(01-27-2011, 12:41 PM)Pickle Wrote: Added to OP.
Quote:raw foodists eat mostly organic food, which is 80% to 300% more nutritionally dense - loaded with available electrons/energy. As your body learns to absorb this additional nutrition and energy you'll be less hungry, getting more energy from what you do eat, and eat less. This ultimately can reduce your food costs, as well as your health care costs, far below what is was when you were eating empty calories filled with the acidic toxins.http://www.rawfoodlife.com/Articles___Re...l_food.htm
Published in the JOURNAL OF APPLIED NUTRITION, VOL 45-1, 1993, © International Academy of Nutrition & Preventive Medicine
I see figures such as that bandied about on the internet, and they strike me as quackery (unlike, I would guess, most people on this discussion board, I've actually done some laboratory analysis of foodstuffs for nutritional content). The "International academy of Nutrition & Preventive Medicine" has a high-sounding name, but it's not accepted as legitimate by those few mainstream nutritionists who even bother paying attention to it.