03-08-2021, 08:47 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-09-2021, 02:12 AM by LeafieGreens.
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Hello All,
My goodness, I am still somewhat shocked and amazed by what has occurred that led me to bring4th.org. I have been feeling so aimless and lost in my life lately and after this past week I have been voraciously researching the Law of One, the joyous transition from 3rd to 4th densities, connecting to pure consciousness and my higher self, the galactic community / confederation, reincarnation, karma, and all the other wonderous and wonderful things to absorb regarding exciting and dramatic changes occurring in our dear earth and inside of ourselves, each and everyone of us.
Where to start...
I am a 42 year old dude from outside Chicago who now lives on the west coast in Washington.
My story is so similar to many here. When I was born I had breathing issues and was kept in the hospital for an extended period of time. I later learned that during that time I would constantly leave my body and fly around joyously. When I was young I used to have nightmares of hands coming to grab me and then in the dream I would escape by shaking free of my body and flying away.
I again had 2 more extremely vivid OBE's in college, my freshman year. I missed my home and parents so much that while I was dreaming one morning and I was suddenly back home and in the kitchen. I wasn't sure if it was real at the time but now, knowing what I know about astral projection and OBE's, I have little doubt that it was real.
What else... I have been fascinated since I was a child with life after death, UFO's and flying saucers, aliens and alien abductions, psychic mediums, ghosts, paranormal activity, the unseen world... etc etc etc. I am highly sensitive and am deeply troubled by things like animal cruelty, racism, injustice, greed, inequality, uncaring ruination of the natural world and all the other tragedies of 3rd density living.
In junior high school my fascination with UFOs led me to the book Aliens Among Us by Ruth Montgomery. She was able to channel her spirit guides and would have daily automatic-writing sessions. Her books also spoke about the shift of polarity of this world to STO. I was a 12-year-old boy reading about heavy things like a coming catastrophic pole shift that was supposed to wreak havoc and force humanity to shift to STO across the world. I was very happy that the destructive and catastrophic pole shift never happened. I know there are still the doomsayers out there preaching that it will happen, but I feel like maybe we dodged it with the work we have already completed. I hope at least...
When the year 2000 came and went I was in my early 20's. While I have always been fascinated by the shift to STO, all that stuff kind of got put out of my mind as the wheel of life kept turning. I realized I was an alcoholic in my mid 20's and got sober at 25. I married and my wife and I lived in Arizona for a few years to be closer to her family.
Then trump was elected and my world turned upside-down. I couldn't understand how a soul that is obviously leaning to STS could become the president. I now realize that trump was a necessary catalyst to help bring about the cleansing of the deep infection of inequality and injustice in the USA. The fight for justice and equality is a long one and I know that part of my mission here is to use my voice to shake things up and force others to see the hard truths.
So I was recently delving into life after death research and NDE's back in January after one of my dear uncles recently passed on. I was watching youtube videos by Dr. Brian Weiss. His videos led me to Aaron Abke and his LOO videos. That has led me here and I feel like I have finally found a community of like-minded people. I am so grateful. I have so much reading to do here in these forums.
I strongly believe my wife is also a Wanderer and we were destined to find each other.
I don't know what else to say here...
I just want to express my utmost gratitude to you all. I can feel my heart chakra spinning wildly with joy at being here and finding this wonderful community. Love and light to you all. Let's bring about the new earth.
My goodness, I am still somewhat shocked and amazed by what has occurred that led me to bring4th.org. I have been feeling so aimless and lost in my life lately and after this past week I have been voraciously researching the Law of One, the joyous transition from 3rd to 4th densities, connecting to pure consciousness and my higher self, the galactic community / confederation, reincarnation, karma, and all the other wonderous and wonderful things to absorb regarding exciting and dramatic changes occurring in our dear earth and inside of ourselves, each and everyone of us.
Where to start...
I am a 42 year old dude from outside Chicago who now lives on the west coast in Washington.
My story is so similar to many here. When I was born I had breathing issues and was kept in the hospital for an extended period of time. I later learned that during that time I would constantly leave my body and fly around joyously. When I was young I used to have nightmares of hands coming to grab me and then in the dream I would escape by shaking free of my body and flying away.
I again had 2 more extremely vivid OBE's in college, my freshman year. I missed my home and parents so much that while I was dreaming one morning and I was suddenly back home and in the kitchen. I wasn't sure if it was real at the time but now, knowing what I know about astral projection and OBE's, I have little doubt that it was real.
What else... I have been fascinated since I was a child with life after death, UFO's and flying saucers, aliens and alien abductions, psychic mediums, ghosts, paranormal activity, the unseen world... etc etc etc. I am highly sensitive and am deeply troubled by things like animal cruelty, racism, injustice, greed, inequality, uncaring ruination of the natural world and all the other tragedies of 3rd density living.
In junior high school my fascination with UFOs led me to the book Aliens Among Us by Ruth Montgomery. She was able to channel her spirit guides and would have daily automatic-writing sessions. Her books also spoke about the shift of polarity of this world to STO. I was a 12-year-old boy reading about heavy things like a coming catastrophic pole shift that was supposed to wreak havoc and force humanity to shift to STO across the world. I was very happy that the destructive and catastrophic pole shift never happened. I know there are still the doomsayers out there preaching that it will happen, but I feel like maybe we dodged it with the work we have already completed. I hope at least...
When the year 2000 came and went I was in my early 20's. While I have always been fascinated by the shift to STO, all that stuff kind of got put out of my mind as the wheel of life kept turning. I realized I was an alcoholic in my mid 20's and got sober at 25. I married and my wife and I lived in Arizona for a few years to be closer to her family.
Then trump was elected and my world turned upside-down. I couldn't understand how a soul that is obviously leaning to STS could become the president. I now realize that trump was a necessary catalyst to help bring about the cleansing of the deep infection of inequality and injustice in the USA. The fight for justice and equality is a long one and I know that part of my mission here is to use my voice to shake things up and force others to see the hard truths.
So I was recently delving into life after death research and NDE's back in January after one of my dear uncles recently passed on. I was watching youtube videos by Dr. Brian Weiss. His videos led me to Aaron Abke and his LOO videos. That has led me here and I feel like I have finally found a community of like-minded people. I am so grateful. I have so much reading to do here in these forums.
I strongly believe my wife is also a Wanderer and we were destined to find each other.
I don't know what else to say here...
I just want to express my utmost gratitude to you all. I can feel my heart chakra spinning wildly with joy at being here and finding this wonderful community. Love and light to you all. Let's bring about the new earth.