10-11-2016, 08:37 PM
(10-04-2016, 04:33 PM)ricdaw Wrote:(09-29-2016, 02:18 PM)Riveroflight Wrote: It is our destiny, all of us, to return to this intense vibration of extension. Mergence and unification, where minds actually become one in a social memory complex for example, is considered (stated by Ra actually) to be a fuller expression of the source field (or God, whatever term people want); this phenomenon is possible/occurs because it is the natural state of God, a state of being being remembered by a group of individuals tossing their identity to the wind to merge and become a larger whole. So when Ra, Q'ou, or other social memory complexes formed - it was because they were evolving to a point they could remember BEING the one, being the source field itself, and being God. This that 'beingness' so many entities are trying to teach us is possible. We are all in love with one another more than we know because we started with one as one, and we will return to the one in time. We just hide and run from it through distractions and false portrayals of perversions (wrongly called love) in our society. And its those lies we tell ourselves, our egos tell us, that is keeping us separated."
I wonder if I am a minority here, because this idea of unification (or, if you will, reunification) with god, and its lessor cousin "mergence and unification" into a social memory complex is decidedly . . . unattractive to me. The Original Thought is still expanding, and I want to ride that wave some more.
If I am a Wanderer, that could (partially) explain why I decided to come back to the 3rd dimensional experience.
If I am not a Wanderer, I wonder if that (non-unification) desire will impact either my harvestability, or my choice to accept graduation if harvestable.
Are you-all keen on joining together in a social memory complex?
I can't wait. Like the urge after a long work day to go home take off your work clothes and get into something more comfortable. Everyday I can enjoy myself and care about people but it just feels so limiting to be here in this finite body, with these finite relationships and an awareness of just this one perspective.
At the same time like minyatur states it isn't a permanent state.
I've come back before I can come back again. In all likelihood it's just awareness.
I'm still there just this one portion is unaware of its true reality. It persieves this reality of seperation and quite honestly a halftime break sounds appealing, go home kick off the "heavy chemical vehicle" and come back refreshed.