I was asked to post the Cube of Space as it may be of benefit to other people. When ever directions are used both in the Law of One or from the Bible I always refer to this Cube to determine what it could be inferring. I use 1) Hebrew letters first, or 2) any closely associated, corresponding positions to a direction. Then I apply a theory/understanding.
What is not on this image are the three mothers AIR, FIRE and WATER:
- Above to Below is ALEPH and is AIR
- North to South is SHIN and is FIRE
- East to West is MEM and is WATER
"The Keys" refer to the Tarot/Hebrew letters starting with "0" as ALEPH - The Fool, "1" as BETH - The Magician, etc.
This Cube is different if one was to compare to The Sepher Yetzirah. I use this one displayed.
Source: The Tarot by Paul Foster Case.