03-10-2019, 01:17 PM
Ra offered us a thought that the archetypes could be studied in specific pairs, or triplets, for further insight and synergies.
As with any 'claim', the merit lies in being able to put it to the test, and to see the Yield.
Does it lead to further Integration and Understanding, in other words.
In the past two or three months, I've been relentlessly drawn back to the 3 Matrix Cards. Not that this is ALL I think about - but when I take care of more pressing catalyst, then this Calling has been an underlying factor and presence.
It's offered the WAY forward in this time of my personal seeking.
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So the 3 Matrix cards are thus.
Card 1 - the Magician
(Matrix of the MIND).
Card 8 - the Balance
(Matrix of the BODY)
Card 15 - the Devil
(Matrix of the SPIRIT)
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In dealing with the Matrix cards, it is helpful to 'know' what a matrix is.
Going by the etymology of the word (it's word roots, and origin), it is connected to both the womb, as well as the mother.
According to etymonline:
That which 'encloses' or gives 'origin' to something.
It is a place where something is 'generated' in other words.
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In the context of the three things that we are talking about - the Matrix of the MIND, the matrix of the BODY, and the matrix of the SPIRIT, we are considering the means by which the mind/mentation is generated, the means by which the body/physical is generated, and the means by which the spirit/intelligence is generated.
In trying to delve more deeply into each of these three aspects, actually means DECONSTRUCTING what the essence of each of these faculties are.
And to get to the deepest level of Clarity, means penetrating the very HEART of what the mind is, what the body is, and what the spirit is.
Given the many assumptions, preconceptions, and assumed biases we all bring culturally to the table, this is no easy feat to get to the Core of.
And so hence the many rounds of iteration that have taken place, in trying to get deeper and deeper into what the Matrix here represents.
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In terms of my Understandings, this is what I have currently arrived at.
Matrix of the MIND: the essence of the mind is a meeting place. It is like a squared off field, where all may cross the boundary line, and interact inside the square. Crossing into the square generates the phenomena of thoughts. Thoughts can be infinite in number, and cover all possible things.
Matrix of the BODY: The human body is comprised of some 37 TRILLION cells. Stop for a moment, and contemplate that number. That is a metric that we don't normally even utilise. Even though as a human being - we can be considered as a 'single body' - which we designate as our OWN in this lifetime, in terms of the population count of our cells, we are a vast complex and dynasty of constantly born, and constantly dying individual cells.
how and what is going on here, in terms of the Matrix?
The body is HIGHLY ADAPTIVE and RESPONSIVE to environmental circumstances. We register the outside temperature, and then start sweating, or shivering. Our nutrient levels are assessed, and then hunger may then ensue.
But more than that - the body is highly responsive to INTERNAL CONDITIONS of consciousness. Notice that I did not use the terms mind or thinking. That is the domain of the Matrix of the MIND.
The internal conditions of CONSCIOUSNESS are a different factor to just thinking. Although the body does respond to Mind, just like it does to Environment.
But the predominant means of Configuration of the Body, is how it REFLECTS the state of our consciousness.
It is like the 37 TRILLION cells of our body are like 37 TRILLION PIXELS that form of 3 dimensional picture of the state of our consciousness.
We all know that the most common computer screen is 1920x1080 pixels. That gives you 2 million pixels. And for most people, a screen of this resolution, gives a sharp image. And it can portray any kind of image.
If we consider the human body as a 37 TRILLION CELL/PIXEL expression of our Consciousness, then we are talking about a vast array of personal feedback that can be felt, tuned into, made aware of.
In the same way we can look at a computer screen, and read off information: the Matrix of the Body gives us a means of READING our consciousness, if we can interpret and comprehend what those 37 TRILLION CELLS are painting for us.
The body isn't just this dumb physical lump of flesh: it is the most elaborate and sensitive means by which we can come to KNOW OURSELVES.
This is the gift of the Matrix of the BODY.
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Matrix of the Spirit: the function of the spirit is the generation of new worlds. Each time the Matrix of the Spirit is invoked, it is like a planet is born, which becomes part of our personal narrative and soul Journey. The spirit continues to POPULATE our awareness with these planets of experience.
In a way - we 'get' what we 'create'. Maybe not in a lived, physical sense (that is the domain of the Matrix of the BODY), but in terms of generating continuity, perpetuation, karmic history and polarity - every time this matrix is tapped, we are creating planets that will continue to follow us around until the end of time. This is ALSO the legacy of all that we have done before (in past lives). We don't start with a blank slate, in other words, each time we are born. OUR PLANETS are still present, until acknowledged, balanced, accepted, and released.
The problem is, most people are constantly creating more and more PLANETS via the spirit function, when they haven't taken care of ALL THE JUNK that they've already accumulated and empowered. This is a highly fraught situation, where somone can just keep adding to their misery and pile of 'stuff'.
The Matrix of the SPIRIT is a most exihilarating faculty that a human being has access to. But it can also be hard taskmaster, as you bear the fruit of all that you have invoked, with great power.
As with any 'claim', the merit lies in being able to put it to the test, and to see the Yield.
Does it lead to further Integration and Understanding, in other words.
In the past two or three months, I've been relentlessly drawn back to the 3 Matrix Cards. Not that this is ALL I think about - but when I take care of more pressing catalyst, then this Calling has been an underlying factor and presence.
It's offered the WAY forward in this time of my personal seeking.
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So the 3 Matrix cards are thus.
Card 1 - the Magician
(Matrix of the MIND).
Card 8 - the Balance
(Matrix of the BODY)
Card 15 - the Devil
(Matrix of the SPIRIT)
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In dealing with the Matrix cards, it is helpful to 'know' what a matrix is.
Going by the etymology of the word (it's word roots, and origin), it is connected to both the womb, as well as the mother.
According to etymonline:
That which 'encloses' or gives 'origin' to something.
It is a place where something is 'generated' in other words.
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In the context of the three things that we are talking about - the Matrix of the MIND, the matrix of the BODY, and the matrix of the SPIRIT, we are considering the means by which the mind/mentation is generated, the means by which the body/physical is generated, and the means by which the spirit/intelligence is generated.
In trying to delve more deeply into each of these three aspects, actually means DECONSTRUCTING what the essence of each of these faculties are.
And to get to the deepest level of Clarity, means penetrating the very HEART of what the mind is, what the body is, and what the spirit is.
Given the many assumptions, preconceptions, and assumed biases we all bring culturally to the table, this is no easy feat to get to the Core of.
And so hence the many rounds of iteration that have taken place, in trying to get deeper and deeper into what the Matrix here represents.
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In terms of my Understandings, this is what I have currently arrived at.
Matrix of the MIND: the essence of the mind is a meeting place. It is like a squared off field, where all may cross the boundary line, and interact inside the square. Crossing into the square generates the phenomena of thoughts. Thoughts can be infinite in number, and cover all possible things.
Matrix of the BODY: The human body is comprised of some 37 TRILLION cells. Stop for a moment, and contemplate that number. That is a metric that we don't normally even utilise. Even though as a human being - we can be considered as a 'single body' - which we designate as our OWN in this lifetime, in terms of the population count of our cells, we are a vast complex and dynasty of constantly born, and constantly dying individual cells.
how and what is going on here, in terms of the Matrix?
The body is HIGHLY ADAPTIVE and RESPONSIVE to environmental circumstances. We register the outside temperature, and then start sweating, or shivering. Our nutrient levels are assessed, and then hunger may then ensue.
But more than that - the body is highly responsive to INTERNAL CONDITIONS of consciousness. Notice that I did not use the terms mind or thinking. That is the domain of the Matrix of the MIND.
The internal conditions of CONSCIOUSNESS are a different factor to just thinking. Although the body does respond to Mind, just like it does to Environment.
But the predominant means of Configuration of the Body, is how it REFLECTS the state of our consciousness.
It is like the 37 TRILLION cells of our body are like 37 TRILLION PIXELS that form of 3 dimensional picture of the state of our consciousness.
We all know that the most common computer screen is 1920x1080 pixels. That gives you 2 million pixels. And for most people, a screen of this resolution, gives a sharp image. And it can portray any kind of image.
If we consider the human body as a 37 TRILLION CELL/PIXEL expression of our Consciousness, then we are talking about a vast array of personal feedback that can be felt, tuned into, made aware of.
In the same way we can look at a computer screen, and read off information: the Matrix of the Body gives us a means of READING our consciousness, if we can interpret and comprehend what those 37 TRILLION CELLS are painting for us.
The body isn't just this dumb physical lump of flesh: it is the most elaborate and sensitive means by which we can come to KNOW OURSELVES.
This is the gift of the Matrix of the BODY.
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Matrix of the Spirit: the function of the spirit is the generation of new worlds. Each time the Matrix of the Spirit is invoked, it is like a planet is born, which becomes part of our personal narrative and soul Journey. The spirit continues to POPULATE our awareness with these planets of experience.
In a way - we 'get' what we 'create'. Maybe not in a lived, physical sense (that is the domain of the Matrix of the BODY), but in terms of generating continuity, perpetuation, karmic history and polarity - every time this matrix is tapped, we are creating planets that will continue to follow us around until the end of time. This is ALSO the legacy of all that we have done before (in past lives). We don't start with a blank slate, in other words, each time we are born. OUR PLANETS are still present, until acknowledged, balanced, accepted, and released.
The problem is, most people are constantly creating more and more PLANETS via the spirit function, when they haven't taken care of ALL THE JUNK that they've already accumulated and empowered. This is a highly fraught situation, where somone can just keep adding to their misery and pile of 'stuff'.
The Matrix of the SPIRIT is a most exihilarating faculty that a human being has access to. But it can also be hard taskmaster, as you bear the fruit of all that you have invoked, with great power.