11-23-2017, 04:01 PM
It's that special time again!! The mass slaughter of vegetables and turkeys and pigs has arrived~
The least we could do is thank our food, but there's something more to thank. Something we seem to often take for granted. Something, that means more than the world.
Yes, that's right! We mustn't forget to thank our overlords and masters, Mister and Misses Kitty Cat! Without their snarls of guidance and hisses of wisdom we'd never know to drive the mortal enemies of cats, avians, onto our dinner tables.
Naw I'm just kidding, actually its YOU (and my cat) who mean more than the world. You, whom breathes as I and moves through the air as I. Whom feels as I and is as I, alive, beautiful, perfect, and flawless, with the perfect flaws of humanity and love.
YOU, I THANK YOU, and YOU, and YOU, and... Your Cat! And YOU, and YOU, not you, and YOU! Yeah go sit down crazy conspiracy theorist, the world is not a turtle drifting the solar wind currents. Oh, speaking of the world. THANK YOU WORLD, for your fairness. You give us fertile soil, fresh water, moderate temperatures, and all we seem to be able to do is eat you. Well, today we eat you with thanks for all the support and love you've given us as our mother.
Thanks Mommy Earth, for not throwing us to the curve when we can't get our collectiveness together!
And L/L with your crazy contacts into places far and infinite and close and finite, spreading the light of God to us groping Fool's, giving everyone a chance to know the love of the Truth.
To Mr. Trump for reminding us Americans how stupid we've become, we really ought to fix ourselves.
And to you, the ever beautiful and lovely Ra, I hope they're rejoicing in the joy of coming together in familial love.
I don't have a family much to be with, so I usually try to make this tradition of Giving Thanks to go out to close friends, my mom, and those some whom have greatly affected me in positive ways, such as those of YOU here.
Such as Jade, Thank you Jade! Your assertion is appreciated, but more, your generosity speaks for infinity, you are an incredibly thoughtful person and just to push your buttons I'm gonna call you beautiful, because you are, and you're just going to have to deal with that, because you're beautiful, in mind and spirit and yes, of body. I would describe this beauty to be elegance, you sort of dance with words and ideas, and while you might lose me sometimes to my stumbling, you certainly know how to find the good in others, and for that I want to sincerely thank you for your time and effort with helping others and yourself on this planet o' Earth. Shine on dudette~
I'd also like to thank a few others but I don't want to be overwhelming now, instead I've just given an example of how I Give Thanks in small letters to people and I strongly encourage you all to join with this little tradition of mine, to write to someone you know a Giving Thanks Letter, and to give thanks to them.
Thank you everyone here, for your amazing being. I hope evermore love and light can come forth from us all~
The least we could do is thank our food, but there's something more to thank. Something we seem to often take for granted. Something, that means more than the world.
Yes, that's right! We mustn't forget to thank our overlords and masters, Mister and Misses Kitty Cat! Without their snarls of guidance and hisses of wisdom we'd never know to drive the mortal enemies of cats, avians, onto our dinner tables.
Naw I'm just kidding, actually its YOU (and my cat) who mean more than the world. You, whom breathes as I and moves through the air as I. Whom feels as I and is as I, alive, beautiful, perfect, and flawless, with the perfect flaws of humanity and love.
YOU, I THANK YOU, and YOU, and YOU, and... Your Cat! And YOU, and YOU, not you, and YOU! Yeah go sit down crazy conspiracy theorist, the world is not a turtle drifting the solar wind currents. Oh, speaking of the world. THANK YOU WORLD, for your fairness. You give us fertile soil, fresh water, moderate temperatures, and all we seem to be able to do is eat you. Well, today we eat you with thanks for all the support and love you've given us as our mother.
Thanks Mommy Earth, for not throwing us to the curve when we can't get our collectiveness together!
And L/L with your crazy contacts into places far and infinite and close and finite, spreading the light of God to us groping Fool's, giving everyone a chance to know the love of the Truth.
To Mr. Trump for reminding us Americans how stupid we've become, we really ought to fix ourselves.
And to you, the ever beautiful and lovely Ra, I hope they're rejoicing in the joy of coming together in familial love.
I don't have a family much to be with, so I usually try to make this tradition of Giving Thanks to go out to close friends, my mom, and those some whom have greatly affected me in positive ways, such as those of YOU here.
Such as Jade, Thank you Jade! Your assertion is appreciated, but more, your generosity speaks for infinity, you are an incredibly thoughtful person and just to push your buttons I'm gonna call you beautiful, because you are, and you're just going to have to deal with that, because you're beautiful, in mind and spirit and yes, of body. I would describe this beauty to be elegance, you sort of dance with words and ideas, and while you might lose me sometimes to my stumbling, you certainly know how to find the good in others, and for that I want to sincerely thank you for your time and effort with helping others and yourself on this planet o' Earth. Shine on dudette~
I'd also like to thank a few others but I don't want to be overwhelming now, instead I've just given an example of how I Give Thanks in small letters to people and I strongly encourage you all to join with this little tradition of mine, to write to someone you know a Giving Thanks Letter, and to give thanks to them.
Thank you everyone here, for your amazing being. I hope evermore love and light can come forth from us all~