02-04-2018, 05:49 PM
What did Ra say about 'Lost Cities' again?
Really makes you wonder, what the hell happened there that turned such a huge civilization into an abandoned relic of time?
Civilization doesn't just up and collapse without some kind of indicator as to why. The Maya 'disappeared' as far as could be surmised.
What did that other SMC Ra spoke of do over there?!
Quote:Researchers from Guatemala's PACUNAM foundation said on Thursday they had mapped the outlines of dozens of newly discovered Maya cities previously hidden deep in the jungle.
Quote:The findings are a "revolution in Maya archeology," Canuto said, adding that researchers now believe the Maya had a population of 10 million, "much higher" than previous estimates.
The discoveries include urban centers with sidewalks, homes, terraces, ceremonial centers, irrigation canals and fortifications
What did Ra say about 'Lost Cities' again?

Quote:The research — using LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) technology that beamed light from aerial lasers to construct a survey of buried structures — found a pyramid almost 100 feet in height.
It had previously been thought to be a small mountain in the heart of the ancient Maya city of Tikal
Really makes you wonder, what the hell happened there that turned such a huge civilization into an abandoned relic of time?
Civilization doesn't just up and collapse without some kind of indicator as to why. The Maya 'disappeared' as far as could be surmised.
What did that other SMC Ra spoke of do over there?!