05-18-2016, 07:43 PM
Thanking Latwii
Date: 21 May, Saturday
Time: 10AM EST, 3PM London, 11:59pm Sydney
Location: Chatroom 2 - the Lounge
Theme: The name of 'Latwii' came up in the forums this past week. Most namely:
So as much as we know that Ra is 'out there', somewhere, we can be reasonably assured that Latwii, too, is 'out there', doing their work and business.
For those not too familiar with the 'voice' of Latwii, here's a linking to the "I am Latwii" transcripts, as opposed to the 'I am Ra" communications.
Most notably, here is a portion of a communications which took place on Dec 31, 1980, just TWO WEEKS before the first Ra communications.
Anyway, we are not looking for anything specific in this Meditation; just the offering of thanks for their service. They might not even be serving us at this time, but rather others, but that is worth acknowledging too.
We'll gather in the chatroom on the Hour, and spend the usual ten minutes just catching up with each other.
The Meditation itself will go for seven minutes.
With Love,
Date: 21 May, Saturday
Time: 10AM EST, 3PM London, 11:59pm Sydney
Location: Chatroom 2 - the Lounge
Theme: The name of 'Latwii' came up in the forums this past week. Most namely:
Ra Wrote:Also, Latwii is the primary comforter of the Confederation for entities seeking at the vibratory complex level of the one known as Jim.
So as much as we know that Ra is 'out there', somewhere, we can be reasonably assured that Latwii, too, is 'out there', doing their work and business.
For those not too familiar with the 'voice' of Latwii, here's a linking to the "I am Latwii" transcripts, as opposed to the 'I am Ra" communications.
Most notably, here is a portion of a communications which took place on Dec 31, 1980, just TWO WEEKS before the first Ra communications.
Latwii Wrote:Jim: Latwii, how do you feel that Don and Carla and I can best serve the planet and fulfill our mission (inaudible)?
My brother, you have one mission above all others and that is, as you already know, which we are only confirming, to realize your true nature. As it happens, you have managed to arrive into a position where the mirror in which you look to determine your true character is a true mirror given support by those who will not lie to you in any way or give you a false image.
This is true of each of the three of you, and as you work together, that will be your chief work: the improvement of the understanding of your own personality and the disciplines necessary to complete the understanding of that personality. Each of you will help the other. Each of you will learn. This is your most important task.
The other tasks are within your free will and we cannot comment upon them at this time for we can only go as far as free will allows and you, at this time, and your comrades, are at a state of choosing what you will do of your own free will. Thus, we ask you to meditate and learn from yourselves what it is that you must do. We are always with you and commend you to the love of the Creator.
Anyway, we are not looking for anything specific in this Meditation; just the offering of thanks for their service. They might not even be serving us at this time, but rather others, but that is worth acknowledging too.
We'll gather in the chatroom on the Hour, and spend the usual ten minutes just catching up with each other.
The Meditation itself will go for seven minutes.
With Love,