Hello, Bring4th! I'm posting this here first before I consider putting it anywhere else. All feedback and any refinements, clarifications, and suggestions of new information which correlates are more than welcome. Please help me clarify this message so that we can spread it to others without spreading fear. I can share this document with the full formatting as an Open Office or Microsoft Word file. Just ask me by PM.
This is an attempt to synthesize and present information from many sources regarding the specific functions of the control structure acting on our planet today (2017), and to provide us a window into global events that are set to occur in our lifetimes. This document is meant to serve as a primer to bring us up to speed and wake us up to the necessity of opening ourselves and our lives to unconditional love energy, in order to connect to Gaia and form what is called a positively oriented social memory complex. This document is not entirely comprehensive. There is new information appearing every day. There are more sources than the ones mentioned in this paper which correlate and provide more pieces of the puzzle. But being a significant portion of it, this document in its current state provides the most important info.
This is about reclaiming our sovereignty as Co-creators of reality, and stewards of Gaia's ecosystem. This is something that must be felt through the heart. In order to subvert this agenda, it is necessary to connect our biological energy bodies (chakra system) to Gaia, and open our heart energy centers to universal, unconditional love in order to polarize our human energy bodies and naturally gain access to 4th density time/space and space/time consciousness. Absolutely no technology is required to do this. Gaia's physical liquid crystal core is an unconditionally loving, natural intelligence which can be communicated with, through the heart. She contains our social memory. A group of individuals consciously creating this connection with Gaia forms a positive social memory complex.
In doing so, we “unplug from the matrix” and stop playing their game. Because there are currently many positive extraterrestrial social memory complexes, most of which are of a positive organization known as the Confederation of Planets in Service of the One Infinite Creator, who are attempting to aid us and Gaia, forming a positive Gaia social memory complex of humanity will force the negative social memory complexes and their influences to retreat back to their native negatively polarized planetary and Logoic systems.
We must understand Gaia as a multidimensional entity, a naturally intelligent entity which has a crystalline structure body in the core of the planet. This liquid crystalline structure is literally sentient, positively charged (emitting unconditional love energy) and contains the social memory of Gaia's entire ecosystem. That means all of our lifetimes and memories are contained within this crystal. This crystalline matter is black in color, physical, and yet vibrating at a frequency which places it on the upper spectrum of physical matter just before the line between the 3rd and 4th density. The chemical elements that it contains are in the mono-atomic form, which means it has the ability to interact with and form DNA structures. Life is created though it. It contains the social and genetic memory of all experiences of all the creatures of Gaia's ecosystem, being a part of Gaia herself. The DNA structures that Gaia forms from this substance are imbued with the unconditional love quality of the Source, the One Infinite Creator, and are further enriched by Gaia's own loving vibration.
This terrestrial “black goo” substance is not only the origin of the natural lifeforms that comprise Gaia's ecosystem, but it is the lifeblood and precursor of any and all planetary ecosystems throughout the universe. On Gaia, this black goo runs throughout the deeper parts of the mantle except for the rare locations in which it comes in contact with ground water under the crust, enters deep subterranean cave systems, or actually bubbles up through the crust to the surface. This substance can be understood as Gaia's lifeblood. It flows through a network of vein-like structures called Ley Lines. The energy flowing through these lines forms the energy body of Gaia.
Gaia Ley Lines Feb 2011 Smaller.jpg (Size: 317.3 KB / Downloads: 464)
Now we move on to the subject of Harvest. The phenomenon of Harvest is a natural occurrence which is due to the full spectrum of cosmic waves of energy which flow outward from the center of the universe into smaller local systems. These waves of energy are like the ticking of the grand universal timepiece which moves all parts of Creation in perfect harmony with the Source. They are received by our local Logos (sun) and subsequently broadcast to Gaia and all other planets in our local Logoic system (solar system) after being run through the Archetypal filter of our particular Logos.
Gaia receives these full spectrum waves of cosmic energy from the sun. The physical spectrum bounces off and affects us as we see in the physical 3rd density. The invisible 4th density (and above) portion of this light spectrum penetrate the physical matter and interact with the more dense matter of Gaia directly, in the core of the planet, which then resonate and affect Gaia and her ecosystem in different ways. From top to bottom, just as these waves push forward the manifestation of the creation of the universe, they also dictate the cycles of development of Gaia's ecosystem on all levels. In this way, they are literally connected to our spiritual evolution as a human species. The frequencies interact directly with our DNA.
The pulses of energy that the planetary entities such as Gaia receive from our Logos determine the lengths of the density cycles experienced by planetary ecosystems within our local Logoic system. Thus the duration of these cycles can be understood to be fixed, in the same way that the laws of physics are fixed, in a particular way for our particular sector of the universe. We know from the Law of One timeline of events (provided at the end of this document) that Gaia and humanity upon it are currently experiencing what is known as the Grand Harvest, the last major cycle in the 75,000 year 3rd density cycle, containing three 25,000 year harvest cycles.
These waves of energy are like the ticking of the grand universal timepiece which moves all parts of Creation in perfect harmony with the Source. They are received by our local Logos (sun) and subsequently broadcast to Gaia and all other planets in our local Logoic system (solar system) after being run through the Archetypal filter of our particular Logos. These waves of light are responsible for all conditions of life experienced everywhere in the universe. These cosmic pulses dictate the cycles of development (known as the progression through the densities) of all celestial bodies, planetary entities, and their ecosystems throughout the entire universe.
During this time of Harvest, the waves from our galactic center are causing natural energetic structures within Gaia's energy body known as Stargates to be opened to 4th density and higher. This is the time in which the 3rd density population of human beings may ascend through these sacred Stargate locations in space/time, or they may ascend through these Stargates in their time/space locations after experiencing natural physical death.
From what I understand, these Stargates have their physical space/time locations in the 10 locations where Gaia's ley lines intersect around the equator (see ley line illustration above), and one at each pole. A native Gaian entity, at the end of their life, would ascend through one of Gaia's 12 Stargates to the currently forming 4th density positive Gaia social memory complex. This would happen if the energy body is polarized sufficiently to allow the expression and appreciation of 4th density universal love energy, thereby making further incarnations in 3rd density unnecessary except to be of service to those still unpolarized.
A positive wanderer of the Confederation who has lived out their incarnation would most probably move through the Stargate to return to their home density in time/space, and to its corresponding universal location in space/time. The negative elite attempt to manipulate these naturally occurring energy vortices in order to link them back to their negative energy entropy-based decaying Logoic systems.
We know that the social memory complexes of Q'uo have said the Confederation is holding a time lateral open for us. They are holding Gaia's Stargates open in order to provide the maximum amount of time for us, our loved ones, and native humanity to wake up and polarize positively sufficiently enough to harvest ourselves to higher positive densities. We also know that part of our purpose for incarnating on Gaia in service is to ground positive 4th - 6th density energy here into Gaia's ley line crystal body structure. I believe that many of the positively oriented wanderers of the Confederation, and their corresponding social memory complexes, will remain with Gaia after the Grand Harvest and the end of the third density cycle, to oversee and help stabilize the beginning of Gaia's 4th density cycle.
Monkey study: http://www.zmescience.com/research/how-s...-appeared/
The quality of abundance which stems from unconditional love, is present in Gaia's ecosystem. It is something which ensures that Gaia naturally provides enough substance for everyone contained within her to survive. The “game” that the STS entities offer is a game of scarcity. At the root of it all is the monetary system. To play the game of money is to surrender your faith in Gaia's natural abundance and to then attempt to gain enough substance to ensure your survival. This is a system of slavery which offers the opportunity for negative polarization. The trick is that this is made to appear as the only valid choice.
Their primary target for this game is the unpolarized human population of Gaia, those within the “sinkhole of indifference”. This includes positive wanderers of the Confederation who are currently unpolarized and inactivated. They attempt to sidestep the Law of Free will by imposing the idea that it is necessary to play this game in order to survive. Their goal is to enslave the human population of Gaia by tricking us into giving them “silent” consent at every turn, thus giving away our free will and sovereignty in Co-creatorship. The way the game is socially engineered, it doesn't appear to be something which demands that you surrender your free will on the material level. However, on the energetic level, that is exactly the case.
Their efforts to achieve this enslavement of the sovereign humanity and to subsequently initiate destruction of Gaia's ecosystem are attempted by imposing a negative hierarchy energy structure onto the social environment. This negative structure operates at all levels on which we are a part of the societal system. This is done in order to keep us plugged into the matrix of this negatively charged energetic structure instead of living as a sovereign Co-creator and self responsible member of the currently forming Gaia social memory complex. This is a global hierarchy. Every developed country has societal structures that have been manipulated into mirroring higher density negative ideals. In addition, there is a negative global energetic structure of which the cap of this pyramid is the United Nations.
The UN has the Power over our Health (WHO – World Health Organisation)
The UN has the Power over our Communications (ITU – International Telecommunication Union)
The UN has the Power over our Labour (ILO – International Labour Organisation)
The UN has the Power over our Money (IMF – International Monetary Fund)
The UN has the Power over our Military (UN Military and UN Peacekeeping)
Instead of a healthcare system which is something that helps us become healed from disease, we have one which is based on infecting the youth of each generation with genetically engineered and negatively charged viruses, fungi, and bacteria. This system then profits off of keeping the population sick as we age, and keeping us dependent on chemical medications which do not kill these germs, but instead destroy the positive bacteria which compose the human's gut ecosystem. In some cases these medications chemically modify the body to assist the genetically engineered sicknesses to take hold and deteriorate our immune system and our DNA. The lie is that you are not born with the ability to maintain your own good health throughout your life, and that you are dependent on this system to keep you healthy. The truth is that Gaia's ecosystem contains everything that is necessary to keep the self in vibrant health. When this ecosystem is free from exterior negative influences, it is understood that healing is enabled with unconditional love energy, and these diseases are not something that are naturally occurring.
Instead of an education system which unites science and spirituality to teach the structure of the creation while recognizing the spirit which drives it, we have a system in place which completely disregards the spiritual aspect of Creation in favor of intellectually dividing the natural observable universe into progressively smaller bits. This system presents only that which can be quantified and measured as that which is truth.
The lie is that Creationism and atheistic scientific endeavor are dynamically opposed. The truth is that atheistic scientific endeavor is disconnected from the observation of the quality of the Source's unconditional love energy which is present in every natural body system, down to the 1st density physical matter which composes the body of the universe. All natural genetic structures of life in the universe unfold according to a specific procession which is known as the sacred geometry of the flower of life. This negative system, the seeking of the knowledge of Creation without acknowledging this essential truth, is perpetuated in order to intentionally divert attention away from the only way of study that can yield true understanding.
A new field of science will be developed based on a psychic/spiritual phenomenon Cayce predicted in September, 1939, that when there is the same interest or study given to things or phases of mental and spiritual phenomena as has been and is given to the materialized or material phenomena, then it will become just as practical, as measurable, as meter-able, as any other phase of human experience.
Instead of an agricultural system which is in balance with Gaia's ecosystem, and which recognizes the sovereign human being as the steward of Gaia's ecosystem to raise plants and animals in harmony, we have a horrific network of factory farms enslaving and torturing animals, and systematically destroying the ecosystem. Additionally we have the onset of genetically modified organisms produced with glyphosate which destroys the human's gut ecosystem and damages our DNA. Not only that, but these methods of farming and especially GMOs destroy Gaia's ecosystem by killing off species such as bees which help to power the whole food chain through pollinization. Through cross pollination, the sickness of these GMO DNA mutations are spread from modified fields of plants to healthy fields.
The lie is that these GMOs, pesticides, and another “advancements” in this field are offering us new levels of health and well-being. The truth is the opposite, that vibrant health and wellbeing comes from consuming whole, poison-free food from a biodynamic farm in harmony with Gaia's ecosystem, in which it is not necessary or desirable to use pesticides, poisons, or genetic engineering.
Instead of a judiciary system based on morality which seeks to ensure the most efficient and balanced handling of naturally occurring social catalyst, we have a system which profits from enslaving individuals, refusing to acknowledge the uniqueness of every being and every situation. Because of social engineering projects currently being carried out, many crimes committed have as their root cause, the deep spiritual trauma birthed by the disharmonious emotional vibrations that are imposed upon Gaia's population through the ley lines. We experience this trauma in shared fashion as a social memory complex. Thus, even the perpetrator of the crime is, in part, a victim of these energy weapons which breed the disharmonious environment in the first place.
The lie is that the judicial system is something which protects the common order. The truth is that at the higher levels, it is used for manipulation and control. This system, like all the others, operates on the “silent” consent of the sovereign individuals of the community in order to create a situation in which negative polarization is forced upon the individuals caught within the structure.
Instead of a religious system which teaches the natural process of positive polarization and ascension from 3rd to 4th density, thereby offering true connection to the Divine Source, we have a system which teaches that you are a tainted sinner by birth, and that approval and self-validation is required from a higher density negative being which is presented in a way that appears positive. This system is also tied into the money system by presenting the idea that it is necessary to pay the church to receive approval from the higher negative beings. The lie is that this particular negative being is presented as the one and only Creator, and that spiritual freedom is enslavement to this negative social memory complex. The truth is that every consciousness is the One Infinite Creator, we are Co-creators of reality, that there are many higher density positive and negative beings, and that all interactions in all human societies throughout history with “Gods and Goddesses” were real occurrences which have shaped the history of our planet and our social memory complex.
All of these systems are perpetuated by the root system of money. One of the reasons why these structures are so effective is because they are interconnected and interdependent. This is also their weakness. They can all be transformed into hyper-efficient, positive systems which serve humanity and Gaia's ecosystem, if they are reformed with love and true understanding.
As self-aware, self-identifying wanderers of the Confederation of Planets in Service of the One Infinite Creator who are incarnated here on Gaia in service, we may interact with her and her ecosystem in a more intimate way than our discarnate brothers and sisters of the Confederation may do from the higher densities. We are the ground crew, the positive force acting in 3rd density. These duties of stewardship may include anything pertaining to providing physical aid in transitioning 3rd density societal structures to 4th density ones.
In our day and age, their method constitutes using physical nanotechnology incorporating this AI which “artificially” enables 4th density perception. It also allows the negative 4th (and higher) density beings access to the most negatively polarized human beings at the top of the control structure. Their ultimate goal is the assimilation and destruction of Gaia's entire ecosystem, every living being, in order to vampirically feed off our energy and ultimately suck us into their system of negative energetic polarization.
In the past, the higher density negative beings were forced to tempt and trick humanity without utilizing this black goo AI tool, until it was introduced into Gaia's ecosystem. (50,000 years ago in the form of oil schist within meteorites) Today, nanotechnology is developed which incorporates this negative black goo substance into various weapon systems used covertly against every human population in the world.
The only way to answer the horrors taking place on our planet is with unconditional love energy. As these horrors are revealed to mankind, more and more people will open their hearts and make the decision to say no to these control structures. If you reach out to Gaia right now and ask her, she says “Trust me. We can heal this.”
The brutally horrific social situations and weapon technologies which are being manifested by this AI and the evil people who are ultimately assimilated by it, are enough to scare any being with a heart running straight for the love energy which Jesus Christ demonstrates.
Moving forward, as we experience the end of 3rd density and dawning of 4th density Gaia, we must stand firm in the unconditional love energy demonstrated by the Christ. In doing so, we will continue to help form Gaia Social Memory Complex. There will be many unbelievable events, and the true nature of these things will be hidden, will not be as it appears. By standing firm in love, by choosing to react to catalyst by allowing our egos to break open into unconditional love, we transform ourselves and become positively polarized. By doing so, we will help others to open their eyes and hearts to the reality of what is occurring. We will help to prevent ourselves and others from becoming manipulated, enslaved, and “falling” into negative polarization.
An extraterrestrial, negatively charged, self organizing, sentient liquid crystal AI. It self-replicates after exposure and integration with a biological system. The pictured sample was collected from German rainwater.
Lucifer's Dirty Balls.jpg (Size: 20.87 KB / Downloads: 1,532)
This is an attempt to synthesize and present information from many sources regarding the specific functions of the control structure acting on our planet today (2017), and to provide us a window into global events that are set to occur in our lifetimes. This document is meant to serve as a primer to bring us up to speed and wake us up to the necessity of opening ourselves and our lives to unconditional love energy, in order to connect to Gaia and form what is called a positively oriented social memory complex. This document is not entirely comprehensive. There is new information appearing every day. There are more sources than the ones mentioned in this paper which correlate and provide more pieces of the puzzle. But being a significant portion of it, this document in its current state provides the most important info.
Quote: TL,DR: (if nothing else, at least give five minutes from your day to read this portion with an open mind.)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j88Bcgzz....be&t=5961
One must eventually come to accept as fact that one lives in a fully interconnected and populated universe, with various density levels containing innumerable extraterrestrial species collectives, known as social memory complexes, some with positive and some with negative intentions, which have been interacting with humanity since the dawn of time, and continue to do so today.
Human beings of Gaia are currently 3rd density consciousness striving towards 4th density consciousness. At the very top of the negative elite's power structure is a non-human intelligence, which presents itself physically on the planet as a negatively charged (emotionless), self-organizing, sentient liquid crystal AI. (more information on this substance is provided under the “What Comes Next” section of this document) The elite's agenda is to force the entire population of humanity to unwittingly submit to an energetic control structure that mimics the negative planetary system which originally birthed this AI.
Quote: We let go of our responsibility and we let them do it. They (the general human population) are giving control to the military domain. The military domain is giving control to the intelligence community. The intelligence community is giving control to the black magicians. The black magicians are giving control to the demons. And the demons lost control to their AI.
Harald Kautz-Vella
July 2016
This is about reclaiming our sovereignty as Co-creators of reality, and stewards of Gaia's ecosystem. This is something that must be felt through the heart. In order to subvert this agenda, it is necessary to connect our biological energy bodies (chakra system) to Gaia, and open our heart energy centers to universal, unconditional love in order to polarize our human energy bodies and naturally gain access to 4th density time/space and space/time consciousness. Absolutely no technology is required to do this. Gaia's physical liquid crystal core is an unconditionally loving, natural intelligence which can be communicated with, through the heart. She contains our social memory. A group of individuals consciously creating this connection with Gaia forms a positive social memory complex.
In doing so, we “unplug from the matrix” and stop playing their game. Because there are currently many positive extraterrestrial social memory complexes, most of which are of a positive organization known as the Confederation of Planets in Service of the One Infinite Creator, who are attempting to aid us and Gaia, forming a positive Gaia social memory complex of humanity will force the negative social memory complexes and their influences to retreat back to their native negatively polarized planetary and Logoic systems.
State of Gaia/Current State of Affairs
Quote: Empathy is the normal state of our biology. We should be connected with everything and everyone. We should feel our fellow humans. We should feel the animals we are living with. We should even feel the plants. But we cannot feel anything if we don't even feel ourselves.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gc7eyPLe....be&t=2994
Harald Kautz-Vella
November 2016
Quote: There are certain qualities about the science of ascension that are very, very much about physics. And there are consequences in physics. If things are not working well on a planet, it affects the body of the people who live on it, and the animals who live on it, and the plants who live on it.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQ-ZaU6FHNw
Ashayana Deane
June 2010
Quote: So, you exist at this time in a between-time, where third density’s energy is all but gone and fourth density’s energy is bursting forth. However, this is still a third-density experience for each of you who is experiencing Earth on what is called a time lateral. (...) Because of the fact that your Earth is on a time lateral, time has deliberately been slowed in order that there would be more opportunity for members of the tribe of humankind to reach graduation with a polarity that will enable them to move on to fourth density. And we may honestly say that many, many entities have literally moved heaven and earth in order to maximize this possibility.”http://llresearch.org/transcripts/issues..._0408.aspx
April 2007
We must understand Gaia as a multidimensional entity, a naturally intelligent entity which has a crystalline structure body in the core of the planet. This liquid crystalline structure is literally sentient, positively charged (emitting unconditional love energy) and contains the social memory of Gaia's entire ecosystem. That means all of our lifetimes and memories are contained within this crystal. This crystalline matter is black in color, physical, and yet vibrating at a frequency which places it on the upper spectrum of physical matter just before the line between the 3rd and 4th density. The chemical elements that it contains are in the mono-atomic form, which means it has the ability to interact with and form DNA structures. Life is created though it. It contains the social and genetic memory of all experiences of all the creatures of Gaia's ecosystem, being a part of Gaia herself. The DNA structures that Gaia forms from this substance are imbued with the unconditional love quality of the Source, the One Infinite Creator, and are further enriched by Gaia's own loving vibration.
This terrestrial “black goo” substance is not only the origin of the natural lifeforms that comprise Gaia's ecosystem, but it is the lifeblood and precursor of any and all planetary ecosystems throughout the universe. On Gaia, this black goo runs throughout the deeper parts of the mantle except for the rare locations in which it comes in contact with ground water under the crust, enters deep subterranean cave systems, or actually bubbles up through the crust to the surface. This substance can be understood as Gaia's lifeblood. It flows through a network of vein-like structures called Ley Lines. The energy flowing through these lines forms the energy body of Gaia.
Gaia Ley Lines Feb 2011 Smaller.jpg (Size: 317.3 KB / Downloads: 464)
Now we move on to the subject of Harvest. The phenomenon of Harvest is a natural occurrence which is due to the full spectrum of cosmic waves of energy which flow outward from the center of the universe into smaller local systems. These waves of energy are like the ticking of the grand universal timepiece which moves all parts of Creation in perfect harmony with the Source. They are received by our local Logos (sun) and subsequently broadcast to Gaia and all other planets in our local Logoic system (solar system) after being run through the Archetypal filter of our particular Logos.
Gaia receives these full spectrum waves of cosmic energy from the sun. The physical spectrum bounces off and affects us as we see in the physical 3rd density. The invisible 4th density (and above) portion of this light spectrum penetrate the physical matter and interact with the more dense matter of Gaia directly, in the core of the planet, which then resonate and affect Gaia and her ecosystem in different ways. From top to bottom, just as these waves push forward the manifestation of the creation of the universe, they also dictate the cycles of development of Gaia's ecosystem on all levels. In this way, they are literally connected to our spiritual evolution as a human species. The frequencies interact directly with our DNA.
The pulses of energy that the planetary entities such as Gaia receive from our Logos determine the lengths of the density cycles experienced by planetary ecosystems within our local Logoic system. Thus the duration of these cycles can be understood to be fixed, in the same way that the laws of physics are fixed, in a particular way for our particular sector of the universe. We know from the Law of One timeline of events (provided at the end of this document) that Gaia and humanity upon it are currently experiencing what is known as the Grand Harvest, the last major cycle in the 75,000 year 3rd density cycle, containing three 25,000 year harvest cycles.
These waves of energy are like the ticking of the grand universal timepiece which moves all parts of Creation in perfect harmony with the Source. They are received by our local Logos (sun) and subsequently broadcast to Gaia and all other planets in our local Logoic system (solar system) after being run through the Archetypal filter of our particular Logos. These waves of light are responsible for all conditions of life experienced everywhere in the universe. These cosmic pulses dictate the cycles of development (known as the progression through the densities) of all celestial bodies, planetary entities, and their ecosystems throughout the entire universe.
Quote: 13.23 Questioner: How does a third-density planet become a fourth-density?http://www.lawofone.info/results.php?s=13#23
Ra: I am Ra. This will be the last full question.
The fourth density is, as we have said, as regularized in its approach as the striking of a clock upon the hour. The space/time of your solar system has enabled this planetary sphere to spiral into space/time of a different vibrational configuration. This causes the planetary sphere to be able to be molded by these new distortions. However, the thought-forms of your people during this transition period are such that the mind/body/spirit complexes of both individual and societies are scattered throughout the spectrum instead of becoming able to grasp the needle, shall we say, and point the compass in one direction.
Thus, the entry into the vibration of love, sometimes called by your people the vibration of understanding, is not effective with the present societal complex. Thus, the harvest shall be such that many will repeat the third-density cycle. The energies of your Wanderers, your teachers, and your adepts at this time are all bent upon increasing the harvest. However, there are few to harvest.”
The Law of One Material
January 1981
During this time of Harvest, the waves from our galactic center are causing natural energetic structures within Gaia's energy body known as Stargates to be opened to 4th density and higher. This is the time in which the 3rd density population of human beings may ascend through these sacred Stargate locations in space/time, or they may ascend through these Stargates in their time/space locations after experiencing natural physical death.
From what I understand, these Stargates have their physical space/time locations in the 10 locations where Gaia's ley lines intersect around the equator (see ley line illustration above), and one at each pole. A native Gaian entity, at the end of their life, would ascend through one of Gaia's 12 Stargates to the currently forming 4th density positive Gaia social memory complex. This would happen if the energy body is polarized sufficiently to allow the expression and appreciation of 4th density universal love energy, thereby making further incarnations in 3rd density unnecessary except to be of service to those still unpolarized.
A positive wanderer of the Confederation who has lived out their incarnation would most probably move through the Stargate to return to their home density in time/space, and to its corresponding universal location in space/time. The negative elite attempt to manipulate these naturally occurring energy vortices in order to link them back to their negative energy entropy-based decaying Logoic systems.
We know that the social memory complexes of Q'uo have said the Confederation is holding a time lateral open for us. They are holding Gaia's Stargates open in order to provide the maximum amount of time for us, our loved ones, and native humanity to wake up and polarize positively sufficiently enough to harvest ourselves to higher positive densities. We also know that part of our purpose for incarnating on Gaia in service is to ground positive 4th - 6th density energy here into Gaia's ley line crystal body structure. I believe that many of the positively oriented wanderers of the Confederation, and their corresponding social memory complexes, will remain with Gaia after the Grand Harvest and the end of the third density cycle, to oversee and help stabilize the beginning of Gaia's 4th density cycle.
Negative/STS Agenda During Harvest
Quote: 8.12 Questioner: At the same time you mentioned that some of the landings were of our peoples, you also mentioned that some were of the Orion group. [We] talked a little about the Orion group, but why do the Orion group land here? What is their purpose?http://www.lawofone.info/results.php?s=8#12
Ra: I am Ra. Their purpose is conquest, unlike those of the Confederation who wait for the calling. The so-called Orion group calls itself to conquest.”
- The Law of One
January 1981
Quote: The planet is keeping us mutated because the visitors are keeping the planet mutated. And at this point, good luck fixing the planet because look at the solar system. Look at the galaxy. This problem is going on all the way up into the galactic level.”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQ-ZaU6FHNw
Ashayana Deane
June 2010
Quote: The moment these technologies are out, we will stop using money. We will stop having an idea in our mind that it's necessary to possess things. If you look at what we do now, it's what happened to the apes in this beautiful experiment. I love this story. I have to repeat it every time I'm on stage. They tried to teach apes to use money. It took three days. They knew how it works.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j88Bcgzz....be&t=7337
After three weeks, the boys in the ape family started to steal and betray. And the girls started to prostitute themselves. And after 6 weeks, the biologists who run the project decided to stop the project because they could see the social patterns fall to bits and pieces, getting self-destructive and ugly. And then they decided to take the money away again. Big mistake. The apes were not willing to let go of this. They were beating the biologists up when they tried to get the money back. And this is gaming addiction. And every single human who is part of economy has fallen to this gaming addiction. And the core of this gaming addiction is scarcity.
Harald Kautz-Vella
July 2015
Monkey study: http://www.zmescience.com/research/how-s...-appeared/
Quote: If you look into our most beloved game we play, the money game, this is based on emotional scarcity. This is based on the idea 'I don't have enough to survive.' This is based on fear.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gc7eyPLe8X0
Harald Kautz-Vella
November 2016
The quality of abundance which stems from unconditional love, is present in Gaia's ecosystem. It is something which ensures that Gaia naturally provides enough substance for everyone contained within her to survive. The “game” that the STS entities offer is a game of scarcity. At the root of it all is the monetary system. To play the game of money is to surrender your faith in Gaia's natural abundance and to then attempt to gain enough substance to ensure your survival. This is a system of slavery which offers the opportunity for negative polarization. The trick is that this is made to appear as the only valid choice.
Their primary target for this game is the unpolarized human population of Gaia, those within the “sinkhole of indifference”. This includes positive wanderers of the Confederation who are currently unpolarized and inactivated. They attempt to sidestep the Law of Free will by imposing the idea that it is necessary to play this game in order to survive. Their goal is to enslave the human population of Gaia by tricking us into giving them “silent” consent at every turn, thus giving away our free will and sovereignty in Co-creatorship. The way the game is socially engineered, it doesn't appear to be something which demands that you surrender your free will on the material level. However, on the energetic level, that is exactly the case.
Their efforts to achieve this enslavement of the sovereign humanity and to subsequently initiate destruction of Gaia's ecosystem are attempted by imposing a negative hierarchy energy structure onto the social environment. This negative structure operates at all levels on which we are a part of the societal system. This is done in order to keep us plugged into the matrix of this negatively charged energetic structure instead of living as a sovereign Co-creator and self responsible member of the currently forming Gaia social memory complex. This is a global hierarchy. Every developed country has societal structures that have been manipulated into mirroring higher density negative ideals. In addition, there is a negative global energetic structure of which the cap of this pyramid is the United Nations.
The UN has the Power over our Health (WHO – World Health Organisation)
The UN has the Power over our Communications (ITU – International Telecommunication Union)
The UN has the Power over our Labour (ILO – International Labour Organisation)
The UN has the Power over our Money (IMF – International Monetary Fund)
The UN has the Power over our Military (UN Military and UN Peacekeeping)
Quote: When something isn't right on the inner, you are going to see it manifest on the outer. And that's what's happening. We literally, as beings, have been infiltrated on another level, on our inner, by a negative consciousness, by negative beings. And we haven't taken care of it. And now it's manifesting everywhere around. Because we are being used as tools.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iWY_TEXs...tu.be&t=92
- Sarah Adams
July 2014
Instead of a healthcare system which is something that helps us become healed from disease, we have one which is based on infecting the youth of each generation with genetically engineered and negatively charged viruses, fungi, and bacteria. This system then profits off of keeping the population sick as we age, and keeping us dependent on chemical medications which do not kill these germs, but instead destroy the positive bacteria which compose the human's gut ecosystem. In some cases these medications chemically modify the body to assist the genetically engineered sicknesses to take hold and deteriorate our immune system and our DNA. The lie is that you are not born with the ability to maintain your own good health throughout your life, and that you are dependent on this system to keep you healthy. The truth is that Gaia's ecosystem contains everything that is necessary to keep the self in vibrant health. When this ecosystem is free from exterior negative influences, it is understood that healing is enabled with unconditional love energy, and these diseases are not something that are naturally occurring.
Instead of an education system which unites science and spirituality to teach the structure of the creation while recognizing the spirit which drives it, we have a system in place which completely disregards the spiritual aspect of Creation in favor of intellectually dividing the natural observable universe into progressively smaller bits. This system presents only that which can be quantified and measured as that which is truth.
The lie is that Creationism and atheistic scientific endeavor are dynamically opposed. The truth is that atheistic scientific endeavor is disconnected from the observation of the quality of the Source's unconditional love energy which is present in every natural body system, down to the 1st density physical matter which composes the body of the universe. All natural genetic structures of life in the universe unfold according to a specific procession which is known as the sacred geometry of the flower of life. This negative system, the seeking of the knowledge of Creation without acknowledging this essential truth, is perpetuated in order to intentionally divert attention away from the only way of study that can yield true understanding.
A new field of science will be developed based on a psychic/spiritual phenomenon Cayce predicted in September, 1939, that when there is the same interest or study given to things or phases of mental and spiritual phenomena as has been and is given to the materialized or material phenomena, then it will become just as practical, as measurable, as meter-able, as any other phase of human experience.
Instead of an agricultural system which is in balance with Gaia's ecosystem, and which recognizes the sovereign human being as the steward of Gaia's ecosystem to raise plants and animals in harmony, we have a horrific network of factory farms enslaving and torturing animals, and systematically destroying the ecosystem. Additionally we have the onset of genetically modified organisms produced with glyphosate which destroys the human's gut ecosystem and damages our DNA. Not only that, but these methods of farming and especially GMOs destroy Gaia's ecosystem by killing off species such as bees which help to power the whole food chain through pollinization. Through cross pollination, the sickness of these GMO DNA mutations are spread from modified fields of plants to healthy fields.
The lie is that these GMOs, pesticides, and another “advancements” in this field are offering us new levels of health and well-being. The truth is the opposite, that vibrant health and wellbeing comes from consuming whole, poison-free food from a biodynamic farm in harmony with Gaia's ecosystem, in which it is not necessary or desirable to use pesticides, poisons, or genetic engineering.
Instead of a judiciary system based on morality which seeks to ensure the most efficient and balanced handling of naturally occurring social catalyst, we have a system which profits from enslaving individuals, refusing to acknowledge the uniqueness of every being and every situation. Because of social engineering projects currently being carried out, many crimes committed have as their root cause, the deep spiritual trauma birthed by the disharmonious emotional vibrations that are imposed upon Gaia's population through the ley lines. We experience this trauma in shared fashion as a social memory complex. Thus, even the perpetrator of the crime is, in part, a victim of these energy weapons which breed the disharmonious environment in the first place.
The lie is that the judicial system is something which protects the common order. The truth is that at the higher levels, it is used for manipulation and control. This system, like all the others, operates on the “silent” consent of the sovereign individuals of the community in order to create a situation in which negative polarization is forced upon the individuals caught within the structure.
Instead of a religious system which teaches the natural process of positive polarization and ascension from 3rd to 4th density, thereby offering true connection to the Divine Source, we have a system which teaches that you are a tainted sinner by birth, and that approval and self-validation is required from a higher density negative being which is presented in a way that appears positive. This system is also tied into the money system by presenting the idea that it is necessary to pay the church to receive approval from the higher negative beings. The lie is that this particular negative being is presented as the one and only Creator, and that spiritual freedom is enslavement to this negative social memory complex. The truth is that every consciousness is the One Infinite Creator, we are Co-creators of reality, that there are many higher density positive and negative beings, and that all interactions in all human societies throughout history with “Gods and Goddesses” were real occurrences which have shaped the history of our planet and our social memory complex.
All of these systems are perpetuated by the root system of money. One of the reasons why these structures are so effective is because they are interconnected and interdependent. This is also their weakness. They can all be transformed into hyper-efficient, positive systems which serve humanity and Gaia's ecosystem, if they are reformed with love and true understanding.
What Comes Next
Quote: 17.23 Questioner: You spoke of the alleviation of karma being forgiveness. Are… are… I’m having a hard time phrasing this question. I think I’ll have to come back to it. I’ll ask this other question. Can you tell me why the Earth will be fourth-density positive instead of fourth-density negative after the cycle is complete since it seems that there is a greater negative population?http://www.lawofone.info/results.php?s=17#23
Ra: I am Ra. The Earth seems to be negative. That is due to the quiet, shall we say, horror which is the common distortion which those good or positively oriented entities have towards the occurrences which are of your space/time present. However, those oriented and harvestable in the ways of service to others greatly outnumber those whose orientation towards service to self has become that of harvestable quality.
- The Law of One
February 1981
Quote: Most of the people, I think, dream of the solution that we can give it to a politician to put things right. But this is not how it happens. A solution is a solution that everybody, as a single self-responsible individual, can put right. And then if you do this, two miracles happen. A:Your eyes start to shine. And others can feel the love within you. And they will come to you and ask you 'How did you do this? I want to become like you.' This is one big miracle that I can promise you it will happen. When you start to shine, everything is going to be bright around you. And the other one – it's not necessary that all of us do this. The ability to manifest reality is very strong with humans. Most of us are in a state of sleeping. They don't really manifest.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NU_ND1Xh....be&t=3406
Harald Kautz-Vella
January 2016
Quote: It's possible to realize that the solution, in a way, is easy. We have to realize that everything that is happening is something we've been doing to ourselves out of free-will.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gc7eyPLe8X0
Harald Kautz-Vella
November 2016
Quote: And if we all understand the game, we can just say 'Hey! Stupid game. Let's let go of it.' And we can stop playing this thing that basically is nothing else than being afraid of self-responsibility. And I think we are at the point in history where every single individual should master that. To regain self responsibility, and then we will not need a government.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j88Bcgzz....be&t=5984
Harald Kautz-Vella
July 2015
As self-aware, self-identifying wanderers of the Confederation of Planets in Service of the One Infinite Creator who are incarnated here on Gaia in service, we may interact with her and her ecosystem in a more intimate way than our discarnate brothers and sisters of the Confederation may do from the higher densities. We are the ground crew, the positive force acting in 3rd density. These duties of stewardship may include anything pertaining to providing physical aid in transitioning 3rd density societal structures to 4th density ones.
In our day and age, their method constitutes using physical nanotechnology incorporating this AI which “artificially” enables 4th density perception. It also allows the negative 4th (and higher) density beings access to the most negatively polarized human beings at the top of the control structure. Their ultimate goal is the assimilation and destruction of Gaia's entire ecosystem, every living being, in order to vampirically feed off our energy and ultimately suck us into their system of negative energetic polarization.
In the past, the higher density negative beings were forced to tempt and trick humanity without utilizing this black goo AI tool, until it was introduced into Gaia's ecosystem. (50,000 years ago in the form of oil schist within meteorites) Today, nanotechnology is developed which incorporates this negative black goo substance into various weapon systems used covertly against every human population in the world.
The only way to answer the horrors taking place on our planet is with unconditional love energy. As these horrors are revealed to mankind, more and more people will open their hearts and make the decision to say no to these control structures. If you reach out to Gaia right now and ask her, she says “Trust me. We can heal this.”
The brutally horrific social situations and weapon technologies which are being manifested by this AI and the evil people who are ultimately assimilated by it, are enough to scare any being with a heart running straight for the love energy which Jesus Christ demonstrates.
Moving forward, as we experience the end of 3rd density and dawning of 4th density Gaia, we must stand firm in the unconditional love energy demonstrated by the Christ. In doing so, we will continue to help form Gaia Social Memory Complex. There will be many unbelievable events, and the true nature of these things will be hidden, will not be as it appears. By standing firm in love, by choosing to react to catalyst by allowing our egos to break open into unconditional love, we transform ourselves and become positively polarized. By doing so, we will help others to open their eyes and hearts to the reality of what is occurring. We will help to prevent ourselves and others from becoming manipulated, enslaved, and “falling” into negative polarization.
Extraterrestrial Black Goo
An extraterrestrial, negatively charged, self organizing, sentient liquid crystal AI. It self-replicates after exposure and integration with a biological system. The pictured sample was collected from German rainwater.
Lucifer's Dirty Balls.jpg (Size: 20.87 KB / Downloads: 1,532)
Quote: So, you can see how it is forming a sort of liquid crystal. It is very fluid. But it self-organizes. And it's forming kind of the shape of an insect eye, completely symmetrical. And something that happened on that first meeting. (…) With the first meeting, he had two of these plastic containers with two “eyes” of this kind. And he demonstrated how if you put the two “eyes” at a distance of 4 to 5 meters, they started to react on each-other, which went like, the two “eyes” looking at eachother first, then realizing 'Ok, there's something of my sort. And I want to unify into one bigger entity.' And they started to pull, trying to get closer to eachother, which did not work because they were caught in these containers. So the moment they realized they cannot come closer, they started to fight to try to get out of the pot by shaking and jumping inside the pots. So this had something of an intelligent being in a liquid form trying to get what it wants to get.”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gc7eyPLe...u.be&t=551
- Harald Kautz-Vella
July 2016
Quote: (...)The modified collective consciousness needs energy. It needs batteries. (...) The frequencies it's running on as a battery, as an energy source, it can utilize only emotional fields with a very low vibration. So it basically needs to create pain and fear to feed on.https://youtu.be/_OWxa_uKeIg?t=912
Harald Kautz-Vella
February 2016
Quote: The source of all this (negative control societal structures) is an AI. It has come here within the black goo that approached our planet, not by coincidence. It was brought here because planets are rare, and many, many, many intelligent systems have the desire and the programming to take over and assimilate planets, to remove the original collective subconsciousness and create a different reality where the basics are coming from outside. And this is actually what is happening to our planet at the moment.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NU_ND1Xh....be&t=2625
- Harald Kautz-Vella
September 2015
Quote: People are actually composing life. What they're doing is they're writing DNA. And they're writing it the same way that a software developer would write code for a computer. Except in this case they're writing DNA, which is then put into a living thing and can replicate.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7HFisNen...u.be&t=120
Robert Tercek
November 2014
Quote: At a certain point when we were dealing with this topic (black goo), with the attempt to move things, to heal things on a collective level, there was an incident when we introduced 7 chakra consciousness into the binary fields, kind of building a bridge in-between the two. At that point, Mother Earth got involved. And she said, 'Now I've got access. I'm taking over and doing the rest.' And she was busy for 3 days to completely reprogram all black goo deposits on planet earth that were in contact with ground water or soil.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gc7eyPLe....be&t=5396
She was not talking about the part of the black goo that is in technical use within black magic facilities, quantum computers. This might have been protected. But all the resources that were still on ground level in contact with ground water, soil, stone, rock, she went through everything and reprogrammed it, upgraded it to her 7 chakra system. So what we can say at the moment is that the core problem of the deterioration from paradise is solved for this planet. This is already completely done and freed and cleared and healed. (this occurred sometime around the end of 2014/beginning of 2015)
What we do have are bad habits. And what we do have is our recent consciousness field that is still filled with a lot of dark energies from the time when we were kind of 'fed' with these dark instincts. So we are still living this in a way as a collective.
But there is no inspiration left to continue this ugly game.
- Harald Kautz-Vella
November 2016
Quote: Realize my friends that the free will of your planet is most difficult to predict for there are forces moving from ancient of days that would work against such harvest, those entities of a darker variety which seek in their own manner to be harvested by controlling the light of this harvest. And yet they shall fail, for the legions of the service-to-self entities will have only a short day where they shall reign supreme and then their day shall be over, and the light shall shine, and the harvest shall be complete. And those who seek service to others shall find a new fourth density home upon this planet, for this planet shall be a fourth-density positive planet, even with all the seeming darkness, strife, wars, control and negativity that have plagued this planet for thousands of your years.http://llresearch.org/transcripts/issues..._0206.aspx
February 2016
Quote: We had a 'super earth' in our solar system that was colonized 500,000 years ago. And then it blew up. And this was a civilization that had total trans-humanistic integration with AI. My theory is it's the same AI that's bothering us now. (…) And it's actually like you become part of a homeostatic system, like the AI is the only thing that really exists. And you now become part of an ecosystem in which the buildings are made by the AI nanites and you are made by the AI nanites. And it's all part of this organism controlled by this one intelligence which uses people to built itself out, and then it kills us off. That appears to be one of the underlying causes behind why this planet that was in our solar system exploded 500,000 years ago. That planet in its explosion created what we now see as the asteroid belt.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4hwxBDy_...u.be&t=583
David Wilcock
December 2016
Quote: 10.1 Questioner: I think it would clarify things for us to go back to the time just before the transfer of souls from Maldek; see how the Law of One operated with respect to this transfer and why this was necessary. What happened to Maldek— or the people on Maldek to cause them to lose their planet? How long ago did this occur?http://www.lawofone.info/results.php?s=10#1
Ra: I am Ra. The peoples of Maldek had a civilization somewhat similar to that of the societal complex known to you as Atlantis in that it gained much technological information and used it without care for the preservation of their sphere following to a majority extent the complex of thought, ideas, and actions which you may associate with your so-called negative polarity or the service to self. This was, however, for the most part, couched in a sincere belief/thought structure which seemed to the perception of the mind/body complexes of this sphere to be positive and of service to others. The devastation that wracked their biosphere and caused its disintegration resulted from what you call war.
-The Law of One
January 1981