04-14-2018, 12:30 PM
I found the book "Ascension Papers" is very good, it explains "Law of One" in a language that is easy to understand. it is using top down approach. besides explain the oneness in book one, it also explained dimension and density in book two. another interesting book is "human owner's manual".
pasted their link below:
The Ascension Papers, Book 1
![[Image: tap1.3packshot300w.png]](https://zingdad.com/images/books/tap1/tap1.3packshot300w.png)
It looks like a book. It feels like a book. It even smells like a book!
But it isn't a book.
This... is an invitation! An invitation to step into the power of your divine, limitless self! To move into right relationship with all that you truly are, and therefore into right relationship with all of life. If you accept this invitation, then you'll be able to join in the co-creation of the most wondrous future reality imaginable... a whole new life in a whole new world in a grand, golden age! An age in which we all know that we are One with each other, One with Life, One with the planet and One with the Divine. An age in which we are all awakened to our true Creator-Nature.
We are the ones we have been waiting for!
So... what are you still waiting for?
The Ascension Papers is your invitation. Are you ready to accept it?
Could this be YOUR journey Home?
This is the life-changing book that has brought joy to the hearts of thousands of readers the world over. Fully revised and substantially re-written this much anticipated, much requested 3rd Edition operates at a whole higher frequency of consciousness than previous editions. And here it is now, available in beautifully bound paperback and in all the major e-book formats.
If you are ready for a shift in perspective, then this book WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE!
Softcover or FREE E-Book?
The Ascension Papers is available to download for free in all major e-book formats and also in beautiful perfect-bound softcover. The choice is yours! Make your choice and get your copy below...
Free E-book Download
The 3rd edition of The Ascension Papers is available to download totally for free, in all three of the major e-book formats. Hover your mouse over each of the images below to discover which format is best for you. Right-click and select "save as" or "save link as" to download your e-book in your chosen format.
![[Image: tap1_zip.jpg]](https://zingdad.com/images/books/tap1/tap1_zip.jpg)
Please feel free to contact me if you have difficulties with the download.
The Ascension Papers, Book 2
Book 2 of The Ascension Papers is now in progress! The first chapters are now available to read-as-I-write. Click on each chapter heading below to read the available chapters. Please sign up for my free newsletter to receive news and updates as new chapters (and new books!) are released.
Book 2 discussed what space, time densities and dimensions really are. These highly theoretical, metaphysical concepts are discusses in a way that is not only easily accessible and understandable but actually fun to read about. And more than that they resolve into understanding that are personally applicable in your understanding of your own life, your own place in the universe and your own spiritual growth and development.
If you have not yet read Book 1 of The Ascension Papers then I do recommend you read that first. I am delighted to announce that Book 1 is now available either in high-quality perfect-bound paperback or for download as a free e-book. Click here to download the e-book or to order a paperback copy.
![[Image: ruler2.png]](https://zingdad.com/images/website/ruler2.png)
The Ascension Papers, Book 2
An Introduction to The Ascension Papers, Book 2
Chapter 1. – Dimensions, Densities, Space and Time
Chapter 1.1 Dimensions
Chapter 1.2 Densities
Chapter 1.3 Space & Time
Chapter 2. Who is 8?
Chapter 2.1 Story and Isness
Human Body
Owner's Manual
Arn “Zingdad” Allingham
Imagine the chaos if everyone on earth was suddenly given a brand new type of vehicle... some kind of flying car perhaps... but no one was given a single instruction as to how we should go about piloting these vehicles, how we should care for them, maintain them or repair them.
Imagine there was no way to "get around" but to climb into your skycar and, by trial and error, figure it out.
And to make matters worse, imagine the "experts" issued confusing and contradictory statements about the ownership of these sky-cars. Imagine these experts talked as if all skycars were identical and needed a one-size-fits-all approach when in reality each vehicle was truly one-of-a-kind and each had totally unique needs. Imagine that the "experts" didn't even notice that all skycars, including their own, were actually purpose built for the owner! Imagine they failed to even notice that every single skycar had a telepathic ability to read its owners mind and respond as best it could to the owners deepest desires.
Imagine all this and you begin to understand the confusing chaos that we live with in being "owners" of our human bodies. For this is exactly the situation!
And so, finally, help is at hand. I have decided to write A Human Body Owners' Manual. Of course this manual is for my body, not yours. It couldn't be for yours too because, as mentioned every single body is unique. But that said, I am 100% convinced you will find, as you read my manual that there are many things that are relevant to your situation too. And most crucially, I will be sharing with you how to find the details of your manual for yourself. Not that you will then need to write a book... but that you will then be in such close relationship with your body that you will always be able to find out what it needs in order to move as quickly as possible to optimal health and vitality.
Prepare yourself to be quite surprised and even shocked to discover what is "under the hood" of the human body and how it all really works. As you will see, none of this is understood either by science or conventional wisdom!
As is my custom, I will be releasing this book to read-as-I-write, chapter-by-chapter, here on my website. When the book is completed it will be thoroughly proof-read, edited, revised and then published in e-book and paperback. So please do understand that there will be small errors in this rough version below. But do enjoy it as it is for free. And please do feel free to leave me your comments, questions, thoughts and suggestions!
![[Image: ruler2.png]](https://zingdad.com/images/website/ruler2.png)
Available Chapters
. Body-Spirit
. Introducing Llularth
. Shifting the Balance
. The Energy Balance (Part 1 - Sugar's Sticky Story)
. Your Burdens... and Your Body's Illnesses
pasted their link below:
The Ascension Papers, Book 1
![[Image: tap1.3packshot300w.png]](https://zingdad.com/images/books/tap1/tap1.3packshot300w.png)
It looks like a book. It feels like a book. It even smells like a book!
But it isn't a book.
This... is an invitation! An invitation to step into the power of your divine, limitless self! To move into right relationship with all that you truly are, and therefore into right relationship with all of life. If you accept this invitation, then you'll be able to join in the co-creation of the most wondrous future reality imaginable... a whole new life in a whole new world in a grand, golden age! An age in which we all know that we are One with each other, One with Life, One with the planet and One with the Divine. An age in which we are all awakened to our true Creator-Nature.
We are the ones we have been waiting for!
So... what are you still waiting for?
The Ascension Papers is your invitation. Are you ready to accept it?
Could this be YOUR journey Home?
This is the life-changing book that has brought joy to the hearts of thousands of readers the world over. Fully revised and substantially re-written this much anticipated, much requested 3rd Edition operates at a whole higher frequency of consciousness than previous editions. And here it is now, available in beautifully bound paperback and in all the major e-book formats.
If you are ready for a shift in perspective, then this book WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE!
Softcover or FREE E-Book?
The Ascension Papers is available to download for free in all major e-book formats and also in beautiful perfect-bound softcover. The choice is yours! Make your choice and get your copy below...
Free E-book Download
The 3rd edition of The Ascension Papers is available to download totally for free, in all three of the major e-book formats. Hover your mouse over each of the images below to discover which format is best for you. Right-click and select "save as" or "save link as" to download your e-book in your chosen format.
![[Image: tap1_pdf.jpg]](https://zingdad.com/images/books/tap1/tap1_pdf.jpg)
![[Image: tap1_epub.jpg]](https://zingdad.com/images/books/tap1/tap1_epub.jpg)
![[Image: tap1_mobi.jpg]](https://zingdad.com/images/books/tap1/tap1_mobi.jpg)
![[Image: tap1_zip.jpg]](https://zingdad.com/images/books/tap1/tap1_zip.jpg)
Please feel free to contact me if you have difficulties with the download.
The Ascension Papers, Book 2
![[Image: book2_300w.jpg]](https://zingdad.com/images/books/tap2/book2_300w.jpg)
Book 2 discussed what space, time densities and dimensions really are. These highly theoretical, metaphysical concepts are discusses in a way that is not only easily accessible and understandable but actually fun to read about. And more than that they resolve into understanding that are personally applicable in your understanding of your own life, your own place in the universe and your own spiritual growth and development.
If you have not yet read Book 1 of The Ascension Papers then I do recommend you read that first. I am delighted to announce that Book 1 is now available either in high-quality perfect-bound paperback or for download as a free e-book. Click here to download the e-book or to order a paperback copy.
![[Image: ruler2.png]](https://zingdad.com/images/website/ruler2.png)
The Ascension Papers, Book 2
An Introduction to The Ascension Papers, Book 2
Chapter 1. – Dimensions, Densities, Space and Time
Chapter 1.1 Dimensions
Chapter 1.2 Densities
Chapter 1.3 Space & Time
Chapter 2. Who is 8?
Chapter 2.1 Story and Isness
Human Body
Owner's Manual
Arn “Zingdad” Allingham
Imagine the chaos if everyone on earth was suddenly given a brand new type of vehicle... some kind of flying car perhaps... but no one was given a single instruction as to how we should go about piloting these vehicles, how we should care for them, maintain them or repair them.
Imagine there was no way to "get around" but to climb into your skycar and, by trial and error, figure it out.
And to make matters worse, imagine the "experts" issued confusing and contradictory statements about the ownership of these sky-cars. Imagine these experts talked as if all skycars were identical and needed a one-size-fits-all approach when in reality each vehicle was truly one-of-a-kind and each had totally unique needs. Imagine that the "experts" didn't even notice that all skycars, including their own, were actually purpose built for the owner! Imagine they failed to even notice that every single skycar had a telepathic ability to read its owners mind and respond as best it could to the owners deepest desires.
Imagine all this and you begin to understand the confusing chaos that we live with in being "owners" of our human bodies. For this is exactly the situation!
And so, finally, help is at hand. I have decided to write A Human Body Owners' Manual. Of course this manual is for my body, not yours. It couldn't be for yours too because, as mentioned every single body is unique. But that said, I am 100% convinced you will find, as you read my manual that there are many things that are relevant to your situation too. And most crucially, I will be sharing with you how to find the details of your manual for yourself. Not that you will then need to write a book... but that you will then be in such close relationship with your body that you will always be able to find out what it needs in order to move as quickly as possible to optimal health and vitality.
Prepare yourself to be quite surprised and even shocked to discover what is "under the hood" of the human body and how it all really works. As you will see, none of this is understood either by science or conventional wisdom!
As is my custom, I will be releasing this book to read-as-I-write, chapter-by-chapter, here on my website. When the book is completed it will be thoroughly proof-read, edited, revised and then published in e-book and paperback. So please do understand that there will be small errors in this rough version below. But do enjoy it as it is for free. And please do feel free to leave me your comments, questions, thoughts and suggestions!
![[Image: ruler2.png]](https://zingdad.com/images/website/ruler2.png)
Available Chapters
. Body-Spirit
. Introducing Llularth
. Shifting the Balance
. The Energy Balance (Part 1 - Sugar's Sticky Story)
. Your Burdens... and Your Body's Illnesses