(01-22-2011, 07:09 PM)abridgetoofar Wrote: First, to address the issue of this particular session not resonating with people. Q'uo (and most other channels) encourage us to use our own discernment as the ultimate truth.
Someone told me, "You're the mod and you dared to disagree with one of Q'uo's channelings???" Well, yeah. Q'uo always tells us to discard that which doesn't resonate. Good thing this isn't a religious dogma!

(01-22-2011, 03:41 PM)Wander-Man Wrote: Claiming this session contains more distortions than others simply because it doesn't resonate with you as strong as others seems to be a very personal opinion.
I agree that may be true in some cases. It's more convenient to just say, "It must be distorted!" rather than boldly assert that it might actually be undistorted but it just doesn't resonate. For, what would that imply? How could we not resonate with something that is undistorted Truth?
That opens up a whole 'nother discussion!
I can't speak for others, but in my case, I'm not saying the session "must be distorted" just because I don't agree with it.
Rather, the reason I think it's distorted is that it involves a very volatile topic. Volatile topics tend to elicit strong personal feelings. It seems reasonable to me that a channel - any channel - might be more likely to color the transmission when it's a topic about something as personal as their diet, than they would about, say, how the pyramids were built.
For example, let's say a female channel was transmitting some channeled information on a highly volatile topic like abortion. Depending on whether or not that particular channel had ever had an abortion, and on her views and unresolved emotions regarding it, she will likely distort the info with her own biases much more than, say, a man who had never been personally affected by abortion. It's pretty much inevitable, when dealing with such volatile topics.
I think that's simply what happened in this case.
(01-22-2011, 03:41 PM)Wander-Man Wrote: If it's possible for that amount of distortion in this session, which you may not particularly agree with, then why feel that all other sessions that do resonate with you are less distorted?
Well, I didn't actually make that statement, but I'll address it anyway.
Personally, I feel that Truth (with a capital 'T') in its pure, undistorted form, would resonate with all of us, provided we were clear enough to handle it. The reason some of us resonate with some things and others don't, is because of our unique perspective, our own personal biases, blockages, etc. We all have these, so there's just no way that everyone will have exactly the same resonance with all spiritual information. (Hence, the countless various religions and spiritual paths.)
Then add to the equation, the fact (as told to us by Ra) that every bit of channeled data will have some degree of distortion (which is why Ra, Carla, Don and Jim worked so hard to minimize it), and you have an explanation of why Q'uo tells us to accept only that which resonates.
So, it isn't a judgment on the information or the channel, or on others who might consider the information pure. It's just the way it is. We don't all resonate with all the same stuff.
Another session that comes to mind, for me, is a session on Buddhism. Perhaps if I hadn't already known a bit about Buddhism, I might have felt that it resonated. But, because I already knew about Buddhism, just as I already knew about the meat industry, I viewed that particular session with perhaps more scrutiny than someone not familiar with those topics.
Just as someone with a scientific background is going to view any technical data with more scrutiny than someone without that background.
(01-22-2011, 03:41 PM)Wander-Man Wrote: I feel that discounting the purity of the message for everyone because it doesn't resonate with you alone is a subjective point of view.
How is my saying, "I don't resonate with that particular session because I think it is more distorted than most of the others" discounting it for others? It's just my opinion! Each person can decide for themselves whether they think it resonates or not, and whether they think it's distorted or not.
(01-22-2011, 03:41 PM)Wander-Man Wrote: I mean to ruffle no feathers here, but if this session has resonated with someone strongly, claiming that it is more distorted may make that person doubt themselves and to what they resonate. In my personal experience, doubt is very powerful and can be a difficult weed to pull.
Well, this is a Law of One forum, where each person already has the responsibility of deciding for themselves. In a religion, the members are told what to believe. They are told what it 'true' and what isn't. But that's not the way it is here. We all have our own opinions.
How can we possibly know everyone's opinion about any given piece of info, anyway? How could we ever express any opinion at all? Many of us have admitted here on this forum, that certain elements in the Law of One don't resonate. There are even some threads devoted to these topics! Where members have expressed their doubts about certain statements made by Ra. If they are asked, as I was asked, why they don't resonate with it, how then should they reply?