(10-21-2018, 02:04 PM)Glow Wrote:(10-12-2018, 08:14 PM)Quan Wrote: The Daily Q'uote for October 12, 2018
"�A persistent difficulty in speaking of your matings�is the great variety of motives for inaugurating and sustaining such a relationship. Almost never is it for the reason that is most closely aligned with the actual function and purpose of the mated relationship. Almost never is suffering, hardship and trouble used as the reason for choosing a future partner. And yet, this is the precise experience you wish to share, for your illusion is created in order that you may suffer and learn. That is the purpose of there being an illusion, for self-consciousness must be awakened. The third density begins with a sense of self asleep, and happiness and contentment do little to awaken the soul. It is the interactions with others that bring grief, suffering, loss and trauma which create the opportunities you most cherished before the incarnation.
Thus, it is well to choose the mate you want to suffer with and for the mate you feel will pull and pull as strongly as do you to carry equally the burden of illusion."
"it is well to choose the mate you want to suffer with" Sounds almost like a tragic romance, how about some cheer Q'uo
Not understanding the implied context of the bolded I had to look further into this channeling.
Wow Q'uanthank you for this service.
I found some amazing cheer here. But first to finish that paragraph above.
" Certainly it is well to choose in love, yet, my children, do you think you were given your physical vehicles, as they are, for play? We suggest that in the divine play that is your sexual network of responses, there lies the great wisdom of bonding and creating a reason to consider one particular mate over another. The choices are often too many, for one may seem good, and then another, and then another. And so we observe most sadly that the motives for your mating often include the interest of the physical red-ray center, and often also include desires for benefit. This is service-to-self in orientation, as is an unenlightened active red ray, and will lead to exactly the kind of catalyst for which each in actuality enters into a mated relationship."
I was really amazed to see this stated so clearly.
But the cheer at least for me
"However, we are speaking of something that is removed from the illusion, and that is love itself. For each entity has as its core reality the face of the Creator, the heart of Christ, the mind of love. If you do not see that in your enemy, your mate, or the earth and sky itself, then you must polish your glasses and set yourself to study silence again. Do not be easy upon yourself here."
We need to grasp this especially as a group that follows the Law of One. There is no evil beings.
The christ is at the core of all even if the being itself can't see it or chooses not to.
The perceived lack of love is part of the illusion. Polish your glasses.
"Forgive and forgive again. Forgive yourself, forgive any who seem to have hurt you, remembering that you have faulty perceptions if you do not see love in every situation. You have the power to create children of your thoughts, daughters and sons of your heart by what you say and how open your heart and hands are. We ask you to create love. Love one another, my children. Always do what you must with no excuses and no need for recrimination, and always turn your face forward and use what you have learned. This environment which we have called third density is a gift. Every tear, every ache of the heart is precious.
... We are sorry not to have been more helpful, but, you see, we do not speak of right or wrong—we speak of love. And I am afraid that questions of mated relationships in your culture do not usually revolve about the love of which we speak which is not defined by red ray or any ray, but by that which comes through one and is more than one could ever be. For love has the power of infinity, and you who attempt to generate are generating a very finite version which will, as your red ray itself will do, die away.
Thank you Quan
Thank you for this great gift of insight

"Not understanding the implied context of the bolded I had to look further into this channeling."
Not sure why the bold part, i could only speculate on my mysterious workings.. there will be a meaning to it, though what is it i cannot say

"I was really amazed to see this stated so clearly" haha that quote brings to mind some of the dating shows an all the criteria, more polarised service to other one becomes prob find the criteria narrowed down to one very simple word..
Love this statement "then you must polish your glasses and set yourself to study silence again."
They are all great passages you chose, thanks for sharing. Its one area can always do with a bit more insight as not talked about so much.
Nice addition of ' to Q'uan, adds a sophistication to it