09-10-2018, 03:51 PM
(This post was last modified: 09-10-2018, 05:25 PM by TheSeekersLighthouse.)
I am posting this to give some information based on my experiences at fourth-density planets. From channeling to mental projection and asking guides. Obviously, take from this what means something to you, digest, and discard what you do not want. I am also interested if anyone else can add information to this. I posted a version of this post also on reddit, but felt it would be good to share here.
Note that i can only give information on fourth density based on places I saw, and from a veiled perspective, but I found out the following about fourth density planets:
1. Early fourth-density may consume meat, and just like Ra said, only to the extent of metabolism required, many do not require it. I suspect this requirement may not be across the entirety of fourth-density. Animals on the farm i went to were treated very well, it is not what you would call a typical farm. Like third density, not all entities consume it. I had a deep conversation with Dazna on this topic who was the one from that planet. He was a fourth density 'newcomer'.
2. They refer to fifth density entities (or higher as well?) as the 'wise ones' or similar on one particular planet I went to via projection. Many of the early fourth-density graduates where love/compassion is the best thing since sliced bread will refuse often to see wisdom as having any value; akin to third density seeing unconditional love as thus when early. The entity Dazna i met on one of my travels confirmed this, as did a separate channelling session. Our social memory complex including my own guides and me seem to have a strong seeking towards fifth density. One reason I came here was to rapidly learn catalyst for lessons of that type and because i was overwhelmed with compassion. I can sure see the value of wisdom, which seems to be one thing many of us share in our social memory complex. I would hazard a guess based on conversation we are from the upper reaches of fourth density in understanding.
3. Vehicles and modes of transport are present depending on the planet, often with the knowledge of some kind of crystal power? That seems to have been a theme on any fourth-density travels I went on. Weather patterns can often be controlled through mass spiritual work/prayer/meditation, and often the people are in harmony with the sphere they are on, so weather is often more of a positive thing than a hindrance. I am unsure if they have temperature perceptions as we do, i never have asked yet!
4. The same crystals are used for lighting. Laws of physics do exist, they are different and i think the scope for magical / spiritual work on physics is much wider. I have personally seen technology such as train/rail in use, powered by crystals.
5. Much of the planets i saw had mostly empty space with foliage and whatever else.
6. Architecture varied wildly, from huts, to deep in the ground homes, not unlike hobbit homes. One home may be different from the next. All i saw were clean.
7. I was handed on one of my travels a 'recreational' drink, but from a veiled perspective felt little change. My notes after that session as i wrote on the Dazna Page: "He sat me down on a sofa and me him and Ral had general chit chat. He fed me a ‘broth’ or blue liquid designed to invoke calm and feelings of compassion. It would be that planets equivalent of inviting you for a ‘cup of tea’." This was particular to the culture of that planet.
8. A few members of a social memory complex who wander can assist the rest of their social memory complex, as each experience does seem available to the rest of the complex, the Ra material supports this. Communication is more about concepts, you can communicate a book in a look. It is very difficult to describe and most of those i do not have access to in my trance state. The human brain will translate those into words.
9. Any mental catalyst you were dealing with at fourth density will transfer to third and its so much more intense. I do believe this is partially responsible for the increase in mental health problems in the world, this was also mentioned in the Ra material due to the differences in vibration. The individual wanderer will react differently to this.
10. Fourth density seems very chilled and minus mental catalyst which is much lower in intensity to what we experience, care-free. The love... I so enjoy hanging out with my crew. I seldom do this, to spend all your time in those trance/travel states would mess up your body by using vital energy and defeat the object of being here.
11. They are not immune to errors (nor is any entity
, a fifth density guide of mine will often gatekeep sessions to ensure we are communicating in the best way possible.
12. Any channelling sessions require set-up and effort from our fourth density companions, just as much as we do.
13. Transport by vehicles or other methods is possible, depending on the adeptness of the entity.
14. Free will is major in fourth-density positive, but they are more likely to tell you information that is on the borderline, than any fifth or sixth-density guide, as I have discovered.
15. Astral/Mental projection to their worlds is possible. Dazna, and my main spirit guide Ralpsa and others had also projected in some way to our world, thus the reverse. Both are incarnate in space/time to my understanding.
16. It is true, the veiling does not exist. This is why me and my friend kelly were stunned by the lack of regard for the needs of wisdom in early fourth-density. The reason is not clear.
17. Fifth-Density and above? is visible to fourth density.
18. I once met an entity smoking what looked like some plant rolled up like a cigarette. This was in the same travel i predicted the NYC floods, i suspect this was earth fourth-density, but i cannot remember if it was as the notes for that travel were misplaced and it took place in 2011 nor did i use terminology of 'densities' like now at the time.
19. Colours are much more rich than our eyes can see. Almost like it comes to life. Sound likewise, but for some reason have never been able to perceive sound very much on mental travels, only full blown astral travels. Seems to be a limit of the method I use.
20. Fourth density negative entities who had switched gave information about the negative point of view. He described it as not harmonious, and very lonely from his perspective, as the concept of 'friend' rapidly begins to deteriorate. Although this would not bother most STS entities, it wa the reason this entity said it switched. Most STS are just as empowered as the positive path for the most part. Ra describes at fifth density it has become so compacted at STS further, im guessing no concept of a 'friend' will exist then.
This particular entity identified as a former Orion entity, but we have had greeting also by Draco entities, typically of fourth or rarely, fifth density. Fourth-density positive finds a SMC and their relationships to be very harmonious, although people can and do banter and may even disagree with each other on a topic but always in a harmonious way, there is enough individual 'self' present despite the use of a SMC (social memory complex). STS entities don't tend to lend themselves to willing study (nor would i EVER call one and always challenge any entity i talk to, even a guide), but we have had one fourth-density negative butt into, and ask to observe a session as i was getting ready to eject it via our ask-to-leave and mirrorball-transport method, so it could learn why we were positive and if it had any advantages as a path, that was unusual. We let it observe in our space outside of the cast protective circle with the correct safeguards and then it left with no further communication (not even so much as a thank you
) I felt inclined to let it observe because showing how harmonised and close me and my spiritual friends can be makes sense to offer it a service it wanted at that moment, sending love and light!
21. Entertainment/leisure activities such as physical games exist. I am unsure how these work without the veiling, which many board games in our density, such as chess and strategy rely on the veiling of third density to work as they do!
22. Ability to invest in both third and second density entities.
I could go on for a while, the above points are the main key points. But remember that this is only a very limited perspective, there is no way we could know everything, and i suggest you take what is useful, and discard the rest, keeping free will. I thought it might be some fun information to work with. Who knows, creation being infinite, there is so many possibilities. This is more for the interest factor, anyone else who has any information that they could add it would be great.
Much love to everyone <3
Note that i can only give information on fourth density based on places I saw, and from a veiled perspective, but I found out the following about fourth density planets:
1. Early fourth-density may consume meat, and just like Ra said, only to the extent of metabolism required, many do not require it. I suspect this requirement may not be across the entirety of fourth-density. Animals on the farm i went to were treated very well, it is not what you would call a typical farm. Like third density, not all entities consume it. I had a deep conversation with Dazna on this topic who was the one from that planet. He was a fourth density 'newcomer'.
2. They refer to fifth density entities (or higher as well?) as the 'wise ones' or similar on one particular planet I went to via projection. Many of the early fourth-density graduates where love/compassion is the best thing since sliced bread will refuse often to see wisdom as having any value; akin to third density seeing unconditional love as thus when early. The entity Dazna i met on one of my travels confirmed this, as did a separate channelling session. Our social memory complex including my own guides and me seem to have a strong seeking towards fifth density. One reason I came here was to rapidly learn catalyst for lessons of that type and because i was overwhelmed with compassion. I can sure see the value of wisdom, which seems to be one thing many of us share in our social memory complex. I would hazard a guess based on conversation we are from the upper reaches of fourth density in understanding.
3. Vehicles and modes of transport are present depending on the planet, often with the knowledge of some kind of crystal power? That seems to have been a theme on any fourth-density travels I went on. Weather patterns can often be controlled through mass spiritual work/prayer/meditation, and often the people are in harmony with the sphere they are on, so weather is often more of a positive thing than a hindrance. I am unsure if they have temperature perceptions as we do, i never have asked yet!
4. The same crystals are used for lighting. Laws of physics do exist, they are different and i think the scope for magical / spiritual work on physics is much wider. I have personally seen technology such as train/rail in use, powered by crystals.
5. Much of the planets i saw had mostly empty space with foliage and whatever else.
6. Architecture varied wildly, from huts, to deep in the ground homes, not unlike hobbit homes. One home may be different from the next. All i saw were clean.
7. I was handed on one of my travels a 'recreational' drink, but from a veiled perspective felt little change. My notes after that session as i wrote on the Dazna Page: "He sat me down on a sofa and me him and Ral had general chit chat. He fed me a ‘broth’ or blue liquid designed to invoke calm and feelings of compassion. It would be that planets equivalent of inviting you for a ‘cup of tea’." This was particular to the culture of that planet.
8. A few members of a social memory complex who wander can assist the rest of their social memory complex, as each experience does seem available to the rest of the complex, the Ra material supports this. Communication is more about concepts, you can communicate a book in a look. It is very difficult to describe and most of those i do not have access to in my trance state. The human brain will translate those into words.
9. Any mental catalyst you were dealing with at fourth density will transfer to third and its so much more intense. I do believe this is partially responsible for the increase in mental health problems in the world, this was also mentioned in the Ra material due to the differences in vibration. The individual wanderer will react differently to this.
10. Fourth density seems very chilled and minus mental catalyst which is much lower in intensity to what we experience, care-free. The love... I so enjoy hanging out with my crew. I seldom do this, to spend all your time in those trance/travel states would mess up your body by using vital energy and defeat the object of being here.
11. They are not immune to errors (nor is any entity

12. Any channelling sessions require set-up and effort from our fourth density companions, just as much as we do.
13. Transport by vehicles or other methods is possible, depending on the adeptness of the entity.
14. Free will is major in fourth-density positive, but they are more likely to tell you information that is on the borderline, than any fifth or sixth-density guide, as I have discovered.
15. Astral/Mental projection to their worlds is possible. Dazna, and my main spirit guide Ralpsa and others had also projected in some way to our world, thus the reverse. Both are incarnate in space/time to my understanding.
16. It is true, the veiling does not exist. This is why me and my friend kelly were stunned by the lack of regard for the needs of wisdom in early fourth-density. The reason is not clear.
17. Fifth-Density and above? is visible to fourth density.
18. I once met an entity smoking what looked like some plant rolled up like a cigarette. This was in the same travel i predicted the NYC floods, i suspect this was earth fourth-density, but i cannot remember if it was as the notes for that travel were misplaced and it took place in 2011 nor did i use terminology of 'densities' like now at the time.
19. Colours are much more rich than our eyes can see. Almost like it comes to life. Sound likewise, but for some reason have never been able to perceive sound very much on mental travels, only full blown astral travels. Seems to be a limit of the method I use.
20. Fourth density negative entities who had switched gave information about the negative point of view. He described it as not harmonious, and very lonely from his perspective, as the concept of 'friend' rapidly begins to deteriorate. Although this would not bother most STS entities, it wa the reason this entity said it switched. Most STS are just as empowered as the positive path for the most part. Ra describes at fifth density it has become so compacted at STS further, im guessing no concept of a 'friend' will exist then.
This particular entity identified as a former Orion entity, but we have had greeting also by Draco entities, typically of fourth or rarely, fifth density. Fourth-density positive finds a SMC and their relationships to be very harmonious, although people can and do banter and may even disagree with each other on a topic but always in a harmonious way, there is enough individual 'self' present despite the use of a SMC (social memory complex). STS entities don't tend to lend themselves to willing study (nor would i EVER call one and always challenge any entity i talk to, even a guide), but we have had one fourth-density negative butt into, and ask to observe a session as i was getting ready to eject it via our ask-to-leave and mirrorball-transport method, so it could learn why we were positive and if it had any advantages as a path, that was unusual. We let it observe in our space outside of the cast protective circle with the correct safeguards and then it left with no further communication (not even so much as a thank you

21. Entertainment/leisure activities such as physical games exist. I am unsure how these work without the veiling, which many board games in our density, such as chess and strategy rely on the veiling of third density to work as they do!
22. Ability to invest in both third and second density entities.
I could go on for a while, the above points are the main key points. But remember that this is only a very limited perspective, there is no way we could know everything, and i suggest you take what is useful, and discard the rest, keeping free will. I thought it might be some fun information to work with. Who knows, creation being infinite, there is so many possibilities. This is more for the interest factor, anyone else who has any information that they could add it would be great.
Much love to everyone <3