I see no dissonance with you said and what is given in the Ra material.
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01-26-2016, 12:45 AM
My bias is arguably STO oriented. But I would not identify as of that Polarity completely, from experience.
As per a 3D choice. I'd say STO was the choice I made many times, and STS a few other times. After a while lines blurred and I think I realized there was more than just up/down left/right. There's infinite sides to everything and all things are all things. Its hard to describe... There's a reason Ra spoke the way they did lol
01-26-2016, 08:46 AM
(01-26-2016, 12:45 AM)The_Tired_Philosopher Wrote: My bias is arguably STO oriented. But I would not identify as of that Polarity completely, from experience. I still don't see how that is not resonant with polarity as to me polarity is a duality of self being among other-selves and come into potentially infinite colors. In regards to Ra I believe they said there are no mistakes, that you are things and it is all love/light and light/love, and that the proper role of the 3D entity is to explore everything it desires (purpose of confusion).
01-26-2016, 11:47 AM
This thread can go into a dark shadow for all I care. As policy I will orphan every discussion that gets split like this.
01-26-2016, 12:05 PM
Min, I don't resonate with polarity as being either STO or STS with no inbetween.
In this place of Polarized Manifestation it is Impossible to not be within Polarity. Hence I've my own concept of Polarity as it actually is from my experience. Sts/sto causes too much strife, judgment, and confusion for my taste. The lowest I'll go is 4 polarities. But in my opinion every singular facet has an infinite nature of facets. The 4 really just being STO-STS STS-STO STS-STO/STO-STS STO-STS/STS-STO Where as the Ra version is closer to STO-STO/STS-STS Which is just not enough to make sense to me as it implies they are separate. (Really hoping my dyslexia didn't mess me up) A1, I'll take over the thread for you ![]() Would you say why you dislike split threads of this nature? (I ask because I do too.)
01-26-2016, 12:08 PM
I want all of my posts to link back to their original context to prevent the very confusion that has just occurred. What has happened here is historically and presently unworkable.
01-26-2016, 12:28 PM
I can agree with that heavily.
I'm not a fan of the 'split' mannerism of doing things. I'd almost prefer a duplicate thread with a (2) appended in the title or some kind of explanation why its duplicated, in order to allow every aspect of the conversation and its gradual evolution in various directions to be known.
01-26-2016, 08:15 PM
(01-25-2016, 03:27 AM)The_Tired_Philosopher Wrote: The Pit of Indifference... Parsons, you've already done enough to show you're not in it. You've made a choice, you worry upon your intentions and actions. You care and Love if only enough to know it. But I still desire and (sometimes) actually do control catalyst rather than accept it. My fear is that is more than 49% of my polarity. I guess it doesn't really do any good to worry about about that since my polarity cannot be judged by anyone until I am dead. Yet I still think about it (at least occasionally).
01-26-2016, 08:41 PM
I think if we make an honest effort to polarize, even small acts of kindness, even a smile can make us harvestable.
01-27-2016, 12:36 AM
(01-26-2016, 08:15 PM)Parsons Wrote:(01-25-2016, 03:27 AM)The_Tired_Philosopher Wrote: The Pit of Indifference... Parsons, you've already done enough to show you're not in it. You've made a choice, you worry upon your intentions and actions. You care and Love if only enough to know it. It can be of STO to control some catalyst. Furthermore your polarity can be judged by someone, You yourself. You're the one doing the judging at the end of your life regardless, no Creator or Guide will tell you to go repeat 3D because you did this or that, it's ultimately up to you if you'll actually reincarnate again, karmacally or not even if you have karma. Free Will, you will not be forced to reincarnate 3D even if you don't 'Graduate'. But it is my opinion that you are putting all of the weight of the fear of Percentiles on your Human Persona, when it's your Soul Persona that is accruing that percentile, and maintaining it from incarnation to incarnation. Your Human Self just effects it much more greatly than your Soul Self can. Even if you are 49% STS does that mean to you you're also 51% STO? Because I personally didn't think that was how it worked even before I dropped Polarity. Speaking from that angle of Polarity, you're worrying about making mistakes on a painting in progress. That could be an imbalance, it's something to consider balancing with it's exact opposite. Being confident on the painting in progress, the painting being your Life. Each day, maybe even each moment is a stroke of the brush, and sometimes we put down dark colors and sometimes we put down glitter paint. The end result will be a culmination of how it effects your final Percentile, not the sum-total of that Percentile. If you're here now and a Wanderer, you're already in the 'seniority' or 'close to being Harvested' vibration, as in on a Time/Space level you're either already near 51% STO or 95% STS. Chances are you're confusing the normal manner of Polarizing for believing you need to actively being pursing it. As Ra said. Two steps forward, One step back. It's easiest to look at the Negative side and feel emptiness for the Positive you actually do. Just by being, and being of help you Polarize. Sure you need to consider yourself, maybe that is 'selfish' but it is still a service to others to consider yourself. Q'uo says it's considered 'selfish' or STS to polarize specifically to be Harvested. Worry less about the Harvest and Graduation, High School students don't spend their entire High School career worrying about Graduating (well, not entirely true, but I hope you get the gist of my point). Enjoy the School. Go to some events. You'll stumble and fall and make mistakes, you will depolarize one step and polarize two, typically. Sometimes you fall backwards, sometimes you fly forwards. There's the Bow and Arrow analogy, what goes back will move forward. This could be applied to Newtons 3rd Law too, for everything there is an equal and opposite. Parsons, this is exactly why I dropped the Ra Material's version of Polarity for my own. It is very easy to judge yourself based off of this Material. Self Judgment should be done in Love, not fear. Forgive yourself somewhat. Look at Gemini, he admits to being an ass hole and still he's a lovable...Very lovable guy. I imagine you are too, so much so I changed my title to your term for those STO who just sit around BS'ing their polarity (Armchair Spiritualist, I love that). So check that out, in your STS apparent activity of 'insulting' you showed me a new light. I'd consider that, A Service, To Another. And I thank you for that! If you're in the pit of indifference, you're still polarizing, because that pit applies to people who haven't made their choice, not to people who choose and choose and choose each day to consider themself, to help another, to help the self for another and self. That's why I say it's the intent. And if you think your 'negative' actions are negative, but you mean no real actual harm, is it really negative, or just you, being you? Where's the leeway? Is it all absolute? When does yourself at the Higher Levels take a step back and forgive you? When does the natural creation and mechanics of this Density say 'Hey that's a negative thingy you did! Depolarize STO Polarize STS mwhaha!' I doubt ever. Every, Single thing, has an Infinity. STS can be of STO and vice versa. You're the one who decides how your Reality operates on your own personal level. Does being selfish imply Negative Polarity Polarization to you? So how's that work when you're being selfish for the sake of others? Selfishly helping someone because you want to? Selfishly denying others because you want to? Please tell me what is wrong. I would go on and on and on but I just want to reiterate variously my point. Service to Others and Service to Self are basically the same thing. How do we differentiate them? Why would we when the mechanics are based off of Intent and Desire, alongside that, while you have what I can only assume is a Social Memory Complex's amount/worth of Souls/Guides aiding you in this life too, deprogramming all the excess bad bits that aren't desired behind the scenes, pointing you un/subconsciously along the way? Example, I'm a Writer, it goes that I get murder fantasies (and vivid, gory ones too). Yet, even in those desires to murder, I don't ACTUALLY desire it. Ra even says, it's healthy not to reject facets of the self, but to keep certain aspects in mental activity only, if not verbal and mental, leave out the Action for the sake of others. Is me suppressing my urge to go murder my next door neighbor with his Bass while it blasts and rumbles my entire house not a STO thing just as much as it is selfish to mentally murder someone in thought? Eh hem. I'm beating the horse to death now. These are only my opinions, if you don't agree with them, then the least I ask you to reaaaallly consider doing is becoming aware of those 'negative' bits, and balancing them with their opposing opposite 'positive' bits. Try to see the good in the bad, cause we painstakingly already see all of the bad in the good.
01-27-2016, 01:36 AM
Quote:Even if you are 49% STS does that mean to you you're also 51% STO? Because I personally didn't think that was how it worked even before I dropped Polarity Technically, i would say yes it does. How do u see the remaining percentage if its not the other polarity. Keep it brief plz. Quoting ur posts is a nightmare on a mobile phone Anyways parsons. If ur a wanderer then u are not obliged to stay in 3d so long as u dont majorly karmically entangle urself so just stay out of infringement and do what feels right for u. By your concern id say your more than adequately polarizing sto but if u are a 6d wanderer then in all likelyhood u might be more for working on your blue and indigo ray rather than focusing on green ray of a harvestable level. Since it is possible for adepts to do work in consciousness and alter the planetary vibration ive often considered their non-physical or metaphysical activity to far outweighs the physical actions of service. Its kinda of how the buddha would say one fingersnap of effort focused on cultivating unlimited loving kindness is worth more merit than donating a thousand dishes of food to the homeless etc. It seems kindof armchair lazy but then it might have elements of truth to it.
01-27-2016, 06:08 AM
yes spero, the polarities are something that sum up to 100%.
ie, 51% STO (radiance) + 49% STS (absorption) and 5% STO (radiance) + 95% STS (absorption) Ra Wrote:To attain fifty-one percent dedication to the welfare of other-selves is as difficult as attaining a grade of five percent dedication to other-selves. Not all our thoughts are polarizing. But the one's that are (the one's that lead to polarity bias, and that are recorded in the Hierophant - deep mind), are either using the spiritual light for others - where the self also benefits - or using the spiritual light solely for oneself - which is purely absorptive.
01-27-2016, 09:54 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-27-2016, 10:38 AM by The_Tired_Philosopher.
Edit Reason: ondifference??
(01-27-2016, 01:36 AM)spero Wrote:Quote:Even if you are 49% STS does that mean to you you're also 51% STO? Because I personally didn't think that was how it worked even before I dropped Polarity Well I don't see the world in black and white, there's this thing called the middle ground, and I don't mean the Pit of Indifference. I highly doubt we're all running around 51%~/49%~specifically because that makes no sense in actual real world practical applications, at least to me for obvious reasons personally. Not everything is either STO or STS. I like to think most people are around 30%~STO, 20%~STS, 50% 'indifferent' or gray/middle grounded as in Mixed. And Plenum, please show me where Polarity is the Sum-Total of 100% everything we do purely and only as one way or the other, because that makes no sense to me. It sounds like it assumes there is no room for mixed Polarity, choice notwithstanding or otherwise. Because the quote given even in context does not say that.
01-27-2016, 10:26 AM
Indiffirence isn't much at play because indifference is to not have a charge, nothing to polarize. As such you can be mainly indifferent but still polarized more STO on what polarity you have. The percentile would not make sense if the factor was the intensity of polarity which indifference would indeed deny.
PIicture that due to the nature of positive densities, you need to have a greater focus toward harmonizing yourself to others than desiring to create your own reality. Negative densities is where you can work toward creating the reality you desire yourself.
01-27-2016, 10:45 AM
Okay. Pictured it. Decently said. Now picture this.
A black hole. A Sun. One is said to be The Creator realized, one is said to be a Sub-Logos. Both absorb gravitationally, both radiate out energy. Both create the reality around them. Now picture Human. Said to be a Sub-Logos, has a Bioluminosity or We Emit Light, and we also Absorb Light. Why is everything both, but suddenly Polarity is dry-cut This/or-That only?
01-27-2016, 11:51 AM
(01-27-2016, 10:45 AM)The_Tired_Philosopher Wrote: Okay. Pictured it. Decently said. Now picture this. Because of limited awareness which drives intent to be polarized. The positive polarity has a focus of acceptance of both self and other-selves and it's inter-balancement. The negative one would be more akin to the realization of self without a focus of acceptance and through using other-selves to elevate self. To be honnest I'd want to be in a positive group made up of souls with experience of the negative densities because it makes more interesting souls who has been less constraining in the exploration of themselves.
01-27-2016, 12:15 PM
(01-27-2016, 11:51 AM)Elros Tar-Minyatur Wrote:(01-27-2016, 10:45 AM)The_Tired_Philosopher Wrote: Okay. Pictured it. Decently said. Now picture this. Why can't it be both exactly? And I think you just unconsciously described yourself ![]()
01-27-2016, 12:58 PM
(01-27-2016, 12:15 PM)The_Tired_Philosopher Wrote:(01-27-2016, 11:51 AM)Elros Tar-Minyatur Wrote:(01-27-2016, 10:45 AM)The_Tired_Philosopher Wrote: Okay. Pictured it. Decently said. Now picture this. Well I do think each has within itself the other. But to do both you can alternate them or be beyond distortions. If beyond distortions than you wouldn't have STO nor STS polarized distortions and would simply act in full awareness of being unconditionally just an actor of the Universe. I believe 7D includes full awareness that the whole of your path never truly had choices of your own and you were for yourself just as you were required by others. But that is not an awareness we can truly embrace down here. The earth for example can both create and give just as it can resist and destroy, but what it does is driven by the free will of those inhabiting itself and does not act for itself as such. So in short what keeps you from fully above polarity is your lack of lessons learned as the Creator of Itself.
01-27-2016, 03:31 PM
(01-27-2016, 12:58 PM)Elros Tar-Minyatur Wrote:(01-27-2016, 12:15 PM)The_Tired_Philosopher Wrote:(01-27-2016, 11:51 AM)Elros Tar-Minyatur Wrote:(01-27-2016, 10:45 AM)The_Tired_Philosopher Wrote: Okay. Pictured it. Decently said. Now picture this. God, I love this mirroring effect. The bold is I as I feel. It is liberating, and allows me to be myself without judgment of myself. Sure I still judge myself, and am very human and still wary of Laws and Society, but at the exact same time, I'm recognizing that this is like a real responsible dream. Or an illusion or however, it is as they say, A Play. And I am loving it finally that I see what it is, and even though I feel anger for how little aware some are, I accept that this is my Play Trait, it isn't something to overcome. In that acceptance my anger has helped me see so much, to feel so much, to be aware so much more, to hear my hypocrisy, to see me go racist in my head then realize I don't even view people as black or white, but as african american and caucasian, with a tone of skin ranging from light to tan to dark. I'm racist in a non/racist way sometimes as one example of my anger showcasing to myself (as in I don't call people N-words, and ironically its almost always not a black person my mind is verbally assaulting) how I blur many lines in my reality. Its pretty liberating. I'm not even worried about it since its only one side of my feelings and typically the othersides of that feeling use sense and fairness and rationale to point out the societal wrongness, of which I've taken up to balance in my self. I won't point out the semantic 'beyond' 'distortion', as I know how and what you mean, and hope you get the gist of how and what I mean.
01-27-2016, 05:00 PM
What I don't get that you consider yourself as not resonant with polarity is that you seem much more polarized than I am.
I care very little about others and see that they have the experience they are resonant with just like I do.They don't generate feelings within myself.
01-27-2016, 05:02 PM
On shrooms I see and feel everything as love and light which is closer to my true essence.
01-27-2016, 09:10 PM
The first problem I'd say, is you misunderstand me. I dropped Polarity in the sense of LEFT/RIGHT BLACK/WHITE UP/DOWN for something closer to Left/Middle/Right, Black/Graey/White, Up/Center/Down. But much closer to an infinity that touches all things in potential and a majority of known things in manifestation.
I wouldn't...I mean...Okay, it's not incorrect to say I'm 'polarized' or 'charged' but I don't personally feel it, but I am heavily biased as the one time I ever felt Polarized and Charged was during my initial awakening where I literally made it for several months my life's work to Be of Service To Others via Work in Consciousness. As I said, the feelings that came were Bliss and a sensation I can only say to be 'Positivity' as an Emotion. I witnessed my anger shed away, my fear and paranoia shed away, my sadness shed away, all things just fell like petals curling back to reveal the nectar inside the flower. As those flower petals rose once more once the initiation was falling away, the end result was pain, suffering, and Catalyst I could not handle. In retrospect, the greatest thing learned from all of that was that Polarity does not change anything around me, only Myself. And Myself, was in no way enough. Alone, I was a Sun in Space, shining my light into nothing in all directions. It wasn't a waste, but for me, I failed myself so badly, so profusely that the judgment that came with being unable to maintain myself in those ways was killer, murderously furious hatred at myself that I reflected outwards back into the Universe in fury at being given something for nothing. Getting my Indigo Ray Crystallized only for that moment to mark the end and falling of the Kundalini. I don't believe myself to be Polarized or Charged ever since the moment I said out loud and truly meant it, that I was not of Service to Others, that I was a failure in that aspect and I could not uphold the mantle of Adeptwork or Work in Consciousness. When I exclaimed to the universe that I was not good enough, I was only on the first level of rock bottom, the next came when I began to believe I was literally stuck inside of Hell, a metaphysical prison incarnation of 'freedom' in slavery, meant to suffer to learn and nothing more for reasons I knew nothing of, suddenly the Ra Material posited 'A Fancifully Dressed Like Heaven Hell'. And even then, the final bottom was when I was beginning to lose my mind, when logic ceased to be logical and nothing made sense anymore because everything that once did now no longer did, reality had blurred into insanity, or I was in a prolonged state of psychosis where I was constantly desiring to kill myself and take out all the horrible people that made me miserable at the same time. Being non-violent by default, it never came anywhere near to any violent occurrences happening in my life, but there were times, many, at one time for a week straight, where I'd pick up my knife twice or thrice a day, place it on my wrist and just think, 'this is the moment I just do it.' with extreme seriousness, with a murderous desire to wreck myself in fury at my failure and patheticness and hatred and anger. Where I'd hold it pointed at my chest just thinking I should 'Dexter' myself, take out the corroded Artery and end the monstrosity I felt I was. Just a simple pull of a thrust and that'd be that, no chance of survival. And I never could, if not for one reason or another, than because I couldn't bare the idea that I'd just wake up and never know I killed myself, back in my life like a prison of infinity where suicide was not an escape from 3D incarnation, and to do it, to kill myself, I'd simply wake up, or 'be' back where I was moments ago not dead, not aware I did anything at all to myself, but still right there about to do it. That thought alone drove me into places I can't even describe emotionally in words. It'd have to be seen to be believed, I think I did for a while, Lose my Mind and the only thing that kept me going was the silence of the night, the weed I abused hourly off work, and the knowledge that nothing I could do would change my situation. I believed myself Stuck, in the worst sense of the word, powerless beyond powerless, a thing that was nothing so much so that I was less than nothing. I had to take many steps away from all of the Ra Material and Law of One concept to properly reorient myself in the way that was appropriate for my personal mind/body/spirit complex. Because on the Path of Service to Others I was entering Self Destruction in Judgment of Self for my Failures of what seemed to be a constant infinite nature of being unable to perform as I once did, Services to Others. I basically wrecked myself. I am by far, the most strict infinitely cruel judge of my self and the Universe that I know of, capable of ignoring Logic for Madness, using the Method-Behind-The-Madness' Logic to wreck Consensus Reality Logic. Deeming all Reason as Excuse. So understand that when I say I dropped Polarity, I mean to say I gave up on it, because if I didn't, I would've killed myself from how much I judged myself. I had no positive scale to balance out the infinite insanity and darkness I put myself through, no way to reconcile it, until I did the one thing that reconciled everything for me. Realized that the Ra Material was not a source of ONLY Love and Light, that there was something much darker in those shining Loving words. Something that...Hurts people more than it aids them. It was like trying to fit shackles around my being and I was not allowing of it in any manner of that word. I found bonds and I tore at them with no avail. And in retrospect, the suffering was poetic. And looking back, the experience is appreciated and loved, but... Also a lesson was learned. Hell is not worth Heaven, and Heaven is not worth Hell. I dropped key portions of the Mechanics described in the Ra Material, because I became aware of them as... Things that were based off of Truth, but not The Truth... Not from what I experienced in reality. If only that veil would turn away for me to just see, not even know, those behind the scenes who have helped me endlessly for just a moment. I'd hug them to death, not knowing what else to do or how to express my gratitude. I'm going to be having my first shroom trip this week probably now that I've procured a 'babysitter' for myself. I'm only expecting to do this the few times it takes to use up what I have, then after that I'm done with all of it. I've already quit weed and I've been meaning to make a post about that experience. I've taken up alcohol and am pretty sure I'm approaching a problem. The aid that weed and alcohol have given me in falling asleep is addictive more so than how they make me feel. Hell, I've even taken up an interest in Mixology and Bartending, maybe I've watched too much Archer on repeat and programmed a tendency towards alcohol in myself, or maybe now that I'm passed the stages of quickly getting drunkenly sick, I'm just enjoying it way more than I should. Last night was an extreme happy drunk, followed by the anger that was ignored due to it coming forth more intensely than usual this morning. So. That's a problem. I'm by far not what I would call, 'polarized', I'm just another person exactly just like you (or you, or you, or you) who is doing the Rounds of Life... Polarity might have some say in how it all goes about, but it is not something to be focused on. . . Not unless you've the nature/persona to handle the turbulent onslaught of catalyst that will begin occurring as you enter the Reality Ra posits to be THE Reality, which I see now is not Truthful 100%. There are infinite realities making up THE (consensus) Reality. There is a template for sure, but Ra's version is NOT that template. Not for me anyways. And as I described in detail above, for a reason, that template is not healthy for me, I am asked by Ra themselves to drop such beliefs. I did just that. tl;dr: I don't considered myself polarized, I suffered a lot from the Ra Material version of Reality, I'm no better than anyone else, just want to be healthy and happy, gonna try shrooms this week but only the few times, I quit weed already. And I might have an addiction problem (with alcohol) for the sake of getting good sleep, that or I just abuse mind-altering substances. (sorry I'm long-winded)
01-28-2016, 01:27 AM
Slowly the Void is seen.
01-28-2016, 01:30 AM
Ananda was the only one left at the time of the first council of Buddha’s own disciples who didn’t become an arhat. He was Buddha’s attendant. He heard every word that Buddha taught, and memorized them all, but he didn’t meditate much because he was too busy.
Some time after Buddha’s death, there was a meeting of all the arhats, but since Ananda wasn’t an arhat he couldn’t go. So he kept meditating, trying at the last minute to become enlightened, and it got to be midnight, 2, 3 o’clock in the morning of the first council of Buddhist arhats, but still he couldn’t make it, even though he was the repository of all of Buddha’s words. All the other arhats wanted him to go, but he couldn’t since he wasn’t an arhat. Finally it got to be 3:45 in the morning, 15 minutes before the 4:00 wakeup call. Finally, Ananda just gave up and said, “Oh ********, I’m not an arhat.” Then he got enlightened, because he saw things as they were. It was the end of the struggle. No more trying to become an arhat, and he became an arhat. Many Buddhist traditions teach this story. That says something that is being yourself, rather than to mere doing and self-improvement. It expresses clear vision, seeing things just as they are, rather than as we’d like them to be.
01-28-2016, 03:38 AM
Where do you find all these fables Aion?
Oh here and there, some I read in books, others I hear from people. I have a pretty excellent memory so unique stories tend to stick for me. I, personally, have always loved fables and parables and so it seems they have been presented to me as tools for my learning. I also find they are a great way to demonstrate complex ideas in a simpler fashion. In some ways I view them almost mathematically with the characters representing values and the events or interactions representing functions. The final 'sum' or solution is the balance between the characters at the end. I pay attention to who benefits and who experiences loss, who gives and who takes and where the balance intimately lies between the people.
This one I think I first read in The Crystal and the Way of Light by Namkhai Norbu but I may be mistaken... could have been The Eightfold Path by Surya Das.
01-28-2016, 04:32 AM
Have you heard the "tending the yak" one, where the monk keeps the yak on the path? I don't recall it fully.
01-28-2016, 04:45 AM
Hmm, I don't think I've heard that one.
01-28-2016, 04:52 AM
(01-28-2016, 04:45 AM)Aion Wrote: Hmm, I don't think I've heard that one. http://www.bring4th.org/forums/showthrea...#pid152684
01-28-2016, 01:05 PM
Quote:In retrospect, the greatest thing learned from all of that was that Polarity does not change anything around me, only Myself. And Myself, was in no way enough. This here may be the biggest lie you are telling yourself. You are YOU, a facet of the Creator, and YOU are MORE than enough. Each of us is. That's why it's so important to work on ourselves first because changing our consciousness IS important, and it IS enough. |