02-05-2018, 12:37 AM
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02-05-2018, 04:19 AM
I hear you.
Could you possibly consider that the inference of that advice, to not take credit for the healing because you're the instrument in a 3D perspective? Or that the phrase Mystery-Clad isn't just a metaphor? What even IS the OIC? You claim it is you and I, that it's everything, I don't disagree, but you claim then that we are that One being, a singular unknown being that is all. How does that change the fact that a microcosm isn't a macrocosm even when they belong to each other? If the Creator, or One Creator is 'All' things, then it is also separation which exists in oneness, and it is differentiations that exist of the oneness. I believe I am not the almighty One Creator that spawned it all. I merely believe I'm a part of it, and one day will know it's perspective. I also believe you're not wrong, but also not right in a nuanced fashion. It's irregardless to me, I see what you say, but I see my own stuff too, and cede that I could be wrong, but I want to trust Carla's judgment, and Ra's advice, and all of the connections that I hope inform me decently. If I'm not the one that is sending intelligent energy during a green ray healing, but merely a channel or instrument, then one might wonder, if that means there's something greater than the distorted self. Pure/Distorted. Who knows what the One, whatever being, thing, or event that might be, is. I only know that I'm not that being up there, even though I realize I am, for the sake of going along with the flow of reality, I must confess that I feel more comfortable believing that I'm a distortion of a more pure self, and that that differentiates me, that that gives me this perspective, this reality, this experience, and that without me, the true One wouldn't be able to identify itself. As an allbeing, a part of itself is also seperation. Every cell separates and divides, I wouldn't call the cell belonging to a human being that particular human being. Again, with still respect to the understanding that we are all one and that there is unity, I think that unity holds seperation in equal light, that it IS possible for creator to divide itself, individuate. Be many things despite being only one. That it can be the finger and the whole body and even more, all at once, while still being each individually. Does that make any sense?? (02-05-2018, 04:19 AM)Coordinate_Apotheosis Wrote: Could you possibly consider that the inference of that advice, to not take credit for the healing because you're the instrument in a 3D perspective? Healing is pretty much letting go, 3D or not it's that and allowing yourself to resonate freely the heart. (02-05-2018, 04:19 AM)Coordinate_Apotheosis Wrote: Or that the phrase Mystery-Clad isn't just a metaphor? Not really, it hints toward the attitude of contemplation. We all dive into the mystery and different paces and reach the same realizations again and again as we move upward from microcosm to the macrocosm. But each spark that moves upward into the spiral does so realizing the Creator as the Creator. (02-05-2018, 04:19 AM)Coordinate_Apotheosis Wrote: What even IS the OIC? You claim it is you and I, that it's everything, I don't disagree, but you claim then that we are that One being, a singular unknown being that is all. The OIC is pretty much the potential to live and experience itself through thought. Like I said it is the experiencer, the observer, the one that feels each thing. (02-05-2018, 04:19 AM)Coordinate_Apotheosis Wrote: How does that change the fact that a microcosm isn't a macrocosm even when they belong to each other? Ya, which is why I said the macrocosm is not any more the OIC than the microcosm, they're two aspects in relation of it. (02-05-2018, 04:19 AM)Coordinate_Apotheosis Wrote: If the Creator, or One Creator is 'All' things, then it is also separation which exists in oneness, and it is differentiations that exist of the oneness. To take back the words of Infinite Unity, the Creator that spawned it all is much like your primal form which was sacrified. So while you have somewhat in thought moved from there, it is still rooted in you. (02-05-2018, 04:19 AM)Coordinate_Apotheosis Wrote: I also believe you're not wrong, but also not right in a nuanced fashion. I think the difference is that you associate with your ego while I don't. My human distorted self is one of infinite mirrors in which the OIC sees itself and like I said, both macrocosm and microcosm are pretty much this both. When human-me dies, what was living the thought of it does not, you never are so much what you can identify with and instead the potential to. There's no end to us. I think our only misunderstanding is that you define the OIC as a particular point of view of itself while I say it is the ability to have points of view. I'm not sure what are you warnings of Ra but to me acknowledging yourself as Creator is pretty much the core of the Ra material and the Law of One. They tell you that you are infinity and not the limits that give you your sense of self. Even as a spark you are the Creator that spawned it all, it is rooted in you because you are the One, illusions do not offer you to not be what you are. About your channeling for healing, it's still your inner heart and so part of you. You merely try not to heal from your conditional distortions and instead your inner greater unconditional purity. There's nothing external to you really. I don't think what you're saying about individualization is false, but I think there's a dynamic amd mechanic to the process of individualization you don't get. I think two individualizations are closer to be one single thing in two different moments than it is ever actually two things. That is what it means that as a point of view you contain infinity as an hologram relative to yourself, nothing external and all within. Through the Octave your spark will realize itself as Creator in full also, because that's what you always are. Each density is a degree of realization as Creator. Let's say you kick what you see as someone else on the knee. Something external to you does not get hit on the knee, you get hit yourself on the knee in that other-moment of yourself that is other-self. You're always the OIC.
02-05-2018, 02:49 PM
I think your misunderstanding of me is thinking I'm trying to say the One has it's own viewpoint. I'm not saying that, what I'm saying is I don't know the ONE, no one does seemingly in this octave, so it seems a bit egotistical to believe you're the one if you ask me.
And if you think my taking into account the ego means I'm somehow 'separating' creator from self, then all I can say is I don't seperate the ego, I accept it's existence and even try to respect it by not separating it just because it was programmed to create the perspective of separation. The ego is the Creator too. But I can't say anything is the One Creator or Source of Itself because as far as we know, the One Creator is a mystery, an origin story. We don't even know if the One is One or if it's something more or different or abstract, we're all belonging to it and it belongs to us, but there is a distinction. Without that there wouldn't be you or me, just One.
02-05-2018, 03:34 PM
(02-05-2018, 02:49 PM)Coordinate_Apotheosis Wrote: I think your misunderstanding of me is thinking I'm trying to say the One has it's own viewpoint. I'm not saying that, what I'm saying is I don't know the ONE, no one does seemingly in this octave, so it seems a bit egotistical to believe you're the one if you ask me. Like I said, the point of view you talk of already is an aspect of the OIC and not the OIC, which is the potential of perception itself and no one single perception on its own. The entire concept of the OIC is that it is what is infinite things and so all things are it in an experience, separation is a requesite for these experiences. The OIC did not create any being outside itself, it thought constructs to explore itself through. The ego is more a set of constructs and beliefs that the Creator identifies witg than it is the Creator directly. Your beliefs and thoughts don't define what you are, the core of yourself does and it is the OIC. (02-05-2018, 02:49 PM)Coordinate_Apotheosis Wrote: But I can't say anything is the One Creator or Source of Itself because as far as we know, the One Creator is a mystery, an origin story. We don't even know if the One is One or if it's something more or different or abstract, we're all belonging to it and it belongs to us, but there is a distinction. Without that there wouldn't be you or me, just One. I think you somewhat misunderstand the concept of mystery. I don't think it means the Creator is something never understood but that all the potential of focus require to be somewhat cut off from a full perception of Infinity as Infinity to be focuses. And so our Octave is that and our individualizations in their turn also, and each move through the mystery (hidden perception) to realize the same one same essence from different point of views but it all rejoins together as one because there is a single actual thing to realize and that realizes. Time to most of mankind is a mystery, because an active force of love and light with depth, but many beings pierce this mystery still in contemplation and allow the essence of time to dive into their consciousness to realize it. I think awareness of self as the OIC is pretty much the most basic kind of knowledge there is within this Octave, it is near just inherent without a veil because the entire evolution across densities is really as the Creator in an experience of Itself. Our veil creates a greater mystery, but it is still just permeable as all mysteries.
02-05-2018, 03:42 PM
I think we both misunderstand each other, and both of our pride, arrogance, and egos are keeping us from understanding each other.
(02-05-2018, 03:42 PM)Coordinate_Apotheosis Wrote: I think we both misunderstand each other, and both of our pride, arrogance, and egos are keeping us from understanding each other. I'm not sure pride and such needs to be at the root of every misunderstanding. What I'm trying to say is that you seem to attempt to see what's not separate as separate because focusing on the illusionary patterns, while I think the Law of One is directly about unifying these perceptions of separate to realize how everything is rooted in one being. I'm a bit strong in my view because I think your points attemps to bring the concept of the OIC as just a portion of what it is and so miss what it is. To me it's something you'll realize with time either in this life or beyond, so I don't think the me in you needs to be convinced necessarily but since you're bringing it up to me then I respond. I think you said a lot of things that are right but while missing a deeper aspect to them. edit: You can tell me that I can't say that I am the OIC, but I'll tell you that you can't say the OIC is not a thing because that'd make it void and a paradox to be. It is all the things, and there's nothing other than it except different focuses of that same one. Do you remember how Ra says you are every events, every emotions and infinity? Well that's because you are the OIC. That in a moment you are something does not deny that in other moments you are all the other things too. This is the Law of One.
02-09-2018, 03:30 AM
Perhaps relevant to your discussion:
In case it doesn't go to the time stamp, I copied it to start at the 16:46 mark. ("Who are we?") Basically, you're both "You" and the "OIC" simultaneously, however you choose which one to be at any given moment. And in my experience choosing to be "Present" is the most direct way to experience both states simultaneously. Where/when else would you?
02-13-2018, 09:08 PM
How I wish most things went on b4th
02-14-2018, 02:30 PM
02-14-2018, 02:39 PM
(02-14-2018, 02:30 PM)Elros Wrote: Is the toilet bc you mostly go on b4th when there? ![]() https://bring4th.org/forums/showthread.php?tid=219
06-09-2018, 12:52 PM
06-15-2018, 06:00 PM
09-25-2018, 07:31 PM
Omg I forgot how funny this thread was. We need more memes stat!
12-04-2018, 10:37 PM
08-05-2022, 03:44 AM
I really enjoyed this thread
08-05-2022, 03:46 AM