(03-26-2018, 04:40 PM)loostudent Wrote: Giovanni Pico della Mirandola in his Conclusions on the kabbalah (published in 1486) argued that the insertion of the "shin" into Tetragrammaton represents the descent of the fiery holy Spirit into the fourfold realm of matter--the incarnation of God in human flesh.
That’s esentially what I said above in my first response, lol. The quote I used was from Israel Regardie’s Garden of Pomegranates. I believe he was using the same sources, Reuchlin and Mirandola, but Regardie is not too kindly towards the Christian cabbalists. He was defending the Qabalistic / Hebrew philosophy and criticizing the attempts to fit the Christian trinity into the Tetragrammaton, which Regardie says does not work. As YHVH represent the Father, Mother, Son, Daughter principles. Shin being the Holy Spirit. The Christian trinity lacks the Daughter.
This Kabbalistic interpretation works very well, in my opinion.