08-29-2010, 10:55 AM
You could always get a free account with ImageShack then just link them here... probably an easier fix

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08-29-2010, 10:55 AM
You could always get a free account with ImageShack then just link them here... probably an easier fix
08-29-2010, 07:04 PM
Hey, thanks! Do you know any sites that explain what all those positions mean? I've only recently gotten into astrology and am not not keen on all the positions of the planets and such.
Thanks again!
Ahktu, try earthlore. http://elore.com/Astrology/contents.htm They give the 'old' dates and ignore Ophiuchus, but the info seems to be good. It doesn't seem too "fluffy" anyway.
I prefer as well to stick to the traditional astrology teachings I have learned to use. On occasion I will try different chart types to see if it resonates or seems to hold some value. But I wanted to make one point. Astrology is and has not deviated from astronomy. Both "branches" one of science and one of metaphysics/psychology use what is called an Ephemeris. This is a plotting of the planets in sign and degree. There is no discrepancy on the placement or whereabouts of the planets in the sky as we measure them. Both branches agree on where and what is in the sky.
meaning that if the earth wobbles...and we know about it.. it will be reflected in the Ephemeris as a mathematical calculation. (09-01-2010, 02:15 AM)seagrass Wrote: I prefer as well to stick to the traditional astrology teachings I have learned to use. On occasion I will try different chart types to see if it resonates or seems to hold some value. But I wanted to make one point. Astrology is and has not deviated from astronomy. Both "branches" one of science and one of metaphysics/psychology use what is called an Ephemeris. This is a plotting of the planets in sign and degree. There is no discrepancy on the placement or whereabouts of the planets in the sky as we measure them. Both branches agree on where and what is in the sky. With all due respect of each to their own path...Astrology's traditional wheel is not that traditional. It became a fixed wheel a bit under 2000 years ago and was made mainly for conveniences. Each 'signs' was given equal amounts of space (for convenience) and the constellation of Ophiuchus was left out because 13 signs did not fit well into a equally divided wheel. My point is that the ancients depended on observances. The LOO talks about how we are tied/connected to the spheres by something like a braided hair. If a person goes to an astrology site right now, they are going to tell them the Sun is in Virgo. That person may go outside and stand in front of what they think is a Virgo Sun. Unless they research rather or not they are getting true information of the true positions of the cosmos, they would not know that they are actually facing Leo and not Virgo. Right now Astrology says that Mars and Venus are in Libra. If someone was to go out and look for Libra, they will be surprised to not find Mars nor Venus there waiting on them. Dealing with quantum energies and how energetic particles behave when a observer is present, I suggest that a person knows what they are observing. We have tons of people today that think they are looking at a Spring Equinox Sun moving into Aquarius. It will be another 500 years before the Spring Equinox Sun sits in Aquarius. Ancients were a bit obsessed with the observations of the sky and this is what they used...not a fixed wheel. One observance that was very important to them was the 'new moon' for many cultures started months and years with the observance of a 'new moon'. Astrology is a imaginary wheel....it does not represent the true night sky in any way. Only 20% of the time will astrology and astronomy show matches in the positions. You can use Ephemeris on an Astrological wheel....but this will not match up with where astronomy says a planet is. Astrological and Astronomical wheels are very different....and one is completely imaginary, having no real reflection to the night sky. I also dont think people should give other people readings. It is a path of self and offering a reading to someone can mislead them. I dont think the cosmos set out paths as in can tell our future...I think they are there for us to work with the energies. People dont take a change well...and this is a huge change for some. Some like tradition, even though that tradition was not the way the cosmos were used long ago. The traditional astrology is fairly new, using a fixed wheel that never changes nor represents the true perspective of the cosmos from Earth. I hope I dont seem harsh...I have no intention of ill will. I just dont think many realize that astrology wheels are a imaginary representation of the night sky. Yes both practices/sciences uses the Ephemeris to determine the degree of a sphere on a wheel...but my point is that the ancients used the information of the true night sky, not an imaginary wheel. The astrological wheel will not match the positions given on a astronomical wheel but 20% of the time. I dont mention this so much for debate...but for others that may not understand there are differences. Something else a person would not know using astrology is that Mercury is retrograding in Sextans. They would tell you Mercury is in retrograde...but would not tell you its retrograding in a sign outside the wheel, names Sextans. I just think things like this are important. ![]()
09-01-2010, 12:22 PM
No you don't seem harsh at all. Perhaps I don't understand something I should/could. I don't use astrology much anymore like I did when I was younger. It has its disadvantages...but it certainly lead me to seek and understand and for that I will always have a respect and appreciation for it.
I don't know if i will seek out a "new/older/less distorted" understanding of astrology though...because I think I got what I needed many years ago. And my time today is spent watching the now and looking for signposts, following my impulses, and intuition.
09-01-2010, 12:28 PM
(09-01-2010, 12:22 PM)seagrass Wrote: No you don't seem harsh at all. Perhaps I don't understand something I should/could. I don't use astrology much anymore like I did when I was younger. It has its disadvantages...but it certainly lead me to seek and understand and for that I will always have a respect and appreciation for it. The idea that the cosmos holds energies, through any such practice, is a path that can lead someone to seek deeper and fine tune their deepest self better. It sounds like you are doing just fine without needing or exploring such practices today. I only offer this for those that find a resonation or impulse with what I offer them. If it doesn't resonate with their inner self, I would say they are not in need of it for their path and to not worry with it at all. ![]() It just so happens on my path of awakening to intuitions and synchronicities...the cosmos were a huge part of that path for me. Saturn especially. My best to you!!
09-01-2010, 02:50 PM
![]() (09-01-2010, 02:50 PM)seagrass Wrote: I would love to hear about any energy you feel from Saturn, if you want to keep it to yourself I understand as well. I will share what Saturn was for me. Its like a counselor, helping me face things I dont want to see....but once I face those things, I take leaps in my path instead of steps. I had a experience once when I was focusing on the energies of Saturn and seeking the 'higher self' of me. During a deep meditation of just clearing the mind, I had a vision. The visions was a group of beings standing behind me. I could sense them without looking at them. There was anywhere from 7-9 of them. I immediately knew somehow, they were me. With my mind, I asked them....'are you all, me'...and through the mind, they sent me a 'vibration' of 'yes'. Then I sensed a 'blushing' from them, pure humbleness of allowing their selves to be known to me. I said 'I cant believe there is more then 1 of you'. They then sent me a 'vibration' of a smile, as if a person smiles while lowering their head in humbleness. The next time I stepped out to observe Saturn, I had a deep feeling that those 'other me's' were connected deeply to Saturn, as if that is where their energy vibration was from or worked through to reach me. I then understood why I saw them, as counselors before that experience. This is why I tell people, seek it out for yourself, dont take another's word for 'what something is supposed to mean'. Another might very well be able to offer a person some understanding of what a energy will offer them, but it also may limit a person to not seeking deeper. Some say Mars stands for war, or trouble. For me, I experience alot of healing energies from Mars. The first energy I felt from mars was a need....a need to forgive and send this forgiveness and love to Mars. After that, I felt it then sent the healing energies back to me. My favorite time of the month is during the time of 'dark moon', also known as 'no moon' This is when the Moon sits in between the Sun and the Earth, its right before the time of 'new moon'. This is why I tell people that observing is important....who knows what the energies of the Universe hold for us...and to not just assume the energies are going to fall in your lap. The mechanics of spiritual wisdom's seem to be based on the person seeking...I dont find this happenstance, for seeking offers intent and the vibration of that intention/reason for seeking. Thanks for sharing your thoughts that you have shared here! Lynette I wanted to add here that if anyone does not wish to share their information on the open forum, I am happy to share info with you through private messaging. I have no problem at all with sharing info outside of the forum. Much Love!
09-02-2010, 04:11 PM
How interesting! A recent numerology reading described me with incredible accuracy, using only the birthdate. I'd very much appreciate to find out more regarding 28 Nov 79 (Sagittarius) around 3AM.
Thanks for offering :¬) L&L (09-02-2010, 04:11 PM)Namaste Wrote: How interesting! A recent numerology reading described me with incredible accuracy, using only the birthdate. I'd very much appreciate to find out more regarding 28 Nov 79 (Sagittarius) around 3AM. Hello Namaste! According to what could be truly observed in the sky from Earths perspective, the Sun was in Scorpio on your birth. Using this system, true Scorpio's are truly rare, more so then any other sign, because the Sun is only in Scorpio for about 6 days. Some cultures saw Scorpio as a bird sign, often the Phoenix. Before the Sun rose on this day, Virgo rises in the East bringing Saturn first and Pluto sits on the cusp of Virgo and Bootes (a sign outside the wheel, outside the path of the Sun). Then Libra rises in the East bringing Mercury and Uranus. Neptune is in Ophiuchus, a sign astrology ignores even though the Sun spends more time in Ophiuchus each year then it does Scorpio. Venus is in Sagittarius out in front of his bow, this is the general direction to the center of our galaxy. Venus being in your 'past/old' sign could mean something deep for you. Sagittarius may resonate with you deeply, being more natural to you then Scorpio...I look at past signs carrying our nature, what seems natural to us...and the true sign the Sun is in offers us what we need to work on or face in this life. Outside of traits and attributes, Scorpio may offer you something very meaningful far beyond traits and attributes. At 3am this day, the Moon is on the cusp of Aquarius(our coming age) and Pisces (our current age). Mars and Jupiter are in Leo. To calculate your moon phase...you can enter your month and year in the below link. I personally like to take my moon phase and try to observe the moon every month while it is in the phase it was at my birth. If you go to heavensabove.com you can find out moon phases and also find out what sign they will be in. The day before your birth the Moon sat in Aquarius. The day after your birth it sat in Pisces. http://www.stardate.org/nightsky/moon Here is a image of the Sun at your birth along with some of the spheres that were close to the Sun.... ![]() My best to you! Lynette
09-02-2010, 11:49 PM
Saturn for me is like the father I didn't have. Or maybe my moon in Capricorn. Not sure which, but Saturn to me is restriction in order to push us to create something to get around it. Saturn gives us lessons in this manner. I see Saturn as a collection of professors each designing the tests to push us further, delve deeper, explore our desires... anything at all that gets us to move mountains. I think of the moon as our "dramas" and "themes" and our instinctive reaction to those dramas. I believe Saturn helps us move through those dramas with those enforced needs to get around them. Saturn is tough love personified. But what we create out of it's lessons is worth it. Saturn is something you appreciate after the fact. Then you see if you hadn't had the restriction, you might not have accomplished your desire because you didn't know it existed until it seemed impossible to have.
Just wanted to note a fact reply for a easy sphere to find and observe right now!! If you look to the eastern sky after 10pm, find the brightest light in that direction...you can find Jupiter! Its so beautiful!
Also, if you observe Jupiter....know that you are then facing Pisces, where Jupiter and Uranus are sitting side by side right now. You cant see Uranus, but its there right by Jupiter. The King planet is sitting in the sign of our current age right now. (09-02-2010, 11:49 PM)seagrass Wrote: Saturn for me is like the father I didn't have. Or maybe my moon in Capricorn. Not sure which, but Saturn to me is restriction in order to push us to create something to get around it. Saturn gives us lessons in this manner. I see Saturn as a collection of professors each designing the tests to push us further, delve deeper, explore our desires... anything at all that gets us to move mountains. I think of the moon as our "dramas" and "themes" and our instinctive reaction to those dramas. I believe Saturn helps us move through those dramas with those enforced needs to get around them. Saturn is tough love personified. But what we create out of it's lessons is worth it. Saturn is something you appreciate after the fact. Then you see if you hadn't had the restriction, you might not have accomplished your desire because you didn't know it existed until it seemed impossible to have. Your entire post was as if you were reading my heart and own feelings on Saturn. It is like a parents love, I agree. Tough sometimes...and pushy maybe even...but unconditional always. I really appreciate you sharing that with us ![]() Wanted to add some info for anyone wanting to keep up with the positions.... Go here... http://heavens-above.com/ Go down to the astronomy section..if you click on the Sun, it shows that right now the Sun is in Leo... http://heavens-above.com/sun.asp?lat=0&l...1663657407 You can click the 'next' button on the above right and you can keep clicking it for as long as you want. You can use this to see when the Sun changes signs. It will not show when the Sun is on a cusp though, for details like that you would need to use Stellarium. You can go back to the home page and click on the Moon button... http://heavens-above.com/moon.asp?lat=0&...1683101852 Right now the Moon is in Taurus and will move into Gemini on the 5th. This area between Taurus and Gemini is the area that sits over/above Orion. Orion is slowly entering our night sky's again, you can find Orion if you get up early before the Sun rises...looking to the East. This would mean to find the Moon right now and observe it, you would need to get up early before the Sun rises. You can then click on 'planetary data' to find out where all the planets are at any time. It will also show you if a planet is outside the wheel, in a sign that is not in a part of the path of the zodiac constellations. For example, it shows right now that Mercury is in Sextans. http://heavens-above.com/planetsummary.a...t=0&tz=CET If you click on these links after the day I posted them, it may update new information automatically. Like if you click on the planet link I gave a month from now, its likely to update it to that particular day, not showing what I am seeing today on the lnk. You can follow the moon this way...and observe the direction of the signs with the position of the Moon. Another great thing about this site is to know for sure when full moon is, what sign its in...as well as to know when the phase of 'dark moon' is, when we cant observe the moon. Dark moon can last anywhere from 1-3 days...this is why in the Bible it was stressed to OBSERVE...not predict or use fixed calendars. Of course dark moon cant be observed...but what they awaited for was the 'new crescent moon' which would show itself after dark moon as a think crescent in the low western sky, which shown them when a new moon phase began. Oddly enough, many religions that think they are following a correct calendar as their ancestors did, are not. They are using astronomy's definition for 'new moon' which oddly enough astronomy titles the time of dark moon as 'new moon', this is when the Moon and Sun are in conjunction and the Moon sits inbetween the Earth and the Sun. True new moon, according to the ancients was something that they could observe, and was the the thin crescent moon that would show itself in the low western sky. They used this to start their months and start their new year also. I personally really resonate with this old way of keeping time through the year. I find it very useful. I await the Spring Equinox, then await the first crescent moon after the Equinox, to start a 'new year'. I personally like to fast from meats during this time for its a great time to be in sync with Spring coming, new births arising in nature, a cleansing from things in the past, and forgive the past and learn from it. Anytime until September 15th, anytime you look at the Sun, know you are facing the direction of Leo. After the 15th, if you face the Sun, know you are facing the direction of Virgo.
09-03-2010, 05:25 AM
What does it mean when you are born on a dark moon? I looked up my day and it shows I was born on the day of a dark moon. Spooky :p
(09-03-2010, 05:25 AM)Deekun Wrote: What does it mean when you are born on a dark moon? I looked up my day and it shows I was born on the day of a dark moon. Spooky :p I for one love the time of dark moon. I have had many deep inner reflections during this time and think its a easier time to be aware in dreams. Here is some info on it... Quote: Quote:The dark of the Moon is the most powerful time psychically. It seems to lure us toward the deepest self, the longings of the soul, and restful listening is a great way to receive these messages. It's been compared to the dormant seed under the winter snow, or the cocoon holding the butterfly. You might feel tired, or crave quiet solitude. It's important to make space for the unfolding of the spirit at this time. Like death itself, it's preparation for the new beginning that begins with the crescent. Quote:Each dark Moon is a chance to be renewed, to experience unknowing, and to gain timeless wisdom. The dark Moon opens a door to the past, and it reaches back far into the collective memory. Make it a sacred time for yourself each month, a time to connect to the great mystery of life. Maybe some of that will resonate with you while observing a dark moon phase. It looks like Sept 8th will be a dark moon...maybe you can step out in the evening sky of during the day even and seek energies for it. Know that when you look at the Sun on Sept 8th, the Moon sits inbetween the Sun and Earth. You are actually facing the Sun and Moon in conjunction, on Sept 8th, from the perspective of Earth. http://heavens-above.com/moon.asp?lat=0&...5509606482 A knowing that the Sun is in Leo right now...allows the dark moon then to also be in Leo.
09-03-2010, 04:47 PM
Thank you Lynette - much appreciation for your time and effort! I'll have to spend some time figuring out what all of the placements mean when I have some free time. You've given me lots to think about :¬)
09-08-2010, 11:41 PM
Thank you so much for your response litllady. Certainly gave me a lot to think about. Maybe this is why I am always looking in trying to find more. Possibly why I have always been interested in the great mysteries of the Universe since a young age.
09-15-2010, 11:48 AM
Good Greetings, Zanny and All!
I would like to inquire on this birthdate and cosmic energies on this birth: June 21, 2001 2:23pm Eastern standard time Portland, Maine Male Thank you! This person is very close to me and some greater details on their birth energies/life path energies would be extra-helpful! Thank you! fairyfarmgirl (09-15-2010, 11:48 AM)fairyfarmgirl Wrote: Good Greetings, Zanny and All! Hello fairyfarmgirl! This was a most interesting cosmic print which nudged me to search into the positions a bit further then what I normally would. I learned some things while studying this last night. So I thank you for bringing it to the thread. I would caution that with such positions, its sometimes easy for us to make assumptions and we must remember, it is only for this being that things can be understood on a deeper level. Its not for us to interpret....but maybe one day, you can share with this child if such a question ever pops up, of what the positions were on their birth. The position of the Sun is somewhat questionable for not many people will acknowledge that the Sun, for 3 days out of the year, seems to ride the cusp of Orion. Yes, the astronomical borders for the constellations do show the bottom edge of the Sun buffing the border of Orion for 3 days out of each year as the Sun moves from Taurus to Gemini. June 21st is a interesting day in itself, for its often the day of Summer Solstice. Now and then June 20th will be the time for solstice, but in 2001 it was June 21st. Right now, the Summer Solstice Sun sits on a cusp, some would say its a cusp of Taurus and Gemini. I say its a cusp of 3 signs, Taurus, Gemini, and Orion. The Sun touches the border of all three signs on June 21, 2001. Not only is the Sun in a neat position on this day and this year, there was a total solar eclipse on this day (the Sun and Moon in perfect conjunction and aligned with Earth). At the time of this child's birth, the Moon has moved out of the conjunction point, so he/she was born after the solstice point. Still, the Moon woud of been in the phase of 'dark moon' or 'no moon' since it sits so close to the sun on this day. Times of dark moon are very deep and is a great time for people to be more in tune with their inner most natures. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_eclip...e_21,_2001 So we have the Sun on cusp of Taurus, Gemini, and Orion. The moon has already moved out of conjunction at the time of birth and is a Gemini moon that is in between moon cycles. When this person was 1 day old, the moon was a new moon, starting a new cycle. calculate the moon phase below with the link http://stardate.org/nightsky/moon Before the Sun rises on this day, Venus rises in the East in Aries....Saturn, Mercury, and Jupiter then rises in the East in Taurus. Then rises the Sun and Moon in conjunction, and by the time of birth, moo has moved into Gemini. Mars and Pluto is in Ophiuchus. I should note that Ophiuchus is the sign directly opposite of Orion. Uranus and Neptune in Capricorn (protector of mountains). Some interesting things I was lead on to in my search last night... Quote:Adrian Gilbert maintains that, at the summer solstice in the year 2000, the sun was directly over the outstretched hand of Orion, a phenomenon which last occurred in 10,880 B.C. at which time Atlantis was destroyed. Moreover, when Gilbert held an Ankh cross over the Great Pyramid on June 21, 2000, the sun formed a perfect 'Eye of Horus' over the pyramid. http://watch.pair.com/taurus.html This caught my nudge too... http://www.gaiamind.org/Solstice2001.html Like I said, it is interesting to look into such energies, but always allow the person of those energies to seek their meaning. We dont want to limit them to their possibilities. I know you are not the type to do such a thing...this advice is just a general note that I like to make for my own knowing in the information that I am offering. ![]() I had a image up of the Sun on this day but as I keep adding images, they change. I will try to get this worked out and re add the image. All my best to you! LV
09-16-2010, 09:19 PM
Thank you, Littlelady... now for the decoding of what you speak of... so what kind of qualities does such a person with this star chart have? What are their blind spots and places in which they shine?
This would assist me greatly as this person is very close to me. fairyfarmgirl
09-16-2010, 11:43 PM
(09-16-2010, 09:19 PM)fairyfarmgirl Wrote: Thank you, Littlelady... now for the decoding of what you speak of... so what kind of qualities does such a person with this star chart have? What are their blind spots and places in which they shine? Hi again! As much as I or someone else may find certain thins in a chart, it may not be what the person's higher self had intentions of for being born under certain energies....this is why I tell people, this is a path of self, a path of seeking what things mean to you on a deeper level. We should always account for the environment and our nurturing as we grow up to play a role in 'qualities' ect...as we have experiences growing up and learn histories and of things in the past of mankind, we create or find certain things that resonate with us. What a sphere means to each of us is not exactly the same to us all....so with that , its for the individual to seek what things mean for them. I caution to not let outside things 'make us' who or what we are and would discourage to label a child especially with certain places of 'shinging ' or blind spots. The energies for this child and anyone else's energies, are specifically designed to mean something for them on a deeper level that only can be really found on a path of seeking. For charts I have done, this is one of the most strongest vibrations I have had while doing a chart...I felt a very humbled soul who is double stacked with healing/or need to be healed. Mars in Ophiuchus is the reason I say the 'healing' is double stacked....but see, what I see and feel from Mars may have to do with my personal past and I must caution to others that Mars may offer something different to them. So please, dont take any thing as a absolute for this child. I cant say that what I feel from the spheres, is what everyone would feel. I really cant caution about that enough. I find the alignment of the Sun, Moon, and Earth on the cusp of Orion being something that resonates as a strong vibration, old soul, elder, are the words that come to me...but again, I really am stepping out of my own bounds of making suggestions. I think the spheres being observed and shown awareness as we are grown up is more important then seeking the signs for qualities and such. But others may feel more drawn to the signs that show the history of man and they should follow that if such things resonate with them. Something that may be a good practice or tradition to make with this child is to take a time on their birthday to step out and observe the Sun with him or her. You could explain to him/her that on the day of their birth that the Moon sat directly inbetween the Sun and Earth making a total solar eclipse on that day....and you could even add to this, tell him or her to turn around and face the opposite direction from the Sun...and them that Mars would of been on the other side of Earth from the Sun and Moon...all of them making a line with eachother on that day. This may help him or her have a more early start with his or her inner compass with the Universe around them. What I find Venus to be, and mars, Saturn, Jupiter, the Moon...ect...is personal experiences through observance and meditation with the spheres as well as some past life experiences I think. So I cant say that what I feel from the energies would be the same for anyone and I think we can easily limit others from not truly seeking their own path if we try to interpret too much of their energies from the stars. As much as I ramble, I cant dare say anything with certainty on someone else'f meaning of their energies.
09-17-2010, 06:47 AM
Thank you, Little Lady. I find your observations spot on. Thank you.
09-24-2010, 10:22 AM
Loving greetings to everyone!
Little Lady, I would like to ask if you could provide me with information for two birth dates: March 26, 1985 East Stroudsburg, PA. I think the time was early morning between midnight and 3 am eastern time. for my daughter: March 24th 2008 Bethlehem, PA 5:09 PM EST This is a very generous service you are providing, and I'm sure it can be time consuming. Please only respond if you have the time, and I thank you in advance if that is the case ![]() (09-24-2010, 10:22 AM)Joseph326 Wrote: Loving greetings to everyone! Hi there! You are welcome, I hope you find something interesting from it all...and if not, like your signature says, let it fall away ![]() You and your daughter are both born under the Pisces Sun (our current age). You both are born within a week after the Spring Equinox and this may be a big resonation with you of the time of season you were born of (the time of new births or renewal or exiting the womb of winter ect) For March 26,1985 Sun in Pisces with Mercury and Venus also in Pisces Before the Sun rose on this day, Jupiter led the way rising in the East in Capricorn (the protector of the mountains), then rose Aquarius, then Pisces. Mars is in Aries Moon in Taurus Saturn in Libra Pluto in Virgo Uranus in Ophiuchus (the sign ignored by general astrology) Neptune in Sagittarius Hopefully below is a image of the Sun along with a few of the planets at your birth (Ive had some trouble figuring out the best way to post images) ![]() March 24, 2008 Sun in Pisces Before the Sun rose, Neptune rose first in the East with Aquarius, then rose Mercury and Venus in conjunction with one another in Aquarius, then rose Uranus in Aquarius....then rose Pisces and the Sun (Aquarius is the coming age). Mars in Gemini and sits over Orion Saturn in Leo Moon in Libra Jupiter and Pluto (largest and smallest) in Sagittarius Image of her Sun...this image shows the setting of the Sun being she was born in the early evening so her planets that rose before the Sun also then set before the Sun... ![]() You can calculate moon phases below...add the month and year in... http://stardate.org/nightsky/moon Both of your past signs/old signs/astrological signs are Aries the Ram. Always discern for yourself what something means for you, I have noticed that some energies that astrology sites offer are not what I feel from the planet or sign. Just off the top of my head, with Aries, I think of the 'one who offers'....go with your inner feelings, what comes first, and it may be later even, something else will then come from that and be different. For Mars, I felt a great need to send forgiveness to Mars...then later, I felt the same energy coming back to me, of forgiveness, it was really neat. My best to you both! Lynette YAAAAAAAAAAA my pictures are working ![]() ![]() ![]()
09-26-2010, 12:47 AM
Thank you so much, Lynette! The pictures showed up great. This will be a great help to have this information, now I have some work to do in figuring out what it all means to me
![]() I'm thinking I will record my daughter's for her so she can look into it as she desires when she gets a bit older. Btw you were right in thinking that spring time might hold some resonance with me...its my favorite time of year. When the sun starts staying up longer and life springs forth once more, I feel my own life refreshed and renewed ![]() Love, light, and gratitude.
Hi litllady, Thank you for your amazing service
If you have the time, please look up the my birthdate for me, as I always believed the starry skies above me had significance in my life that I am not aware of. Your information is really hard to grasp, I barely have any idea of what to do! For some reason, I feel a bit scared to ask about the "true sky" positions of my birth, but I am also curious as well ![]() (09-30-2010, 05:23 PM)Xenos Wrote: Hi litllady, Thank you for your amazing service. Hello! I apologize for missing your post within a couple day time line. This was not purposely done on my part. Im so sorry if you felt like I left you hanging ![]() I will get to this by the end of the day...TODAY ![]() See u seen (via web that is) ![]() Lots of love! Lynette I have a feeling something is going to resonate with you from it already....just a feeling. Must do some chores first and then will look it all up and see what we will find. Always, like you said, only what resonates. (09-30-2010, 05:23 PM)Xenos Wrote: Hi litllady, Thank you for your amazing service. Hello Xenos ![]() The Sun was in Leo at your birth, sitting under the belly of the Lion. Mercury rose before the Sun, in Leo....and Jupiter rose after the Sun, in Leo. Venus in Virgo (your past/old sign and note, past signs will often resonate with us, for we have already been of those traits, carrying them with us). Pluto sits on the cusp of Libra and Serpens. Uranus and Neptune in Sagittarius, both behind his head. Saturn in Capricorn (known for the protection of sacred places, such as mountains). Mars in Taurus, sitting above Orion. You have a 3 day old new moon...(calculate your month and year below) http://stardate.org/nightsky/moon A site that may help you look up some things about any of the constellations.... http://www.constellationsofwords.com/ But I advise above all things, to seek what things mean to your intellect mind, what your personality is drawn to with a 'word' of something. An image of the Sun at your birth, as well as showing some of the planets... ![]() All my best, feedback is welcomed- what ever you may feel like sharing....even if none of it feels right with you ![]() Lynette
10-25-2010, 04:19 PM
(This post was last modified: 10-25-2010, 04:20 PM by peelstreetguy.)
Hi litllady, It is very nice service that you are providing the members of this site. Thank you.
I would be honored if you could tell me about my birth date ( keeping in mind, I don't know much about astrology). April 27, 1970. Thanks. |