07-06-2018, 07:48 AM
The following contains plenty of personal jaded cynicism, so please ignore if you want something more positive and uplifting!
Gaia has a potentially terminal Human infestation.
Those "atoms of The Creator" currently incarnate as Human Earthlings, and playing the role of "sheeple", always mess it up for those of us who are capable of leading ourselves.
Untold millions of contemporary Humans seem quite content to play the game of competitive-consumerism whilst losing themselves in the Rat-Race.
We surrender our freedom to those who clearly relish their addiction to the abuse of political and military "power".
Without art, Humanity is just a bunch of psychotic apes creating evermore sophisticated ways to control, exploit and destroy each-other and the planet we call home.
In a mad world, sanity is perceived as madness.
Have a nice day!
The following contains plenty of personal jaded cynicism, so please ignore if you want something more positive and uplifting!

Gaia has a potentially terminal Human infestation.
Those "atoms of The Creator" currently incarnate as Human Earthlings, and playing the role of "sheeple", always mess it up for those of us who are capable of leading ourselves.
Untold millions of contemporary Humans seem quite content to play the game of competitive-consumerism whilst losing themselves in the Rat-Race.
We surrender our freedom to those who clearly relish their addiction to the abuse of political and military "power".
Without art, Humanity is just a bunch of psychotic apes creating evermore sophisticated ways to control, exploit and destroy each-other and the planet we call home.
In a mad world, sanity is perceived as madness.
Have a nice day!