04-25-2017, 02:58 AM
hello everyone, i'm new here today. i have had a lifetime of awakening/enlightenment, otherworldly-related experiences. it hasn't been easy......although everything is so beautiful, i am in awe mostly. i came across Law of One recently, in dec 2016. through a series of highly synchronistic events (which happens regularly - but this was particularly memorable), a strong feeling of "needing" to get to the water/ocean from where i was staying welled up and i rented a house on the ocean for a weekend, even dragging my work there. it turned out to be at the very edge of an area of houses, closest to the ocean. it was built on a perfect square in the shape of a pyramid (i didn't know this when i rented it). the top point was built like a sky light, open to the sky and had purple light at night. it had many books - on tarot, free masons, etc etc so many books, many trinkets, so many things... the energy was astounding. many things happened. i cried when i had to leave, i didn't want to go. but a week later, i missed it so much i convinced my mom to spend xmas there and we rented it for another week. that time i found the Ra Material - only the first book. When i read the first page or two it felt like i knew everything. i can't explain it. i devoured it and felt so good, everything made sense and i understood it perfectly. it was such a feeling of relief and joy. there are many more stories about that first time and the house, but i'll wrap it up to not be so long.
i have since read all the Ra books and much more. i've discovered gaia tv and watched everything on wisdom teachings, cosmic disclosure and much more. it's like a puzzle is being put together before my eyes. my past exposure to enlightenment teachings has been through the standard spiritual or guru channels, nonduality, vedanta, etc, and study of comparative religion, philosophy in school, etc etc. apart from seth and abraham, i didn't know about the galactic side of things. it's such a relief.
as far as the wanderer stuff, i took a bunch of tests, or all the ones online and gaia, along with starseed tests. i don't know what i am (except the oneness), but i test almost 100% on everything. so....idk. meaning, idk what it means, or if it's helpful to "be" or "think" "you're" something separate from oneness, or special in any way - feels like a mind trap. i'd love to know i had some special "lightworker" purpose here, but bc there's still the veil and i can't remember anything before being here, it's hard to know what that is. mostly i just stay quiet knowing it's just going to unravel itself before my eyes no matter what i do or don't do, believe or don't believe. idk...sigh.
anyway, i hide all of this from people, except my mom. i stay alone most of the time. (it's ok, i enjoy it
i just thought it would probably be good, after all these years, to reach out and try connecting to other people (hopefully like me
without hiding who i am or what i really do with my time.
thank you for listening! and thank you for creating this forum! looking forward to reading more...
love & light xo
p.s. i found this forum bc am currently compelled to learn more about the tarot part of Ra material - for no reason, i've never even had any interest in tarot. i was on the lawofone.info and click click clicked and ended up here. i printed out the deck from http://www.thirddensity.com/tarot/ and read the very helpful thread from Shin'Ar . (does anyone know if there is a deck to purchase with the ancient images?)
i have since read all the Ra books and much more. i've discovered gaia tv and watched everything on wisdom teachings, cosmic disclosure and much more. it's like a puzzle is being put together before my eyes. my past exposure to enlightenment teachings has been through the standard spiritual or guru channels, nonduality, vedanta, etc, and study of comparative religion, philosophy in school, etc etc. apart from seth and abraham, i didn't know about the galactic side of things. it's such a relief.
as far as the wanderer stuff, i took a bunch of tests, or all the ones online and gaia, along with starseed tests. i don't know what i am (except the oneness), but i test almost 100% on everything. so....idk. meaning, idk what it means, or if it's helpful to "be" or "think" "you're" something separate from oneness, or special in any way - feels like a mind trap. i'd love to know i had some special "lightworker" purpose here, but bc there's still the veil and i can't remember anything before being here, it's hard to know what that is. mostly i just stay quiet knowing it's just going to unravel itself before my eyes no matter what i do or don't do, believe or don't believe. idk...sigh.
anyway, i hide all of this from people, except my mom. i stay alone most of the time. (it's ok, i enjoy it

thank you for listening! and thank you for creating this forum! looking forward to reading more...
love & light xo
p.s. i found this forum bc am currently compelled to learn more about the tarot part of Ra material - for no reason, i've never even had any interest in tarot. i was on the lawofone.info and click click clicked and ended up here. i printed out the deck from http://www.thirddensity.com/tarot/ and read the very helpful thread from Shin'Ar . (does anyone know if there is a deck to purchase with the ancient images?)