(05-18-2019, 08:23 AM)Bring4th_Jade Wrote: One of those fallacies is that there are people who are here to learn "wisdom over love".
Sorry to bump but I thought this quote apply:
Quote:Some entities seek to balance their open and loving hearts with more wisdom. Other wise souls come into incarnation hoping to break open their hearts and link that unconditional love vibration with wisdom in a more balanced and equal fashion. There are also some who seek the right use of power, balancing it either with love or with wisdom or with both. These are the usual areas of which concern the soul going into incarnation. - Q'uo
Also I don't think anyone thinks wisdom "over" love, it is love that seeks wisdom.
Anyhow, I think the Earth is a place with many potentials, so there can really be multiple reasons some incarnate. While it is true that the following density is 4D, the veil is really what offers the potential for desired experiences that cannot be had without it.
Someone who is wisdom oriented probably is here to balance it with love and someone who is love oriented is probably here to balance it with wisdom. So it is designed to be the opposite of what you have a natural tendency toward, else you would not need lessons.
I think someone that is here to balance wisdom with love is more likely to have a softer incarnation with little programmed catalysts so that it opens itself from a more balanced state to the stuggle of others, the rarer catalysts are there more so that the entity does not forget what struggle or pain can be. While someone that is here to balance its love with wisdom is more likely to have an harsher incarnation and experience a lot of struggle and disharmony, so that it develops an understanding of the need of wisdom to inform love. In case of wanderers, I would think that later is more common due to that an entity very open in love will deeply hurt itself from a confused state in lacking a clear perception of where others stand at and why they are not open in the same fashion. It seems to often start with parents that will be unlike what you need.
Now, I don't claim that my incarnation is meant to balance my love with wisdom. I always had a natural tendency toward understanding and it is clear to me in looking at my life what my incarnation works, truly a work of art in its design. Still though, balancing wisdom with love does not deny either to offer wisdom to those who balance the opposite. Most of the time, it seems that the wisdom of forgiveness/acceptance is what is called for, because it is what stops the wheel of karma. Due to the veil, it is very easy from an emotional perspective to get stuck in karma, because to forgive you need to step back from what you feel and seek to understand and accept. If you are just focused on feeling, then it is easy to remain stuck in confused feelings with no way out, living a paradox.