11-14-2017, 11:47 PM
I am in book 3 and it is talking about it being rare that a entity would know magical protection mechanisms. I believe that has changed drastically since the 80s but even so I consider myself a pretty good for that topic. I have delt with negative entities all my life and have accidentally stumbled upon various mechanisms unconsciously that work pretty good. I did not know what I was doing was related to magic nor did I try or know about other individuals and what they did. It works well for me so I figure id let you all know one of my protection mechanisms.
What I do is pretty simple. I use the understanding of certain geometric symbols and combine them into various objects for the work I am trying to do. So for this example here it is.
In order to create a safe area or to deplete an area of negativity or create a more suitable place for meditation I like to visualize black tourmaline obelisks about 3 to 4ft tall spread out all over the area of interests. I add an infinity symbol to these objects and connect them energetically to each other as well as to the surrounding trees outside. I do this so that the intelligent energy is radiating up as well as dispersing any built up energy as for the reason for the obelisks shape in addition to the natural attributes to tourmaline. I am really attached to tourmaline so it is easy to visualize for me because i know how it looks and feels....etc. I have also experimented with other types... quartz crystal worked good for a while but after a while it could be manipulated to do the opposite of what I wanted... lol I found out the hard way.... The reason why I use the infinity symbol is for the energy to be constantly recycling without any attachment to me so that it would not drain my energy by using all these tools. The connection to the trees is for the energy to be grounded additionally and trees are living beings looking to help and serve any anyway they can..... thats how I see them. I also take another step to create a triangle shaped field around the house maybe 50ft out with huge tourmaline obelisks. Also I like to create a giant maybe 5 to 6ft tall tourmaline in the middle of the other objects and have a beam of solid white like coming down into it to energize the other tourmaline as well.
In addition to this method I like to also change the store memory vibration within the walls or area of the zone I am trying to create if possible to loving ones.. this is simple.. you just verbally go around and state what you how you want your area to be... For example.. I want this area to be filled with love... etc. I also create an extended barrier of maybe 5 to 6ft both wall to wall, ceiling to floor....
I usually use this for myself or a friend in need if I realize that they are under heavy influence and they are not completely aware of how to mend the issue. As well as I put out the calling to help those in need who have such attachments... What I realized with the above method is that if an negative entity all ready made an attachment that they would just leave lol.... with the host and usually transfer or the host would want to leave the place. So to help with this problem I added in a few rose quarts obelisks to help with this problem. This new addition as been pretty successful Id say in regards to the host not.
This works with lessor thought forms and creates an unwanted environment for everything else in it not in harmony. Id like to state that to keep this magic working normally to continue to use it as described and to be watchful of the thoughts and things you say in regards to it. Lol.... each thought form upon it creates an effect.
Also some things to watch out for... I wouldn't do this in a place where there are a lot of energies there...... like a hospital or graveyard unless.. you want that kind of attention.
Hope this was helpful

I am in book 3 and it is talking about it being rare that a entity would know magical protection mechanisms. I believe that has changed drastically since the 80s but even so I consider myself a pretty good for that topic. I have delt with negative entities all my life and have accidentally stumbled upon various mechanisms unconsciously that work pretty good. I did not know what I was doing was related to magic nor did I try or know about other individuals and what they did. It works well for me so I figure id let you all know one of my protection mechanisms.
What I do is pretty simple. I use the understanding of certain geometric symbols and combine them into various objects for the work I am trying to do. So for this example here it is.
In order to create a safe area or to deplete an area of negativity or create a more suitable place for meditation I like to visualize black tourmaline obelisks about 3 to 4ft tall spread out all over the area of interests. I add an infinity symbol to these objects and connect them energetically to each other as well as to the surrounding trees outside. I do this so that the intelligent energy is radiating up as well as dispersing any built up energy as for the reason for the obelisks shape in addition to the natural attributes to tourmaline. I am really attached to tourmaline so it is easy to visualize for me because i know how it looks and feels....etc. I have also experimented with other types... quartz crystal worked good for a while but after a while it could be manipulated to do the opposite of what I wanted... lol I found out the hard way.... The reason why I use the infinity symbol is for the energy to be constantly recycling without any attachment to me so that it would not drain my energy by using all these tools. The connection to the trees is for the energy to be grounded additionally and trees are living beings looking to help and serve any anyway they can..... thats how I see them. I also take another step to create a triangle shaped field around the house maybe 50ft out with huge tourmaline obelisks. Also I like to create a giant maybe 5 to 6ft tall tourmaline in the middle of the other objects and have a beam of solid white like coming down into it to energize the other tourmaline as well.
In addition to this method I like to also change the store memory vibration within the walls or area of the zone I am trying to create if possible to loving ones.. this is simple.. you just verbally go around and state what you how you want your area to be... For example.. I want this area to be filled with love... etc. I also create an extended barrier of maybe 5 to 6ft both wall to wall, ceiling to floor....
I usually use this for myself or a friend in need if I realize that they are under heavy influence and they are not completely aware of how to mend the issue. As well as I put out the calling to help those in need who have such attachments... What I realized with the above method is that if an negative entity all ready made an attachment that they would just leave lol.... with the host and usually transfer or the host would want to leave the place. So to help with this problem I added in a few rose quarts obelisks to help with this problem. This new addition as been pretty successful Id say in regards to the host not.
This works with lessor thought forms and creates an unwanted environment for everything else in it not in harmony. Id like to state that to keep this magic working normally to continue to use it as described and to be watchful of the thoughts and things you say in regards to it. Lol.... each thought form upon it creates an effect.
Also some things to watch out for... I wouldn't do this in a place where there are a lot of energies there...... like a hospital or graveyard unless.. you want that kind of attention.
Hope this was helpful