11-10-2017, 10:12 AM
I've come to observe that a great majority of people who have any degree of magical ability or have woken up to the illusion around them to enough of a degree that they can begin to perceive/feel magical workings, are for the most part very heavily clouded by STS frameworks of thinking. What I mean to say is that they, for the most part, do not yet seem to understand how to tell the difference between positive polarity beings and negative polarity beings, but more importantly, cannot tell the difference between each side's movements and power plays...not to mention the intention behind them.
So back to the title of this thread...I've humorously noticed that a certain private magical working of mine has been highly misinterpreted as an attempt at binding another person(s).
If those who cannot let go of the need to constantly survey, also cannot adapt their minds to perceive a magical working from the other side of the fence, then they will continue to confuse themselves to no fruitful end. And yet, since there is actual power plays going on between STS and STO types, this also implies that if they were to accurately perceive what said magical working is intended to do, they would find themselves put at odds with the effect that would come as a by product of truthfully accepting the energies at play.
That is all.
So back to the title of this thread...I've humorously noticed that a certain private magical working of mine has been highly misinterpreted as an attempt at binding another person(s).
If those who cannot let go of the need to constantly survey, also cannot adapt their minds to perceive a magical working from the other side of the fence, then they will continue to confuse themselves to no fruitful end. And yet, since there is actual power plays going on between STS and STO types, this also implies that if they were to accurately perceive what said magical working is intended to do, they would find themselves put at odds with the effect that would come as a by product of truthfully accepting the energies at play.
That is all.