(09-26-2017, 07:39 PM)earth_spirit Wrote: Yes, I was equating distortion with illusion and I believe you're right to claim it is a mistake in this context. I did not realize that such an understanding can be misleading when interpreting the Law of One.
Free will is still a hard pill for me to swallow however.
That free will is a distortion of something real, that is has elements of truth, is in my mind akin to saying that it is a half truth, thus misleading.
I find it harder to speak the same of love, so I am still inclined to think that the first distortion is absurd in ways the second is not.
I think your mirror analogy is self defeating for the reason that; I'd say free will itself is the distortion of the mirror. Without the distortion, I think it'd be obvious that none of us are free.
I'll say one way I see free will as workable, is "true simultaneity" as Ra puts it; that all conscious beings are doing exactly what they want to do. Which for me is difficult to accept when I am not only neck deep in illusion but also may well be a part of it.
Ah, well, that is probably as far as I'm going to get you to come with it.
It appears we are at a philosophical impasse at this point, if you're dead set on free will being some sort of illusion.
I'll content myself with the fact that you found the second 'distortion' more difficult to dismiss as sheer illusion.
And while your perspective comes across as cynical, pessimistic, and depressing to me, I can appreciate that your life experiences are drastically different than my own, and of course the universe looks different to you, albeit darker.
I personally see the 'distortions' as simply the 'ripples' in the image being reflected in the water. Thus, the image itself is pure. Freedom. Love. Light. The distortion is that these seem like separate concepts in our universe. In the true image they are perfectly synthesized. They are simply the Spirit, Mind, and Body of the one infinite creator.
But again, i'm inclined to take a more optimistic stance on the perfection of infinity. To do otherwise, seems a disservice to something we ascribe the label of 'infinite' from my vantage point. But you wouldn't be the first, and certainly won't be the last. I can only hope time will show you another facet of this shimmering diamond we call existence.
Take care. Be well. May the light of Derek's invincible diamond shine through you.