Quote:ACCORDING to a common, rather simplistic notion, we are what we eat. On a far more empirical level, epidemiological studies reveal a connection between diet and adverse health consequences. Many observed differences in cancer rates worldwide, including incidences of colon and breast cancer, are linked to variations in human diets.https://www.llnl.gov/str/FoodSection1.html
Although the compounds we study are present in very small amounts, they are also the most mutagenic compounds ever found, and they produce tumors in mice, rats, and monkeys
Quote:Cooked and processed foods are so hard on the body that they actually bring on a condition called digestive leucocytosis. The body considers cooked food to be a foreign substance, an unwanted invader and eating cooked food causes the white blood cell count to rise!http://www.disabled-world.com/artman/pub...z18UWjBjvP
Further, if enzymes are not present in the food you eat, not only is the body overtaxed, but also food is often only partially digested. This causes additional problems, including allergies, and lethargy.
Eventually, as your body's stores of digestive enzymes are depleted, you become unable to digest certain foods at all. For example, if you were to use up your supply of lactase enzymes (from eating enzyme-deficient milk products) you would become lactose intolerant.
There are three classes of enzymes: metabolic enzymes, which run every process in the body; digestive enzymes, which help digest or foods; and food enzymes from raw foods, which start food digestion. All of our organs and tissues are run by metabolic enzymes.
Quote:The Right To Know
Meat-eaters have a right to know what the cows, pigs, lamb and hens and turkeys they consume are fed on. Among other ingredients those herbivorous animals are given reject meat mixed with fecal matter (pooh) to eat. The shocking information that follows comes from fourth-generation dairy farmer and cattle rancher Howard Lyman, the Cattle Rancher Who Won’t Eat Meat.
Rendering Plants
When an animal is killed for food, about half of its weight is not sold to the human food industry. The intestines (and their contents!), the head, hooves, and horns, the bones and blood are deposited into huge grinders at “rendering” plants. Also entire carcasses that are diseased are added to the rendering mix. Rendering is a multi billion-a-year industry, dealing with fifty billion pounds of animal parts and sick animals a year. No animal is too ill, too cancerous, or too decomposed to be included in the raw product of a rendering plant.
Protein Concentrates
At the rendering plant these horrid ingredients are then ground and steam-cooked, the lighter, fatty materials float up to the top, get refined and used in products such as lubricants, cosmetics, soaps, candles, and waxes (!) The rest, heavier protein stuff is dried and made into a brown powder that includes fecal material. This brown powder is added to almost all pet food as well as to livestock feed. It is called "protein concentrates".
Why is one animal chosen as a pet above another? One beloved pet is spoiled with the other animal in tins: salmon, tuna, duck, chicken, lamb, and ox. Human interaction with animals is full of incomprehensible contradictions. Supermarket shelves bulge with the most extravagant products for our beloved pets. In the next aisle other ruthlessly reared and bloodily cut up animals are displayed for human consumption.
To what extend does the consumption of diseased or unhealthy animals cause diseases in humans?
What is the connection between obese livestock and obesity in human adults and children?
People get sick and have to make decisions about their health: should I have by-pass surgery or angioplasty, chemotherapy or radiation?
Would it not make more sense to consciously make informed choices that will never expose us to the above sad options in the first place? A choice is made, every time we decide what to put into our mouth.
Quote:Dangers From Meat
Three dangers from meat must be recognized; (1) animal parasites, such as the trichina sometimes found in pork, (2) poisons developed in the meat by bacteria when it is kept too long or without sufficient refrigeration, this danger being recognized as ptomaine poisoning, (3) bacteria, sometimes present in meat, which are directly injurious to man and which are now held to be the cause of most of the sickness commonly attributed to ptomaine poisoning.
Quote:Cannibals and Mad Cows
Only in 1982 did scientists finally find prions and could explain kuru.
Prions are infectious proteins that provoke diseases 100 % fatal.
They may be infectious, inherited or spontaneous and the most known prion diseases are mad cow disease (or bovine spongiform encephalopathy) found in cattle and transmissible to humans and Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease, found in humans and very similar in symptoms to kuru, but which develops during at least 30 years.
Prions usually attack the brain provoking neurological degeneration (the diseases are called spongiform encephalopathies because the brains usually turn spongy, riddled with holes) and many suspect they are simplified viruses that passed off the nuclear acid phase (DNA or RNA).
The researchers were still puzzled by how the prions were transmitted till they discovered the gruesome secret that the tribe was hiding away from the authorities: mortuary cannibalism.
Quote:Deaths associated with choking
The most common specified food objects that victims choked on were meat products, and 45% occurred at home, followed by 26% at supervised facilities, and 14% at restaurants.http://www.labmeeting.com/paper/27137459/dolkas-2007-deaths-associated-with-choking-in-san-diego-county
B12 isn't made by animals, it's made by bacteria. It's found where things are unclean. (And meat is dirty.) This easily explains why historically it's been easy to get B12, because until recently we didn't live in a sanitized environment. Pull a carrot out of the ground and don't wash it properly, and there's almost certainly some B12 there. Vegans should take a B12 supplement, not because veganism is unnatural, but because the modern diet is too clean to contain reliable natural sources of dirty B12.
The idea of "Man the Hunter" is the generally accepted paradigm of human evolution, says Sussman, "It developed from a basic Judeo-Christian ideology of man being inherently evil, aggressive and a natural killer. In fact, when you really examine the fossil and living non-human primate evidence, that is just not the case."
Sussman's research is based on studying the fossil evidence dating back nearly seven million years. "Most theories on Man the Hunter fail to incorporate this key fossil evidence," Sussman says. "We wanted evidence, not just theory. We thoroughly examined literature available on the skulls, bones, footprints and on environmental evidence, both of our hominid ancestors and the predators that coexisted with them." ...
But what Sussman and Hart discovered is that Australopithecus afarensis was not dentally pre-adapted to eat meat. "It didn't have the sharp shearing blades necessary to retain and cut such foods," Sussman says. "These early humans simply couldn't eat meat. If they couldn't eat meat, why would they hunt?"
Quote:Canines Redundant
This article on primate eating habits from Harvard has a bar graph of all the things that chimps and monkeys eat (Fig. 3), and meat isn't even in the chart. What they do eat is fruit, seeds, leaves, flowers, and pith. There is a category called "Miscellaneous", which for most species amounts to less than 5% of their diet, and for chimps and redtail monkeys less than 1%.
There is no question that humans are capable of digesting meat. But just because we can digest animals does not mean we're supposed to, or that it will be good for us. We can digest cardboard. But that doesn't mean we should.
If the evidence shows that our anatomy favors the digestion of plant foods, and we're healthier when we eat less animal foods, what do we make of the fact that we're capable of eating animals? It's simple: We have the ability to eat a wide variety of foods as a survival mechanism. The fact that we can eat just about anything, including meat, is very handy, from a biological point of view. But the fact that we're able to doesn't mean that we're optimized for it. The evidence for this is that our biology is similar to that of other herbivores, and the more animal foods we incorporate into our diets, the more our health suffers. In fact, it is rather specious to claim that humans are natural meat-eaters considering how poorly we fare when we do so.
Quote:Intestinal Toxemia
Intestinal toxemia is poisoning (infection) by decomposition products absorbed from the digestive tract. The toxins are exogenous--of outside origin.
Toxins resulting from protein decomposition (putrefaction) are more virulent than those resulting from carbohydrate decomposition (fermentation). As a rule, decomposition of animal proteins (meat and eggs) produce more virulent toxins than plant proteins.http://chestofbooks.com/health/natural-cure/The-Hygienic-System-Orthopathy/Intestinal-Toxemia.html
Quote:Removing Worms From the Brain[/quote]Creates allergies
Although the blood-brain barrier protects the brain most of the time, occasionally a parasite will "worm" its way in, a condition known as neurocysticercosis. Most commonly this parasitic brain worm is the pork tapeworm, but blood flukes (roundworms) are also known to invade the brain. Either of these organisms can cause damage and even death. Often appearing as tumors on brain scans, these worms may not be recognized until the neurosurgeon is in the process of brain surgery to remove them.
This significant research clearly illustrates that the dietary recommendations by leading government and industry groups is doing nothing to prevent the growing incidence of osteoporosis. Indeed, this ‘taken for granted’ approach to preventing osteoporosis is actually contributing to the accelerating incidence of this debilitating disease. The promotion of milk (with government approval) as a good source of calcium and an important factor in maintaining strong bones is a highly deceptive marketing tactic, not based on science, which only serves to enrich the coffers of the dairy industry at the expense of the health of millions.
Dairy products offer a false sense of security to those concerned about osteoporosis. In countries where dairy products are not generally consumed, there is actually less osteoporosis than in the United States and Canada. Studies have shown little effect of dairy products on osteoporosis 1. The Harvard Nurses Study followed 78,000 women for a 12-year period and found that milk did not protect against bone fractures. Indeed, those who drank three glasses of milk per day had more fractures than those who rarely drank milk 2. Another study comparing bone loss in the lumbar spine in perimenopausal women showed that the control group who supplemented the diet with whey protein (a milk protein), significant bone loss occurred. The researchers at Iowa State University concluded that regular consumption of milk proteins such as whey could increase the lifetime risk of osteoporosis 3.
Another common fallacy promoted by the pharmaceutical industry, and given lip service by the health food industry, is the promotion of calcium carbonate and other inorganic forms of calcium as a preventative for osteoporosis. There is absolutely no scientific evidence that taking calcium carbonate (Tums, and other OTC antacids as well as oyster shell, dolomite, coral calcium or calcium hydroxyapatite or combinations containing them, have any bearing on the incidence of osteoporosis. Again, if these popular supplements (used by millions) had any effect on osteoporosis, then a decline in osteoporosis should be evident rather than a 7-fold increase over the last 10 years.
Difficult to digest
Cow’s milk curds are dense and difficult to digest. Low-fat and skimmed milk’s protein content is even higher, and has been shown to produce a higher calcium loss through the urinary tract.
After age 3 (when we are weaned) we do not secrete the enzyme rennin that breaks down milk protein, nor the enzyme lactase to digest lactose (milk sugar) and transform it to sugars that our body can use (glucose and galactose). Mature animals' and humans' bodies are not geared to drink milk.
Processed milk
Calves fed only processed milk, died.
Cow’s milk allergies create problems in the respiratory and/or digestive tracts with symptoms like post-nasal drip, sinusitis, excess secretion of mucous, catarrh, asthma, eczema, hayfever, vomiting, bronchitis, urticaria, sleeplessness, headaches, pimples, oedema (water retention), gas, constipation, diarrhoea, spastic colon, abdominal pain, and persistent colic. The allergies are caused by casein and beta lactoglobulin.
When (cow’s) diary products are removed from the diet, the problems often clear up completely.
Hormones and antibiotics
Cows get injected and/or fed synthetic hormones to increase milk production.To prevent and treat mastitis, cows are fed antibiotics.Guess where this all lands up…in our bodies. It has been linked to increased incidence of cancer, especially breast cancer.
So, do we need to drink milk to get our calcium? In the pasteurization process, the structure of the milk and nutrients are changed and the calcium becomes indigestible - our bodies cannot assimilate it. Many people in their older years feel they need to drink milk to keep their bones strong. In all actuality, pasteurized milk leeches calcium from the bones. So not only does it not prevent osteoporosis, it actually can cause it! Studies show that the countries with higher consumptions of milk and milk products also have a higher rate of broken bones and osteoporosis. Milk is not our best source of calcium.
Soy - The Gender Bender
Phytates, found in all seeds and grains, are particularly high in soybeans. Phytates, cannot be destroyed by heating or soaking and prevent the uptake of essential minerals in the digestive tract, especially zinc, but also magnesium, iron and calcium and is most likely the reason why strict vegetarians often suffer mineral deficiencies.
Soy is high in very potent ‘antinutrients’ which cannot be entirely eliminated during processing and cause stunted growth by blocking the function of the enzyme trypsin. As trypsin is involved in the breakdown of protein it becomes obvious that replacing protein meat meals with soy is self defeating. Trypsin is added to commercial baby food for that purpose; to break down protein molecules too large for an infant to digest.rians often suffer mineral deficiencies.
Soy contains high levels of phytoestrogens especially genistein and diadzen. These are toxic endocrine disrupting isoflavone phytoestrogens and consumption may result in thyroid dysfunction leading to lethargy, fatigue with unexplained weight gain or weight loss and associated problems. Some women who consume large quantities of soy based products have noticed hair thinning or hair loss which is distressing, but the symptoms disappear and hair growth returns to normal when soy is excluded from their diet.
The estrogen factor means that babies fed on soy formula will take in the equivalent of five birth control pills daily. In 1992 the Swiss health service estimated that 100 grams of soy protein provided the estrogenic equivalent of one birth control pill. Infants and small children fed on soy protein display early maturation and precocious behaviour with a documented case of one two year old girl developing pubic hair and breasts. Infant soy based formula has been banned in the UK unless with the recommendation of a medic.
Soy has been widely embraced by food manufacturers as a cheap alternative to traditional food for reducing costs and increasing profit margins. Meat content of many foods can be reduced and replaced with textured vegetable protein and while wheat is rising in price, flour can easily be mixed with soy isolate powder.
Gender-specific associations between soy and risk of hip fracture
Common table salt is poison that has nothing in common with natural salt. "Chemically cleaned" table salt is sodium chloride, an unnatural chemical form of salt that your body recognizes as something completely foreign. Dried at over 1,200 degrees Fahrenheit, the excessive heat alters the natural chemical structure of the salt.
Add to this the toxic additives used in table salt. Iodine and fluoride we have been convinced into believing are necessary to maintain health. Calcium carbonate, magnesium carbonate, and aluminum hydroxide are often added to improve the ability of table salt to pour. Aluminum in table salt is a light alloy that deposits into your brain, believed to be a potential cause of Alzheimer's disease.
Ingesting excessive amounts of sodium chloride in table salt can contribute to problems like cellulite build up, rheumatism, arthritis and gout, kidney and gall bladder stones.
"One quarter of what you eat keeps you alive;
the other three-quarters keeps your doctor alive."
Juice Fasting
Liquid is the only substance that will pass through the lining of your stomach. When you juice, you are sending all those vitamins and nutrients directly into your bloodstream, and in turn they are flushing out the toxins that are laying in wait to sabotage your good health and forces them into your bloodstream to be removed through excrement, your lungs, and your skin.
Just when we thought that buying “Organic” was safe, we run headlong into the deliberate poisoning of our organic food supply by the FDA in collusion with none other than the folks who brought us Aspartame. NutraSweet, a former Monsanto asset, has developed a new and improved version of this neurotoxin called Neotame.
Neotame has similar structure to aspartame — except that, from it’s structure, appears to be even more toxic than aspartame. This potential increase in toxicity will make up for the fact that less will be used in diet drinks. Like aspartame, some of the concerns include gradual neurotoxic and immunotoxic damage from the combination of the formaldehyde metabolite (which is toxic at extremely low doses) and the excitotoxic amino acid
Neotame does not have to be included in ANY list of ingredients! So, if you buy processed food, whether USDA Certified Organic or not, that food most likely will contain Neotame because it is cost-effective, and since no one knows it is there, there is no public backlash similar to what is happening with Aspartame. A win/win situation!
Avoiding and Overcoming Problems
in Raw & Living-Foods Diets
Quote:raw foodists eat mostly organic food, which is 80% to 300% more nutritionally dense - loaded with available electrons/energy. As your body learns to absorb this additional nutrition and energy you'll be less hungry, getting more energy from what you do eat, and eat less. This ultimately can reduce your food costs, as well as your health care costs, far below what is was when you were eating empty calories filled with the acidic toxins.http://www.rawfoodlife.com/Articles___Re...l_food.htm
Published in the JOURNAL OF APPLIED NUTRITION, VOL 45-1, 1993, © International Academy of Nutrition & Preventive Medicine