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Allah means "The God", so its a word for god not god's name. Arab Christians use it too.
What is Jihad? This guy is amazing, he knows a few religions' holy books by hard. downside is the accent ![]() Charles i found the verse you mentioned: "Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error" Judaism, Christianity and Islam are all religions passed by prophets of the one and only god (According to Islam). About mocking other religions watch the first minute of this clip: caycegal- I mostly had in mind the way most churches have turned Jesus and Mary (and many saints) into symbols. My main problem with the church is the whole Trinity idea which i strongly believe is a huge distortion, it has always bothered me. Also most ceremonies and the hierarchy.
11-13-2012, 10:19 PM
(07-19-2012, 11:06 AM)caycegal Wrote: If Muhammed was "the last," then what about Carla, Edgar Cayce, Abraham, etc. Muhammad is never said to be the last "Prophet", I guess just the last of the major Abrahamic or Great prophets. One of the most interesting points/little factoids I ever came across while doing religious studies was that in Judaism it is understood that besides the Prophets mentioned in the bible there were likely hundreds of thousands if not millions of others throughout the timeline of the Old Testament, of all religions and all nations indiscriminately. The Catholic Church teaches that every nation has a angel/group of angels watching over it or given responsibility for it. A vastly different way of viewing things than what I was taught in Church, that it was only the Jewish people, Jewish religion, and Israel that were looked over by God, the chosen people. All of the others were rejected as evil degenerates.
03-07-2015, 10:14 PM
03-08-2015, 09:57 AM
(07-08-2012, 03:29 PM)LetGo Wrote: similar, and yet very different. My wish for Islam is for some kind of translation revolution similar to what happened with Christianity. My understanding is that in Christianity there was a ban on translating the Bible into local or popular languages that lasted for perhaps 1000 years (?? don't know how long), and then when there were people willing to stand up for the right of the people to read it and publish it in other languages, all kinds of positive transformational developments took place in the common religious practices. I have the idea that many Muslims believe their holy book can only be printed and read and spoken in Arabic. This is a problem for spiritual expansion within the religion. Would like to hear your thoughts about this, as well as any corrections to my "historical" understanding.
02-22-2021, 11:29 AM
Most of Islam is of Orion 4D STS origin. You may see this, when you read a random page from Q'uran. I believe, more than 90 percent of Q'uran is 4D STS origined. However, in the remaining less than 10 percent, you may recognize the beauty of Sufism
I admittedly have had a difficult time trying to read the Quran, just like I've never really made it through the Bible. Something about them are just not... attractive, I guess?
However, I do have a book on Music in Sufism that is quite an enjoyable read (despite the somewhat elitist overtones of eastern music vs western music lol) and I appreciate the spirit of what I've seen in Sufism. I've seen Sufism described as the "esoteric" branch of Islam, and I feel like all such 'traditions' tend to start in their esoteric roots and then become overshadowed by the exoteric religions. Particularly I like the notion that the Creator is treated as one's "Beloved" and there is a heavy emphasis on embodying love for the Creator. I can see how this could be tied to such a phenomenon of channeling.
02-22-2021, 06:24 PM
My personal opinion of Islam and the Quran is that it started as a true channel of STO principles and was corrupted over time. You can almost draw a line in the Quran when it becomes more STS principled. The first 1/3 to 1/2 is a very beautiful work.
02-22-2021, 07:07 PM
I like that.
03-02-2021, 07:44 PM
For clear-cut STS lenient content in the Quran, go to chapter 111. It start with "in the name of God the most merciful" and continue with a curse towards somebody named Abu Lahab. (meanings: Father Of The Flame) Which is quite an oddity.. Saw the same thing in the Bible / Gospel as well, there are contradictions within those books. I guess the reason is that both STO and STS need to be given equal footprint for 'catalyst'. As both path is a valid path, and all served the creator in the end. Thus it's up to the reader to which content they will draw / resonate themselves to. I will not be surprised if as time progresses STS related content will appear in Ra's material as well. As it has happened in the past, during Ancient Egypt era.
03-02-2021, 10:28 PM
(03-02-2021, 07:44 PM)jafar Wrote: I will not be surprised if as time progresses STS related content will appear in Ra's material as well. I think there are already STS derived elements in the current material, it's just not actively negative, but more just problematic. Mostly the 'transient' material (like big foot, some historical stuff, etc) which could compromise the believability on the whole of the material by making it look pretty silly on the outside. Considering there was already (allegedly) STS influence in the 'paranormal conspiracy' community/material that Don was historically exploring, there may have been a 'karmic entry' into the channel. I believe Ra warned something to the effect. To be honest, those aspects pretty much limit my recommendation on sharing the material with people who could be interested in the overall philosophy otherwise.
03-02-2021, 11:37 PM
It's funny but to me too intuitively, the big foot mention always created a slight uneasiness when I was reading it.
There aren't many but off suddenly once in a while I would have that queer sensation, and would just sort of skipped quickly when I was re-reading a session.
03-03-2021, 01:25 AM
Another 'pattern' from the history of Torah->Judaism, Gospel -> Christianity, Quran -> Islam and also Ra -> Ancient Egyptian Religion that can be derived on the subject of how STS makes their entry is through creating an 'organized control/power structure' around the materials.
Levites Priest / Jewish Prophets, Churches, Caliphates, Pharaoh and High Priestess to name a few of such structure. On Islam, the Quran that we have today was 'codified' and 'standardized' by a Caliph named Uthman, about 20 years after the death of the 'channeler'. Thus the 'channeler' (Muhammad) never confirmed whether the material that's being produced during Uthman era was correct as per his understanding, as he was not around to give his confirmation. The drive for 'standardization' or 'canonification' was always driven by the variety of versions that's being circulated within the society. This happened to Tanakh, Gospels / Bible and also Quran. Moses never confirmed the codified Torah Jesus never confirmed the codified Gospel Muhammad never confirmed the codified Quran With 'codification' in place, the elimination of the 'other versions' soon followed, other variant are burned and destroyed. The 'codified' version then claimed to be the 'truest' version with 'threat of punishment' for those who objected. Then the next step is creating a group of 'elite' that will be the authorative body providing explanation of the actual meanings of the material to the masses. Levites Priest / Sanhedrin, Churches and Council of Ulema for Quran case. This mark the beginning of the formation of a religion / cult in this case the religion called Islam. The religion once founded and consolidated, instantly faced stiff competition from other religion / cult, namely (Orthodox) Christianity from the neighboring Roman Empire (Byzantine Empire) and Zoroastrianism from neighboring Persian Empire. Thus a 'reason of superiority' need to be invented in order to survive and win the competition. In this case the Council of Ulema basically just copy and paste the same proved to be working formula from (Orthodox) Christianity. Their holy book (Quran) is claimed to be superior compared to the 'other books' (Bible / Gospel, Avesta), yet another 'newer testament' replacing the 'old testaments' and 'new testament'. And the 'channeler' (Muhammad) is superior compared to other channelers (Moses, Jesus, Zarathustra) Plus only those who believe in the superior chaneler will be 'saved' from 'eternal damnation'. Basically the same 'formula' being copied and pasted to suit their needs. That is why I think the religion of Islam is basically Christianity v2.0 or Judaism v3.0 The formation of the authorative body usually formed by thus followed the political structure. As thus when a political conflict happened, each political structure will create their own authorative bodies. When a conflict breakout between Ali and Muawiyah, each create their own authorative body, thus mark the start of Sunniism (Muawiyah) and Shiaism (Ali) which still prevalent until today. Each authorative body create their own 'additional official guidance material' which was named as "Hadith" thus as can be seen today there are Sunnis Hadith and Shia Hadith. While the "Sufi movement" is a different category on it's own... In Christianity, the struggle of power is consolidated to eventually Catholicism vs Orthodox Christianity. In Judaism, as indicated by the Gospel it's between Pharisees vs Sadducees. I found the pattern is so strikingly similar.. Whether the same pattern will happened to "Today's Ra - Law of One"? Only time will tell... I just found another 'person' who channeled Ra's message. He goes by the name of "Sam The Illusionist". Ra - Soul Journey I wonder whether this will trigger "llresearch" to claim as the official / authorative channeler of Ra's message? And the other 'channelers' are thus labeled as 'false channelers'. (03-03-2021, 01:25 AM)jafar Wrote: ....... Funny, reading the Gnostic Gospels of Thomas (Elaine Pagels) was a big revelation to me, however I don't remember if it was pre or post LOO readings for me. It was a real facepalm for Catholicism moment for me. If LL' ever did that, we would know something has gone of the rails, I would truly be shocked. Any copyright claim to a channel would have to be from a novel source, and would immediately be a red flag. The message for light is for everyone, it does not belong to the channeler IMO. Anyone could theoretically channel any entity, any real channeler knows that, now whether it's legit or how precise is another matter. I think LL does a good job with disclaimers about not being an authoratative source, it is what it is. Alternative Ra sources does feel weird considering the precedent, but so does the various channels claiming the more infamous Archangels. I'm not aware of any cults based around the Ra material, although I wouldn't be surprised if there were some. I doubt there's enough time in 3d to implement any new religions, thats the role of modern 'science-technocracy' and atheism that has corrupted Western society with. Although conspiracy circles are worried about a potential new Alien contact/disclosure becoming the next big religion.
03-03-2021, 07:08 AM
(This post was last modified: 03-03-2021, 05:26 PM by LeiwoUnion.)
(03-03-2021, 02:47 AM)zedro Wrote: I doubt there's enough time in 3d to implement any new religions, thats the role of modern 'science-technocracy' and atheism that has corrupted Western society with. Well, as I see it, that IS the latest Western de-facto religion; namely scientism. There the ultimate truth is held by 'the application of scientific method and objectivism' (one can read about my view on this elsewhere already), gospels of which are the myriad journals gathering/publishing scientific research articles and publications. Almost nothing seems to be of value, if there is no scientific (almost meaningless word these days) reference to it. Still, even this could be seen in positive light, obviously, because who wouldn't love true objective truth? What makes it crumble, as always, is the distorted human influence. Those people in control of 'the gospel of the scientific journals' are almost humorously, if they weren't so nauseatingly distorted towards materialism and anti-spirituality, so, of course, we are seeing, perhaps, the reigning of the most distorted religion ever on this planet; at least since Atlantis. One of the more descriptive examples of the meaning of this in our western society is, in my opinion, the 'yeah, science b****!' meme taken from Breaking Bad series. It shows the promotion of ignorance on some astounding level. The society where every 'truth' begins with the words 'the experts say'. The good thing, though, is that the 'elites', so to speak, are so incompetent that no permanent negative reign in large scale is possible in any way in my opinion. It is very easy for a spiritually oriented positive being to detach from these views and focus on more relevant matters.
03-03-2021, 09:28 AM
At some point science will need to include spirituality, or at least time/space, in order to continue evolving. It cannot continue ignoring the spiritual aspect of reality forever.
03-03-2021, 11:15 AM
(03-03-2021, 01:25 AM)jafar Wrote: Another 'pattern' from the history of Torah->Judaism, Gospel -> Christianity, Quran -> Islam and also Ra -> Ancient Egyptian Religion that can be derived on the subject of how STS makes their entry is through creating an 'organized control/power structure' around the materials. History classes basically teach that Muhammed thought that the Christian and Jewish Peoples had an advantage because they were unified thru religion while the arabic peoples were still tribalistic and constantly fought among each other. Muhammed thought that the defining factor was that those were "religions of the book". So he set about to create his own book to unify his people. Of course modern history does not attribute any actual divine revelation or channeling to the message of Muhammed. As regards to Ra and other relatively famous channeled sources, they are common targets for fraud to dupe people who are so enamored by the original work they deeply desire to be a part of a still ongoing work. Seth has multiple people who claim to channel him even though the original said specifically that he would not be returning as a source after Jane Roberts death. Ra similarly warns about this in the Ra material in a much more vague manner by saying he is basically uper rare to channel due to the strict requirements and 3 being the minimum number. (03-03-2021, 01:25 AM)jafar Wrote: In Christianity, the struggle of power is consolidated to eventually Catholicism vs Orthodox Christianity. interesting Jafar, to me it seems impossible the same might apply to Ra, just because essentially Ra insists so much about each one resonating or not, so it's still such an open choice as opposed to a dogma, and also because All is One so there is no separation as occurs within a religious group as 'we have the truth, and the others do not.. ' lol BUT, this being said, you are also right to say, only time will tell, as the LOO could itself be distorted by a group aiming to form an exclusive group... ![]()
03-03-2021, 04:06 PM
(03-03-2021, 07:08 AM)LeiwoUnion Wrote: Well, as I see it, that IS the latest Western de-facto religion; namely scientism. Yes, I love pointing this out to friends, the white robes, the special titles before names, the institutional indoctrination, the various Gospels of truth (hypothesis masquerading as fact, who's history is being continuously updated). The parallels are insanely hilarious. Patrick Wrote:At some point science will need to include spirituality, or at least time/space, in order to continue evolving. It cannot continue ignoring the spiritual aspect of reality forever. Well, that's exactly what the Nazis were doing, unfortunately. And is what the industrial military complex is doing, which is how isoteric technology is being suppressed. So we are including it, just not in the mainstream, and certainly not for STO.
03-03-2021, 09:08 PM
I have a feeling Patrick was thinking of the portion of science as being STO oriented ....
03-03-2021, 09:48 PM
03-03-2021, 10:15 PM
For another 100-150 years max I would say.
03-03-2021, 10:43 PM
(03-03-2021, 11:15 AM)Dtris Wrote: History classes basically teach that Muhammed thought that the Christian and Jewish Peoples had an advantage because they were unified thru religion while the arabic peoples were still tribalistic and constantly fought among each other. Muhammed thought that the defining factor was that those were "religions of the book". So he set about to create his own book to unify his people. Of course modern history does not attribute any actual divine revelation or channeling to the message of Muhammed. The history classes is totally inaccurate: Mind you that: 1. The 'social identity' labeled as "Arabic People" did not yet exist when Muhammad was living and walking upon earth. In the same manner as identity labeled as "American" did not exist during 17th century. 2. You can read on written history how the Roman Byzantine Empire (Roman Christian) oppressed the Judean up to the point of destroying the Mount Temple in Jerusalem. During the time of Muhammad, the Mount Temple is in total ruin and no Judean are allowed to enter Jerusalem. 3. In revenge, many Judean political groups, in alliance and support from the rival of the Romans (Persian Empire) start out many rebellion and did attempted to retake Jerusalem. And when they do the massacre of Roman Christians (Goys) occurs.. 4. Even when the Caliph conquered Jerusalem from the Byzantine (occurred about 15-20 years after the death of Muhammad), the Byzantine Church bishop wrote the event as the "Sarachen" invaded Jerusalem with help / support of the "Heathen Judean". 5. There was definitely no unity within Christian groups, ample of evidence on this, read how the church oppressed the Nestorian, the Qumran society, the Copts, the Nassara (Mesianic Jews) and any other group who did not respect the authority of Roman Church, and also no unity within the Judean groups, let alone a unity between Christian and Judean group. 6. Mr Muhammad seems to be in close relationship with the Nassara (Messianic Jews), the Copts and the Ethiopian Christian as he and his group did migrated to Ethiopia for safety reason. 7. Mr Muhammad never wrote any book, in the same manner as Jesus never wrote any book. Even if he does none of the copy survived to this day. Mind you that writing on a piece of scroll (lamb skin is the most often used material) is a very very expensive endeavor during that day. A scroll of Tanakh bundle might cost $100,000 in today's currency. Even access to such material is an exclusive privilege for the very few elites (Scholar and Priest). And also not to mention that the illiteracy rate within the society was around 90%. A "book" in those times will look something like this: And it requires the skin from more than 100 lambs... flofrog Wrote:to me it seems impossible the same might apply to Ra, just because essentially Ra insists so much about each one resonating or not, so it's still such an open choice as opposed to a dogma, and also because All is One so there is no separation as occurs within a religious group as 'we have the truth, and the others do not.. ' lol I think I read somewhere similar statements can be found in the Quran, something like "Take only the best meanings of this message" and also the infamous "There is no compulsion in belief and opinion as truth stands out clear from error". But definitely it didn't stop anything, as those with lenient towards 'power', 'authority' and 'control' will definitely skipped those message. Another pattern of STS is, they are drawn towards power, authority and control. Thus unless they see that the 'material' will serve such purpose they will not paid much attention to it. Many centuries passed when Roman Empire did not pay any attention to Jesus and the gospel material, only when it has risen in certain popularity within the empire they start to see that this Jesus and Gospel thing is a great tools to exert control over the masses. Thus just expect those 'pattern' to re-emerge when Law of One has gained ample of popularity... As said before, the STS / Negative Path need to be given an ample of opportunity to also spread their catalyst. As without the negative path how can you then know the opposite? (positive path)
03-04-2021, 03:45 AM
03-04-2021, 09:20 AM
(03-04-2021, 03:45 AM)LeiwoUnion Wrote:(03-03-2021, 10:15 PM)Patrick Wrote: For another 100-150 years max I would say. If we believe this book: They have computers that can read your aura... ![]()
03-20-2021, 06:41 PM
I may be wrong about the following Muslim belief:
Wikipedia Wrote:جهاد jihād is an Arabic word which literally means striving or struggling, especially with a praiseworthy aim. but I consider the inner struggle a much more difficult challenge to overcome than the external struggle. This is why modern psychologists seem to emphasize self-care and mindfulness, in contrast, and in comparison, to trying to change externalities.
03-22-2021, 02:56 PM
"They have computers that can read your aura..."
People were using machines like that for decades, I heard from those spiritual new age gatherings. |