus on other aspects, such as the nature of the various densities and different worlds; meditation; the nature of consciousness; chakras and energy bodies, and so forth. But that's just me. Not everyone wants to be an astronomy major in college. We need a few astrologers as well.
03-28-2011, 07:46 PM
(03-28-2011, 07:38 PM)Etude in B Minor Wrote: To be honest, I like most of Zen's posts. I am a scientist by training and zen's thinking is logical. So naturally I am drawn to the more logical and scientific posts. I don't see them as negative since I am used to this way of thinking. On the other hand, a lot of the posts made on "new age" sites (not just this one) are rather illogical and strike me as wishful thinking. But I wouldn't read these sites if I wasn't open to the thoughts presented, no matter how out there. I think there are grains of truth to be had in all views, and I integrate them according to my biases. Well said!!!
03-28-2011, 07:50 PM
(03-28-2011, 07:38 PM)Etude in B Minor Wrote: To be honest, I like most of Zen's posts. I am a scientist by training and zen's thinking is logical. So naturally I am drawn to the more logical and scientific posts. It is not logical or scientific posts that are under discussion here. http://www.bring4th.org/forums/showthread.php?tid=2444 (03-28-2011, 08:09 AM)Ankh Wrote: I agree with you, but wonder if there are any limits to what can be writen with words and still be unchecked because we "might misinterpret the intentions of another"? Absolutely! That's why we have forum guidelines. However, much of the time, the comments in question fall into a very grey area. It's very subjective to decide whether the comment itself is offensive, or whether the person just misinterpreted it. For example, awhile back a member asked me to ban someone, and gave examples of perceived rudeness. I showed the examples to the other mods and none of us could figure out what exactly was deserving of banning! I was once a mod for another forum, in which the owner of the forum would sometimes ban a member because s/he disagreed. There was also a great deal of censorship on that forum; members' posts could be edited without notice, to show a homogenized viewpoint. I witnessed members leaving because of the censorship. Here, we don't censor, and have very modest requests in terms of guidelines. Some members think we should be stricter and ban other members more readily. But, thus far, no one has offered a clear, concise suggestion as to precisely how we would make these decisions. If we ban one member because another member perceived their words as rude, what happens when someone else says the same about the other member? Do you see how easily we could get trigger-happy with the ban button? (03-28-2011, 08:09 AM)Ankh Wrote: Can anyone write whatever hurtful answers to other selves in this forum and get away with it when others self do get hurt because we might have misinterpreted something? I am refering you to this thread in this case and is genuinely curious about your opinion as I think it was one of the posts that was reason to this situation: I assume you are referring to the term whiny in this statement made by zenmaster: Quote:I've heard many, many whiny complaints about one's circumstances - being that of a prison, or what not, over the years. Let's dissect this. The presupposition here is that the term whiny was used in reference to norral, as explained by norral here. But that is a presupposition. Do we know that for sure? Re-read the statement. Is he explicitly addressing norral? Or is it possible he is making a generalization? If the former, then yes, the statement has crossed the boundary into disrespect. Such opinions are better left unsaid, as they serve no constructive purpose. (I might think that a person is foolish, or whiny, or selfish, or whatever, but I wouldn't tell them that, unless they explicitly asked me for my opinion. In other words, it's common courtesy to keep our less-than-flattering opinions to ourselves in public.) If the latter...then it was simply misinterpreted. It's entirely possible that the subject of the thread triggered a stream of consciousness, and zenmaster was simply musing. His mind might have already traveled 10 miles downstream from the thread's origination, and he was lost in thoughts about whiny people in prison, or whatever. He might not even have been thinking of norral at all when he made that comment. If that's the case, then this entire discord has been the result of a gross misunderstanding! When reading such an ambiguous statement, I think it's wise to consider the various ways in which it might have been intended. Our first interpretation might be totally wrong! The problem is, do I, as mod, have the right, or even the ability, to judge such a statement? How do I know I am assessing it accurately? The only person who knows for sure is the person who wrote it.
03-29-2011, 03:58 AM
(03-28-2011, 08:23 PM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: If we ban one member because another member perceived their words as rude, what happens when someone else says the same about the other member? Do you see how easily we could get trigger-happy with the ban button?As I said before in cognitive thread, hopefully this will never happen, the use of the ban button. However, is it subjective to only me or has this forum become more disharmonious with much more yaping? What do you, as mods, think about it? Have you been discussing it? Or it is as it has always been, only that my perception is changed? Quote:The problem is, do I, as mod, have the right, or even the ability, to judge such a statement? How do I know I am assessing it accurately? I don't know, Monica. I honestly don't know. I could almost see you all sitting and scratching your heads at saturday night/sunday morning thinking - now what?? I don't envy you at all. But as I said I perceive more discomfort here now and more yaping. Instead of embracing each other, making each other grow and broaden each others horizons what do we do? This breaks my heart! I mean, what was the goal of Carla and L/L Research for this place? To unite Wanderers worldwide, make them realize that they are not alone and make them to connect to each other and get done with the job we came to perform here. Can you feel that spirit on B4th today?
03-29-2011, 06:06 AM
I can feel it personally. I got my forum-experience-toes wet in another forum where I had to metaphorically put on a coat and tie before entering to post. It was necessary for me, and I fell in love with the moderators even though they made me dryclean my suit weekly.
Here, I am allowed more freedom to express myself. I am more vulnerable this way. Vulnerability allows more honest expression, and more honest internal use of catalyst. I can feel the nature behind this current "turmoil" of the forum. I see it as real. I see it as good. Good for each member. We are all working through something right now. Who knows what! Who knows where each will end up at the end of this phase. This has to happen. ![]() There is a clog in the drain. To push it out, we need to express our purest, basic perception of what we are feeling. To me, it's not about he said she said. It's about "I'm so frustrated! Are we going to die or not! I can't stand the idea that all this belief and we are going to gradually progress over 100 more years!!! (breathe) (giggle) okay let's continue" |