10-06-2010, 11:17 AM
I'm posting this in its own thread because it minimizes distortions to do so.
Each new post I make, I have processed a lot since the last one. In another post, I mention my experience of taking creation through the ascension process. This was my own awakening. It awakened my spirit to 8th dimension. My body at that time was still in 3rd. The mind can go anywhere up to where you've unlocked the spirit. As you move up with mind, the spiritual mass becomes so great as to be likened to a black hole, pulling one toward singularity.
Now, everything I am saying I can say. The Law of Confusion is in place that prevents me from being able to say anything that is not fitting. You see, each word I think, or speak, when I read posts of other people, or even move, it generates distortion ripples. If whatever I do is done out of love, or centerdness of thought, these distortions are minimal. Otherwise they can rock your world. After a few moments the distortions settle down. Then one can share the information because then creation is aware of how to compensate for the distortions to stillness. Creation has to learn how to take care of distortions as they come up. Law of Confusion prevents EPIC distortion ripples from forming. Law of Free Will is even more fundamental. I cannot describe why.
Distortion ripples aren't a bad thing now. They keep one from moving too fast for their development. When you want to manifest a smell, a taste, or begin the process of possible levitation, you introduce conscious distortion ripples in the field. That's what does it. When you can compensate for these distortions, then you can control the process.
Last night, I took my body to 4th. In this process, I focused down so tightly, that I focused in on the least distorted version of the One Original Thought that I possibly could. At my level of development, I took all distortions to stillness. In my perspective there, I was doing it for all of creation. Afterwards, you realize it is yourself. I treated the field like a supercomputer, compacting it down, and separating myself, allowing myself to give commands, and the field did the processing.
In that experience, the field grew more dense continually, building at a quantum speed. I plugged everyone in, passed on commands to make the transition as fast and as comfortable as possible. I had to stabilize it first to accept commands, smooth it out, and guide the ascension. My chakras were buzzing and they were hot, but the field helped me compensate to not feel them. I basically made a transition to 4th in about 4 hours where it normally would take about 200 years. I could only do that because I turned off my sensations of feeling how intense it was.
So now, my mind and body I'm keeping at 3rd. Spirit is humming at 4th density. It's a good balance.
I'd say more, but everything I add, adds distortion ripples that need to settle down. They're very slow and heavy/dense sloshing at this point. Not nearly so sawtooth that they were when I first opened up.
Each new post I make, I have processed a lot since the last one. In another post, I mention my experience of taking creation through the ascension process. This was my own awakening. It awakened my spirit to 8th dimension. My body at that time was still in 3rd. The mind can go anywhere up to where you've unlocked the spirit. As you move up with mind, the spiritual mass becomes so great as to be likened to a black hole, pulling one toward singularity.
Now, everything I am saying I can say. The Law of Confusion is in place that prevents me from being able to say anything that is not fitting. You see, each word I think, or speak, when I read posts of other people, or even move, it generates distortion ripples. If whatever I do is done out of love, or centerdness of thought, these distortions are minimal. Otherwise they can rock your world. After a few moments the distortions settle down. Then one can share the information because then creation is aware of how to compensate for the distortions to stillness. Creation has to learn how to take care of distortions as they come up. Law of Confusion prevents EPIC distortion ripples from forming. Law of Free Will is even more fundamental. I cannot describe why.
Distortion ripples aren't a bad thing now. They keep one from moving too fast for their development. When you want to manifest a smell, a taste, or begin the process of possible levitation, you introduce conscious distortion ripples in the field. That's what does it. When you can compensate for these distortions, then you can control the process.
Last night, I took my body to 4th. In this process, I focused down so tightly, that I focused in on the least distorted version of the One Original Thought that I possibly could. At my level of development, I took all distortions to stillness. In my perspective there, I was doing it for all of creation. Afterwards, you realize it is yourself. I treated the field like a supercomputer, compacting it down, and separating myself, allowing myself to give commands, and the field did the processing.
In that experience, the field grew more dense continually, building at a quantum speed. I plugged everyone in, passed on commands to make the transition as fast and as comfortable as possible. I had to stabilize it first to accept commands, smooth it out, and guide the ascension. My chakras were buzzing and they were hot, but the field helped me compensate to not feel them. I basically made a transition to 4th in about 4 hours where it normally would take about 200 years. I could only do that because I turned off my sensations of feeling how intense it was.
So now, my mind and body I'm keeping at 3rd. Spirit is humming at 4th density. It's a good balance.
I'd say more, but everything I add, adds distortion ripples that need to settle down. They're very slow and heavy/dense sloshing at this point. Not nearly so sawtooth that they were when I first opened up.