Quote:13.5 Questioner: Thank you. Can you tell me of the earliest, first known thing in the creation?
Ra: I am Ra. The first known thing in the creation is infinity. The infinity is creation.
13.6 Questioner: From this infinity then must have come what we experience as creation. What was the next step or the next evolvement?
Ra: I am Ra. Infinity became aware. This was the next step.
My current perspective is that infinity simply equals *ALL* possibility or potentiality.
"The rhythms are clothed in mystery, for they are being itself."
The First Distortion
And it is my supposition that when Ra says "infinity became aware" that what they actually mean is "infinity became *self* aware".
In other words, I think that infinity was always aware, as I believe awareness is the primal reality upon all else is predicated. But I think that there was no differentiation, it was just raw beingness. There was nothing to compare that beingness to, so while there was infinite intelligence there, it did not "know it". "Knowing" requires comparison -- a kind of contrast to set it apart as a difference. Its kind of like: if you had never experienced pain, could you truly recognize pleasure? Wouldn't you say awareness of one is intrinsically linked to awareness of the other? Beingness could have been dwelling in the most unimaginable ecstasy or bliss but might not have been able to "recognize it" for what it was without the relativity provided by the finite illusion.
"There is no difference, potential or kinetic, in unity."
The point at which "infinity became self aware" was the same point that the first distortion of free will came into being. The infinite beingness that always was *willed* to "know itself". So desire must have grown or percolated within that infinity somehow (to be honest, I find this the most mysterious part of the whole process). Ra states that, "Unity, at this approximation of understanding, cannot be specified by any physics but only be activated or potentiated intelligent infinity due to the catalyst of free will. This may be difficult to accept." Sounds like Ra knew we would find that particular part quite mysterious indeed. But everything begins and ends in mystery after all.
So somehow this beingness chose to know itself. My supposition is that beingness is driven by a primal need to create (because it is creativity/imagination itself -- the nucleus or unification of all potential variety) which always necessitates an exploration of finity, where such creation may actually occur in a meaningful and recognizable way. It is like an artist that must express itself to feel complete. So as one octave comes to a close and everything withdraws back into the "unmanifest", a directly proportionate desire grows in this intelligent infinity to *re-manifest*. The apex point of this process is the 8th density point which is outside of time so naturally impossible to measure. This causes ripples in the undistorted unity leading to the manifestation of distortions, or illusions which are central to the process that is the primal heartbeat of the creator from one creation to the next.
The artist finishes one masterpiece and feels the itch to create another one as per their eternal nature.
The Second Distortion
This leads to the second distortion: the focusing of Love known as the "Logos". This is the focused, self aware manifestation of infinity -- the portion of infinity that KNOWS and is capable of knowing, rather than just BEING. So now we have an organized self. And as a self, it naturally has an "inner/outer" dichotomy. The "inner" to this self is the whole of time/space or subjective sphere and the "outer" of this self is the whole of space/time or objective sphere from my perspective.
The Third Distortion
The third distortion was the creation or projection of "love/light" and "light/love". In my opinion love/light is what time/space is constructed out of, and light/love is what space/time is created out of. Essentially, it is the same energy, just on opposite sides of the continuum.
How do you picture infinity? Feel free to share your thoughts in this thread.