01-25-2017, 05:15 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-09-2018, 05:40 AM by GentleWanderer.)
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01-25-2017, 05:15 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-09-2018, 05:40 AM by GentleWanderer.)
01-25-2017, 05:29 PM
Love the inquiry.
Yes. Through stillness. Through family/friends. Through Nature. Through prayer. Through mantra/singing. Through dance. Through doing the dishes. Through sweeping. Through difficulties. Wherever I find myself, there HE is. The more Presence, the more Rememberence. What about you, GentleWanderer?
01-25-2017, 05:32 PM
I don't feel the constant connection but the connection is always there waiting to be called upon. I feel the personal relationship, and I often plead with it like a child trying to reason with his Father.
Our relationship would be closer if I wasn't in a crowded urban area and I didn't dwell in a very troubled environment.
01-25-2017, 07:00 PM
Just realizing my physicality confirms Creator to me. Even when I feel I've fallen short. And that's a lot.
01-26-2017, 01:05 AM
(01-25-2017, 05:15 PM)GentleWanderer Wrote: Do you have a relationship on daily basis with the creator/god/cosmic intelligence ? I feel in the last couple years, I have begun to develop a deeper and more intimate relationship with the creator. I don't always succeed in staying at a high enough vibration that I can hear the creator speak through the sacred silence, but I'm getting better and more adept at hearing it all the time. So what has it been like? Or, what are the advantages I've noticed? 1) It often feels nowadays like the environment will bend over backwards for me, almost like it welcomes me wherever I go. I will just show up to places at the 'right time'. (It's sort of like going to visit a good friend of yours and they try to make sure everything is 'just right' for you to enjoy your visit.) 2) I basically almost never feel alone anymore. It really weirds out some of my family, friends, and acquaintances because I can literally go weeks at a time without any human contact whatsoever and I don't feel lonely in the slightest (this is a big change, but it never really felt unnatural). I feel like I'm always with a trusted and nonjudgmental friend. 3) Sometimes I feel absolutely content to simply Be or to just dwell in my own beingness. There have been days when I have literally sat on my couch almost all day in just absolute bliss (that's not to say I didn't have something on the TV, like a documentary or something, or possibly a book I was perusing, or something of that nature, but it was all just background fodder, and I would have been completely happy just dwelling in my own sense of presence, accoutrements excluded. 4) I often feel like the universe is supplying educational narratives about nearly anything I place my attention on for a significant amount of time (what we might call "psychic information"), but it feels to my perception that various mysteries both small and great are being casually explained by the universe in a very entertaining, yet nonchalant manner. 5) It's almost hard to get mad at people anymore because peoples defense mechanisms are a thousand times more apparent, and so its like I can barely even fathom the concept of blame a lot of the time (it's just like, "well yeah, of course they are responding that way" that's how the psychological structure is set up. There is just sympathy.). Yeah, that's about it. ![]()
01-26-2017, 01:27 AM
To know god, know yourself. To know yourself, look all around you.
I think the point about connecting with god is to shift perspective into realizing that it is always there all round you. You do not need to create a connection, it's already there. It's about getting intimate with this connection and learn to interact in a respectful manner thus eventually building a bridge between the visible/invisible manifested/unmanifested creator/creation macrocosm/microcosm infinite/finite. I think the more you think about it, the more it becomes apparent. That's the ''relatively'' easy part. The hardest part is to make consistent effort into seeing oneness all around you and to eventually see all dualities and all paradoxes as one. Ra speaks of many exercises to achieve balance which would eventually lead you there such as counterbalance each thoughts with it's opposite charge. To me there are apparent manifestations of the creator everywhere without even needing this intimate connection. Each moment is so complex and rich that the density of logic required to manifest each frame of present is a masterpiece of art in itself. To me such complexity definitely requires an infinitely powerful will to achieve. I think what makes it hard for most people to perceive the creator is the notion that there is an outside creator, like it is some puppet master playing with us like we're just inert matter. But the creator isn't external to it's creation, it is inside, it is within, it is living and experiencing itself. The illusion of seperation is all about veiling this very simple yet very complex notion. Another thing that the veil makes it very hard for us is to see is that every event in our lives is a strong symbolism. When you see the creator all around you, everything, every event, every person you meet becomes a personal symbolism. In fact so personal and so custom fit to your experience that you can see the archetypal pathways of the one mind creating it just for you. Isn't that inviting you to meet the creator face to face? To gaze into the mirror of your own reflection? What do you see?
As of today: Andrew Harvey on How to establish a perceptible relationship with the One Infinite Creator - saying and repeating Its name (3-minute .mp3)
As a humorous aside: Yadda Wrote:We use name now to say farewell. We Yadda — but you can call us sweetheart. We leave you in love and light of the unnamed infinite Creator. May you vibrate with this allness and find joy therein. Adonai, my friends. Adonai. ![]()
01-26-2017, 06:15 PM
(01-26-2017, 01:05 AM)anagogy Wrote: I feel in the last couple years, I have begun to develop a deeper and more intimate relationship with the creator. I don't always succeed in staying at a high enough vibration that I can hear the creator speak through the sacred silence, but I'm getting better and more adept at hearing it all the time. have you experienced samadhi? what brings you to human contact after that period of time "alone?" is it that there's no real difference between social interaction and being alone? ('the positive adept remains unchanged in all situations') what is your meditation like? are you instantly aware when you move from low vibration to high vibration? or back down to low vibration? what is the nature of your catalyst at the stage of evolution you experience? do you still experience depression, hopelessness, or despair? what about anger, irritation, uncomfortableness? If you don't want to answer it's okay, but I'm really curious.
I think the Creator is somewhat a vague term within the context of the thread.
With what portion/aspect of the Creator do you wish to develop a relationship with? Because to me it can imply deepening a relationship with yourself, an other-self, any portion of your surrounding reality, your unconscious ressources, your higher self, this planetary sub-Logoi, our sun sub-Logoi, everything in-between us up to this Octave's Logos. Then there's intelligent infinity as a whole also which contains all previous things I named and other infinite similar/non-similar manifestations. If you speak of the Logos, say hi and seek to feel it's hidden in plain sight presence, because it's there, everywhere, everywhen, all-emcompassing. Remember though, you are a manifestation of it's own desire to experience being away from itself in awareness so there is no great need of this exercise per say. Personally I'd say I had two single moments of deep communion with the Logos, I single them out based on the purity and vibration of the moment although these two experiences were of a different nature.
01-27-2017, 01:15 AM
(01-26-2017, 06:15 PM)sjel Wrote: have you experienced samadhi? I believe so, from the descriptions, but I don't know for sure. It used to happen to me a lot on long drives by myself. It felt similar to falling asleep, except its exact opposite. Sort of like "falling awake". I would characterize it as a sort of hyper-awareness but completely relaxed and, as far as I could tell, utterly devoid of thought. But also much like sleep, if you tried to catch the exact moment of its occurrence, that activity would keep you in 'normal' consciousness. And if you became self aware during the experience, that would also bring you back to normal consciousness. (01-26-2017, 06:15 PM)sjel Wrote: what brings you to human contact after that period of time "alone?" is it that there's no real difference between social interaction and being alone? ('the positive adept remains unchanged in all situations') Well, to be fair, I recently got a "normal job" which requires 40 hours a week of normal human interaction, so that doesn't happen so much anymore, but prior to that, I was self employed, working from home, for about a year straight, in a profession that required zero face to face interaction with any humans, and I would often go great stretches of time without interacting with another human soul. I don't know if it is a common feature of positive adepts, or if I'm just an anti social weirdo, but I've gotten to this point where I don't feel like an isolated consciousness (as much), rather I feel a sense of constant companionship with the energy around me. Not always, but enough that I don't mind being by myself at all (though I used to be completely the opposite -- needing constant companionship to assuage my insecurity). What would bring me to human contact during those times of not needing it, was others needing or requesting my company. I didn't mind being around people, I just didn't mind if I wasn't either. There was a lack of attachment, and with it, a lack of suffering extending from it. I spent a lot of time in the woods, going for long hikes. It was wonderful. Its winter now though, so not as much time in the forests unfortunately. (01-26-2017, 06:15 PM)sjel Wrote: what is your meditation like? It depends, I don't always follow the same course of action, sometimes I visualize, sometimes I vibrate mantras, but my favorite, by far, is simply resting my attention/awareness on the sensation of Being Conscious (we might call it resting your awareness on the "I Am"). If you do it right, its almost like hitting a sort of vibrational note (similar to vibrating "OMMMMMMMMMM") there is a sort of sweet spot of electric joy that will gradually "magnify". I believe it to have something to do with the metaphysical bliss Ra spoke of in regard to intelligent infinity. Sometimes it just feels like most of my waking life becomes a kind of infinitely subtle meditation, or constant balancing exercise. A great deal of my conscious thoughts are directed towards thinking about the creator. (01-26-2017, 06:15 PM)sjel Wrote: are you instantly aware when you move from low vibration to high vibration? or back down to low vibration? Not always, but I usually figure it out pretty quick, because our vibrational rate is intimately tied to our emotional complex. So you can certainly perceive the vascillation from a good feeling emotion to a bad one, or vice versa. (01-26-2017, 06:15 PM)sjel Wrote: what is the nature of your catalyst at the stage of evolution you experience? Mostly normal human catalyst I would say, some relationships, some misunderstandings, occasional unawareness of the effect I have on others, a desire to help others, though I seem to drop contention with others fairly quick like a sort of hot potato. I'm no sage, but I'm at a point where I am more often and more likely to become 'fascinated' than I am to become 'frustrated' which has been a boon to spiritual progress. (01-26-2017, 06:15 PM)sjel Wrote: do you still experience depression, hopelessness, or despair? what about anger, irritation, uncomfortableness? Yes, and those are normal human emotions, but they happen less frequently these days. I'm a lot more content with what the creator has given me. But understand that there is a point where you can get so good at being "the witness" that you no longer confuse yourself as the human character you have imagined yourself to be (you're the container that image appears in). I have tasted of that place enough times to be able to occasionally stabilize myself on the edge of the river bank, so to speak, and no longer be subjected to the vagaries of the stream (but it never lasts). But I'm not a believer in eternal enlightenment, though I believe there can be such a thing as permanent enlightenment for the rest of ones present incarnation (after that, its a crap-shoot). My aim is to achieve that at some point in this cycle if possible. My understanding is that it occurs when you can purely seat your identity in the witness. It is a matter of learning not to get sucked into re-identifying with the 'movie character' (the person you think you are). The tricky part is that the personal part of you is naturally terrified of becoming impersonal consciousness, so there is natural barrier to "crossing the abyss" (to relate a small part of the riddle of the gateway).
01-27-2017, 11:00 AM
(This post was last modified: 03-09-2018, 05:41 AM by GentleWanderer.)
01-27-2017, 04:20 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-27-2017, 04:23 PM by loostudent.)
In current turbolent daily life it's hard for me to be constantly and clearly aware of Creator. Early in the morning and late in the evening are most importaint times for me to seek for Creator's presence, thanksgiving, prayer, looking what's inside me ...
01-28-2017, 02:32 PM
(01-27-2017, 11:00 AM)GentleWanderer Wrote:(01-25-2017, 05:29 PM)SeekOne Wrote: Love the inquiry. Major ditto. I am in a place personally wherein I will be in a state of connection/center/degree-of-single-pointedness and then BOOM, the old patterns/habits reengage and I am right back in the hole. My life coach is helping me out a bunch and in our last session he expressed how I could expect the ego to lash out in its best attempt to maintain its reign. He was right!
01-29-2017, 10:29 PM
(01-27-2017, 01:15 AM)anagogy Wrote:(01-26-2017, 06:15 PM)sjel Wrote: have you experienced samadhi? Have you ever been able to operate socially from within that state? Because how is it possible to speak or communicate when you are not aware of self? Also, is this state accompanied by "bliss?" I assume that whatever we call bliss here cannot be related to emotional happiness.
01-30-2017, 02:33 AM
(01-29-2017, 10:29 PM)sjel Wrote: Have you ever been able to operate socially from within that state? No. (01-29-2017, 10:29 PM)sjel Wrote: Because how is it possible to speak or communicate when you are not aware of self? I don't know. But there are cases of people, like enlightened masters, who do in fact do that. I think their behavior is largely automatic by that point (that's not to imply 'unconscious', but rather that no conscious intervention is required in their human behavior to be in concert with the unity of the universe). That might not be the right way to say it. More like: they are operating in such flawless harmony with the universe that there is no distinction being made between themselves and any other selves they appear to be interacting with. It is essentially your consciousness residing in the buddhic, or violet ray subdensity of yellow ray while physically conscious. (01-29-2017, 10:29 PM)sjel Wrote: Also, is this state accompanied by "bliss?" I assume that whatever we call bliss here cannot be related to emotional happiness. Yes, it is blissful. I'm not sure how to characterize it beyond that. Perhaps it might be described as non-intellectual and complete acceptance of the present moment.
01-30-2017, 07:42 PM
(01-29-2017, 10:29 PM)sjel Wrote: Have you ever been able to operate socially from within that state?I once had a different expirience of this special "state" of conciousness. I don't know if it was close to samadhi, awakening of kundalini, tapping of intelligent infinity or something else ... I was able to communicate with others in this state but this communication was different. I would call it double coding. When someone spoke to me it was like not only the person is speaking and not only literal meaning but some other meaning and someone was unveiling. Not just persons, everything "spoke" to me. Like many channels of one big channel ... Normally I'm a quiet person but at that time others noticed talkativeness and liveliness unusual for me ... |